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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
B is a high school student with a 4.2 GPA. One of his grandfathers fought in the Army on D-Day. Three of his family members are currently serving in the military. He would like to attend West Point Academy and continue a proud family tradition of military service, but there’s one problem.
He’s white.
The United States Military Academy is highly selective, but not in the way that it should be.
In 2019, Vice President Mike Pence addressed the graduates, hailing them as “the most diverse class in the history of the United States Military Academy” with the “highest number of Hispanic women graduates”. He told them that, “I couldn’t be more proud to stand before the graduating class of 2019 that includes the highest number of African American women cadets in the history of the United States Military Academy!” That’s been the emphasis at West Point for too long.
Earlier this year, West Point put out a press release boasting of its 38% minority enrollment as part of what a new lawsuit alleges is a practice of achieving its “desired percentages … of blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities” through systemic discrimination in admissions.
As the lawsuit filed by Students for Fair Admissions on the behalf of B, the anonymous student, lays out, “West Point sets benchmarks for the percentage of each class that should be filled by ‘African Americans,’ ‘Hispanics,’ and ‘Asians,’ and it meticulously tracks its compliance with those figures down to a tenth of a percentage point.” The problem is too many white people.
During the Biden administration’s defense of racial discrimination in Harvard’s admissions policies, the federal brief complained that, “white service members are 53% of the active force, but 73% of officers.” West Point’s goal is to match the percentage of officers to the number of enlisted men and so there needs to be only 53% white officers. The white officers must go.
Thomas Jefferson may have said that, “the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance”, but the price of diversity is eternal racial vigilance.
Military systemic racism is perpetually chasing racial quotas that are constantly changing because the national demographics and the racial demographics of a volunteer military are also in flux. And a military brass dedicated to systemic racism is responding with rigid racial quotas.
Students for Fair Admissions, whose previous Supreme Court lawsuit had defeated racial quotas that discriminated against Asian and white students in colleges, launched its lawsuit by showing just how rigidly the number of Asian students admitted to West Point by race really is.
“West Point enrolled 99 Asian Americans in the Class of 2022. The number of Asian Americans enrolled in West Point’s Class of 2023? Precisely 99,” the lawsuit shows. There’s only room for 99 Asians and there are far too many white people and not enough black people at West Point.
“West Point’s benchmark for African Americans in the Class of 2020 was ‘[greater than] 14%,’ even though only 13.1% of U.S. citizens are African American, and Director of Admissions Colonel Deborah McDonald told a West Point diversity conference that a “couple of years ago, every qualified African-American applicant were offered admission into West Point, yet the class composition goal was still lacking.” Meanwhile white students, no matter how qualified, are being kept out because there are too many of them and they stand in the way of ‘diversity’.
Like the rest of the military, West Point has rationalized its systemic racial discrimination by claiming that ‘diversity’ improves recruitment, institutional legitimacy and readiness. The Students for Fair Admissions lawsuit takes a sledgehammer to all of those excuses.
West Point claims that diversity makes Army units “more effective at accomplishing their missions”, but provides no evidence that “military units that choose their members based on race are more successful on the battlefield than units who select their members based on objective measures of tactical competency, regardless of skin color.”
West Point argues that the lack of diversity will “undermine the military’s legitimacy”, but “a significantly higher percentage of Americans expressed confidence in the U.S. military three decades ago than they do today”, and to “the extent that West Point’s mission is to solidify the public’s trust, its race-based admissions policy shoots itself in the foot—especially since 70% of Americans agree that universities should not be allowed to ‘consider race in admissions.’”
West Point contends that the lack of diversity will “harm recruiting efforts. But today, at the apex of West Point’s use of racial preferences, the Army is facing a recruiting crisis that is unprecedented in the modern, all-volunteer era. The Army is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to help would-be recruits satisfy basic eligibility requirements and is accepting enlistees who were previously rejected eight different times, but it still cannot meet recruiting goals.”
The woke brass, whether at West Point or anywhere else, have provided no evidence that systemic racism provides any measurable real world benefits. Embracing racial discrimination hasn’t improved the public perception of the military, it destroyed it, and also tanked recruitment.
