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Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, has filed paperwork to run for president in 2024. Even with the Kennedy brand, RFK Jr. may find the going tough.
Practically alone among Democrats, Kennedy stood up to White Coat Supremacy (WCS), rule over the people by medical bureaucrats. In practice, that meant standing up to the most powerful white coat supremacist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. In government for more than 50 years, Fauci came billed as “America’s Doctor,” a brilliant scientist, a selfless public servant, and so forth. Kennedy saw through the lies and wrote The Real Anthony Fauci, a best-seller, ignored by politicians and the establishment media.
Anthony Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966 but in 1968 he took a cushy “yellow beret” job with the National Institutes of Health. Fauci’s bio showed no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry, yet in 1984 he became director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) said Fauci “doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in.” But he was, with deadly consequences.
Kennedy details Fauci’s secretive drug trials on black foster children in New York City. If the children refused the drugs, Kennedy explained, “they’re held down and force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital, where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs.” This was all part of Fauci’s “AIDS research,” the foundation of the government-pharma empire the NIAID boss would create.
Fauci’s favored remedy for AIDS was AZT (azidothymidine), marketed as Zidovudine, a DNA chain terminator rejected for cancer treatment because of excessive cytotoxicity. There was no evidence that AZT could prevent or cure AIDS but as RFK Jr. explains, “Fauci exposed kids to deadly risks and agonizing discomforts in a speculative drug and vaccine exercise that offered absolutely no benefit for them.”
Kennedy found that 80 of the 532 children who participated in Fauci’s “clinical trials” died and 25 died while enrolled in a medication trial. By 2003, Fauci’s NIAID was running more than 10,000 clinical trials involving children in 90 countries. The real Anthony Fauci, is “a sociopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism.” If that seems a stretch, consider another source Kennedy says is “vital” to understand what is now going on.
The Real AIDS Epidemic: How the Tragic HIV Mistake Threatens Us All, first released in 2007, is out in a new edition. Mathematical biologist Rebecca V. Culshaw PhD compares Fauci’s AIDS debacle with his handling of the COVID pandemic.
Fauci’s empire was based on the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS. This was not accepted by the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis. Members included some of the nation’s leading molecular biologists, such as cancer researcher Peter Duesberg, author of Inventing the AIDS Virus, Kary Mullis, and Charles A. Thomas, former professor of biological chemistry at Harvard. The newfound AIDS establishment declined to debate these scientists, all vastly more qualified than Fauci.
The NIAID boss claimed that HIV can “infiltrate and kill” T-cells and “stimulate the response of other immune cells so that they eventually collapse from “overwork or confusion.” This caught the attention of Thomas, who told reporters, “No other virus is credited with such a dazzling repertoire of destructive skills.” HIV was “a simple retrovirus with a very simple genetic organization.”
In similar style, Peter Duesberg wondered, “What kind of virus, one day, out of nowhere, springs into action to destroy a person’s immune system with no provocation?” Never had a retrovirus been shown to cause a human disease, or even a disease in animals.
Nobel laureate Walter Gilbert found “no animal model for AIDS,” and Dr. Harvey Bialy, scientific editor of Biotechnology, could locate “no pathogenic relative” for the virus. In other words, Dr. Fauci had no clue what he was talking about, a charge he often levels at critics.
“The nails in the coffin of the HIV/AIDS paradigm have been hammered long ago by a long list of scientists and medical researchers,” Culshaw explains. “The AIDS orthodoxy’s only counter to the points made and the questions raised consisted of ad hominem attacks including the word ‘denialist,’ as well as stating that the dissenting views have been ‘discredited,’ without any reference as to where those views have been discredited.”
Culshaw refutes the HIV/AIDS hypothesis in convincing fashion. Also helpful is her list of failed predictions, including “HIV will spread rapidly through the population.” It didn’t and it wasn’t even close. During the 1980s people were also told that “by 1990 one in five heterosexuals will be dead from AIDS.” They weren’t, but Fauci retained his powerful position, with no accountability.
NIAID claimed that it was “unethical” to deny toxic drugs to those testing positive for HIV. The source of this bizarre claim could stand more exposure than Culshaw and Kennedy provide.
