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A measure of how feckless and dangerous the Biden administration’s Iran policy has become, was blatantly obvious last week. The International Atomic Energy Agency finally censured Iran for violating the terms of the so-called “Iran nuclear deal” that Barack Obama signed with several European countries in 2015. As the Wall Street Journal asked, “What took so long? The answer, we’re sorry to say, is U.S. opposition. Credit to the U.K., France and Germany for pushing the rebuke anyway, and winning President Biden’s reluctant support at the last minute, when he had no other way to stave off the embarrassment of defending Iran.”
Embarrassment indeed, when three of Nato’s richest military skinflints show more spine than the U.S. did. Biden’s appeasement may be the reductio ad absurdum of nearly 50 years of Western nations “running scared of Tehran,” as Daniel Pipes put it, since the Islamic revolution. For all those decades, a nation viable only by dint of possessing the world’s third largest oil reserves–– and a ruthless totalitarian government so hated by its people that only murderous force and cruelty can keep its clerical leaders alive––is treated by the West as though it were a peer rival one must approach with cautious solicitude.
First in the catalogue of appeasement came the sacrifice of the Shah, a geostrategically reliable and loyal ally, who like his father was a reformer in the mold of Turkey’s Kemal Ataturk. Next came the abandonment of Iran despite the unpunished kidnapping of our embassy staff, and the subjection of Iran’s citizens to committed jihadists led by the Ayatollah Khomeini.
An esteemed Shia cleric, Khomeini’s tracts and sermons featured traditional Islamic doctrines like “Kill the unbeliever” and “Islam is the religion of blood for the infidel.” More ominously, he promised, “We shall export our revolution to the whole world,” and jihad will be waged “[u]ntil the cry ‘There in God but Allah’ resounds over the whole world.’” And so it has, as Iran and its proxies have terrorized this a critical region.
From that point on, there followed numerous failures to punish Iran’s aggression against the “Great Satan,” as Khomeini dubbed the U.S. Iran’s shock-troops and trained proxies murdered 241 of our military personnel in Beirut, serially kidnapped our citizens and government officials, and incessantly facilitated attacks on our soldiers in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Indeed, the Mullahs struck at every flash-point in the region, including Hamas’s murders, rapes, brutalizing, and kidnappings of hostages in the October 7 terrorist attacks. Only the blind or willfully ignorant can fail to trace the role of serial appeasement in inviting and furthering these assaults on our security and interests.
The Obama-Biden appeasement, however, has come with a new risk. Both presidents did not just fail to vigorously check Iran’s nuclear ambitions and aggression, but paid them billions of dollars that subsidized both the Mullah’s development of nuclear weapons; and their arming with missiles, drones, and other materiel jihadist terrorist gangs in Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, and Yemen. Perhaps more dangerous, Iran is now collaborating with China and Russia, selling oil to China at a discount, and providing drones, ammunition, and other weapons to Russia, offsetting the weapons and cash the Nato nations have been providing Ukraine.
But Biden has gone even farther with his groveling to Tehran. Earlier this month his foreign policy crew lobbied against voting for the IAEA’s censure of Iran, which triggers “snap-back” sanctions against Iran’s oil sales, though we should note the sanctions will still have to be approved by the Western signatories to the nuclear deal. As we’ve already seen, the U.S. actively lobbied European and other countries to abstain on the censure vote.
Showing at least some realist fiber, Seth Mandel writes in Commentary, “European diplomats have warned that failure to take action would undermine the authority of the IAEA, which polices nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. They say it also weakens the credibility of Western pressure on Iran. And they are frustrated over what they see as U.S. efforts to undermine their approach.”
More disturbing, we now know that Iran is on the brink of manufacturing bombs. According to the AP, the IAEA “believes that Iran has further increased its stockpile of highly enriched uranium and criticized Tehran for continuing to bar the agency’s officials from accessing or monitoring Iranian nuclear sites.” AP also reported that Iran “has an estimate 62.3 kilograms (137.3 pounds) of uranium enriched to up to 60% fissile purity. That amounts to an increase of 6.7 kilograms” since last September. That enrichment to 60% purity is one short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%. Nonproliferation experts have warned in recent months that Iran now has enough 60%-enriched uranium to reprocess into fuel for at least one nuclear bomb.”
