Well over a decade ago when I was working part-time in a Philadelphia calling center, one of the employees, an artist, asked a fellow employee if he would pose for him for a series of sketches he was doing for an art class. Although the situation seemed innocent enough, the 20-year-old employee who was asked to pose told his family about the artist’s “proposition,” and that’s when nasty stuff hit the fan.
The artist was hauled in before company supervisors and interrogated about his proposed sketches and was eventually fired, but not before the mother of the 20-year-old came to the calling center to personally interrogate the artist, demanding to know why he selected her son out of 100 employees to pose for him. Suddenly the artist found himself in a position of defending himself against charges of immorality. The proposed sketches in the mother’s mind had turned into something pornographic, which they were not. The artist explained to the mother that the sketches were to be fully clothed facial and upper body images, and nothing more. The mother seemed happy with this explanation but when the conversation was over she went to the company head and demanded that the artist be fired.
As it turned out, the mother and her family were first generation Muslim immigrants.
In Islam there can be sticky points when it comes to drawing or sketching any part of the body, be it an earlobe, chin, eyeball sockets or a facial profile. Sketching any part of the body is forbidden. In fact, there are many strongly worded hadith narrations warning against making images of living things, which before the 10th Century meant drawing and sculpture.
“Those who do this will be in the fire and they will be condemned for making imitation of nature and will be challenged to bring their artistic creations to life.”
Fortunately for the artist, who didn’t even know that the man he wanted to draw was Muslim, he sued the company and won.
In 1936, the Catholic writer Hilaire Belloc wrote,
”In Koranic law, contracts are to be conscientiously drawn up in the presence of witnesses. Murder, manslaughter, and suicide are explicitly forbidden, although blood revenge is allowed. In case of personal injury, the law of retaliation is approved.”
That law of retaliation can take many forms. In the artist’s case, it came in the form of a hypocritical, two-faced mother who led the artist to believe that all was okay, but who then turned around and went out of her way to see that his employment was terminated.
The calling center incident is a 21st Century cautionary tale — although it is a mild example compared to what usually takes place when it comes to Islamic retaliation.
In the Lawndale section of Philadelphia recently, a 41-year-old woman, Leila al Raheel, was decapitated by her 34-year-old husband in the kitchen of their home. Ahmad Shareef was apprehended six blocks from the scene of the murder, hiding behind a clump of bushes. The mainstream news media reported the crime as yet another example of “generic” domestic violence. The police even called it a “domestic homicide,” without elaborating or speculating on a motive, as well as hiding the fact that the alleged killer was Muslim.
Joanne Otero-Cruz, who runs Women Against Abuse, a nonprofit in Philadelphia, was quoted in reference to the above murder as saying, “A lot of people actually experience this. There is help out there.”
Let’s step back a moment.
Most female domestic abuse victims do not experience decapitation. Decapitation with a knife by a “loved one” has a decidedly Muslim flavor — but of course it was impossible for Otero-Cruz to reference this subtext, or to bring up the possibility of an honor killing. Had she done so this would have led to charges of stereotyping and “Islamophobia,” as every mainstream news reporter by now realizes. Multiple reports of the Lawndale murder kept to the “generic” domestic abuse scenario, as if something had gone terribly wrong in (yet another) Brady Bunch household.
Freedom Center website Jihad Watch, the notable exception when it came to reporting about the murder, published the following headline:
“Philadelphia: Muslim accused of beheading woman who was treated like a slave.”
Finally, some honesty…
Most of the big news media outlets mentioned nothing about the victim being treated like a slave, although NBC10 did manage to quote a neighbor of the victim, who said, “The woman…they treat her like a slave. She runs in and out of the house barefoot. She really never goes anywhere else. She carries all of their bags in. They scream at her…”
The neighbor, Nyiha Richardson, also told reporters that she had witnessed “several problems at the home in the past, including Shareef running outside half naked and threatening neighbors to the point in which one family moved away.”
