In a recent interview on EWTN’s The World Over, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, warned that the Synod on Synodality was engaged in a “hostile takeover of the Church.”
If you’re not sure what “synodality “means, don’t feel bad, very few know what the Synod of Synodality is all about. As best as I can tell, it’s a multi-year process consisting of numerous meetings and consultations which will culminate in the Synod of Bishops next year in Rome. It has to do with “walking together,” listening to one another, and gathering opinions from the faithful and not-so-faithful.
They haven’t gotten around yet to asking my opinion, so I’ll offer it here in case they never do.
My opinion? I agree with Cardinal Muller that the Synod is intended to be a “hostile takeover” of the Church. The first giveaway is the vagueness of it all. It’s about “listening to the Holy Spirit,” “listening to everybody,” and “not excluding anyone.” It’s the kind of language an HR department uses when it wants employees to think that their opinions are highly valued.
When the Synodal leaders do get more explicit, it only reinforces Cardinal Muller’s charge of a takeover. In speaking of divorced and remarried Catholics receiving Communion, or same-sex couples receiving a blessing, Cardinal Mario Grech, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, said they should be listened to because “this [might] be an opportunity for the Church to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through them also.”
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the Realtor General for the Synod (i.e., the man in charge) seems to already know what the Holy Spirit will say about these issues. Earlier this year, he said that the Church’s teaching on homosexuality is “no longer correct.” “It’s about time,” he said, “we did a fundamental revision of the doctrine here.”
Of course, if the Synod can revise one doctrine, what’s to prevent it from revising a few more? Or even two dozen? There are all sorts of pressure groups within the Church who favor changes to doctrine—changes that will make them feel more comfortable, but may cause enormous damage to the Church.
To get an idea of how the synodal way will likely proceed, it’s useful to consider an example of another “hostile takeover.”
About five years ago, I wrote a piece about the “hijacking” of the Catholic-Muslim dialogue in America by Islamists. Perhaps “hijacking” was too strong a word. “Influence operation” might have been more accurate. In any event, the initial goal of the dialogue—to learn more about each other’s religion—shifted, in the words of one Catholic official, to “advocacy” for Muslims.
Thus, Anthony Cirelli, associate director of the USCCB’s Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs told Catholic News Service that “there is an “urgency to engage more in a kind of advocacy and policy in support of the Muslim community.” He added that U.S. bishops are “coming to stand with our Muslim colleagues…in trying to change the negative narrative surrounding Muslims in our popular media.”
In short, instead of Catholics learning more about Islam, the aim of the dialogues shifted to Catholics helping Muslims to improve their image. The “urgency” was not to understand Islam, but to “stand with our Muslim colleagues…” Against what? Against a supposed tsunami of “Islamophobia.”
But there was very little evidence of any real Islamophobia. Much of the data on anti-Muslim attacks was based on false reports. Moreover, Muslim-on-Muslim attacks (which are relatively frequent) were counted as instances of “Islamophobia.” And the media, far from pushing a false negative narrative about Islam, had instead painted a false positive image—namely, that Islam is a “religion of peace” that has “nothing to do with violence.” If the media was guilty of anything, it was guilty of covering up the massive scale of global Islamic terror attacks.
Nevertheless, Catholic leaders in America and elsewhere fell for the “Islamophobia” scam, and they threw money and resources into the anti-Islamophobia campaign—a campaign that was already well-funded by Arab Gulf States.
It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that Catholic dialoguers had been innocent victims. For most of them, the “Islamophobia” narrative was the narrative that they wanted to believe. It fit nicely into the Catholic narrative about Islam that had developed in the wake of Vatican II—namely, that Islam was a fellow Abrahamic religion that shared much in common with Catholicism, especially a desire for peace.
This focus on shared beliefs provided two main benefits to the Catholic dialogue participants. First, it allowed them to avoid the unpleasant business of discussing major theological differences with Muslims and, second, it gave them an opportunity to signal their virtues.
If Muslims could be portrayed as victims of Islamophobia, then Catholic prelates who “stand with our Muslim colleagues” could portray themselves as protectors of the victims—older brothers who would defend their younger siblings from the bullies of the world. As Bishop (now Cardinal) Robert Mc Elroy said at one USCCB dialogue event, Catholics need to take up the fight against “the scourge of anti-Islamic prejudice.”
However, as anyone who is acquainted with recent history ought to know, Islam is hardly a defenseless younger brother. The number of Muslims in the world dwarfs the number of Catholics. And Islam is far more a victimizer than a victim. Anyone who doubts this ought to consult Raymond Ibrahim’s detailed record of the persecution of non-Muslims by Muslims in recent years. Yet, despite this abundant evidence, Catholic bishops seem more interested in protecting Muslims from imaginary crimes than in protecting Christians from real crimes at the hands of Muslims.
I bring up the “hijacking” of the Catholic-Muslim dialogue because what Cardinal Muller calls the “hostile takeover” of the Church by the Synod of Synodality seems to be proceeding by the same method. The Synod organizers are not interested in debating the merits of new movements within the Church, but rather of presenting various dissenting groups as “victims” who deserve justice.
In other words, the aim is not to discuss the pros and cons of women priests or same-sex unions or the LGBT agenda but to convince ordinary Catholics that they must stand with their “persecuted” and “powerless” younger brothers and sisters in Christ.