In 1995 Christine Grady, a nurse with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) authored The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the development and testing of a preventative AIDS vaccine. As the back cover explains, “Grady explores the current wisdom governing research with human subjects” (emphasis added) and “clinical trials are already ongoing,” with AZT and other dangerous drugs such as Didanosine and Nevirapine.
Grady touts the work of Dr. Anthony Fauci but does not reveal that she had been married to the NIAID boss for ten years. Grady earned a PhD in philosophy and bioethics from Georgetown but she is not a medical doctor and like husband Tony, her bio shows no advanced degrees in biochemistry or molecular biology.
In 2012, the NIH named Christine Grady chief of the Department of Bioethics of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. Grady came billed as “a strong international voice in human subjects protections,” which was odd considering her approval of drug trials with children and pregnant women. The NIH failed to reveal that Grady was married to Fauci and said nothing about the huge conflict of interest that arrangement represented.
As NIAID boss, Dr. Fauci controlled both public health policy and government spending on medical research. That dangerous concentration of power would deploy in force during the COVID pandemic.
During the 1980s, Fauci fast-tracked the approval of AZT and “in rushing to approve mRNA vaccines for COVID, what was essentially a massive clinical trial was conducted in real time on the entire population.” (emphasis added)
AZT failed to prevent or cure AIDS, and the untested COVID vaccines failed to prevent infection or transmission. Fauci wanted children as young as four to get the jab.
In Massachusetts, Culshaw notes, all deaths of those testing positive for HIV are counted as AIDS deaths, “and this happens if the person died of liver failure, a heart attack, suicide, drowning, CMV infection, or car accident, or anything else, AIDS-related or not.” During the throes of the pandemic, deaths of those testing positive for COVID were counted as deaths from COVID.
The AIDS establishment, without any proof or argument, charged that Peter Duesberg, Robert Root-Bernstein, Kary Mullis, and others other scientists had been “discredited.” In similar fashion, the medical scientists of the Great Barrington Declaration challenged Fauci’s draconian lockdown policies.
Instead of debating the policies on scientific grounds, NIH boss Francis Collins deployed Dr. Fauci for a “quick and devastating takedown” of the scientists. Most if not all were far more qualified than the NIAID boss, a non-practicing MD who claims “I represent science.”
As Culshaw recalls, Dr. Mark Wainberg, director of the McGill University AIDS center “openly called for criminal prosecution of anyone who publicly questioned the HIV/AIDS hypothesis.”
Wainberg finds a counterpart in Dr. Peter Hotez, a recipient of grants from NIAID who sought to make criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci a crime.
During the pandemic, Fauci contended that the COVID virus arose naturally in the wild. Those who found evidence of a laboratory origin were smeared as “conspiracy theorists,” and one of them was Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, who discovered HIV.
Like Duesberg, Thomas, Mullis and many others, Montagnier found no evidence that HIV causes AIDS. On the other hand, Montagnier did find evidence that the COVID virus had been engineered in a lab. That brought on vilification, even after Montagnier’s death in February of 2022.
According to TheScientist, the French virologist “opposed coronavirus vaccines” and “stirred controversy by promoting the theory that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab.” No word of why the virologist might have arrived at that conclusion. The Associated Press reported that Montagnier “spread false claims about the coronavirus” and “claimed that the coronavirus did not originate in nature and was manipulated.”
When CDC director Robert Redfield found evidence of a lab origin, he got death threats. No word of an investigation by the FBI which like the Energy Department now finds evidence that the COVID virus leaked from a Chinese lab. This comes after Dr. Fauci has retired, but the Faucists still dominate the system.
“The COVID crisis,” Culshaw writes, “has shown many people that the public health bureaucrats do not necessarily have our best interests at heart. These people are not benevolent scientists with no vested interest, hidden in their ivory towers producing ‘the science.’ They are business people, beholden to the politically motivated granting agencies and to the pharmaceutical companies.” And there’s more to what the COVID crisis taught us.
“Supposedly benevolent health czars and politicians are not above weaponizing a narrative about a disease to divide people, turn families and friends against each other, and imply that human contact is dangerous and should be avoided if possible. One can only commune with similarly ‘good rule followers.’”
