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Two years ago, CAIR and its allies in the Chicago area thought they had their own George Floyd case. Cowardly officials quickly gave in and lynched a hero cop to protect a Muslim thug.
But now the case has fallen apart.
Hadi Abuatelah, a 17-year-old Arab Muslim settler living in the Oak Lawn suburb, was stopped by police. When police officers pulled him over, they detected drugs, and asked him to get out. Instead of complying with police orders, he grabbed a bag from the back seat and ran.
The bag had a loaded gun inside.
Police chased him down and tackled him. As they took him down, he allegedly tried to get to the gun inside the bag. The officers hit him to keep him down and secured the bag. Considering that he was reportedly trying to reach for a loaded gun while struggling with police, the Muslim man was very lucky to be alive after the confrontation instead of merely bruised after a beat down..
Abuatelah had only three rounds in the gun and it was unclear what happened to the others.
Police officers grappling with a suspect who is going for a loaded gun would have had every right to shoot him on the spot. Instead they risked their lives to restrain him without killing him.
Two of the officers on the scene had to be treated for injuries they received in the struggle from a man whom Islamists would insist on describing as a “frail” and “submissive” mere “child.”.
In gratitude to the brave officers, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding trial, whose founder celebrated the Oct 7 attacks, launched a campaign portraying Abuatelah as a victim of Islamophobic police officers.
CAIR’s lawyer accused the Oak Lawn police of “a brutal beating of a child” and an assault on a “frail minor”. In an unintentionally comical touch, Abuatelah, who appeared muscular and taller than those around him, hobbled using a walker normally employed by the elderly rather than crutches or a wheelchair to leave prison while his buddies waved signs calling for “justice”.
His lawyer claimed that Abuatelah had never been in trouble before and had suffered horrifyingly by being forced to spend one night in juvenile detention. Most people who reach for a loaded gun while fighting with police officers suffer worse consequences than a night in ‘juvie’.
Last year the frail child was arrested again for a violent assault in a gym during which Abuatelah and two of his buddies allegedly punched and kicked a man in the face at a gym. Abuatelah, who was still on probation from the previous incident, was also accused of robbery.
Hadi Abuatelah, that frail child, appeared to have recovered from injuries that his lawyer claimed had caused him “irreversible” harm. Another of Abuatelah’s buddies, also of Oak Lawn, had also fled police, hitting an officer with an open car door and leading police on a 100-mile-per-hour chase involving a police helicopter. No word on whether he was also a frail child.
Or whether the speed limit is ‘Islamophobic’.
But in the meantime, CAIR-Chicago, its Islamist and pro-crime allies like Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Network, and cowardly local officials, had put the arresting officers through hell.
CAIR demanded that the officers be indicted for taking down Abuatelah even though they would have been well within their rights to shoot him and had suffered their own injuries in the struggle.
“Had the offender drawn the weapon, he could have shot him,” Oak Lawn Police Chief Dan Vittorio pointed out. “Were they supposed to wait for him to pull it out?”
Apparently the officers were expected to let themselves be shot rather than defend themselves.
Oak Lawn has a large Muslim settler population and local Islamic activists insist that it’s part of a ‘Little Palestine’ hub in the Chicago area. Islamist groups have become very influential in Cook County, and the lynching of a courageous officer was soon underway.
CAIR-Chicago was outraged that even minor charges were filed against Abuatelah and protested those while demanding the indictment of all three officers who took him down.
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, one of the most notorious pro-crime prosecutors, had developed an extensive relationship with CAIR and had honored Ahmed Rehab, the head of CAIR-Chicago. Despite the lack of evidence, Foxx’s office indicted Officer Patrick O’Donnell, and Rehab held a press conference once again complaining that Abuatelah was a “frail minor”.
Rehab contended that “in no civilization, no time, and no place on earth is this kind of behavior acceptable.” By that he didn’t mean running from the police while reaching for a loaded gun, he meant stopping a violent thug from reaching for a gun. An Egyptian immigrant, Rehab did not comment on what would have happened in Cairo to a non-Muslim caught with drugs and a loaded gun who was running from the police.
Islamists searching for their own George Floyd claimed that Abuatelah was a victim of “Islamophobia” and “racism”.
“There’s deep-seated racism in southwest,” Muhammad Sankari of the Arab American Action Network, claimed. “Offices didn’t see him as a human being when they looked at Hadi, and they took it out on him with police brutality.”