This is serious news lost in the political drama of a presidential election intensified by NeverTrump hysteria and the Dems’ panic over one of the worst presidential candidates in history. Given the geopolitical leverage possession of nuclear weapons can give even to a gangster-state like North Korea, the thought of an apocalyptic cult from a religion that for 14 centuries preyed on the West, a faith with a proud record of conquest and occupation, suggests there’s a real danger that Iran’s leaders would not be deterred by earthly punishment from using such weapons against their enemies and our regional allies, especially Israel.
Finally, we must ask why such obviously dangerous appeasement has persisted for half a century. One answer lies in representative governments––whose citizens can vote on how money is spent, and punish politicians at the ballot box––consistently preferring butter over guns. When such states make a habit of redistributing tax dollars to entitlements for political clients, the funds available for the military and defense spending necessarily grow scarce, as the Nato nations, including the U.S., have demonstrated during the post-Cold War period.
Another contributor to appeasement has been the century-long dominance of the “rules-based international order” of foreign policy idealism’s fossilized tenets that “diplomatic engagement,” international law and treaties, economic sanctions, and multinational institutions like the UN can substitute for lethal force. An ancillary of this doctrine is the Wilsonian ideal, enshrined in the Versailles Treaty, that “national self-determination” and liberal, rights-based democracies are the default governing paradigm for an astonishingly complex diversity of nations.
The first appeasement of Iran was a reflection of this simplistic and arrogant assumption. When the Ayatollah Khomeini took over the protests against the Shah, our foreign policy mavens saw it as a typical antiimperialist struggle for democracy and human rights. But the revolution was more akin to the 16th century Reformation than to our Revolution. Unfortunately, our foreign policy analysts seemed to know and care little about Islam’s history and doctrines.
If they had, they would not have looked to Western political and cultural ideals like socialism, nationalism, secularism, or liberal democracy for the revolution’s dominant motivation. Instead, they would instead have listened to historian Bernard Lewis: “From the beginning of Western penetration in the Islamic world, until our own day, the most characteristic, significant, and original political and intellectual responses to that penetration have been Islamic. They have been concerned with the problems of the faith and community overwhelmed by infidels.”
Yet despite the gruesome lesson of 9/11, Western foreign policy is still dominated by the specious mantra “nothing to do with Islam,” and the privileging of Western notions like national self-determination and human rights. That’s why the Nato nations keep alive the failed “two nations living side-by-side” solution for stopping the Palestinian Arabs’ faith-sanctioned eliminationist violence against Israel––despite over a century of Palestinian Arabs’ murdering Jews.
This hatred of Israel––one shared by Western progressives and leftists––has been a powerful facilitator of appeasement. It provides a ready-made scapegoat for secularized governments that downplay religious motives, and don’t take faith as seriously as they do material causes like a lack of voting or human rights or thriving economies––the summum bonum of today’s secularized West.
Hence, they dismiss as cranks or “heretics” theorists of jihad like Hassan al-Banna, who in 1928, two decades before the birth of Israel, created the Muslim Brotherhood, the most consequential influence on modern jihadism. “It is the nature of Islam,” he wrote, “to dominate not to be dominated, to impose its laws on all nations, and to extend its power to the entire planet.” This dictum better explains the West’s “bloody borders” with Islam than the supposed desire for political institutions and practices imported from the infidel West.
So only two cheers for the Europeans, since we know that sanctions, if they even happen, should be only an adjunct to sustained, overwhelming, mind-concentrating force. But until we take such Islamic orthodox passionate beliefs seriously in our foreign policy calculations, and acknowledge their profound differences with our world view, we will continue to appease and misinterpret Iran’s leaders and their ambitions to seek weapons of mass destruction.
Bru cc e, the DemoCraps are not blind to it. They are welcoming it, facilitating it, and abbetting it. The DemoCraps are controlled by Shia moo slims.
Let’s face it.
Democrat president Carter really screwed up big time in 1979 by not exterminating the Iranian Ayatollahs
after the 52 American hostages were taken for 444 days.
President Reagan should have finished off the Ayatollahs when he became president in January 1980.
But at least Reagan’s threats got the American hostages released on Day One of his presidency.