So just as bishops have come to believe that they have a mission to protect Muslims from “Islamophobes,” they also believe they have a mission to protect dissenting minorities in the Church from “homophobes,” “transphobes,” and every other type of “progressivephobe” (a word which in all probability will soon be added to the lexicon). Moreover, the 24/7 focus on the needs and grievances of these supposed victims deflects attention away from the harm they do to Church and society
As in the case of Muslim “victims” of Islamophobia, these “excluded “groups are presented as beleaguered and powerless minorities when, in fact, they wield considerable power. As is well-known, Pope Francis has stacked the College of Cardinals with progressive prelates who share his own agenda. Moreover, many, if not most, of the top positions in the Vatican are currently held by pro-LGBT and pro-communion-for-everyone cardinals and bishops. It is they, not Cardinal Muller and the handful of other conservative prelates, who are calling the shots.
In this regard, traditional Catholics need to learn a lesson from current political realities in America. In the wake of Joe Biden’s presidential victory, it turned out that the deep state bureaucracy and the Democratic machine had amassed far more power and control over American society than any, except for a few, had imagined. The “hijacking” of America was much further advanced than most had supposed.
Likewise, traditional Catholics should not be surprised when they discover that the “deep Church” of the dissenters wields far more power than they had thought possible.
They also should not be surprised to discover that the supposed “victims” of the Church’s “exclusivity” will turn out to be victimizers. The main victim of the “hostile takeover” will be the Church itself and the gospel revelation entrusted to it. The next set of victims will be all those Christians who have come to rely on that revelation for hope and guidance.
A recent piece in the National Catholic Register puts the matter bluntly: “Some faithful German Catholics are already talking, not of the synodal way, but the suicidal way.”
According to some Catholic officials, the word “synod” derives from two Greek words meaning “to walk together” or “walking together.” Unless it makes a sharp course correction, the current Synod on Synodality may be more accurately described as “walking together over the cliff.”
Many Catholics see the bad things that this Pope is doing!!! It makes us sick!!! This is the worst Pope we have ever had. He won’t take care of his own people but he is an “advocacy” for Muslims!!!! I can not believe it!!! They hate us and would kill us if they had the way!!! I hope that the Catholics take him out!!! He is not one that cares about God or the people that he is supposed look over!!! It is time to get another Pope NOW!!!
Who cares about God!?!?
Every C’lic should denounce the satanic catholic fake church… because the CCC clearly teaches that you worship the fake god allah of satanic islam.
The Truth is… no C’lic cares about the One True Living God! Otherwise they’d leave the satanic catholic fake church which was built upon lies…
I have to agree with you , when he was elected Pope I said to my friends, He is a Jesuit! NEVER trust a Jesuit ! And it looks like I was correct ! He needs to be removed from his position! He is a heretic !!
I guess the Vatican was delirious and senile when they voted in this Imposter
Progressivism has been eating away at the Catholic Church for decades. Vatican II unleashed forces that were already present in the margins. When the church adopts a secular viewpoint and tries to be “relevant,” paradoxically it loses relevance and ceases to have a distinct and unique roll.
Not voted in, ….He was installed….the way Biden was. They removed Benedict, to put in this false prophet who is part of the Globalists.
It is a great mystery to me, a Protestant, how Pope Francis was selected. The two previous popes were conservatives!!! They didn’t appoint conservative cardinals? How could this have happened!?!?
The only explanation is that the Vatican is overrun with homosexuals and shame on the church for not rooting these priests out after all the scandals of sex abuse. And the bulk of it was homosexual.
About fifteen years ago, I was watching EWTN when Father Gruen-something, a Franciscan, was on. He was an old-timer and he was OUTRAGED about the sex abuse scandals. I will never forget when he said that it was during Vatican II, THE CHURCH LOWERED THE STANDARDS on who could become a priest. I guess you were not allowed if you had homosexual tendencies but it was eased to a promise you would not engage in it, or some such thing.
Looks like the Protestants were right on pastors who are married to lead the church. If the Vatican goes woke and starts accepting homosexuality, it is all over for the Roman Catholic church. It will be blown apart, or maybe that’s the intention of these demon-possesed priests. Satan wants to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ.
Sadly… catholics are more worried about their stupid Poop rather than learning the Truth about how the satanic catholic fake church teaches they worship the fake god allah of satanic islam!
What’s more important? Being worried about a stupid Poop or worshiping a fake god?
That’s what ‘religion’ will get you. Absolutely nothing but grief in all its evil forms. Christ didn’t leave the Glories of Heaven to come down here to start the Catholic church, the Anglican church, the Pentecostal church or any other church or religion.
He came to start a personal ‘relationship’ with His creation, one on one, just like He did with the Apostles.
Jesus said….”I am the way, the truth and the life. The ONLY way to the Father is through me”. So its nothing to do with saints or sacraments or traditions but a ‘personal relationship’ with the One who loves you so much that He died on a cruel Roman cross, in YOUR (and my) place.
When that fact sinks into your brain, you will DESIRE to know Him more and more, through His written Word. He is coming to ‘fetch His bride’ real soon, so we have to be ready to ‘meet Him in the air’.. What a day that will be.
Rev. Roy……..>
“this [might] be an opportunity for the Church to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through them also.”
Somehow, I think the “Holy Spirit” will dutifully say whatever the progressives want, and it will reflect the spirit of the times, not the Spirit of traditional Catholicism.
Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has written a new book called “The Return of the Gods,” in which he describes the re-paganization of the West as a sign of the re-emergence of Baal, Ishtar, and Molech/Moloch into mainstream Western society. The left’s incessant drive to normalize abortion throughout pregnancy (perhaps even after birth, homosexuality, and now transgenderism, to erase the distinction between men and women, is intended to push Christians to the margins and establish paganism as our new national religion.