“The HIV empire is too big to fail,” Culshaw contends, “but fail it must.” For the embattled American people and their elected representatives, the empire is too failed to be big. The structures of White Coat Supremacy must be cut down to size or eliminated.
No government official should control public health policy and spending on medical research. Government institutions should be free of nepotism in the style of NIAID boss Fauci and wife Christine. It is as though Joe Biden tasked wife Jill to head the investigation of Hunter Biden’s laptop and his dealings with foreign regimes.
No health official should head a single agency for 38 years. The NIAID director should be a fully qualified molecular biologist, and limited to a single four-year term. All actions and grants of NIAID and all NIH bodies should be posted on the internet in real time and downloadable form.
All actions taken by Dr. Fauci and associates should be subject to the most thorough investigation possible under the law. Rebecca Culshaw and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lay out the evidence.
Members of Congress, you have no excuse. If you fail, the Faucist empire is certain to strike back.
Is there any other politician criticising the pandemic hysteria, the World pHarma Organisation lies and the vaccine deaths?
I don’t see any.
I’m not American so my views are irrelevant but I would vote for him at this point.
I’m not sure we need another Kennedy in our Gov Mo. Also don’t beleive any US politician, especially if from a family of them.
It’s hard to argue against that.
RFK gets it right in this case, but in other matters, he’s still a lib-left and a bit of a crackpot. He could very well win this nomination and the general election. And that would be yet another disaster for the nation.
IMO, his father’s assassination was the cause of the bats in his belfry.
Probably his mom was drunk while he came to term.
Mr. Kennedy seems like the only level headed and sane Democrat I’ve seen in many, many decades.
I hope Kennedy is prepared for the attacks coming his way, and election fraud to ensure he doesn’t win.
Good points, and I’d add John Jr to the “sane” list. His magazine “George” was well balanced, even having Ann Coulter on his staff.
As for the DNC using fraud to get their way in the primaries, Bernie Sanders would know something about that. (The rigging against him included Donna Brazile feeding Hillary questions before a townhall debate.)
And we’re told the 2020 election was “the most secure” by democrats who cheat for sport – even in their own primaries.
A democrat who tells the truth about Fauci is tolerated (to a point)
A democrat shielded by his Kennedy legacy who tells the truth about Fauci angers the DNC & the press.
A Kennedy democrat that enters the 2024 race telling the truth about Fauci panics the DNC & the courtier press.
Let’s just hope he doesn’t “meet with an accident”, or drive his vehicle off a bridge like Ted, or ram it into a police barrier like Patrick, and he’ll be a lot more than just a burr in the rear of DNC Fauci worshipers.
This has been my concern since Kennedy threw his hat in the ring. He will have unlimited Pharma dollars thrown at him to prevent his nomination and election. The media sock puppets are all in. This could go so far as deep state operators murdering Kennedy, and pinning it on…Donald Trump. I don’t put anything past the so-called government anymore.
Before DNC big money donor Jeff Epstein met with a staged accident, I would’ve cast aspersions on your paranoia.
Now, I have to concede that you have a point.
Afterall; this is the conspiratorial DNC that set up the Jan 6th patriots – directly resulting in 3 killed (Kevin Greeson, Ashley Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland) and incarcerated several others in solitary that rivals conditions even worse than 3rd world hellholes. (Murdering jihadists in Gitmo enjoy ClubMed luxury.)
Can we get any worse than the Old bumbling fool Biden, with no morals, honesty, cognitive abilities, and who doesn’t give a hoot about our children our America?
The DNC WANTS to be rid of Biden now. That’s why their media tools are opening up a little about Hunter’s laptop. We can’t afford another Democrat in the White House. BO will be just as “influential” as he has been since the 2020 election. IMO, JFK Jr. is a crackpot, even though he’s right about this issue.
Personally, I feel some sympathy for him on account of his father’s awful demise., but I don’t think we need more Kennedy family troubles.
The deep state will whack him, at some point.
IMO, they’ll just coop him. RFK Jr. is still a lib, and still a Democrat.
