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It is worth recalling that in France, there was several months ago yet another case of a French host being murdered by the Muslim – in this case a Muslima – to whom he had offered free lodging. The enduringly relevant cautionary tale can be found here: “Algerian woman stabs her French host to death, 3rd such murder in months,” by John Cody, Remix News, March 20, 2023:
France has been hit with another case of a foreigner killing their host, this time with an Algerian woman being accused of stabbing her French host to death on March 18 in a town outside Paris.
It marks what appears to be a worrying trend. Just last month, Remix News reported that an Albanian was accused of killing his French host after they became involved in an argument about religion. The suspect reportedly sent photos of the victim’s naked body to a neighbor in the building over Snapchat.
An argument about religion? Could the Albanian Muslim have become enraged because his French host had rejected his attempts to convert him? Perhaps that host did not agree that Islam was the most wonderful of all possible religions and made the mistake of expressing his opinion. Why wouldn’t that be enough to explain the outraged Albanian Muslim’s murderous assault?
In November last year, an Afghan national was arrested for stabbing his 73-year-old host 30 times inside their shared apartment in Paris. The suspect had a long history of sexual assault, although it is unclear if the host was aware of this. Police say the victim, whose body was found inside the apartment, was trying to be a good samaritan and provide shelter to the Afghan male.
Another victim, a benevolent and elderly French sharing his Paris apartment with an Afghan, suddenly realized, too late, that his Muslim guest, far from being grateful to him, was homicidally inclined toward his Infidel host.
In the most recent case, the 51-year-old Algerian woman suspect, who had been residing with her French host for about a week, killed the man in the Ile de France metropolitan region by repeatedly stabbing him, reports.
The police are investigating a motive in the case, which occurred on Saturday, March 18, 2023, around 8:25 p.m., in an apartment in Meaux outside of Paris.
“Motive”? Isn’t it enough that this woman, as a Muslim belonging to “the best of peoples” (Qur’an 3:110), didn’t like her host, an Infidel, and thus one of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)? Or perhaps the Algerian woman didn’t like the way the French government was treating her, possibly not providing her with a private apartment or other benefits that she believed she deserved, as a kind of proleptic jizyah? Of course the police will, in this case, as happens so often in Europe when a Muslim murders a non-Muslim, ascribe her behavior to acute mental distress, and instead of prison for life, she will stay in a mental health facility until she is deemed to be “cured” and allowed to go free.
The suspect reportedly exited the bathroom and stabbed her host three times for a reason that remains to be determined.
The 58-year-old man was stabbed in the left arm, his torso and heart. He managed to escape the attacker and ran to a neighbor’s house, where he was able to knock on the door. The neighbor called for help, but the victim died at the hospital.
Meanwhile, President Macron, even while admitting that half the crimes in Paris are committed by foreigners – overwhelmingly Muslim Arabs from North Africa – insists that he will continue to welcome migrants, claiming to find no link between mass immigration and the precipitous rise in crime. “Macron says half the crimes in Paris are committed by foreigners,” by John Cody, Remix News, October 27, 2022:
“Yes, when we look at delinquency in Paris, we can see that half of the delinquent acts come from foreigners in an irregular situation or awaiting asylum approval,” said Macron.
However, Macron also said that despite the issue with immigration and insecurity, he sees no “existential” link between the two.
“I will never make an existential link between immigration and insecurity,” said Macron just 10 days after the murder of 12-year-old Lola, who was raped, had her throat slashed, and was stuffed in a suitcase by an Algerian migrant who was in the country illegally.
Macron is under severe pressure after the murder, with a number of leading opposition politicians laying the blame for the murder at his feet and pointing to his abysmal record on deportations. Macron previously promised in 2020 that he was aiming for a 100 percent deportation rate. That rate currently hovers under 6 percent, and in the case of Algerians, it is 0.2 percent.
Meanwhile, here is more about the case at hand:
Police took the Algerian woman into custody, and a psychiatric evaluation was performed. She was ultimately involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility, and it remains unclear if she will be charged with murder.
It is not the only such case in France. In a somewhat similar case dating from 2020, a migrant who murdered his French host, who just happened to be the head of a pro-migrant refugee NGO, was sentenced to a psychiatric facility, with the court ruling this week he was psychologically unfit for prison.
What would the French state do without these findings that Muslim migrant murderers are “psychologically disturbed” to be committed not to prison, but to psychiatric facilities? It would have to start looking at the real reason for their murderous violence – the texts and teachings of Islam — to discover how often Muslims are instructed to “strike at the necks” of Infidels.
