How far apart is the identity politics cult from the Dem base?
If you read and listen to the media, you would assume that identity politics should drive the field. But the poll numbers keep showing that Dems are choosing white men. And these poll numbers from Monmouth U show exactly why.
Race and gender do not seem to be important factors for Democratic voters when considering who the party should choose to run against Trump. Fully 87% say the race of the nominee does not matter. Just 5% say it would be better for Democrats to nominate a person of color, which is offset by 6% who say it would actually be better for the party to nominate a white candidate. Similarly, 77% say the gender of the nominee does not matter. Just 7% say it would be better for Democrats to nominate a woman, while slightly more (12%) say it would actually be better for the party to nominate a man.
Part of the answer may be a quota stamp. “We’ve been there and done that.”
The Dems nominated a black man twice and a woman once. They want someone who can win. Gender and race are no longer fresh virtue signals anyway. Gay may be. Which may also be why Peter Buttigieg is doing so well.
It’s also why the media howls about how unfair the field is to Elizabeth Warren are futile. People don’t like her. They won’t vote for her.
The current diversity obsession has reached insane levels in the cultural, academic and political establishment. Yet most Dems are unmoved.
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