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Could Robert F. Kennedy Jr. be Donald Trump’s running mate in 2024?
Trump has had thoughts along these lines. The New York Post recently reported that “people close to former President Trump made preliminary overtures to Robert F. Kennedy about the possibility of serving as his running mate.” Someone whom the Post identified as “one person familiar with the matter” said that “Trump operatives expressed an interest in Kennedy early on, but it was all premature,” as it was “right out of the box when Bobby announced” his candidacy for president in April 2023.
At that time, Kennedy peremptorily dismissed such a possibility, stating on May 10, 2023: “Just to quell any speculation, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will I join Donald Trump on an electoral ticket. Our positions on certain fundamental issues, our approaches to governance, and our philosophies of leadership could not be further apart.”
Some patriots greeted that announcement with relief. Historian Larry Schweikart responded: “Gee Bobby, what I’ve been tellin’ people. Thanks. Your anti-gun, anti-life positions are out of touch with modern Republican voters. Too bad. A little common sense and you’d be great.”
Yet, since then, Kennedy has more than once displayed a little common sense. In August 2023, he was still attempting to distance himself from Trump while endorsing many of his positions. Kennedy said: “There’s a lot of politicians throughout our history that have talked about the border issue as a way to stir up or incite xenophobia or raise nationalism,” in an apparent swipe at Bad Orange Man. But RFK continued: “I might come to this issue from a different perspective, and it’s a perspective of compassion, of humanitarianism, but also just common sense. A country cannot exist if it can’t secure its border.”
Kennedy added: “I went down to the border feeling that Trump had made a mistake on the wall, but you know, I feel like people need to be able to recalibrate their worldview when they’re confronted with evidence. When I’m president, what I’m going to do is bring in Republicans and Democrats and get the best Republican ideas and the best Democratic ideas and put everything on the table.” Interesting idea. What better way to do that than to run with a Republican?
At the same event, Kennedy said, “I’m a traditional Kennedy Democrat,” but he isn’t even a Democrat anymore. The Democrat establishment is all-in with Old Joe, and hates Kennedy almost as much as the Republican establishment hates Trump, so RFK is now running as an independent. Even in these turbulent times, that’s a non-starter, unless Kennedy is only in the race to throw it to Biden, and so the Kennedy camp might be willing to explore other options. As for a Trump/RFK ticket, the “insider” the Post spoke with says: “Anything’s possible. I wouldn’t write it off by any means.”
There are also a lot of ways in which it makes sense. Trump and RFK are both outsiders who are running against the entrenched establishment, and challenging some of its core claims. They both promise to represent ordinary Americans who have been disenfranchised by the authoritarian political and media elites. They have earned the undying hatred of those elites, which only makes them more appealing to many voters who are appalled at what has been happening to the country over the last few years. And recently they both sided with Texas in its efforts to secure its border as the Biden regime moves to ensure that it stays open.
They disagree about the notorious COVID vaccines, which Trump introduced and still stands behind, but as most of Trump’s base has seen the dangers of the Fauci jab, this may not be an insurmountable obstacle. Trump and Kennedy certainly wouldn’t be the first ticket that didn’t see eye-to-eye on all the issues. And so talks are — apparently — continuing: a “large donor to both Trump and Kennedy” said that a Trump/Kennedy ticket was “very much behind the scenes at this stage. As we progress you might see it bubble up a little bit more. Bobby can bring new people to the polls.”
Trump says he hasn’t made any decisions yet: “I can’t tell you that really, I mean, I know who it’s going to be.” It’s extraordinarily unlikely that his choice will end up being Kennedy, but if it were, the political and media establishment would be shaken to its core, and these days, that would be a wonderful thing to see.
I find the prospect of a Trump/Kennedy ticket to be unlikely in the extreme. Trump wants to drill and frack and make us energy-dominant, whereas Kennedy for whatever reason, is opposed to fracking. That alone makes the two men egregiously incompatible. Trump would never countenance Kennedy’s anti-energy stance!
Come on Spencer, this is all rubbish as it would be an open invite to assassination
The most critical quality for Trump’s VP is LOYALTY and gravitas as Trump has been backstabbed and betrayed so many times in the last 8 years . Trump needs someone who can watch his back against the Deep State and back him with 100% trust so the obvious choice is GENERAL MIKE FLYNN who has established his bona fides by refusing to back down after being essentially framed by the Deep State/FBI . He has been through the wringer and is 100 % trustworthy patriot ; moreover, he was on the shortlist 8 years ago when Trump specifically said ”I like the idea of a business tycoon and General going to clean up WAshington DC ”
TRUMP/ FLYNN 2024 (mark these words)
It’s the establishment versus the rest of the world.
Trump & Kennedy versus the establishment makes a lot of sense.
Kennedy represents another opportunity to compromise and move left when radical measures must be implemented to restore what little remains of this once great nation.