Similar cases have been seen in other European countries. In 2016, a migrant living with a host family in Germany raped and murdered the 19-year-old daughter of an EU official. The victim, Maria Ladenburger, was a medical student in Dresden at the time. The refugee, who was jailed for life, had claimed he was only 17 years old to avoid deportation, but the suspect’s own father said he was actually 34.
The French government’s insistence on promoting mass immigration into the country has led many French nationals to question their security and quality of life. An opinion poll taken in France in December 2022 by the Elabe Institute revealed that 67 percent of French people no longer feel safe in their own country. They are collectively akin to the good-hearted and generous hosts who have been surprised to discover that the Muslim guests they have allowed into their homes are not grateful, but murderous.
The moral of this tale? If you are thinking of providing room and board to a Muslim migrant, no matter the migrant’s sex or age, because you think “people are the same the whole world over,” and are a devout believer in the Family of Man, I have just one word of advice: Don’t.
Ugly Sid says
Restore historic Christendom. Restart the Crusades. Fix the problem.
This is the way.
Old Fogey says
Islam has no place in the civilized world.
Johnniethejew says
It’s the boil on the arse of humanity as I’ve stated. Originally on FPM some years ago.
From the hunting school of life we could do with an ‘ open season’.
The French after all love hunting.
Allez Marine Le Pen 👊👊💪🏾
Nothing from the African continent belongs anywhere outside of that hell hole.
Lightbringer says
Don’t worry. If they continue to spread and proliferate there will be no civilization left.
Banastre Tarleton says
Mo de Profit says
Always add the word REAL before refugee and everything is fine.
Mo de Profit says
Here in the UK I always say to King Charles “when you give all but one of your spare rooms to refugees then so will I.
I don’t think he or the other social justice warriors listens.
David Ray says
Excellent point.
These damned fools live an entitled & cosseted life – free from the consequences of what they force on the simple unwashed – Rotterham being a heinous example.
The unending examples of evil are stubbornly exceeded by willful ignorance.
If you support importing these evil thugs, then you should be forced to domicile them in your home – packed in like sardines.
(Hopefully they won’t burn it down like they did Notre Dame.)
Tony Rice says
So you also think MUZLIMS set Notre Dame ablaze, so do I, especially as there is a video showing persons in Arab garb aloft in Notre Dame before the fire. My belief is the French Authorities HAVE investigated but are afraid to release their findings to ward off civil war.
David Ray says
The fact that a muslim bitch parked a car bomb in front the day before sold me.
(They also burn Christian churches ad nauseum as is, so why not burn the world famous one.)
Intrepid says
Macron is a wussy boy fool. He cares nothing for the French people. Perhaps he should host several Muslims in his home, sans guards.
Michael says
These camel piss drinkers should be publicly guillotined.
David Ray says
And like during the French Revolution, try them in batches, including the enablers.
Have that guillotine operating until it wears out.
trid2bnrml says
always have a backup
thomas warwick says
With today’s space age materials and synthetic lubricants, these things could be made to last a long, long, long, long,, long, long, long, long time. After a loonnnnnng enough time, Voila! Problem solved.
Kasandra says
Play stupid games, win deadly prizes. Genius level idea importing hoards of people who subscribe to a religion that instructs its adherents that it is their divinely ordained duty to convert or kill you.
That’s “hordes”. Otherwise I agree with your comment.
Horace Yo says
Well, you could import hoarders’ hoards you know. Like maybe hundreds of video tapes, old dishes, old pizza boxes, junk cars and parts, old tv sets that don’t work. Old guns and ammo, old sheets of plywood, cans of paint etc. and build a fortress around the house to keep out the jihadis when they attack, which they eventually will.
ed says
Worse than the Nazi invasion of WW II
And should be treated the same
Lightbringer says
It is being treated the same way as the Nazi invasion. The French are waving their white flags, dropping their rifles, and running away. Or just collaborating for fun and profit.
Justin Swingle says
JOE BIDEN a 50 year-long political life of bribes sucking.
and what did America get out of it???
Tatanka says
Play with snakes and you will get bit.
Jim says
This reminds me of a song from an old musical,” You’ve got to be carefully taught …”.. The song was an attack on racism and attributed it to bad teaching starting in the family. Certainly it seems that irrational, vicious hatred is being taught in classrooms and media that incite hatred against other groups, such as members of other religions. While it is true that people are pretty much the same everywhere, that only holds for the tabula rosa of the newly born child. After culture kicks in, children tend to pick up attitudes from their parents and society. Remember the two Scandinavian women who were gang raped and murdered, after they had intentionally gone hiking in the Atlas mountains. They though if you just show your love, other people will respond in kind. But they never had a chance to show their love. Back home they had supported pro migrant groups and warned against prejudice, but that was not apparent to the men who attacked them. and they might not have cared, like the Nazis who deported Jews to KZs. So, of course indiscriminate mass migration from a society filled with hatred is likely to lead to such atrocities. It seems that France agreed to admit huge numbers of people from oil producing countries in exchange for a steady supply of cheap oil. And of course for some politicians a few murders of natives is just collateral damage. And think of all the people killed in the wars going on in that part of the world., so it is just deserved payback by the injured parties.