NBC10 also reported that neighbors stated there were mental health issues in the home, and that the home has been a problem for a long time. Charges of “Islamophobia” kept reporter after reporter from connecting the dots and writing about this unusual method of execution (beheading) and its connection to an Islamic household. Was this fact not newsworthy?
Why did readers have to go to Jihad Watch to discover that Ahmad Shareef was Muslim?
“One in four women experience domestic violence, one in 10 men, so the reality is that people are experiencing domestic violence every day,” Otero-Cruz elaborated, as if decapitations were as common as black eyes and a broken jaw.
On the other hand, Jihad Watch stated,
“There is, of course, domestic violence in all cultures. So to post this is just ‘Islamophobic,’ right? Wrong: there is domestic violence in all cultures. But only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen,”
The U.S. Department of Justice in 2016 (a time when the DOJ had more credibility) identified four types of honor violence: forced marriage, honor-based domestic violence, honor killing and female genital mutilation. The DOJ report estimated that 23 to 27 honor killings occur per year in the U.S. and that over 90 percent of the victims in North America are killed for being “too westernized.” Many of the cases involve fathers and daughters 18 years of age or under. Muslims account for 91 percent of honor killings worldwide.
Facts are facts.
But not all Muslims, mind you. Certainly not the nice, secular Muslim family in my immediate neighborhood whose domestic life seems indistinguishable from any other household in the area, except perhaps the time the family in question celebrated the gutting of a deer on the floor of their garage for the whole neighborhood to see. Yet again, these are non-practicing secular Muslims who probably don’t even own a Koran, although if one were to walk in certain sections of West Philadelphia near 45th Street, one would see vast Muslim enclaves and a large mosque with a Byzantine-style dome that used to be a Catholic Church.
Here the mostly black Muslim population dresses in traditional Islamist garb while they make their way from one halal restaurant to the next. While it’s all not quite Dearborn, Michigan—long criticized by conservatives for its Sharia law tendencies (which would include honor killings)—one senses that it is a building community, so who knows what the future holds?
The national reluctance to be straightforward about Islam can be traced to George W. Bush’s bizarre “acceptance” of Islam after the attacks of 9/11, when he went out of his way to visit mosques and to call Islam a “Religion of Peace.” Orwellian double-speak like this carried over into the Obama administration when Obama refused to use phrases like “Islamist terrorism” to describe the brutality of ISIS. It was also Obama who made the peculiar comment at a National Prayer Breakfast that Christians attacked Muslims 800 years ago at the height of the Crusades.
Shortly after 9/11, the mainstream media’s primary concern focused on unprovoked attacks on Muslims as retribution for the murder of so many Americans on that fateful day. Media personalities and politicians suddenly had to watch what they said about certain passages in the Qur’an in discussions about terrorism, such as the 47:4 verse that explicitly states, “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…”
Both Obama and Bush believed—feared is a better word—that any emphasis on Islam as the world’s foremost harbinger of terror would generate wide-scale attacks and assaults on Muslim Americans, which never did occur. In fact, as Michael Barone of the Chicago Sun Editorial Board pointed out, “government statistics count far fewer ‘hate crimes’ against Muslims than against Jews.”
Barone also stated that most terrorists these days are Muslims; and most Muslims are not terrorists: “We keep similar things in mind every day. We notice that most dangerously aggressive drivers are men, but most men are not dangerously aggressive drivers. “
In 2016, Fox News, quoting experts, pointed out that hidden among thousands of nondescript murders labeled as domestic violence are mounting numbers of killings motivated by a radical interpretation of Islam. “Honor killings and violence, which typically see men victimize wives and daughters because of behavior that has somehow insulted their faith, are among the most secretive crimes in society.”
And there you have it.
AHA Foundation founder and female genital mutilation survivor Ayaan Hirsi All, wrote, “In sharp contrast with domestic violence, families and communities often condone honor violence, which makes it more difficult to identify and stop.”
I witnessed some of this violence first hand
Long before 911
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all weaponized for brutality and the subjagation of the individual to the tyranny of theocracy.