Just one of the reasons that Carter was such a bad President. Can you imagine what the world would have been like if the Shah, “a geostrategically reliable and loyal ally,” had been supported by Carter?
As long as Iran is part of the United Nations we’ll see the whole world Cow-Tow to them and e especially the Liberal Democrats Clinton(Bill,)Obama and now Biden
If we can’t stop them from getting nukes can we at least get them to stop with those planet of the ape hats
Islam is clearly not the religion of peace and Iran has become a shite hole like almost every islamic state.
Iran should not be supplied with nuclear power either.
But America and the West should not get so involved in world politics and the resulting wars that this brings.
Rules based international law is hampering Israel and aiding the cowards in Hamas.
It’s complicated but the UN and NATO need to go.
Clever: “NATO needs to go”.
The United Nations needs to go to
After all that’s happened, how can anybody be ignorant of the “dar al harb vs dar al Islam” world view of these dirt worshipping pagans? Western world dhimmi leaders are criminally incompetent.
“I regret there are no more infidels to be put to the sword. If it were not for the sea I’d go West!”, lamented the jihad general upon arriving at Spain’s Atlantic coast in the 7th Century,
Islam isn’t pagan, Islam is a derivative of Judaism and Christianity.
No mystical, supernatural, religion, when it is true to itself in a comprehensive manner, is peaceful.
Judaism and Christianity, both, when practiced in a comprehensive manner, result in the brutality of theocracy. Their history is proof.
Freedom, liberty, individual rights, the pursuit of personal happiness, respect for the rights of others, are not derived from faith in the supernatural, but are derived from reason, logic, and fidelity to the facts of reality. That’s why rights are called “natural” rights, not “supernatural” rights.
Reason and persuasion are corollaries just as faith and force are corollaries.
The concepts of freedom and liberty, individual rights, and the pursuit of happiness are ultimately founded in the rational and secular philosophy of the PAGAN Greek philosopher Aristotle.
“Greece created philosophy, logic, science, mathematics, and a magnificent, man-glorifying art; it gave us the base of modern civilization in every field; it taught the West how to think. In addition, through its admirers in ancient Rome, which built on the Greek intellectual base, Greece indirectly gave us the rule of law and the first idea of man’s rights (this idea was originated by the pagan Stoics). Politically, the ancients never conceived a society of full-fledged individual liberty; no nation achieved that before the United States. But the ancients did lay certain theoretical bases for the concept of liberty; and in practice, both in some of the Greek city-states and in republican Rome, large numbers of men at various times were at least relatively free. They were incomparably more free than their counterparts ever had been in the religious cultures of ancient Egypt and its equivalents.” – Leonard Peikoff, “Religion versus America”
Your overt hatred of Judaism and Christianity and Israel grows by the day. Your hatred of America and love of Iran also grows daily. Puke-off is a fraud just like you.
Greek philosophy, your “foundation” and bedrock of the rational and scientific beginnings and aspects of Western Civilization, folded like a cheap suit in the face of the spread of Christianity, which absorbed the teachings of your pagan heroes. Your heroes worshiped many Gods. So what is your problem with God? Without Christianity Greek history would resemble those ruins that everyone takes selfies at. Without Christianity no one would remember or care about the Greeks or their fragile democracy.
I wonder, where are the great works of music and art based on the teaching of Ayn Rand? Without Christianity there would no “Messiah” by Handel, no Passion Oratorios by Bach, no Mass settings by Palestrina, Tallis, Byrd and hundreds of other Renaissance and Medieval composers. It would be a pretty empty world bereft of art and music
The fact is we do take our theology seriously, just not to your liking. We don’t need the religious wars that you pine away for. Those days are past, as much as you would like them to come back. We leave wars, the endless wars, to the atheists like you.
DIRECT HIT! You sunk their Satanic paganism, ENLIGHTENMENT battleship!!! GRIN.
“Allah” is the moon according to Islamic doctrine. That’s pagan and ad Mo’s cretinous efforts to plagiarize the Bible and Torah are a joke.
Only a misanthrope could be an islamopithecine.