Everybody sounds more conservative during campaigns. Only Trump kept his promises. In my lifetime, I do not remember anyone else doing that – not even Reagan.
No, No, No, a Thousand Times No!!!
Pro abortion
Not America First
Ex Democrat — will switch back first chance he gets
Will never be a conservative
RFK would be Mike Pence with a scratchy voice
Trump recently said his main criterion is whether his running mate is someone qualified to be president.
This would rule out RFK Jr.
Kennedy is excellent on the border and a friend of Israel. On the other hand, he supported Obama. So did Kari Lake. Neither would be wise choices.
If Trump picks a Democrat as a running mate I will not vote for him (so no Bobby Jr, and no Tulsi).
There. Are. No. Good. Democrats. Period.
A man whose father was murdered by a Palestinian might have some value as Secretary of State. Allowing RFK, jr.,any closer than that to the White House would be disastrous.
No, not Secretary of State (there’s more to that job than dealing with the Palestinians and other terrorists).
Instead, appoint RFK Jr. as Secretary of HHS or Director of the CDC.
He’s clearly got a “bone to pick” with both of those corrupt departments, and the focus and determination to clean out those cesspools. It would be like watching his father go after the Teamsters and the Mafia.
MacGregor is arguably a fringe character, who is overtly anti-Israel; on one of Carlson’s podcasts, he described Israel’s effort to eradicate Hamas after the October 7 massacre as collective punishment of Gaza civilians. Carlson made no attempt to disagree, and showed no consternation at MacGregor’s outrageous accusation. Carlson has largely abandoned his mask of moderation since being let go by Fox – he feels more emboldened to cosset Jew haters such as Candace Owen’s as well as MacGregor.
The fact that Owens invited the deranged Norman Finkelstein, of all people to opine about the Gaza war speaks volumes, and validates my description of her as an antisemite. Interestingly, before any accusation of Finkelstein being a Holocaust denier is made by readers here, you hastily deny that he is one. .He, like his fellow pseudo-historians David Irving, Mahmoud Abbas, and so many others, do not categorically deny the Holocaust – they claim instead that the numbers of murdered Jews are greatly exaggerated. There is much more on Finkelstein, which can be found here, on a David Horowitz – sponsored website:
discover the networks.org/Norman Finkelstein
“some things bin Laden says are true.”
Norm Finkelstein
I don’t think that is a fair representation of Candace Owens. She strongly denies any such claim. About Candace, I would say that she is naive about Islam. Anyone who does not understand Islam cannot possibly understand Israel’s position or their course of action. She is ignorant, but she does not hate Israel or the Jewish people. She is no leftist. Candace is young, but not a bigot. About Shapiro, I would say that he is impressive, but I question his actual commitment to the US. I read this week that he has given as much as $500,000 (between $100k and $500k) to an NGO to fund the invasion at our southern border and has said something like, “I don’t give a sh*t about the browning of America.” Americans are not, in general, racist people, but I think his statement is. Such extreme demographic replacement is dangerous and will end our nation, possibly in bloodshed. How is it possible he does not know this? What is his real agenda? We do not know anything about the relationship between Owens and Shapiro.
No. If DJT were to do this it would damage his brand and voters would start questioning him. I know of many who would not vote if this democrat was on Trump’s ticket. We are not a monarchy. No more Kennedys nor Bushes.
This version of Kennedy is a member of the cult of climate change, wants to stop fracking, destroy the plastics industry, give reparations, wants gun control and in 2015 went to Cuba to “meet” Castro and extolled Cuba’s healthcare and education saying America had much to learn from it. Kennedy is ‘democrats and RINO Never Trumpers throwing sh*t on the wall’ to see what will stick, i.e. harm Trump and MAGA.
We’re NOT going to attack Iran, Our DemoCraps LOVE Iran. We give billions of dollars to Iran and we the Biden crime mafia has Iranian operatives in the whitehouse and congress. This guy is a fool.
I will vote for RFK in the primary, then for Trump in the general election. EVERY single republican really should do this.
Let’s use Bobby to cut Joe off at the knees.
There are definitely big differences in Biden and Kennedy that people are stating. Question is would Trump and him be at odds on too many policies that definitely need to be corrected and especially the Constitution, the borders, going back to energy Independence, stopping the drugs, human trafficking, and fentanyl poisoning, especially standing up for the life of the unborn who deserve to have a life. There are several candidates who would complement the Trump Presidency who are pro-life. Theres alot of smart, strong, women leaders who are totally capable of governing too. There needs to be a halt in these foreign wars that make money for the oligarchs!
You want a life-long moderate Democrat who recently joined the Republican ticket plus a mainstream Democrat with lots of crazy ideas, but you didn’t want DeSantis? No wonder America is going down the drain fast.