SFA argues that the woke brass have just rebooted the old military arguments against desegregation using the same vague claims of “morale” and “civilian sentiment” to justify racial policies. President Truman’s military desegregation commission was cheered when it stated that, “to put racial restrictions upon job opportunities” was to “ignore completely the essential factor of individual differences. And insofar as a service refused to a single Negro the technical training and job for which he was qualified, by just so much did the service waste potential skills and impair its own effectiveness. Quite apart from the question of equal opportunity, the Committee did not believe the country or the military services could afford this human wastage.”
Racial military quotas have brought back the same arguments and the same “human wastage”. The same liberals who once cheered the dismantling of military segregation have become the fiercest advocates for it because somehow refusing a job to a black man was wrong, but refusing a job to a white man is the highest form of social justice.
The SFA lawsuit makes the case that what is undermining the military is a lack of merit.
“In-depth surveys and statistical studies of the Army’s personnel crisis—i.e., the rigorous analyses that West Point has failed to offer—show that the military’s emphasis on non-merit factors in admissions and promotions decisions is a leading cause of junior officer attrition. 71% of active duty officers believe the military would retain more talent if opportunities were based solely on merit.”
The military’s racial quotas are premised on the idea that “soldiers view their peers and superiors foremost in terms of race, rather than in terms of their ability or character traits like loyalty, devotion, and selflessness” and that “black soldiers will be more likely to trust a black officer” because “of their skin color, not their trustworthiness” while ignoring the “reams of evidence showing that trust between soldiers is formed through battlefield performance, and that servicemembers in war zones are more concerned with their leaders’ competency than with their skin color.”
There are no atheists in foxholes and no soldier under fire is looking for an evac chopper pilot who shares his skin color. The military was so effective as a desegregated institution because what matters on the battlefield is what you can do, not who you are.
West Point has betrayed its mission and its country through its decision to be “fully committed to affirmative action” rather than to elevating the best of the best. The SFA lawsuit against higher education established that college admissions could not be based on race, and there’s certainly no room for it in government institutions whose purpose is to produce the men and women who will defend our nation. Systemic racism at West Point is a betrayal of America and of ‘B’ and those young men like him who want to serve, but are the wrong race.
There should not be a ‘right’ or a ‘wrong’ race at West Point or anywhere in the military.
We must be prepared to send and even lose many of our best and brightest, to face any enemy that would desire to destroy this nation. A very high price indeed, as a general “brain drain” in the private sector may be generational due to defender warrior losses. To do this could cripple our Republic, to not respond with maximum effort will likely provide us with a new and mighty conqueror to bow to as it’s slaves. Plus Simple!, Non?
The almighty conqueror is the United Nations and it is openly calling for depopulation of the western world.
Not depopulation but replacement. This will also ensure the diminution and perhaps total destruction of populations descended from Europe.
The Democrats ruin everything they come in contact with
And that is by design. They will lie, cheat, steal, or kill for power. They are vultures and see their fellow citizens as carrion. They have no conscience, which is why they sound so moronic when they pose about things like social justice, equity, and all of their nihilistic agenda. They are the party of Procrustes. Their poorly concealed telos is death for humanity, the same goal that Islam seeks. They are the Children of the Dark.
Biden and the new breed of Demrats has got so much screw up the only hope we have is vote them out but first the last election has to be fixed. Where is our Military
Our military has been being purged of patriots since Obama and is now led by woke subversives. They are doing that on purpose and they are in a hurry. They got caught stealing the 2020 election and they are aggressively denying the obvious and jailing MAGA Americans by the dozen without trial AND using torture and brainwashing on their MAGA prisoners. There has been a coup and they are not likely to stop without an active and focused resistance. The RINOs aren’t likely to do that. They will do the opposite. RINOs like WEF alumna Nikki Haley (who is
being selected as our next president) helping the leftist takeover. They will not give up easily.
Obama the first spook in the White House started the decline of the military forces and furthermore corrupted this country.