The difference between todays’ Christianity and Judaism and Islam is that Islam did not go through the Renaissance, the Age of Reason, and the Age of Enlightenment.
The vast majority of today’s Jews and Christians have been highly secularized and influenced by the ascendancy and dominance of reason over faith. In most conflicts between faith and reason, most Jews and Christians will respect and follow the conclusions of reason over the commands of faith.
This is not true in the Muslim world, in the Muslim world reason is still the mere handmaiden of faith. For many if not most Muslims in any conflict between the conclusions of reason and the commandments of faith, the commandments of faith take precedence over the conclusions of reason. For many if not most Muslims, reason is to be rejected, evaded, or silenced if it conflicts with faith.
But try living with the Amish or the Hasidim, or any ultra-orthodox, fundamentalist, sect of Judaism or Christianity and you will quickly realize that Judaism and Christianity, like Islam, are always weaponized for the tyranny of faith and theocracy.
“Western civilization was the child and product of reason—via ancient Greece. In all other civilizations, reason has always been the menial servant—the handmaiden—of mysticism. You may observe the results. It is only Western culture that has ever been dominated—imperfectly, incompletely, precariously and at rare intervals—but still, dominated by reason. You may observe the results of that.
The conflict of reason versus mysticism is the issue of life or death—of freedom or slavery—of progress or stagnant brutality.” – Ayn Rand
All you know is Ayn Rand. LOL!
Call it what is, we are in America I thought we have the right to Freedom of speech? He’s a “hero” in his culture, well the culture he will be living in for the rest of his life frowns upon men hurting women and children, trust and believe he will never be treated as a hero, more than likely he will be treated as the wife he beheaded according to prison culture and rules.
Bullshit. Christianity does not demand its followers to kill infidels. Mohammedan does and is repeatedly mentioned in quran.
Christianity has never been the inspiration and motivation for persecuting and killing heretics and infidels? You either know little about Christian history or are evading the facts of Christian history.
As just one of many Christian massacres of Christian heretics and infidels there’s the Massacre of 20,000 heretics at Beziers in 1209. It’s one of many.
Or try researching the lynching and dismemberment of the pagan philosopher and mathemematician Hypatia by a mob of rabid Christians. Lynched and dismemebered BECAUSE she was teaching pagan heresy.
“Christianity’s War against the Mind – Aristotle Versus Religion” – Andrew Bernstein
The point is what scripture calls for. Always has been. No where in the Bible, as in the Quran, are believers called to murder infidels. Not once did Jesus ask his followers to murder unbelievers. He said things like, love your neighbor as yourself, turn the other cheek, and go and make disciples of all nations.
Now, if you want to turn around and start quoting the old testament, then you’re talking about specific instances within Biblical history that God called on his people (which were the Jews at the time), to kill others. This was not like the blanket call to kill infidels that the Quran makes.
Have people killed and done horrific things in the name of God? Yes, they have. Was it inspired by Christianity? No. It was done out of their own evil hearts due distortion of scripture, based on their own biases and often to expand their own power. Is it a stain on Christian history? Yes. But does it mean they were acting according to scripture? No. Not in the same way that Muslims act in regards to the Quran.
Spanish Inquisition, both in Spain and the Americas. Not Bullshit. Fact.: murder and torture of other faiths because they were not Christian as expressed by their tormentors/robbers/destroyer of lives.
. The Iberian Peninsula was ruled by Mohammedans for 7 plus centuries, that is, until 1492, when the last Moorish kingdom – Granada – fell to the Chrisian armies of Ferdinand and Isabel, los Reyes Catolicos.. Christians suffered unimaginable horrors and humiliations in those times. The world was a savage place in 1492. Small wonder it is therefore, that when the Christians of Spain and Portugal defeated and drove out the invaders, the then lawful authority forbade other religions. Yes, Jews were made to convert, leave, or face execution, and that is sad, but the reasons for what YOU see as extreme Christian intolerance of other faiths is obviously ignorant. In short, your rant against the Christians who lived centuries ago is nothing more than an ignorant, presentist hate screed.