Perhaps the Roman Catholic “synod” ought to TURN TO THE BIBLE, instead of “making it up as they go!” Where, for example, is the Church told to pray to Mary? WHERE? Where are we told that the LGBTQ “community” is to be embraced, ESPECIALLY in light of Sodom and Gomorrah? Where are we told that we are “brothers” with the Muslims, or that we’ll ALL see salvation? TURN TO THE BIBLE, NOT the Vatican!
Some medieval theologians (Catholic) actually believed that the final Antichrist would be a pope. This is not a “Protestant” idea. The Catholic slant, however, assumes that the Catholic Church is the special object of Satanic deception because it is, in fact, the True Church (or, at least, truly born of Christ), and therefore needs to be destroyed. I am not a Catholic, but I find this notion interesting. The world, Christian and otherwise, is much more influenced by what happens within the Catholic Church than anything going on with, say, Baptists or Methodists.
God is truth and His word in the Bible is without error, reading it brings you closer
to Jesus in a personal relation and He is your way to salvation and eternal life
with Him. Jesus Christ, Saviour and Lord died for every sin ever done or to be
done and only asks for you to believe in Him and ask for forgiveness, repent
and be saved from outer darkness and eternal regret, wake up to life eternal.
Truth brings peace. That makes people to be good to people. The doctrines the commandments of men will make people to not do good to people thinking, they are pleasing God. People should know what those doctrins are, eliminating them, freeing people. Jesus frees people. Satan holds people in bondage through people.
Didn’t the takeover already occur, with the election of Francis as Pope?
In this case “the devil is in the details”, literally. And in everything else these fake men of God say.
The destruction of the Roman Catholic Church is a major part of the “Long march through the institutions” by the Communists. They are much further ahead with their destruction in many other very important institutions like the schools, K through PhD. They have infiltrated most Corporate boards and news media operations. They have infiltrated every bureaucracy, union, and every industry. The communists/globalists are currently overthrowing the government. and the US Constitution. They will actually have more trouble with the Catholic Church than most of the other institutions. If the proposed Synod does what ypu say it does, it will fail immediately, but they will keep trying.
I am working on changing the church. Russian priests voice what the catholic church taught causing people to hide. Jesus is not in the constitution or in people who make people to hide.
More and more people are straying from the Church and returning to God… Lenny Bruce.
It’s very easy for Pope Francis to speak much balderdash about “good and grand” it is to so many unchecked and unvetted migrants from the Middle East and Africa into the different countries of Europe.
For Pope Francis lives within Vatican City which a tall thick border walls around it and he has the Swiss Guards and the Vatican police and securely personal to ensure his own safety.
Most of the Europeans who each live in their nations of Europe of little to no defense from criminal and terrorists’ Muslim migrants in their hostile defiance and hate for all non-Muslims and Westerners and Western laws of Western civilization have committed vile sex assaults rapes, gang rapes and also rioting along with vandalism and many other types of despicable and heinous crimes.
In addition, murderous and destructive actions of Islamic terrorism have also been committed Muslim migrants.
There was a good reason for the Protestant Reformation.
Unless all church teaching adheres to Sola Scriptura, they can make up their own beliefs and worship false doctrines. The pope is a mere sinful man like all other mortals and to venerate him in place of God is idolatry.
Sadly, too many Protestant churches of our day have also discarded Sola Scriptura and fallen off the straight and narrow way.
All that I say is true. There is a thing going on that is not sex. Sex is used to cover it. God kille3d nations because of it. Human sacrafice. Christs voice is not in the church. Christ did not come here in 1492.
Catholic church brought money. That is anti-Christ stuff. Jesus wants to control us.
Pope is faking friendship with Left people and gays. There are gays who want nothing to do with Left people. Church is trying to fool indigenous people too.
People who have blood in them will have sin in them. Jesus did not throw a stone having blood in him. Legal system is the same as a person getting ready to throw a stone at any second thinking, they are doing God a service. People who don’t will be accused of what the person is accused of. Jesus did not teach us to do that. The catholic church brought that. A perfect man will have their end to be peace. People have not given gays peace or zoosexuals peace or naked people peace or people who draw or have nude young art peace. Laws need to be removed.
People around Lot’s house were not giving Lot peace. Christs enemies were like the Sodomites. Whoever is not like Jesus will be a Sodomite. You save you with how you are.
Catholic church wants to rule over you. Jesus needs to rule over us. 1. Jesus does not think over. Devils think over. Jesus thinks in, and lead.
All that I say is true. There is a thing going on that is not sex. Sex is used to cover it. God kille3d nations because of it. Human sacrafice. Christs voice is not in the church. Christ did not come here in 1492.
Catholic church brought money. That is anti-Christ stuff. Jesus wants to control us.
Pope is faking friendship with Left people and gays. There are gays who want nothing to do with Left people. Church is trying to fool indigenous people too.
People who have blood in them will have sin in them. Jesus did not throw a stone having blood in him. Legal system is the same as a person getting ready to throw a stone at any second thinking, they are doing God a service. People who don’t will be accused of what the person is accused of. Jesus did not teach us to do that. The catholic church brought that. A perfect man will have their end to be peace. People have not given gays peace or zoosexuals peace or naked people peace or people who draw or have nude young art peace. Laws need to be removed.
People around Lot’s house were not giving Lot peace. Christs enemies were like the Sodomites. Whoever is not like Jesus will be a Sodomite. You save you with how you are.
Catholic church wants to rule over you. Jesus needs to rule over us.