Man’s sinfulness ruins everything…
As yet, the NCO core is still firmly in charge and until they’re corrupted we’ll have a viable Army.
Our family has had a tradition of military service that dates back to the Revolutionary War. We span the branches, and service runs from one and done to a career.
I say this to indicate knowledge conditions present, yes, there are issues but as stated our NCO’s are holding fast.
My family also goes back to the Revolution. We started at Concord and have served in the US Army ever since. My oldest brother was the blacksheep of the family – he enlisted in the Coast Guard.
I lost out to going into Annapolis because of my race – enlisted in the US Army and became a Chief Warrant Officer
They might come whining and begging for you and your type when war is more closely upon us.
But the motivation will be gone. Men fight for the nation, their people, their homes and families.
Sorry, but this is not so. The NCOs have no more say in the running of the Army (or any other branch) than the multitude of company grade officers who realized they’d rather become civilians than conform to bad policies and bad politics. And unfortunately there are just as many NCOs that cave to politics to advance their careers as there are officers that do the same.
Wait, sarge.
This family served too in the Civil War (Union), WW1 and WW2 and VN.
Having a real nco leading a bunch of metro boys and fat, soft girls does not seem to be much of a deterent to a cargo plane offloading hardnosed trained and serious fighters bent on killing Americans. But hopefully you are correct AND we get a decent Prez and AG to correct everything starting Day ONE of the next Admin.
‘B’ doesn’t realize how lucky he is to be prevented from joining the affirmative action “military.”
When we contrast this with an article recently in the Army War College Journal, where military recruitment shortfalls of 15,000 last year and on track for a 20,000 shortfall this year were discussed in reference to a “possible return to a limited 70’s era conscription” military, one has to wonder if DEI would apply to the draft as well. Dark meat for the grinder?
Not to worry, kids. We’re way too civilized and liberized for a draft now…but you might wanna consider voting for Trump in ’24 just in case and he’ll put this Ukraine thing to bed.
Rather than Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, I prefer Diversity, Inclusion and Equity or DIE.
If you get diversity, inclusion, and equity, whatever that really means, you will die because none of those goals have one scintilla of merit when it comes to winning or preventing wars. Putting the best ,the brightest, the most courageous, and the most disciplined in positions of leadership increases both the odds of winning a war, or preventing one, because the enemy doubts it can defeat overwhelming military virtue. Skin color doesn’t win wars, or anything else.
It is axiomatic that people who lack intelligence are the most likely to champion stupidity.
The general working in Iraq advised people to ‘not get stuck on stupid.’ Dems and rinos don’t listen well.
Dems have been wanting to reinstate the draft since they realized in the 80s that the volunteer military wasn’t lacking for competent volunteers, and a volunteer and professional military was far more effective and than one of draftees.
The leftist ‘antiwar’ movement lost the fraggers, draft card burners, draft dodgers, the complainers, and their families. The military became much more disciplined, effective, and much less atrocity prone than the left would wish. They were left trying to turn the college level hazing at Abu Graib into Mai Lai, and interviewing volunteers and families upset that they might actually have to deploy as their contracts stipulated.
Remember their fear and dismay that war had become so “push button,” that we could kill the enemy with such impunity, discrimination, and little loss of life, especially to our own? It just wasn’t “fair.”
They prioritized ‘fixing’ that, and after 8 years of the clinton Chicago and New York crew(where most of the groundwork for, and quite a bit of the actual weaponization of the executive branch occurred), 8 of the obama Chicago crew (when it kicked into high gear), and almost 3 of biden’s mostly Chicago crew. They’ve apparently pretty much succeeded.
Nothing is cheaper than human life in a socialist system.
What could possibly go wrong with lowering standards for soldiers, pilots, doctors and others?
This critical thinking stuff is so difficult.
I have a dream….
Most of my dreams fall into the nightmare category these days.
…or a deram, or draem. I don’t know where those gals went to daycar – er ‘school,’ but from the unforgettable picture I saw of them together wielding their protest signs, probably a dem run city.