You are morally and factually correct! CRIMSLAM should be DEBUNKED since it’s not a valid even misguided good faith religion; it’s a CRIMINAL political movement. Watch the Trey Smith videos for deatils.
reductio ad absurdum – your absurdity is of the lowest common denominator – demonic – yes – you spew ignorance sans any actual involvement. I am both a proud American by birth, a proud Jew by birth and a Christian when I called on God and Jesus to prove to me THEY are real and no matter what show me the truth. This request has and is still being answered and THEIR TRUTH is still being shown to me. Then again I walked up the Himalayas backwards, did the Medusa Run down, spent 3 years with a Lakota Chief and medicine man in their sacred sweat lodge that no non-Lakota has ever been invited to and a gifted Bible scholar, gives me sight and insight to life around us. As a entrepreneur and computer scientist and former x-ray tech and senior decades of life, and the Tough Cookies School of Hard Knocks as well as being the eternal student with an eternity of infinite possibilities, satan or I call is a real entity who operates on the spiritual level. This does not preclude humans being responsible for our own actions. Criminals have gotten spared death penalty with insanity defense. Every crime against humanity is insane so how is that a defense? We don’t want criminally insane people in open society. It is our lack of understanding the Bible and the rules and ways of YHVH and Yeshua Messiah and removing the 10 Commandments from the classroom to the court house is why we have gotten to where the Book of Revelation and other Books of the Bible say we will be in the so-called end times. Your ignorance is sad because you refuse to learn. You are probably the majority for not all if any will have this insight and ability to read between the lines and see. As it is written all will come to the knowledge but not all will be saved and see eternal life. There are 3 world ages and we are in number 2 with one final heaven-earth age to come – aka – eternity. Fact is, no synagogue, church, pastor, save one, I have ever attended teach the truth of the Word of YHVH. Critical thinking tells me I am very blessed because of this and my current life. It took decades but here I am. Doesn’t matter where you come from it matters where you land every day of your life.
AHMADINEJAD: “Wipe Israel off the Map!” Deemed a madman by Sane world leaders. He also means The Great Satan.
TODAY’S PROTESTERS: “From the River to the Sea!” Praised by millions of the Insane including by many in Congress and the White House! Aiding and abetting an official U.S. designated terrorist group and using violence at home and yet, they are not labeled Domestic Terrorists with governors, mayors, meeting with DHS to plot against parents at school board meetings, Catholics, and so-called White Supremacist groups… aka MAGAS?
FIFTY YEARS OF OIL BLACKMAIL! The Mullahs can do anything they want. Fund terrorist proxies. Build the IED’s that wounded and killed Americans. Support of Al Sadr. Threaten to bomb ships in the Strait of Hormuz to close it. Human Rights abuses at home. THEY GET AWAY WITH ALL because they will shut down the pumps and other countries have said they will do the same in solidarity…. from our so-called friends who always stab us in the back! Solution would seem to be, to use our oil, buy from Mexico and Canada. Then when sanity rules again in South America, buy from Venezuela, oops Biden is begging to buy theirs, and from Ecuador. HELP OUR HEMISPHERE with Petro-Dollars and to hell with China, Russia, and especially the Arabs/OPEC!
WHERE ARE THE WORLD’S ANTI-NUKE PROTESTERS? Isn’t this their chance to stop a country from building them because once a country has them, it’s impossible that they’ll give them up? IF IRAN builds one, buys one, is given one, THEY WILL USE THEM which means a World War FOUGHT WITH NUKES!
“First in the catalogue of appeasement came the sacrifice of the Shah”
No, first in the catalogue of altruistic suicide to the Muslim world was America and the West’s surrender of their property rights in oil. It is those billions upon billions of petro-dollars that have funded Muslim Jihad against the America and the West.
All of the economic splendor, luxury, and Jihad of the Muslim, oil rich countries, comes from those petrodollars. If the West had never altruistically and suicidally surrendered its oil rights to the Muslims, the Muslims would still be living in the desert drinking camel urine to cure cancer.
“[Seventy-five] years ago, Truman and Eisenhower surrendered the West’s property rights in oil, although that oil rightfully belonged to those in the West whose science, technology, and capital made its discovery and use possible. The first country to nationalize Western oil, in 1951, was Iran. The rest, observing our frightened silence, hurried to grab their piece of the newly available loot.