1.Jesus does not think over. Devils think over. Jesus thinks in, and lead. 2 A froward perverted person says infallible. They are not easily intreated. God is reasonable being eastly intreated. 3 The Roman catholic church wants control even as Christs enemies to taufght the arresting, heavy, death giving doctrines the commandments of men. 4. Pope makes himself to be Jesus with the Father identity. Pope’s head is a Medusa like head with many priests upon it saying they are Father. 5. Jesus is he that saves living in our mind. He guides people unto all truth. 6. the tradition of the church is the same as Christ’s enemies who were like the fornicating Sodomites who were married to satan’s spirit.7. Jesus forgives people of their debt of death. Jesus forgives the debts of others through us. 8. Blasphemy. Salvation is through Christ. He keeps people from eternal body and soul death. 9. Grace is freely given.
Mary and what are called saints having merit exists to fool souls that have left the body. 11. The catholic church needs to repent with a broken and contrite heart to every single solitary catholic person telling them do no longer want to killing people said to be a spesific sexuality name. You save you with how you are. Don’t strive against a man hath you done you no harm. 12: Purgatory is a lie. There is no place where God will buy whoever out of like people do here with bail. 13. Jesus would not have needed to do what he did had the church be able to forgive sin. They could make all of the stars in the universe to be immortal taking death away changing all of the eliments that exist to be the way they were before sin. A human cannot do that. People cannot do that. 14. Mary cannot save anyone. 15.Prayer to saints is real witchcraft. People cannot communicate with the dead. 16. Communion would be cannibalism had the bread and wine change. 17. Hell is not a place. Jesus would have remained in the tomb of hell had Jesus sinned. The Unseen Father would have been put into Satan’s prison.
1 Peter 3:19- 20, KJV. 18. All things could not be made new had Satan have a kingdom in the earth.
19. Fornication is not sex. Don’t be like Jesus; be a Sodomite. 20.John 8:41 KJV: Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.19 carnal is not sex. Romans 8:7“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” 19 Truth comes to both sexes.1 Corinthians 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? “Jesus quoted the doctrines the commandments of men in verses 34 and 35. 20. 1 Corinthians 11:14
“Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?” The church made that question to be a statement.
1. God did not start things with a big bang. Genisis 1:17 is not a big bang. 22. Pervert is not a pedophilia person or a nude person or a person who has sex with a canine. Job 8:3 Doth God pervert judgment? or doth the Almighty pervert justice?” God will give what a person gave to a human. Proverbs 17:23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment. Deuteronomy 24:17 Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger, nor of the fatherless; nor take a widow’s raiment to pledge: Job 6:30
“Is there iniquity in my tongue? cannot my taste discern perverse things?”King James Version (KJV there is iniquity in the catholic church that is so think you can cut it with knife.
22.Jesus is the rock no human.23. Jesus sits on one thrione. The Unseen father is in his mind.Jesus is the Holy Spirit guiding us into all truth saving us.24. The problem is not sex.The problem is the same problem Baal worshopers engaged in. Baby and child sacrafises. Catholic church brought Baal giving it a diffrent name. Bull Maerket Bull.It i9s a lie to say mioney is somtjhung wehen miney is mnothing.It will be seen as the nothing that it is when God’s gifts are gone.POlice stings; Jeremiah 5:26
“For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.”Thwey do thart to pr edos and zoosesexuals and whoevwer else. Islamic people are the problem that is growing.
Catholic church brought money. That is anti-Christ stuff. Jesus wants to control us. The churches problem is the same problem that the enemies of Israel engaged in calling it a nessissary thing. Human sacrifice. babies and children. If it was not so I would have told you.
Pope is faking friendship with Left people and gays. There are gays who want nothing to do with Left people. Church is trying to fool indigenous people too.
People who have blood in them will have sin in them. A perfect man will have their end to be peace. People has not given gays peace or zoosexuals peace or naked people peace or people who draw or have nude young art peace or pedophilia people peace. Laws are not giving anyone peace. Religious Sodomites built this nation. Jesus did not build this nation.
People around Lot’s house were not giving Lot peace. Christs enemies were like the Sodomites. Whoever is not like Jesus will be a Sodomite. You save you with how you are.
Catholic church wants to rule over you. Jesus needs to rule over us. 1. Jesus does not think over. Devils think over. Jesus thinks in, and lead.
Mary and what are called saints having merit exists to fool souls that have left the body. 11. The catholic church needs to repent with a broken and contrite heart to every single solitary catholic person telling them do no longer want to killing people said to be a spesific sexuality name. You save you with how you are. Don’t strive against a man hath you done you no harm. 12: Purgatory is a lie. There is no place where God will buy whoever out of like people do here with bail. 13. Jesus would not have needed to do what he did had the church be able to forgive sin. They could make all of the stars in the universe to be immortal taking death away changing all of the eliments that exist to be the way they were before sin. A human cannot do that. People cannot do that. 14. Mary cannot save anyone. 15.Prayer to saints is real witchcraft. People cannot communicate with the dead. 16. Communion would be cannibalism had the bread and wine change. 17. Hell is not a place. Jesus would have remained in the tomb of hell had Jesus sinned. The Unseen Father would have been put into Satan’s prison. 1 Peter 3:19 – 20, KJV. Don’t hate that version.
18. All things could not be made new had Satan have a kingdom in the earth. 19. Fornication is not sex. Don’t be like Jesus; be a Sodomite. 20.John 8:41 KJV: Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.19 carnal is not sex. Romans 8:7“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” 19 Truth comes to both sexes.1 Corinthians 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? “Jesus quoted the doctrines the commandments of men in verses 34 and 35. 20. 1 Corinthians 11:14
“Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?” The church made that question to be a statement.
1. God did not start things with a big bang. Genisis 1:17 is not a big bang. 22. Pervert is not a pedophilia person or a nude person or a person who has sex with a canine. Job 8:3 Doth God pervert judgment? or doth the Almighty pervert justice?” God will give what a person gave to a human. Proverbs 17:23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment. Deuteronomy 24:17 Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger, nor of the fatherless; nor take a widow’s raiment to pledge: Job 6:30
“Is there iniquity in my tongue? cannot my taste discern perverse things?”