Nothing could go wrong, because there’s nothing cheaper than human life in a socialist system.
One must look at the bigger picture, the long term plot.
Imagine a disarmed nation with racist radical islamo-fascists in charge of the military and police.
The demonizing of the whites, Christians, Jews, and any other race or ideology who doesn’t worship the thugs in charge is already happening.
The purge of all history, science and culture is already happening.
The genocide is forming.
It must be so ashamed to serve next to a white soldier who is willingly putting their life at risk, fighting and serving the same country, every minority soldier and citizen is abide by
You can see where it’s headed, where the mentality is leading.
It’s pure insanity, of course, and we may suffer greatly as a result. Nor will it achieve its intended purpose. If, as a result of this, an unqualified black officer is promoted beyond his capabilities on the basis of his race, those of all races under his command will notice and will suspect that other black officers got there on the basis of their race as well. That will sow distrust of black officers, not eliminate it. Best of luck to SFA. This lunacy has to stop.
This is really going to hurt a few years downstream from now.
Unqualified of any race we already have them in all branches of the military. I do not even need to name names, they already exposed themselves with their public comments on purely political events in our Country. Please notice those wading into the political arena where military officers or enlisted do not belong, since that shows them taking a side on a political question. They are supposed to be apolitical. Their job is to train, prevent war, if war comes fight and win! Male and female Generals and Senior enlisted have recently been commenting on political issues like abortion, and racial incidents. If military officers want to be in politics retire or resign and run for office! If senior enlisted want to be in politics retire or do not reenlist, run for office! I served for 22 years, 1974-1996, worked with, made friends with many fellow military members and never knew their political position on issues. Never knew how they voted or their political affiliation. That is the way it was and should be in the military, but it appears that genie is out of the bottle and will likely never go back in! When I hear these political statements from senior military personnel I know there is a serious problem with the promotion system.
Yeah, let’s just declare people officers on the basis of race rather than competence. That’s not a prescription for disaster or anything, is it? Didn’t anyone in the upper echelons of our military read how Russia was nearly defeated in WW2 because Stalin had purged his military of its most capable officers in political purges prior to the German invasion. Actions have consequences and disastrous actions have disastrous consequences.
I’m not too confident about the competence of our upper echelons.
True and it doesn’t take AI to figure that out, unfortunately.
To achieve these racial goals academic standards at our nation’s top military college must be dumbed down. How scary is that!
I am the 7th member of my family to attend West Point and served as an Infantry officer.
“And through all this welter of change and development your mission remains fixed, determined, inviolable. It is to win our wars. Everything else in your professional career is but corollary to this vital dedication. All other public purpose, all other public projects, all other public needs, great or small, will find others for their accomplishments; but you are the ones who are trained to fight.” (General Douglas MacArthur’s farewell address to the Corps of Cadets 1962)
I had white, male classmates who were dismissed from the Academy for poor academics while minority, female classmates with significantly lower grades, poor military ratings and below standard physical fitness were retained and coddled through graduation. I carried their rucksacks and weapons on training exercises in addition to my own.
The military and service academies exist for one reason: to protect our nation. Period.
Anything that distracts from that mission costs lives and puts the safety of our nation at risk.
West Point was a fortification during our Revolutionary War. Its purpose was to prevent the British from controlling the Hudson River which would DIVIDE OUR ARMY AND RESULT IN THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR NATION. The plans for the fort were sold by a traitor, General Benedict Arnold. Fortunately, the British spy was caught and hung, but WEST POINT AND ITS MISSION WERE COMPROMISED FROM WITHIN.
History seems to repeat itself.
Elections do have consequences.
While elections, stolen and otherwise, are to blame for West Point’s current predicament, they had nothing to do with Benedict Arnold’s treason. According to a recent article, he did it for the money. He wanted to marry a girl from a rich family, he didn’t have any money, and her father felt that he wasn’t good enough for her. Hence he sold the British the plans for West Point. Nothing to do with elections there, he was purely in it for the money. That almost seems honorable compared with today’s traitors.