Nice try thx. Little moral equivalentcy at the end that does not pass the common sense test. None of these Jewish or Christian “sects” are busy killing ppl of other religion or commit honor killings. Hell very few of these Christian sects or cults could even be considered Christian.
You are an ignorant fool
immigration laws in 1954 states anybody that is muslime, believes in the satanic koran is not allowed to immigrate to the USA because they do not believe in our Constitution or our Rule of Law. The koran tells them to wage war against anyone who is an infidel, meaning non muslime. With the liberal left siding with muslimes and marxists, the war is starting and they will lie, kill, anything that will spread the satanic religion that is ANTI-CHRIST. They are trying to destroy everything AMERICAN ! We need to rise up and march in the streets and TAKE CONTROL OF OUR REPUBLIC AND CHARGE THOSE WHO WE KNOW TO BE TRAITORS AND TRY THEM ALL IN MILITARY COURTS ACCORDING TO OUR CONSTITUTION. TOMORROW IS NOT SOON ENOUGH !When the so-called Commander in Chief DESERTED OUR MILITARY AND ALLIES IN AFGHANISTAN , Congress and the Pentagon should have taken the Traitor out of the Oval Office and “WE THE PEOPLES WHITEHOUSE !
None of the religions you mention have, at their core, the admonition to violance against those they disagree with.
Even in the most basic the most they advocate is to shun the peopel they disagree with.
Shun or murder, do which of these do you refer? Check out the history of conquests and see where the “other”, the non-Christian of their particular genre, and you will see. This neither explains nor admires the currant Islamic flare for these barbaric acts.
You seem oblivious to the realities of human existence in ancient, medieval, and in some cases, more modern times. Christianity evolved over the centuries because it COULD evolve. Jesus of Nazareth made it so. He came not to abolish the (Mosaic) law, but to fulfill it, which he did in his death and Resurrection. Those declaring themselves Christians who fail to obey his two commandments – the summary of the law- have no hope of eternal life. Ideas like the abolition of slavery or the legal equality of women originated in western, Christian nations. You slander and smear ALL Christians for the acts of some who only CLAIMED to follow Christ, and who Jesus himself will deny on the last day. SHAME.
Especially that Christianity – calling for ALL people to love ALL other people. Well, that is just clear weaponization.
Both the TALMUD and the QURAN call for Jews and Moslems, respectively, to eradicate Christians.
The Talmud is just scholars commenting on the oral law – period. For Christ sake there’s no F-ing call for Jews to kill Christians nor Moslems you stupid piece sh*t!
Where does the Talmud say to murder Christians? By the way, Jesus was a Jew.
Um, sorry, no. Neither the Talmud nor the Old Testament on which it is based call for Jews to eradicate Christians. Judaism is actually one of the only religions that doesn’t proselytize, because in Judaism there is a place in Heaven for moral non-Jews.
It’s true that in the Old Testament there are certain instances in which, at the time of the First and Second Temples, the death penalty could be invoked for certain acts of heresy BY JEWS. However, since the Second Temple was destroyed and there is no Sanhedrin (the approximate equivalent of a grand jury), there is no death penalty in Judaism. For anything. Or anyone.
The Koran, on the other hand, explicitly calls for Muslims to kill those who don’t believe in Mohammed. Muslim clerics also explicitly condone and even encourage domestic violence. Not all Muslim clerics, of course, but enough of them that it’s a problem.
Nice try, though.
I wear your smears and slanders about us as a badge of honor. And I rejoice in your lies because the Lord will soon reward us for our fidelity to him. Maranatha. The day of the Lord is nigh.
your opening comment implied that all religious denominations are equally repressive, and equally reactionary…… most Evangelical Protestants, EWTN Catholics, many Orthodox Christians, most Mormons, and Hasidic Jews are extremely conservative and would like nothing more than to see America become some form of theocracy…….Most Mainline Protestants, some LIBERAL Catholics, and Reconstructionist/Reformed/and Conservative Jews do not. the Problem with Muslims residing anywhere outside the Middle Eastern Diaspora is that most leaders of Europe, Canada, the US and the UK do not IMMEDIATELY TEACH Arab emigres that once you arive here, homophobic acts, genital mutilation, forced marriages and honor killings are UNACCEPTABLE, are AGAINST THE LAW and WILL BE PUNISHED to the fullest extent of the law…..THAT MUST CHANGE NOW!