The cause of the U.S. silence was not practical, but philosophical. The Mideast’s dictators were denouncing wealthy egotistical capitalism. They were crying that their poor needed our sacrifice; that oil, like all property, is owned collectively, by virtue of birth; and that they knew their viewpoint was true by means of otherworldly emotion. Our Presidents had no answer. Implicitly, they were ashamed of the Declaration of Independence. They did not dare to answer that Americans, properly, were motivated by the selfish desire to achieve personal happiness in a rich, secular, individualist society.
The Muslim countries embodied in an extreme form every idea—selfless duty, anti-materialism, faith or feeling above science, the supremacy of the group—which our universities, our churches, and our own political Establishment had long been upholding as virtue. When two groups, our leadership and theirs, accept the same basic ideas, the most consistent side wins.” – Leonard Peikoff
The only reality is your hatred of the Declaration and the Constitution, which is on display now almost daily.
Since you always fall into your altruism trap, because that is all you seem to know, the THX Beer Drinking game is now in effect. Time to crack open some brews.
Your view lacks factual, detailed understanding. The Federal USG is SATANIC, run by the pedo-Illuminati secret society since their horrid 1787 U.S. Constitutional hijack of the highly successful, Christian colonial confederation from 1607 to 1786 A.D. aka AmeroBabylon is heading us into Revelation 18 nuclear WW3 incineration–BY DESIGN. We need MAGA 1607 King James Bible town not MAGA 1787 which 1A incubated the Satanic secret society take-over and nihilist hedonist sheeple despair.
Is it a sin to pray to God to euthanize the Iranian Mullahs like an injured horse is euthanized ?
This is an important theological question.
No offense to horses is intended.
No it is not a sin to ask YHVH in the name of Lord Jesus Christ for protection and to kill our enemies. The Old Testament of the Bible is rife with historical accounts of how G-D did wipe out Israel’s enemy. As Israel is the Apple of YHVH’S Eye, the same supernatural assistance is at hand in Israel and until we in the west and especially USA realize the tragic error of removing the 10 Commandments from the classroom to court houses and bow to YHVH and call on Jesus will we have the POWER that is promised and realized from YHVH. However, this is not the case and it falls in line with Bible prophesy. President Trump will be back in the White House and depending on who Trump choses for his VP, if that person is mentored by Trump and gets two consecutive terms post the 2nd Trump term, will we only stave off the inevitable of Bible prophesy. The demons at the gate and within will rail and control the main sleaze media and grumbling Americans with gasoline prices back down again, food prices, over all inflation down, interest rates down again, wars in Ukraine over and whatever President Trump will do with Iran, but will fully supply Israel with the arms and technical assistance needed to wipe out hamazz and hellzbullah, we will have a break but wiping out and the fallen angels and those being held in hell for the JUDGEMENT, Bible prophesy of the end times will continue. Perhaps staved off but this earth must be cleansed from evil and improper .
Imprecatory prayers.
photo is of Khamenei surrounded by 8 John Deere tractor salesmen?
Joe Biden must be guilty of treason for giving that “mullah regime of Iran, everything he demands including an additional billions of dollars.
Biden greatly favors that hostile and vicious Islamic regime of Iran, which hates with a malice-filled passion the United States.
So must so that it refers to America as “The Great Satan” and one of its main themes, which in repeats so often is “Death to the USA.”
Joe Biden is an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a catastrophe for America and a disaster for the American people.
Iran is NO MORE a problem in this world than any other satanic Islamic country…
The only issue… the are masses duped… since America and the media love and support Sunni islam, which is kept hidden by smoke screens…
We need a Sub-National Conflict Corps (SNC-C) that DEBUNKS CRIMSLAM like Commander Fleming did to the Nazis in WW2.
Carter is the one reponsible for all of this. I hope he stays alive to see his mess unfold
Interesting point; how GUILTY is former POTUS Carter? He was in bed with Satanist CFR types when in power. What does he think now of his at best weak, tolerate-everything ecumenical beliefs?
You mean that taking over an embassy was not a hint that Iran was evil?
But not a mention of Iran & Hizballah’s role in the 9/11 attacks…worst direct aggression of all by the Tehran regime vs America & nobody even speaks of it…most notably, not one single US President since & including GWB
Iran’s Terrorists Leader killed in that Helicopter Crash where he went isn’t Paradise with 1000 Virgins