RS says
Man, some people never learn from history. Islam wants to be the dominate religion, read the Koran.
thomas warwick says
When ignorant sheep invite the wolves to their home’s hearth, the sheep will not be thanked….they will be eaten. Been that way for ten thousand years.
Degüello says
If I had a thousand M&M’s and I told you 10 of them were poison and would kill you, would you eat one of my M&M’s? We know for certain through numerous painful experiences X numbers of Muslims will turn murderous Jihadi without any warning. So why are we listening to arguments to let them in amongst us willy-nilly? We don’t invite or let in people to our country we know were exposed to the Ebola virus, so why do we do the opposite to people exposed to the virulent pestilence, Mohammedanism, which has killed infinitely more in its history and continues to do so presently?
Fred A. says
I looked at the photo at the top of this article and how a pathetic group of ignorant young people they really have become in France. If this is the attitude of the young French people in France, then you might as well kiss that country good-bye.
When the Muslims take political control, the French white people will become Islamic slaves. The Christian religions will disappear, the women will be covered from head to toe like good little Muslim women. Sharia Law will become the law of France replacing all French laws currently in place. Everyone will have to pray five times a day or else be punish. The French culture will be eliminated along with its language as well as its arts and churches. Oh, I forgot no more wine for you white French people, only Arabic coffee. As for you white French women and men, no more kissing each other in public. You will spend your free time reading and studying the Koran or else. One more thing, no more marrying the person you want to be with. Instead, marriages will be arranged according to Islamic law. Maybe, even the name of the country may be changed as well. Have I left anything out?
I hope every dummy in the photo reads this post. Also, no more protesting will be allowed either against Islamic way of life.
I forgot the year this will happen. The year is 2055 A.D.
You French people keep up the good work. France will be gone before you know it.
George says
Same in the United States. For instance there are already 40 mosques in Houston, Texas, some built like fortresses.
Fred A. says
The United States may be broken up into several new nations before that happens. The Muslim population is too small at the present time, but they are concentrated in a few states for now.
I perceive the United States going bankrupt and then a civil war between the races which will result in several new nations being formed along racial lines. I perceive mass movement of people as they move to a new nation of their choosing. All this may happen before 2100 A.D.
The new nations will consist of a European White one., a Hispanic one, a black one, several Asian ones, a Muslim one, and a American Indian one . I envision 8 new nations.
It could be done without a civil war, if done properly before hand.
veb says
No, do not worry, dollar is the glue.
John Blackman says
macron will be in bewilderment when he finds himself in hell after he dies , and even then will not reconsider his past failed deadly policy decisions . no such thing as hell you say !! then there is no such thing as justice . with the likes of people like macron europe is doomed . christianity is out , islam is in .
Bird of Paradise says
Their not dangerous until their robbing or looting the neighborhood these small mined liberal fools have a lot to learn about diversity
Ruckweiler says
I’ve always said that Islam is a warrior code similar to Bushido as practiced by the Imperial Japanese before and during WWII.
veb says
Frankistan goes back to 15th century, they already have 11 million muslim minority.
Central Europe is still free of muslims, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary. States that stopped muslim invasion to Europe (15-19 th century).
Andrew Blackadder says
If you bring a Fox into your Chicken Coup then do not be surprised when the Fox does what a Fox will always do…. Because its a Fox…
I guess such logic takes time to settle into the mindset of bleeding heart uber Far Left ”Liberals”…
Monica says
I remember years ago when watching a TV special and the Muslims stated they were to convert everyone to Islam and they would do it slowly as there was no rush as long as it was done.
This special also interviewed the Black Panthers and their task was to impregnate as many whites as possible so the black race would reign supreme..
No one listens or learns which leads to these catastrophic endings.
Now in the U.S. we have migrants from every nation who have crossed our borders and caused crime, increased taxes to cover their medical, food and housing. We are also seeing diseases which we haven’t seen for years.. more STDs, hepatitis, Hanson’s Disease ( leprosy), tuberculosis and possibly cholera and why not Ebola? This is what happens when someone like Biden is elected POTUS.
The Bible also states that we do not bring people into our country unless they assimilate to our culture and laws yet how many actually do? Dearborn, Michigan looks like a middle eastern town and many refuse to speak English. It will continue to get worse and this administration has destroyed our country.