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This story is as horrific as many others like it, but generally they take place in Muslim-majority countries and receive little, of any, notice in the West. In this case, Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim cleansed his family’s honor not back home in Somalia, but in ostensibly civilized Sweden, and the news has traveled far and wide. But will anything be done to protect women in Sweden or anywhere else against this sort of thing? Come on, man!
The New York Post reported Thursday that Ibrahim, who enjoys the status of “refugee” in Sweden, “has been charged with murder for allegedly killing his seven-months-pregnant Swedish girlfriend rather than face the shame of introducing her to his strict Muslim family.” According to prosecutor Elizabeth Anderson, he killed his Swedish non-Muslim girlfriend, Saga Forsgren Elneborg, at her home in Örebro “by suffocating and strangling her by means of pressure on her neck with an impact on the trachea and the blood supply to the head.”
Pressure on her neck, as in “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Quran 47:4). But why did Ibrahim treat his girlfriend and the mother of his child this way? Anderson explained: “I mean that the murder took place in an honor context because the man wanted to preserve or restore his and his family’s honor by killing the woman who was carrying his child.”
How could cold-bloodedly murdering anyone restore anyone’s honor? In order to understand that, we must first try to grasp why Ibrahim didn’t want to “face the shame” of having Elneborg meet his “strict Muslim family.” Why would his relationship with her bring him any shame at all? The answer can be found in the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an. Ibrahim’s family would likely not have objected if he had married her, for the Qur’an allows Muslim men to marry women from the “people of the book,” that is, primarily Jews and Christians (although it does not all Muslim women to do so): “This day, good things are made lawful for you. The food of those who have received the book is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who received the book before you when you give them their marriage portions and live with them in honor, not in fornication, nor taking them as secret lovers. Whoever denies the faith, his work is vain, and he will be among the losers in the hereafter.” (Qur’an 5:5)
The problem for Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim is contained within that verse. “Not in fornication, nor taking them as secret lovers.” That’s exactly the situation Saga Forsgren Elneborg was in, and so Ibrahim couldn’t possibly introduce her to his family. The Post adds that “text messages between the couple revealed that Ibrahim told Elneborg shortly before her death that he would tell his family about her pregnancy — but he indicated he was nervous.” It’s no wonder that he was nervous: Elneborg’s pregnancy would leave no doubt as to their fornication and status as secret lovers. So what was he to do with the evidence of his transgression? In his mind, she had to be killed.
Anderson “said the investigation found no evidence that Ibrahim had told his family anything at all about his expectant girlfriend, who had planned to move in with him a week later.” What’s more, Ibrahim “had previously suggested to Elneborg that she get an abortion.” He wrote to her: “I know we can make it, but I won’t be able to keep my family. If it had been possible, there would have been no problem with keeping the child.” But Elneborg did not get an abortion, and Ibrahim stopped answering her messages. Then, “shortly after that, he allegedly went to her home and strangled her, the prosecutor alleged. Her unborn baby boy also was killed in the attack, officials said.”
Anderson explained: “He never told his family about Saga or the child. But the suspect has been raised in a standard of honor, and he has learned that it is not OK for him to date a white woman. He must date a woman of the same culture. If he doesn’t, he will be excluded.” The problem, however, wasn’t that Elneborg was white. It was that the relationship between her and Ibrahim was irregular from an Islamic standpoint. Killing her was the easy solution, although Ibrahim “has denied any wrongdoing and told investigators that he still loved his late girlfriend.” Love, however, has nothing to do with any of this.
Such situations are all too common. Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but “the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour ‘provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.’” And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values.”
To notice any of this, however, is to be “Islamophobic.” And so the one certainty in this sad case is that many more women in Sweden and all over the West will be murdered in similar circumstances.
I’m sorry but that’s the chance you take when you involve yourself with the Mohammedians. She put herself in harm’s way.
It baffles me as to how any woman could be attracted to or justify being acquainted with a Muslim man much less share intimacy. Similarly what would a western woman have in common with Muslim women behind the veil?
I remember a very beautiful girl from my graduating class who dated one of those men in her early 20s. She was very beautiful, 10/10 girl. Though she had a tendency to date outside her race. She broke up with him after 3 years or so, then got engaged to a guy from the Caribbean.
I really don’t know what drew her to date someone like that and I likely will never find out. But I’ve noticed that this is becoming more and more commonplace.
Never thought I’d see Love Jihad being attempted in the States but here we are.
In the past, I could understand. We knew so little about them.. Now there are so many examples, that they should know the dangers.
Yes, see “Not Without My Daughter.”
100% correct. Its not like she couldn’t have known the danger.
Absolutely. In addition, why would she want to be with him anyway?