A CAIR-Chicago complaint alleged that the officers had violated the Fourteenth Amendment by conspiring to deprive the armed thug “who is Arab” of “the equal protection of the laws” with “racial animus toward Plaintiff”. The Islamist pro-terrorist group provided no evidence that the officers knew or cared that Abuatelah was Arab or that they would have treated a fleeing armed suspect reaching for a loaded gun any differently if he hadn’t been an Arab.
CAIR Chicago’s communications coordinator, in a revealing slip of the tongue, urged that Muslim “must take firm and principled stances against these acts of injustice and treason towards our communities.” Treason implied that American elected officials owed their allegiance and obedience to Islamic groups rather than toward the Constitution and American laws.
While outgoing scandal-prone State’s Attorney Kim Foxx may have owed her allegiance to CAIR, incoming Cook County State’s Attorney Eileen O’Neill Burke tossed the charges, declaring that “the evidence is insufficient to meet our burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt”. CAIR and its allies responded by doubling down on a demand for Officer O’Donnell’s head and denouncing Burke for putting the law ahead of Islamic political vendettas.
The Islamist campaign to get Officer O’Donnell pitted Oak Lawn’s Muslim settler colonial population against its American population. Americans in Oak Lawn responded to the Islamist lynch mobs by displaying their support for the police with flags and lawn signs. Muslim settlers have taken to protesting local events with demands that the police officers be punished.
This time out, America won and ‘Little Palestine’ lost. But what will happen next time?
Here is a video presentation of the Hadi Abuatelah case –
17 year old male muslim teenagers are at the most dangerous age.
George Floyd a Glorified Career Crinimal and how quickly that Bolt of Lightning destroyed his Memorial Lightning from the sky Lightning from the Heavens
Stop it!!! He has been drug and felony free for several years now. The last time he did drugs and committed a felony were the LAST TIME he did drugs and committed a felony.
He’s to be praised!!
Hilarious! Thanx for taking my mind off these damn Cali fires. Laughter always the best med!
They did find their own Floyd, they both were criminals.
Oak Lawn deserves everything it gets, 2009, “The theme of the gathering in Oak Lawn was “Fall of Capitalism and Rise of Islam,” and the organization hosting it is called “Hizb Ut-Tahir.” That group dismisses democracy and advocates uniting Muslim countries under one ruler.
Protestors claim the group has ties to terrorism.” Other cities and villages refused for whatever reasons to allow the gathering but Oak Lawn allowed it, As one of the only non-Muslims there sitting listening it was terrifying to think this was going on in America back then, can only imagine what they would say today.
Anyone sick of the idiot Muslim lawyers spinning tails of the “frail youths”, and their enablers like Jesse Jackson, the now departed attorney Soros funded Kim Fox and the idiot Mayor Brandon Johnson, that gave her cover.
It would appear that Chicago is going the way of Minneapolis with an S-Hole like Oak Lawn becoming a Muslim no-go zone.
Chicago has been the murder capitol of the country forever and now it appears to be going down the Muslim rathole as well.
I’m trying to remember what “Reverend I Got ME a Baby Mama” Jackson said when he sees it is a group of white youths coming towards him.” I DO remember he wanted to cut Obama’s nuts off because in a rare moment of politically incorrect truthfulness, Obama pointed out who is partially responsible for the unequal outcomes…
“Islamophobia” and “racism”. if you earned it, you deserve it. Clean up your own mess.
Language is so important. Your use of the phrase “Muslim settler colonial population” is novel, and probably stinging to read for that group. Too bad you couldn’t include the word “Caliphate” to make the picture more clear.
I’m getting sick & tired of these “no-go zones” such as “Little Palestine” and “Little Mogadishu” materializing on our soil.
The chickenshit politicians that import/enable these growing cesspools can move outta their gated palisades & live among the seething ingrates.
Doubt if they’d last 72 hours without being attacked (or wife and/or daughters accosted)
I hope President Trump ships as many illegals as possible to Martha’s Vineyard to await processing. (As we’ve seen before the residents would be eager to assist in deporting them from their “us only” club.
The “frail child” description comes from the same prompt book as the “women and children” tag for the majority of those killed in Gaza.
Those who scream that ALL people should be treated equally though some people not so much as that would be….
Fill in the blank…
CAIR can Go Pound Sand as far as I am concerned just another group of Radicals and Foxx can Take a Hike just like all the rest of the Scandal Mongers around
I would not bother me too much to deport ALL Islamists, and most Muslims. Islam is entirely incompatible with western civilization.