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Trump’s address exuded the same energy and confidence that once inspired the Founders to put Virgil’s quotes (“a new order of the ages” [Eclogues]) and annuit coeptis (“He favored our undertakings” [Aeneid]) on our great seal.
In a now liberated Trump’s similar novus ordo, he no longer cares what “they” say —who would after a decade of lawfare, impeachments, collusion/disinformation hoaxes, and two assassination attempts?
So, Trump feels no need to defer to “their” decorum or protocol, at least as defined by those who “soberly and judiciously” tried to destroy him politically and personally.
His inaugural speech spared none of his old and now embittered adversaries and instead reflected his go-for-broke, sense of four-year urgency to seize the moment before it passes. For just once a modern president has assembled all the right people to do all the right things at the right time and for the right reasons.
We don’t know how long this window of opportunity will stay open before the forces of the Democrat-media nexus reboot lawfare and all the rest of what they are capable of, or even, as they lick their deep wounds, whether they are still capable of such unhinged aggression.
But for now, there is hope again for our preeminence in oil and gas, a new stable border, fiscal reform, a rebooted military, deterrence abroad, and a return to common sense, as each cabinet and agency goes from destroying the county to destroying the prior destroyers.
In sum, we were not the ones who were crazy these past years — they were and now they feel it, and everyone knows it.
As for Joe Biden, he limps off into shame, hypocrisy, and obscurity. His last toast to us?
Pardoning his corrupt family for leveraging the Biden consortium some $20 million by merchandising to our enemies their own country’s interests.
The Biden legacy?
He did almost everything he swore he would not—serially lying, and serving as a waxen effigy for his far-left puppeteers. And yet they abruptly disposed of him when he no longer could fulfill even the bargained part of an empty figurine.
These too clever handlers all thought the joke was on us, but it turned out in the end to be on them, after all.
Voted ronny 9 times;mDon 3 times. ALL GOOD VOTES!
Very happy withnewpro American President. After 34 years of NWO itsgoodtohearPresidentwholikesAmericans!
It occurs to me that Trump’s first term educated him fully on the Office of the Presidency, while his four-year forced hiatus gave him more than ample time to put that hard-won education to use developing an agenda and getting the tools together to put that agenda to work, and now his second term is going to be awe-inspiring in its strength and effectiveness.
The Dems made a YUGE mistake by not letting him remain in his weakened state.
Your two sentences are unflawed diamonds. If Trump had gotten back into office in 2021 what Rat would be in there now? There does seem, at least presently in the political sense, to be a guiding hand in operation.
The miracle that is constitutional America came within a hair’s
breadth of ending forever from Globalist-Communist treachery.
Who would’ve ever believed back in 2016 that billionaire
businessman – showman and man-about-town Donald Trump
would prevent that from happening. That he would rise up and
fight for that Constitution and everything about it that allows
America to be great – enduring brutal harassments and risking
his life to do so. Americans – myself included – are now caught
up in a fever of gratitude and love for our President Donald John
Mr. Hanson wonders if the Democrat-media nexus might still be
capable of unhinged aggression against President Trump – and
by extension, us. VDH has previously said that California Governor
Gavin Newsom diverted the snow melt water of the Sierras that
flow into northern Calif rivers – diverted it into the ocean through
the delta instead of pumping it into the aqueduct which goes to
Los Angeles reservoirs. As a result, the hydrants were 25% dry
and the remainder had low pressure during the LA inferno.
Newsom doesn’t really care about the DEI, Climate Change or
green new deal environmentalism that supported the water diversion
– nor about the lives he so viciously impacted. He cares only about
the new world order that will arise from the ashes. Satan must be
so proud. That Democrat-media nexus of the left will never stop
trying to destroy President Trump or the rest of us. They are capable
of anything.
Since this is true, they must be arrested and imprisoned for any infraction. Their actions against Tom Homan’s efforts, any actions, could be an excuse. Their failure to follow the removal of all DEI elements is another.
Their shock troops need to be struck down and arrested as they appear. Antifa and BLM should be dead letters in 2025. If not, detain and arrest.