There should be zero muslim refugees coming from Somalia, zero. The only people in danger in that shite hole are Christians.
That includes the Somali who entered the country by committing immigration fraud and now illegally in Congress. She must be removed.
I learned something just recently. Obama brought in 1.5 million of these people from the Middle East and Biden has allowed many more, but hides those numbers from us. Just go to (Department of Homeland Security) and the go to IN FOCUS and see Operation Allies Welcome. Do not forget to read all the dropdown menus. It’s shocking, especially since in 2021, Biden brought in 100,000 Afghans that he claimed were allies and now bringing in more. They were unvetted, not vaccinated (and still do not have to be for these new ones), and they can’t speak English. There is something very wrong with this whole picture, but you decide!
Let me get this straight. Not killing your non-Muslim pregnant wife would violated religious traditions and destroy families and values.
Sounds like a death cult to me. I never associated that with Sweden. (that is pre-Islamic Sweden)
This is Love Jihad in action.
And as always, from feminist groups we hear–crickets.
Islam is sick, sick, sick. And the murderer was stupid. He could have told his folks that she was his captive in the jihad against the unbelievers and that he had made her his sex slave as permitted by the Qu’ran. They’d have been fine with that.
The “religion-of-peace” is anything but, in spite of Bush43’s assurances.
Where islam enters, ubiquitous & unending rapes follow, and Sweden is no exception.
Honor murders are yet, another evil that islam brings with it.
An islamic prick that committed an honor murder in Texas was able to evade police for years.
The reason he was able to evade so long was that his fellow islamists helped him. (Thay aided & abetted him the way Hillary aids & abets Bill.)
One more way islam contributes to their host country is to chronically vandalize Christian churches & shrines – averaging TWO A DAY in France & Germany.
Gutting Notre Dame by arson was their most famous, unless you were dumb enough to believe the politicians that said “No islamic terrorism here. Move along please”.
(The car bomb they parked in front of Notre Dame the day before failed to detonate, so we know islam had designs for it’s destruction.)
They follow the example of their massively over-sexed Prophet, who even went as far as to rape a corpse. I have to admit that I have never been able to get my head round the Islamic claim that their god is the same as the Biblical deity Who demanded holiness from His representatives, when I look at Mohammed’s conduct.
It is a mystery to me why any woman, no matter her race, would want anything to do with a black male. not all black males are criminals but the odds are huge at finding a decent one. women need to start looking at the crime stats.
I think that it was his faith rather than his skin colour that should have alerted her to possible problems. After all, the Gazan rapists are not black but olive-skinned.
Watch the Religion of Peace as they throw gays off t he tops of tall Buildings and forces women to walk around in a puptent whom ever called Islam the Religion of Peace needs to have their head examined
The idea is that there will be peace once we are all subjugated to sharia. Hitler thought the same thing when he adopted the swastika, which is a peace symbol.
Islam is NOT a religion, it’s only a totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion. As long as we continue to think of it as a religion, jihadists will continue to set the world on fire.
Sub-human animals amongst us.
Maybe this story will help to deter other European women from entering into relationships with men whose backgrounds and aspirations are so different from their own. At the very least, ask for marriage from the outset, and don’t remove any clothing until there’s a ring on your finger.
“… he has learned that it is not OK for him to date a white woman.” In spite of her Swedish-sounding name, Saga Forsgren Elneborg was anything but a White woman – the couple’s pictures show a mixture of Black/Asian pretty young woman heavily pregnant, while her murderer is a plain all-African man. Just yet another islam-related double murder, but it seems the Swedes don’t mind.
The fact a Swedish woman go to sleep with a jogger demonstrate beyond any doubt the Swedish IQ is not any higher that the jogger’s
We can’t blame the Swedes. They’re having the SAME problem as all the West and that includes the US. Have you read the hateful rhetoric on social media. The hate is against the US, our republic and democracies throughout the world; against Jews and Christians AND everything the free world stands for. Plus, they are everywhere! They also will and have threatened anyone, be it government meetings, companies, actors, and even Biden and ANYONE they disagree with. The problem is they are here in the US too! What was Obama and now Biden thinking? What a mess and yes, I know what they both were and still are thinking.
A ”Swedish woman” that looks Mexican and yet she is named as white.. My eyes can see she aint Northern European.
Was she born in Sweden or is she an immigrant just like him ?.
I guess she didn’t care too much for the Swedish men and country that gave her a decent life, which she has now lost to a low IQ scumbag that Sweden brought in for some weird ass reason.
Sweden is done and dusted and soon will be bankrupt and the rest of Europe will follow suit.
Perhaps they need a War in order to boost their economy… Ukraine anybody ???.