I would like to know what can we do to help these women
Don’t be one of them. Above all don’t become a Kayla Mueller. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Help them to leave those who hurt them.
We can help these women and girls by outlawing murder and polygamy-oops, we already did so! Gues we ought to follow our own laws.
In 2015, the SCOTUS abandoned 4,000 or more years of civilization and set the US on the slippery slope to return to the abomination called polygamy, aka, the enslavement of women. Read Reynolds v. United States and Obergefell v. Hodges. Barack Obama went to the Supreme Court and LOBBIED the justices on behalf of the plaintiff. No President had ever lobbied the SCOTUS directly, but Barack Obama has no humility or respect.
Call it what is, we are in America I thought we have the right to Freedom of speech? He’s a “hero” in his culture, well the culture he will be living in for the rest of his life frowns upon men hurting women and children, trust and believe he will never be treated as a hero, more than likely he will be treated as the wife he beheaded according to prison culture and rules.
OG Dyson – You are perfectly correct. Furthermore, I sincerely hope that once the great American lumbering illegitemate “DoJ” has taken three lifetimes to bring the Perp to Justice ( if it can even be bothered under the Demonrat Admin ) then the Perps’ fellow inmates at whatever incarceration centre he is allocated to really MUST be clearly advised of what kind of “person” is now being injected into their environment !
It appears that this is now the ONLY way “Justice can be Served in the USA” !
Those strictly adhering to the 12th Century interpretation of the Quran should be granted free return one way tickets to their very own choice of He*l nation. The Western World is NOT for them, and THEY are NOT for the Western World.
A message to Multi-Culutalists Liberal Pansies this is just another reason we don’t want Open Borders or their Sharia Laws forced upon us
I had a Muslim man cab driver (revealed by his beard and woolen cap) drive me back from Reagan Airport to my apartment. I didn’t have any cash on me and wanted to pay with a credit card, and, that’s when the guy began grumbling and making a big display about my using a credit card. He processed the transaction but then proceeded to give me a lecture about the alleged evils of credit cards — motivated, I can only assume, by the ideology of Submission’s prohibition on usury and/or loans.
I found his behavior to be totally obnoxious, discourteous and typical of the aggressive and bullying behavior that many Muslims engage in, attempting to impose their views on non-Muslims.
Guy, your observations and reaction to that supposedly islamic taxi horn-honker, are precisely the experience of many Westerners. I believe the main “driver” behind the islamic outrage is that payment of taxes ( as opposed to taxis ! ) goes against the grain with them, and credit card payment is very traceable by the IRS 🙂
As a mere Dhimmi you are not permitted to disagree – in fact the proper course of action is to throw yourself at his feet and beg for mercy ! ( AS IF !!! )
The backbone of a majority of Americans has quickly turned to liquid following the end of WWII – our politicians ( Trump excluded ) have become more like earthworms than humanoids.
This cannot go on for much longer or there will be no route for recovery and the USA will revert to 3rd World status and become a slave nation under islam.
Back a few years in Australia some Islamic youth stabbed two cops and planned to behead them but one cop shot and killed him
Proves that at least one of the Ozzy Cops had learned something from his firearms training 😉 ( Centre Mass – Double Tap ) seems to work just fine 😉
We had a Muslim cabdriver refuse to take money from me (a woman) at the New Orleans airport, but after watching me attempt to pay him twice (with cash), my husband took the money from me and gave it to him with no issues. We assumed that it’s prohibited for a Muslim man to “do business” with a woman. We have had that happen more than once with Mohammedan drivers in the good old USA.. What’s happening in this country??