America is not a monarchy. Kennedy has been a voice against medical tyranny but if he was Richard Jones no one would give a dang. People complain about the DC swamp yet it is littered with political dynastic families like the Kennedys, Bushes, Cheneys, Romneys et al. Here we go again Americans fawning over a Kennedy due to the MSM anointing them ‘American royalty’. As long as we allow political families to run because it is their ‘right’ we will not rid ourselves of the disease in DC.
Also Kennedy’s past includes fawning over Fidel Castro, writing op-eds about how America can learn from Cuba. and actually going to Cuba so he and his wife could meet Fidel.
Kennedy may be what one would call the old line democrat, but he is that, a democrat, who like a leopard doesn’t change its spots. Let him reek havoc on the demo-communist party but he has no business anywhere near the white house. We are not a monarchy. We are a republic.
I’m just hoping he upsets the rotten apple cart in the DNC primaries.
No conservative is advocating to elect Kennedy as president.
However, I’m certainly rooting for him against Biden and the rest of the corrupt Democrats. Hopefully, Kennedy can turn the Democrat Party upside down on their heads.
The DNC wants to be rid of Biden. They’re finished with that vehicle. That’s why they are now admitting that Hunter’s laptop wasn’t Russian disinformation.
Biden was BO’s puppet, and he was useful for a season, but they know he won’t make it past 2024. His dementia is getting to the point that it’s difficult to hide. BO and Jim Clyburn should have thought through the support they gave Biden in the 2020 primaries. They may even have to give him the hook before November 2024.
TO HIS CREDIT: Robert F Kennedy jr. has exposed the most diabolical, evil, sinister, plans and plots against humanity. He has got actually investigated and used painstaking meticulous research to expose shocking facts that obliterates the media spin and talking heads on Dr. Fauci and the real plans of the Global New World Order and their plans to control Big Pharma, Health care, and Freedom that will affect everyone in this nation and around the globe, Lets look at INHUMANE EDICTS, AND ACTIONS and what has been done to children and civilization with the experiments and vaccines. LETS LOOK AT THE TRUTH! I never thought the elites and oligarchs who want to control, lives, healthcare, power, and the planet would be so evil., and side with enemies like China. He has stood up for life and the lives of precious children. How many politicians have done that? All we see is depravity coming out of Washington, with the exception of a few sane minded individuals. Most of us reject and don’t watch the spin and deception from the media anymore, we do our own research.
Why would we trust one Kennedy? Family of rich, unattached, left-wing-nut DeomCraps and RINO’s
I am embarrassed and mortified that FPM has published this piece. I am a retired pediatric pulmonologist and no fan of Tony Fauci but RFK is opposed to ALL VACCINES and is an environmental extremist. The concept that HIV is not connected to AIDS is an extreme fringe idea that almost all physicians with no conflicts of interest reject. Yes, Fauci has made some big errors and he is arrogant enough not to take responsibility but he is not as corrupt or evil as portrayed here.
You’re an embarrassment because you are a Leftist.
Fauci is responsible for one of the greatest crimes in world history: Funding the Wuhan lab in China that led to the release of the coronavirus. Fauci is a partisan hack and a rabid Hillary Clinton supporter.
Fauci used the virus to halt traditional election voting. He supported and urged universal, unsolicited mail-in balloting—the very reforms that many Democrats successfully implemented by illegally altering election laws (they went around state legislatures directly in violation of the Constitution) in key battleground states. In other words, the pandemic was used to commit massive voter fraud.
Another delightful fact about Fauci, that was left out of the article, was his experiments on Beagle puppies where they were locked in cages where they were eaten to death by fleas. All done with our tax dollars.
Fauci is a sociopath and serial liar.
But yea, other than that he’s a great guy.
So this is the Achilles Heal…not the familiar Talmudic lineage favoritism he was blamed.
US Medical Policy resulted in deaths of many children, young adults and aged folk.
Blood-Guilt is long-lasting. It stains and remains.
RFK was very popular in 1968, probably on the road to winning the election. A friend’s brother was working for his campaign, but wasn’t there that night, instead watching on TV. As RFK was walking out, he said “I told them not to go out that way.” Then, BANG.
Being a teenage Brit at school in 1968 I didn’t take much notice of the shooting but recently watched a movie about it that was allegedly based on true eyewitness accounts.