This is the way we will know that Trump is serious: arrests and prosecutions, nothing less.
Another brilliant column from VDH. Glad to see him here on Front Page
The enemedia keeps spewing its leftist propaganda – 98% negative coverage of Trump leading up to the election and now 98% negative about his cabinet choices and Day One actions taken, even though he was fulfilling the promises that got him elected whereas Biden broke every one of his!
The audience for this disgusting one-sided diatribe must be the most gullible or stupidest people on the planet – ones who can’t perform even a basic exercise in logic like: “Trump is clearly NOT like the German mustache who murdered millions of Jews, gays and disabled, (in fact his beloved daughter’s family is Jewish)…so the people calling him that are hysterical liars, to be ignored”.
Good one. The “enemedia”. Should go viral, not only for calling them the enemy, but the additional meaning of them attempting to give the American people an enema. Great.
The reelection of Trump proves that most all Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and Sewer Dwellers anymore and the M.S. Media just keeps digging their graves deeper
Here is a cookie for our Left leaning friends.
Vance/ Trump Jr 2028/2032
Trump Jr/ Laura Trump 2036/2040
Laura Trump/ Barron Trump 2044/2048
Don’t count out Usha Vance in the MAGA succession planning. She’s highly impressive.
Remember “Flo,” the waitress at Mel’s Diner from the old “Alice” sitcom? Her classic gag line expresses the mood of a lot us toward President Trump’s America-hating enemies: “Kiss my grits!”
Hello, troll. Now go back to Salon.
The reelection of Trump proves that most Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and Sewer Dwellers
The MoFoMedia will never give up until it’s hopefully buried.
Trump press sec should move new-media to the front and the MoFoMedia to the rear and never called on.
Do I really have to give a crap about what you don’t give a crap about. How do your leftist opinions help me.
So what is your idea of liberating America. (This should be amusing.)
A new Sheriff is in town for one of the most transformative periods in American history.
Trump’s opponents, both Dems and Pubs, are going to spend the next four years fighting him every step of the way. Better get used t it. It’s going to be ugly and legally questionable. I”m pretty sure that part of their strategy is to harass and interfere with his administration, just to keep him tied up in their red tape. If Trump is as smart as I hope he is, he would turn the Dems’ lawfare battles over to an elite team of lawyers who will show no mercy, freeing up the President to continue his mission.
Victor Davis Hampson is a total fraud.
He is all over the damn place and for what? He called nearly 1m people BUFFOONS that exercised their 1A rights on J6 protesting a now so obviously stolen election – a coup that resulted in deadly consequences for what’s left of our Constitution. I call these people Patriots, not Buffoons like
VDH. And where was Mr. Hanson on Jan 6 2021? Oh, I know. Sitting comfortably in your home typing away while the “buffoons” were freezing in DC as his ungrateful proxy trying to save us from the last 4 years. There are over 150 illegally incarcerated people languishing in DOJ Dissident jail, Mr History Professor. Thankfully they will be out soon but not by any of Hansons help. Hope he enjoys his scotch and water while these brave folks get screwed by the installation govt they tried to stop and you did zero, other than hurtle cowardly Monday morning quarterback insults.
I smell troll droppings. Well, at least we now now that VDH is ten times smarter than you. Don’t quit your day job. I’ll open the floor for debate and discussion.
You must have forgotten to take your medicine this morning.
VDH is a brilliant historian and classicist. You are the buffoon. Begone!
LOL…. Fortunately it sounds like your TDS is at such an advanced stage we will not have to see your idiotic dribbling comments much longer.
Wow dude. 55 down votes and counting. Well done. I remember you from the first Trump admin. You were an ass then. You may be a bigger one now.
It always amazes me when jerks like you thing they can get on a comment board, after the die is cast, spew some garbage about Trump, and think it will change the Nov. 5th circumstance.
Here’s some reality. Trump has just been inaugurated. In 4 years Vance will hope fully be inaugurated.
Commenter Kevin is right. Try N. Korea. Or vote for Jose Dementio in 4 years.