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Now that the DNC is history, we can put Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey to bed and try to forget about the 4-day circus of lies and misinformation that officially nominated Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate for President.
We can also try to forget about the Planned Parenthood trailer on the grounds of the DNC dispensing abortion pills and vasectomies for woke soy men intent on not populating the earth because of climate change.
While the DNC illustrated how Democrats prefer hatred for Donald Trump over policy proposals — as well as proving how little they love this country when compared to Republican patriotism — the DNC also shook up much of the Catholic world when Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago gave the opening invocation—or ‘demonic incantation,’ as some have referred to the Cardinal’s short “prayer.”
With his pectoral cross artfully hidden within the folds of his jacket — so as not to offend Muslims and atheists? — Cupich delivered a generic, lukewarm greeting containing the word “unity.”
Americans, he said, are called to “reweave the fabric of America.”
‘Reweave’ as in re-invent, re-imagine and make anew; a knitting metaphor that conjured up images of homespun witchcraft. An inoffensive platitude followed: “America is composed of every people and culture, united not by ties of blood but by profound aspirations of life, freedom, justice, and unbound hope.”
“In every generation,” Cupich added, “We are called to renew these aspirations. We do so when we live out the virtues that dwell in our hearts, but also when we confront our failures to root out ongoing injustices in our national life, especially those created by moral blindness and fear of the other.”
‘Fear of the other’ is a loaded phrase suggesting, among other things, the welcoming of millions of illegal aliens who have flooded the country in unprecedented numbers since the beginning of the Biden-Harris Administration.
In the Cupich-Democrat view, any talk of deporting illegal immigrants comes close to hate speech. Rather, we need to welcome them in the spirit of “unity” and lavish all manner of financial support on them even if it bankrupts Social Security and Medicare because — as Cupich says — “America is composed of every people and culture.”
Cupich did not condemn the abortion pill providers outside the DNC, despite the staunch pro-life views he was noted for not so long ago. There was not one word from Cupich about Democrat support for the chemical castration of children, gender ideology — as condemned explicitly by Pope Francis — or the participation of biological men in women’s sports.
Critics have called the Democrat party the party of Moloch. Britannica defines ‘Moloch’ as a “Canaanite deity, associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice.” Need we say more?
Cupich is easily the most radical Catholic hierarch in the United States. In 2014, when he was appointed Archbishop of Chicago, Time magazine heralded the event: “The New Archbishop of Chicago is a Radical — And That’s a Good Thing.”
The magazine reported the prelate saying he was looking forward to the pastoral challenges his new archdiocese was facing, especially immigration reform. “I think it is a very exciting time in the life of the church,” he was quoted as saying. “It is probably as exciting as what happened in the Second Vatican Council.”
Another boost for Cupich came in 2016 when he was made a Cardinal by Pope Francis.
Long considered one of Francis’ closest allies, Cupich — whom some refer to as a “Pope Francis clone” — had already done a lot of damage in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
In parishes throughout the city there were reports of liturgical abuse: Jazz band Masses, wild liturgical dancing and Pentecostal style Masses in which traditional Catholic prayers were replaced with made-up social justice litanies. In some Chicago parishes, parishioners were even giving homilies, a direct violation of Canon Law.
The National Catholic Register referred to Chicago as “The City of Big Shoulders and Liturgical Confusion.”
Cupich turned a benign eye to liturgical abuse while cracking down on the Traditional Latin Mass. In July 2021, when Pope Francis issued ‘Traditionis Custodes,’ a document further restricting the use of the traditional liturgy, Cupich became a major enforcer of Francis’ reforms, regularly flagging priests who did not face the people when celebrating Mass.
The Chicago Archdiocese was fertile ground for Cupich because it was once the home of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin (1928-1996), the notorious heretical prelate written about by Malachi Martin in his non-fiction novel, Windswept House.
Martin, who died in 1996, says that at the height of the Second Vatican Council in Rome, there was a ceremony to enthrone Lucifer in the Vatican (and the Chair of Peter). The church in question, Saint Paul’s chapel within the Vatican walls, hosted a very different rite of Mass on January 29, 1963, just one week after the election of Pope Paul VI. (Years later, according to Fr. Martin, Pope Paul VI would write a note to his successor, John Paul II, and tell him of this ceremony.) Paul VI is also famous for his statement, “The smoke of Satan has entered the sanctuary.”
The dangerous and distorted “message” implicit in Cupich’s DNC participation is this: It’s okay to be Catholic and vote for Harris and Waltz, clearly the most far left, anti-life and “anti-Catholic” team to ever run for president and vice president.
Cupich’s opening invocation was also a nudge to Democrat Catholics to tone down their Catholicism when it comes to practical political concerns, hiding it the same way he — as the 9th Archbishop of Chicago — hid his pectoral cross on the DCN stage.
In the past, some Catholics left the Church.
Now, the Church has left all the Catholics.
Satan’s servants are everywhere but mostly in the Vatican
Cupich is a malevolent prelate who has no supernatural faith and lives in a world of darkness and bitterness. Hopefully he wakes up before his ultimate judgement before God.
a disgrace to the the matter of traditional catholic values, he needs to”grow a pair”
Dont this fool know the Democrats are pro Abortion and favor Abortion Clinton(Bill)was pro Abortion while he had land set-aside for National monuments
There was a time, not too long ago, when the thought of Catholic official associating, much less endorsing, an organization promoting abortion, not to mention doesn’t illegal immigration, was unthinkable.
I always get a lot of down votes when I speak my mind on religion, I don’t give sht. Religions are for weak sheep, people that are lost unless some guy tells them how to think and act. Religions are no different from liberals, media and hollywood. Believe what you want about the universe and if it has a creator or not but needing some pedophile in weird clothing like the catholics or a screaming evangilist or a psycho muzz to give you direction you are weak.
Blase Cupich is the Chuck Schumer of the American Catholic Church.
With the current Pope, Catholicism can no longer be considered a Christian religion.
We are talking about a Pope who, while a clergyman in Argentina, collaborated with the dictatorship by turning in members of the faithful and other priests/seminarians for their anti-government views. Now he hosts drag queen shows. As they say, the fish rots from the head down. So Cardinal Blase Cupich doesn’t surprise me.
Let the church crumble into the dustbin of history.. 1. Jesus would not condone the existence of church, he would see the church for what it is, fleecing the faithful. 2. Conditioning imposed by the church is the barrier that prevents the people from having their own personal relationship with God.
The New Testament is full of churches — to whom do you think St. Paul wrote his epistles? I’ll answer for you: the church at Ephesus, the church at Corinth, the church in Rome, etc., and he frequently mentioned the church in Jerusalem. He made clear that Christians are not to neglect meeting together. Christianity is not a private, individual faith — Christians are part of the larger Body of Christ on earth, and are to have regular fellowship together and support of each other. That doesn’t mean, of course, that every modern-day, institutionalized incarnation of the church is equally true to Christ’s teachings; and some are downright apostate, more in league with Satan. Nevertheless Christians are not to, and cannot live as, and survive as, lone believers. If you’re part of an apostate church, find a new, Christ-centered church. ASAP.