If the JFK movie was anywhere near the truth I find it hard to believe that it wasn’t a deep state plot.
IMO, LBJ, his cabal of right-wing oil barons, and the CIA conspired to assassinate JFK. JFK pissed off a lot of CIA guys following the Bay of Pigs disaster, but one had a personal motive – Cord Meyer. His ex-wife had an affair going with JFK in 1961., and Meyer believed it was going on in 1956 when his wife divorced him. LBJ’s ambition (and corruption) knew no limits. His crew had murdered at least two men in Texas long before Nov. 22, 1963. Oswald was a CIA patsy. Yes, he was one of the assassins, but there were others. Just my opinion.
If I were able to question ANY democrat, I would print up the Democrat Party National Platform and question the candidate about each issue on it.
The party platform is indefensible and no one who runs under it qualifies for political office.
I am a Canadian left-wing radical activist and have a lot of respect for RFK Jr., and the whole Kennedy legacy, especially his great and compassionate father Robert Kennedy.. I think his book on Fauci, vaccines, AIDS, etc… deserves SERIOUS consideration, although I have not made up my mind yet on his vaccine stance.
But let’s be clear here, my conservative “friends”, this guy is to the Left. He is running on other issues besides vaccines and Fauci, and his corrupt ilk. And his position on those issues is to the Radical Left, and all power to him.
It’s also weird to read some of you people ACTUALLY QUESTIONING a corporate sector like your corrupt American BIG Pharma, agreeing with some of RFK Jr.’s stance. Aren’t you all the usual blind defenders of capitalism, no matter what those corporate pigs do ? And here I must critique Kennedy for sometimes hanging out with and agreeing with Trumpian type conservatives because of their anti-vax “freedom” stance (and you people and RFK JR. might be right about this only ), but without dissociating himself CLEARLY from other parts of their ignorant insensitive agendas.
He won’t win, but he may at least force the mainstream American society to finally address some of these vaccine issues and the corruption in your country’s pharmaceutical-government complex, and that can only be salutary, both in the USA and here in Canada.
The answer to your question about us supporting BIG corporations is hopefully getting clearer, REAL conservatives do not support globalists at all. We, almost all of us, believe that decentralisation and private free market economies have been behind the world’s most prosperous times in history.
The globalist elites are all leftists every single one of them.
The WEF. The UN. The World pHarma Organisation. The ESG committees that have magically sprung up across the entire western world (you won’t see islamic banks giving two hoots about it). 15 minute cities are called a conspiracy theory but they are being forced on us too.
Your eyes are opening hopefully.
Please give us a break. The present regime running the swamp in Washington D.C. has turned to Marxism and Communism and destroyed every foundation and principle, honesty, laws, Constitution, and freedom. With that goes everything this nation ever stood for or achieved for the good! So, when they speak about how bad a Kennedy is, most of us are knowing its ALL political, and not in the interests of a Free America, and about the Take over of the New World Order.
The present regime in Washington has nothing to do with Communism. Your delusional paranoia is typical of that ignorant violent segment of the American Right that saw Communists where there were none, over the last 100 years or so. Yes there were totalitarian Bolsheviks , but there were also democratic socialists, Christian Democrats, democratic unions…and you stupid blindly enraged people lumped them all together, leading to vicious assaults by American imperialist power against decent people, ruining and killing lives , like in Guatemala in 1953. And then you people have no problem supporting the resulting American backed filthy reactionary right wing dictatorships.
The regime in Washington is a weak complacent slightly left of centre Third Way government that is of, course, not Communist . Open up your eyes.
He has said that so called Climate Criminals should be treated like War Criminals
Fauci and the rest of the World pHarma Organisation should be.
He is right on vax and wrong on Gorebull Warming. Similar games pushing the Great Reset.
I am so thankful to see Mr. Kennedy running for office. It will offer the public a solid viewpoint on what’s going on in our economy. Also, the Democrats will realize they do not have to continue on an inflation induced economy caused by excessive spending. This spending only hurts the poor people whose costs keep going up. Kennedy makes several very good points regarding experimental vaccinations trying to be forced on our little children and the continued assault on our middle class population and loss of their jobs.