King James Version (KJV there is iniquity in the catholic church that is so think you can cut it with knife.22. Jesus is the rock no human.23. Jesus sits on one throne. The Unseen father is in his mind. Jesus is the Holy Spirit guiding us into all truth saving us.24. The problem is not sex. The problem is the same problem Baal worshipers engaged in. Baby and child sacrifices. Catholic church brought Baal giving it a different name. Bull Market Bull.
Stop people from giving people death threats. People who have sex with another species are not evil. gays are not evil. Naked people are not evil. Laws that are against them are evil. The mouth needs to not be evil. By thy words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned. That has nothing to do with sex. Send letters telling your parishioners to say they are sorry to people who they were mean too making them to be afraid. Satan does that through a person. Hate is murder. Christs enemies wanted to murder God with blood in him. Those murderous people need to be born again to not be born of fornication. They will be good to god’s image not. They will not see Jesus as a tempestuous fire when he comes back melting the earth to the lowest depths or lowest hell in the earth. All of the eliments need to be changed from what they are. There will be a lake of fire even when all humans be saved. Fallen angels and Satan who is dressed in gold and gems will burn up in God’s light. Ezekiel 28:18. From the inside out in the sight of men. males and females are very good. That form is good to see, Jesus will be married to males and females in the marrage supper of the lamb.
2 Peter 2:7 “And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:” The church made vex to be sex. Isahiah 1 verse 10 down is describing religious people who lost their way. They wante4d one person to judge the beings in Lot’s house. That is what Genisis 19 – 9 is all about. The thought of hell being etertnal torment made people to make tormenting laws making people hide. Jesus will not do that. Let zoosexuals, gays, and heterosexuals suck and fuck what they want openly. It is not our job to judge them. Jesus is the Judge. Jesus judges as to who is like him, and who is not like him.
Swearing is saying an oath that God does not want us to say. We get a legal system that is not of God forcing people to say oaths or automatically say they are guilty of whatever. refusing say those oaths. All of us are guilty. We have death in us. People have not yet put on incorruption. People who use the Legal; system to give people fire or the Bible to give people fire will see light that shines from Jesus as if it is fire. Wicked see that as wrath – vengeance giving to people what they gave. God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked. Eternal damnation is eternal body and soul death. Wicked become ashes under the feet of the righteous. That happens around the city of God 1000 years after the second coming.
Wicked look like a lake of fire in light that no one can extinguish. They become ashes under the feet of the saved.
Wicked that are slain by the brightness of Christs coming. They want to drown in water that is evaporating in God’s light. Some will want to be covered in eliments that are melting down from the mountains in God’s light. It is less painful to have God’s light to shine on them directly. That is why people cry out to the mountains do cover them Luke 23:30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. People who are stubbornly not like Jesus will get what they gave and what they taught others to give, making people to be afraid. The catholic church made Left people to be twice the children of hell or twice the children of death. Jesus looks for good pausing people. Left people are backwards to that looking for what they think is bad being wrong 100% of the time. Why? The mind of Jesus is not in their mind. The cah0lic church made them to be that way. Penises are very good. God made them. DR Susses pocket full of penises book is very good. Left people are wrong about Speedy Gonzales. He saves whoever from mischievous cats. Left is wrong about Pepe Le Pew, Left people cannot decern the voice of the Unseen Father when he talks. Left people are like the blind enemies of Jesus who were married to Satan’s spirit, thus were born of fornication.
The catholic church made people to be hostile to peacful people who are sexually intimate with other species, thinking they are doing God a service. God loves people who are peacful. Tell people to be peaceful to them. To not be peacful to them is the same as throwing a stone which Jesus did not do and giving fire. They that give fire will receive the same from Jesus. His light will be seen as fire that cannot be out. That is reap what you sow, or get what you give, or harvest what you plant. People who ignore that will be teaching the doctrins the commandments of men being exactly like Christs enemies. The Pope needs to apologize for teaching the doctrines the commandment of men. God does not want gays or peaceful zoosexuals. God is talking through them even as The Unseen Father talked through Jesus. Pedophilia people have rules they go by. They are treated terribly. Jesus was treated terribly. The rules Pedophilia obey are the same rules that jesus obeyed. Things need to change.
Whoever is saved will be married to Christs Spirit. Marriage supper of the lamb will be visual marrage. Meats for the belly and the belly for meats will be destroyed. Eating will still be engaged in enjoying it. Jesus will not drink of the fruit of the vine untill he drinks it new with the saved. There is nothing about our secrets or genitalia being destroyed. Being like the angels is being immortal. Jesus is a male. Jesus was nude when he washed the feet of his desiples. He cast aside his garments. He girded himself with a towel. Notice the word “himself”. He was naked when he dried the disciples’ feet. He put the towel back on going to the next disciple. A humble church will do that, Get rid of statues depicting angels. Satan who is dressed in gold and gems visually seen will use them to deceive people. Satan’s prison 1 peter 3:19 – 20 is a holding pen for final judgment. legal sysem is Satan’s throne immitating God’s throne. Revelation 4:4
Stop being concerned with what Jesus looks like. Get rid of throe depictions. People have crucified Jesus’ in people as a result. It is what Jesus is like through people, People are looking at whether they have clothing on or not, or what they fuck or suck.
Stop being concerned with what Jesus looks like. Get rid of those depictions. People have crucified Jesus’ in people as a result. It is what Jesus is like through people, People are looking at whether they have clothing on or not, or what they fuck or suck.