Arnold was caught up in the politics that were causing problems within the army. His tenure in Philadelphia was a disaster and as the son of a once prominent family, he was constantly trying to figure out how to improve the financial situation that his alcoholic father had wrecked.
Combine resentment against revolutionary forces with feeling unfairly done by and you have the perfect formula for a traitor.
Very well said. Thank you for your, and your family’s, service and moral clarity. May God bless you and all others like you.
The fact pence would celebrate racial quotas is discouraging. My daughters are not white and I am sick of the emphasis on their skin color.
Unfortunately it’s become commonplace and everyone does it without a second thought.
there’s a thread on the interwebs about West Point and the overweight, under IQ females of color graduating in herds (pardon the pun). I see that and shake my head. During Viet Nam we had 90 day wonders with majors in Music, Lit, and other non military subjects that sometimes did well. That depended on their NCO of course. Otherwise they were known as bullet magnets.
I don’t mind if the Dozy Cow crew turns into cannon fodder, but likely they will get a lot of good troops killed too. I’m sure America has women who would make great officers in any of the services, but it is readily apparent the feds are not seeking them out but instead enrolling hamburger flippers and welfare queens.
SSgt Chuck, ’62 to ’70
Isn’t there still a rule at the service academies that if you quit/flunk out after the second year you must repay the value of the education? Years ago our son was a whisker away from being accepted at the Naval Academy, but borderline eyesight problems and high school GPA kept him out. It was fortunate in a way because his father and I were pretty darn sure that our boy would not have been able to pass the rigorous EE (electrical engineering) course, even though he was very bright and motivated in many other ways. Not sure that you see that many women in EE classes in non-military institutions. Wonder how the “diverse” women at West Point do with this technical curriculum; or perhaps they can substitute urban sociology courses for the tech ones. Can they even pass the swimming test, or are they excused from that, too, as it ruins their hair.
> Fortunately, the British spy was caught and hung
May the traitors in our midst meet the same fate!
Daniel Greenfield hits the nail on the head again!
Diversity means anti-white racism. Equity means communism. Inclusion means incompetence. So our current military leadership, picked by Hussein Obama during his purge, literally hates America.
By not taking the best and the brightest, but instead having a priority for filling racial quotas, makes the military less capable. This benefits China, which paid corrupt Joe and his family tens of millions of dollars. For Joe to do otherwise after getting all that bribe money would be dishonorable.
White People have been tired of this Racial divide for some time now. When it blows lookout. The Army should be allowing entry to the Brightest people regardless of Race.
I enlisted in the infantry in ’69 and volunteered for Vietnam. There I was wounded, later injured in a fall in the highlands, and spent the balance of my tour as a combat correspondent/photographer. I reenlisted and went to the army’s journalism school, where I eventually taught after four highly successful years as an army journalist.
I went to night school, accumulated two years of college credit, and went to OCS. Upon graduation I was given orders promoting me to SFC/E-7 and commissioned as an armor officer. I flip-flopped between mechanized cavalry, journalism, armor, and journalism posts before being selected to go to grad school and then teach military history at West Point. By the end of my three-year teaching tour I had made early promotion to major, was on tap to go to resident Command & General Staff College, and then got a call from my assignments officer saying I was 40 years old when I made O-4 and that despite having tremendous evaluation reports, numerous accolades for my performance as a combat leader, and Ph.D. in hand, I was no longer viewed as being competitive for battalion command thanks to the post-Desert Storm downsizing of the military.
I told them to give my seat at Leavenworth who would benefit from it and opted to retire with 21 years, 9 months, and 23 days of service in Sept. of ’91.
It was the smartest thing I could have done. Agent Orange was a ticking time-bomb in my system and today I’m a crippled, 100% service-connected disabled veteran.
I’ve watched with interest the events of the 30-plus years since retiring and can only say I fear for our country. We can no longer count on our politicized military to protect us. Many hear have given voice to my own thoughts, so I will conclude with this: watch your six, get tight with your closest neighbors, and prepare for the worst. My reading of history and the tea leaves suggests we are facing rough times ahead. . . .