Tell Muslims to admit that Jesus is the Father God visually seen who controlled when he died or get the blanketly, blank, blank, off this entier continent.
There is not Biblical sport for what are called Swear words. Shit and piss happened when sin happened. Fuck and suck are not swear words. There is no such thing. Don’t swear by Jerusalem or by the hair on your head or by the universe. That is not saying a spesific word. Dog dicks are very good. Don’t flinch when seen or flinch when a human pleases a male dog. There should be no law against it. People need to be concerned about this: Am I like Jesus giving people peace that the world cannot give, or am I not like Jesus. God made penises with his hands. Horns of light come out of God’s hands. That is where he hides his power. Don’t reject anything that I have typed. God wants us to give to each other even as he gave to us whatever. That is freely we have received all things freely give. A person can have the bike they want with whatever on it etc.
God said put a price on whatever forcing people to pay for whatever. Everyone will say no. Why then are people doing that?
God said put a price on whatever. Force people to pay for whatever. Everyone will say no. Why then are people doing that?
Don’t try to gather all that is unto yourself. Devils who don’t have anything after this will do that through people. Resist the devil to have that being to flee from you. They that gather all that is or at least try will perish with what is when Jesus shows up melting the eliments with fervent heat. Satan wants to impersonate Christs coming standing where that gold and gem covered being ought not to stand. Get away. That former covering cherub will smother whoever forcing them to say what that being wants them to say. People who use the Bible to smoother whoever is allowing Satan to work through them to make those laws. Satan made the smothering legal system, and smothering islamic law.
Don’t whip anyone. The rod was used to guide the sheep. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. The carnal mind thinks switch that is used to strike whoever. That thought is false. People whipped Jesus. Jesus drove the money changers and they that sold doves out of the temple. They were there to make money. Buissnesses, stores and churches are doing the same thing. They are looking at people as being an emty or stuffed wallet, and that is all.
Church leaders: a broken and contrite heart my God will not despise.
Proverbs 10:31 Context
28The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish. 29The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity. 30The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth. 31The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out. 32The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness.”
Froward perverse tongues have been flapping against gays, zoosexuals, trans people and nude people. Their tongues are not froward. Satan has a perverse tongue. 1 Timothy 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. People who are against them are they that are perverse. Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Matthew 12:37
“For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”
King James Version (KJV) Being saved or lost has nothing to do with where you put your Phallic member.
Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. King James Version. Ezekiel 18:20
“The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.”
King James Version (KJV)Each individual is responsable for how they are. Regulate yourself. Law as it is does not do that. It is evil to make the Bible to do what man’s laws are doing. I want to make the lake of fire as small as I can get that lake to be. The amount of good for nothing chaff in God’s light will determine the size of that lake of fire.
Carnal has nothing to do with sex. Satan has a carnal mind. You don’t want that mind to be in your mind. Satan is a sexless being. The number of fallen and unfallen angels will remain the same. Angels did not mate with humans. Sons and daughters of God are us.
The use of money is destroying cartoon network and SpongeBob which is a great cartoon. Gods childlike mind is in them. Big corporations are destroying great artists. Money makes god’s image to be bad to god’s image. Free like it was in the beginning cannot be real when money exists. Money cannot take the place of the Unseen Father. The showing of testicles on a dog in the movie White Snake, part one, shows that people are heading in the right direction not being bothered by them. Great peace have they that love my law. Nothing will offend them. Make Narnia characters to be redone to be like they were originally intended. That needs to be the next step. No restrictions. God did not tell us to have them.
Imagine God’s mind who gave to us all things living in the minds of millions of people. God giving whatever to himself in the mind of another human being. No one will ever say beggars cannot be choosers ever again.
Don’t sweat and breath hard regarding the Naria comment I made. You will not lose your soul agreeing with me.
The use of money destroyed cartoon network. It does not exist right now. SpongeBob is a great cartoon. Gods childlike mind is in them. Money makes god’s image to be bad to god’s image. Free like it was in the beginning cannot be real when money exists. Money takes the place of the Unseen Father in our mind. The God or mammon thing.
The showing of testicles on a dog in the movie White Snake, part one, shows that people are heading in the right direction not being bothered by them. Great peace have they that love my law. Nothing will offend them. Make Narnia characters to be redone to be like they were originally intended. That needs to be the next step. No restrictions. God did not tell us to have them.
Moderation keeps truth from being seen. Fallen beings don’t want truth to be seen. People need to regulate what they say for their salvation’s sake. Teach that. Censoring – moderating will not do that. Fear giving trembling devils invented censoring and moderating.
Tension in the mind is released when people say traditional swear words. Stop giving people guilt.
Catholic leaders made Putin when they made gays out to be Sodomites. Putin is doing worse than rushing at the door of people. Condemning is not our job. That is Christs job. Tell Putin.
There is no Biblical support for what are called Swear words. Don’t swear by Jerusalem or swear by the hair on your head or swear by the universe. That is not saying a spesific word like what people are taught.
The lie about what swearing is made the legal system. Satan works through people saying fear me.
The consept of buy, needs to die.
We would not have progressives or ANTIFA or leftists or Islam or Hitler or Putin trying to destroy Ukraine had the catholic church taught the truth. I know what the truth is. We would not have an overabundance of people wanting to be trans had the nude form not been seen as an arrestable offence. Devils don’t want to see what God made. People would be more inclined to accept what they are had nudity been allowed.
Jesus is talking through gays and zoosexuals. Tell people to be good to them. Tell people to stop giving fire in word and deed.
Tell people that gays and zoosexuals are not Sodomites. That is slander.
Jesus is pure undefiled religion doing his good pleasure through us. They will have a bridled tongue having religon that is not vain. They will be like Jesus not being spotted with the world. Teach that not many.
Gays are not sodomites. zoosexuals are not Sodomites. pedophilia people are not Sodomites. They don’t think about gathering around a person’s house calling for one person to judge beings they don’t know in a person’s house. Catholic Church has to admit that they have been like the sodomites from the beginning. That will heal the church. That will make people to be free. People will see people as being people, not a sexuality name. Whoever is not like jesus will be like the Sodomites. Jesus will judge as to who is and who is not a Sodomite. There is no such thing as Holy water. Jesus is the water of life. People are not splashing jesus i themselves and others. Jesus is a type of water that is not known in our reality.
We need the Unseen Father in our mind, which is having pure undefiled religon. That is what we need. Jamies 1:26 – 27 y talks about pure undefiled religon. KJV. That is what Jesus did. Accept the KJV Don’t reject it. The Old Scofield Study Bible is a good choice. God wants to talk through us making spesific requests. Money is not used. Jesus obeyed the Unseen Father. The mind that was in Christs mind needs to be in our mind. Satan wants the world to replace God with money. That needs to be reversed, now.
We need the Unseen Father in our mind, which is having pure undefiled religon. That is what we need. Jamies 1:26 – 27 talks about pure undefiled religon, KJV. That is what Jesus did. Accept the KJV. Don’t reject it. The Old Scofield Study Bible is a good choice. God wants to talk through us making spesific requests. Money is not used. Jesus obeyed the Unseen Father. The mind that was in Christs mind needs to be in our mind. Satan wants the world to replace God with money. That needs to be reversed, now. Faith will be seen when people do what I say. Indians had faith. They cared about the land. God in us will do the same thing when money is gone. God controls the individual. The best of whatever can be requested,
Cardinal Muller is the former head of the Office of the Doctrine of the Faith. His words carry a lot of weight. When he speaks of a “hostile takeover”, Alarm bells should go off everywhere.
Edited: Gays are not sodomites. zoosexuals are not Sodomites. pedophilia people are not Sodomites. They don’t think about gathering around a person’s house calling for one person to judge beings they don’t know in a person’s house. Catholic Church has to admit that they have been like the sodomites from the beginning. That will heal the church. That will make people to be free. People will see people as being people, not a sexuality name. Whoever is not like jesus will be like the Sodomites. Jesus will judge as to who is and who is not a Sodomite. There is no such thing as Holy water. Jesus is the water of life. People are not splashing Jesus on themselves and others. Jesus is a type of water that is not known in our reality.
Truth brings peace. That makes people to be good to people. The doctrines the commandments of men will make people to not do good to people thinking, they are pleasing God. People should know what those doctrines are, eliminating them, freeing people. Jesus frees people. Satan holds people in bondage through people.
Truth brings peace. That makes people to be good to people. The doctrines the commandments of men will make people to not do good to people, thinking they are pleasing God. People should know what those doctrines are, eliminating them, freeing people. Jesus frees people. Satan holds people in bondage through people.
Whoever is married will be one with the person they are married to. Whoever is saved spiritually will be one with Jesus be they male or female, thus will be married to Jesus. They are not born of fornication thus don’t need to be born again. Marriage supper of the Lamb will be visually marrage to Jesus. All will have Jesus in their mind, thus will be married to each other.
Whoever is married will be one with the person they are married to. Whoever is saved spiritually will be one with Jesus be they male or female, thus will be married to Jesus. They are not born of fornication thus don’t need to be born again. Marriage supper of the Lamb will be visually marrage to Jesus. All will have Jesus in their mind, thus will be married to each other.
People who are born again will judge rightly as to master that whoever is obeying. They want people who don’t talk like the master to talk like the Master to not see the Master as fire on the last day.
Whoever is married will be one with the person they are married to. Whoever is saved spiritually will be one with Jesus be they male or female, thus will be married to Jesus. They are not born of fornication thus don’t need to be born again. Marriage supper of the Lamb will be visual marrage to Jesus. All will have Jesus in their mind, thus will be married to each other.
People who are born again will judge rightly as to master that whoever is obeying. They want people who don’t talk like the master to talk like the Master to not see the Master as fire on the last day.
Whoever is married will be one with the person they are married to. Whoever is saved spiritually will be one with Jesus be they male or female, thus will be married to Jesus. They are not born of fornication thus don’t need to be born again. Marriage supper of the Lamb will be visual marrage to Jesus. All will have Jesus in their mind, thus will be married to each other.
People who are born again will judge rightly as to master that whoever is obeying. They want people who don’t talk like the Master, to talk like the Master, to not see the Master as fire on the last day.
Putin is right saying USA is a lying empire. Putin is a liar saying the Ukraine is run by Nazis and lies saying Gays are Sodomites. Putin is believing the lying USA church not even knowing it. Gays have never done what is recorded.
Devils totally ignore the good peacful laws that Jesus obeyed. They cannot do that. Light that Jesus shines would be in them. That light is fatal to them. Devils continue to have dark thoughts toward zoos, bestiality people and Pedophilia people not knowing what else to do.
The cornerstone of the catholic church is made of perfumy cloth. Jesus is not perfumy cloth. Jesus is a rock – cornerstone that was rejected.
You don’t need to be Amish to not be of the world. Whoever is not of the world will be like Jesus who is not of this world.
The thought of racism never entered into the minds of indigenous people. Why? Coins and bills did not exist before 1492. Both came in at the same time.
The darkening of the moon and sun will be a simultaneous event. That event will make the nations to tremble. Stars will not shine their light when Jesus comes back. Our sun is a medium sized star.
Hell does not have a gate. That is a false consept. Fallen beings see God’s light as the fires of hell. They that are lost will look at the gates of the new Jerusalem thinking they are then gates of hell, seeing God’s light as fire. All of the lost that ever existed will be around the city of God all at one time. The walls of the new Jerusalem look like transparent jasper stone. Foundation consists of twelve precious gems. Jesus would have remained in the tomb or hell had Jesus sinned. Jesus was not killed. Jesus laid his life down voluntarily.
Hell does not have a gate. That is a false consept. Fallen beings see God’s light as the fires of hell. They that are lost will look at the gates of the new Jerusalem thinking they are looking at the gates of hell, looking upon God’s light that is inside the city. That light is fire to lost people. All of the lost that ever existed will be around the city of God all at one time. The walls of the new Jerusalem look like transparent jasper stone. Foundation consists of twelve precious gems. Jesus would have remained in the tomb or hell had Jesus sinned. Jesus was not killed. Jesus laid his life down voluntarily.
Hell does not have a gate. That is a false consept. Fallen beings see God’s light as the fires of hell. They that are lost will look at the gates of the new Jerusalem thinking they are looking at the gates of hell, looking upon God’s light that is inside the city. That light is fire to lost people. All of the lost that ever existed will be around the city of God all at one time. The walls of the new Jerusalem look like transparent jasper stone. Foundation consists of twelve precious gems. Gates three on each side consist of gigantic pearls cut without human hands. City itself is golden. God’s feet look like brass refined in the fire. Eyes are a flame of fire. A double-edged sword of light comes out of his mouth. His hair is like wool. He has a peacful, humble childlike heart, having charity as it is described is in first Corinthians 13: 4 – 8, KJV. God does not want people to be afraid of him, saying don’t be afraid when seen. Devils and they that serve them are the only ones who are afraid of God. Jesus would have remained in the tomb or hell had Jesus sinned. Jesus was not killed. Jesus laid his life down voluntarily.
Hell does not have a gate. That is a false consept. Fallen beings see God’s light as the fires of hell. They that are lost will look at the gates of the new Jerusalem thinking they are looking at the gates of hell, looking upon God’s light that is inside the city. That light is fire to lost people. All of the lost that ever existed will be around the city of God all at one time. The walls of the new Jerusalem look like transparent jasper stone. Foundation consists of twelve precious gems. Gates three on each side consist of gigantic pearls cut without human hands. City itself is golden. God’s feet look like brass refined in the fire. Eyes are a flame of fire. A double-edged sword of light comes out of his mouth. His hair is like wool. His body is a red, yellow orange color. He has a peacful, humble childlike heart, having charity as it is described is in first Corinthians 13: 4 – 8, KJV. God does not want people to be afraid of him, saying don’t be afraid when seen. Devils and they that serve them are the only ones who are afraid of God. Jesus would have remained in the tomb or hell had Jesus sinned. Jesus was not killed. Jesus laid his life down voluntarily. The image that we are existed before time. Don’t make people to be afraid to show it outside.
Hell does not have a gate. That is a false consept. Fallen beings see God’s light as the fires of hell. They that are lost will look at the gates of the new Jerusalem thinking they are looking at the gates of hell, looking upon God’s light that is inside the city. That light is fire to lost people. All of the lost that ever existed will be around the city of God all at one time. The walls of the new Jerusalem look like transparent jasper stone. Foundation consists of twelve precious gems. Gates three on each side consist of gigantic pearls cut without human hands. City itself is golden. God’s feet look like brass refined in the fire. Eyes are a flame of fire. A double-edged sword of light comes out of his mouth. His hair is like wool. His body is a red, yellow orange color. He has a peacful, humble childlike heart, having charity as it is described in first Corinthians 13: 4 – 8, KJV. God does not want people to be afraid of him, saying don’t be afraid when seen. Devils and they that serve them are the only ones who are afraid of God. Jesus would have remained in the tomb or hell had Jesus sinned. Jesus was not killed. Jesus laid his life down voluntarily. The image that we are existed before time. Don’t make people to be afraid to show it outside.
It is not abominable for Sonic to have a human girlfriend. Blasphemous people call that which is good, evil, and call evil good and light darkness and bitter things sweet. Sonic saw that beutiful women as being sweet.
The blasphemous satan was talking through people who accused Jesus of being evil when he cast out evil spirits. Don’t call Sonics love for that woman a blasphemous thing. The doctrines the commandments of men that make people to be bad to people is against Sonic the hedgehog. The act of sex makes families. Devils are dumb. God’s law is in Sonic. Love others even as you want to be loved.
It is not abominable for Sonic to have a human girlfriend. Blasphemous people call that which is good, evil, and call evil good and light darkness and bitter things sweet. Sonic saw that beutiful women as being sweet.
The blasphemous satan was talking through people who accused Jesus of being evil when he cast out evil spirits. Don’t call Sonics love for that woman a blasphemous thing. The doctrines the commandments of men that make people to be bad to people are against Sonic the hedgehog. The act of sex makes families. Devils are dumb. God’s law is in Sonic. Love others even as you want to be loved.
People who call themselves anti racism activists are believing misinformation. We have one Father God who is Jesus visually seen. How then are we not one race? We are people. We are humans. People who think racism is real are unwittingly denying that they are a person. They are denying that they are human, not being made in God’s image. A devil is talking through them. Jesus most assuredly is not talking through them.
Varying amounts of money that people have contributes to the illution of another race. They that have, and they that wished they had whatever. Ask and receive would solve that. can you imagine had God placed cash registers next to everything refusing to let people have whatever had a money not be given? People view of God would not be good. They would be right, and yet that is what people are doing.