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There is a silent tragedy of epic proportions going on in our country. It’s silent because the media refuses to connect the dots.
Have you noticed the tsunami of recent headlines about high-profile Americans who “died suddenly” or suffered heart attacks, strokes or blood clots at young ages. Celebrities, athletes, entertainers and CEOs are dropping dead, or having heart attacks.
Still, the media whistles past the graveyard.
There are always a thousand excuses. Anything and everything, EXCEPT blaming the COVID-19 vaccine. It can never be the vaccine.
Strange thing though: Virtually every one of these dead, crippled, disabled or seriously ill people have one thing in common: they were vaccinated. What a wild coincidence!
I’ll soon write a column about 65 friends, acquaintances and business associates of mine… people I personally know… who have died or suffered serious illness since being vaccinated. The numbers are piling up. These are not coincidences. It’s a pattern. Studying a pattern like this used to be called “science.”
In the meantime, I have one up-close and personal story that every American needs to hear. Last week I went out to dinner with one of my best friends (let’s call him Mike). He told me the story of his own sister, who was badly injured and disabled by the COVID-19 vaccine. He then informed me she’s a big fan of mine and watches my Real America’s Voice TV show every Saturday. He said she’d like to talk to me and share her story.
We spoke yesterday. Here’s her story.
Let’s call her Jane. She is an accomplished female CEO. Jane runs a medical organization that helps children. She wanted to stress to me how healthy she’d been before getting the vaccine. She traveled the world on business and lugged her own luggage everywhere. She biked 15 miles a day. She took one-hour spin classes. She ate healthy. She was on no medications.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jane never got COVID-19. She continued biking 15 miles several times per week. She walked 3 miles a day.
Then her doctor pressured her to take the COVID-19 vaccine. She was worried and skeptical, but eventually she relented. She took one Pfizer jab. One. No second jab. No booster. Just one.
That’s all it took to ruin her life. Jane will never be the same.
Within four hours she felt extreme nerve pain. Pain the likes of which she’d never felt in her life. Mind-numbing pain.
Then came the racing heart. Heart palpitations. Severe muscle twitching. Severe muscle weakness. Shortness of breath. Horrible fatigue. Brain fog so bad she could no longer focus, or deal with even basic tasks.
Next came blurred vision. Sensitivity to light and sound. Dry eyes and dry mouth. Dizziness. Ringing in her ears so loud she couldn’t think. Hair loss in clumps. Severe heartburn. Circulation problems: Her feet turned purple. She could barely walk. Internal tremors so bad, it felt like a cellphone was vibrating inside her body. She is in so much pain at night that she can’t sleep.
Jane also suffered from menstrual problems after getting the vaccine. She hemorrhaged so severely this past February that she was hospitalized and eventually required emergency surgery.
By March it was a new issue requiring hospitalization. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode. It went from 60 beats per minute to 165 within seconds. Her heart condition is so serious that she fears she could “die suddenly” at any time.
This is Jane’s new normal. She was perfectly healthy all her life. Then she took the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Her life instantly changed after that one vaccine. Now it’s difficult to walk to the bathroom.
But this is no fluke. Jane joined a Facebook group for COVID-19 vaccine victims. It’s now up to 5,000 members — all with similar stories.
They may be the lucky ones. My wife and I eat at our favorite restaurant every Friday night. The manager (call him John) stopped by our table every week to say hello. He always shared stories about his wife and daughter. His family was his life. We loved talking to John.
Three weeks ago, we walked into the restaurant. The GM told us John had just “died suddenly.” Never sick a day in his life, 52 years old, he suddenly keeled over and died of a heart attack in front of his wife. Since every employee had to be vaccinated to work, we know John was vaxxed. We will attend his memorial service this coming weekend.
The facts are out. The CDC’s own internal report shows over 117,000 excess deaths among American children since the vaccine. CHILDREN. That’s more excess dead children in two years than all the U.S. soldiers killed in the Vietnam War in a decade.
Life insurance companies report more excess deaths among working-age Americans since 2021 (the year the COVID-19 vaccine began) than at any time in history. What do working-age Americans have in common? The Biden administration forced them to take the vaccine or lose their jobs.
Ed Dowd, the former Blackrock money manager, who analyzes numbers for a living, says the disability rolls have grown by millions since the vaccine. MILLIONS. That’s why there is such a severe shortage of employees.
We know this is happening. The next victim could be you, your spouse, your children. To do nothing now; to make believe this isn’t happening; to hope it goes away; to try to cover it up; is no longer about ignorance, or delusion, or even greed.
At this point, to do nothing, to refuse to act, is a combination of pure evil, mass murder and crimes against humanity.
Well said Wayne.
Action needs to be taken to defund the UN. They own the World pHarma Organisation which owns the biotechnology industry which PRODUCED the man made convid virus.
They know it, everyone knows it.
Agenda 21 culminated with convid I dread to think how Agenda 2030 will end unless the UN is stopped.
Many of the elite who are responsible for this atrocity live in the United States.
You good Americans have rights under the Second Amendment.
Find these people. Root them out.
Then execute Order 66.
How is the right to bear arms connected to Covid vaccines?!
Actually, we have to be careful NOT to descend into chaos because that is what the elites want; it’s a precursor to tyranny in order to control the chaos!
And unless we can turn things around, we’re currently living in a police state, based on what they’ve done to the Jan 6th protesters & to Trump, so we can’t depend on the Constitution like we used to.
It needs to b e enforced, take it to SCOTUS.
I think you’ve got it backwards…. Big Pharma owns the burocrats hired to watch over them…. Just like they undermine our oversight, their corruption is a cancer that must be excised.
UN Agenda 21/30 plan for de-population, create covid and shots!! I have read there is another covid that is even worse then the first one coming!
US out of UN, UN out of US! People have been saying that since the 1950’s and have been ridiculed as tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists. Personally, I think they were right and would like to renew their slogan. Put it on every bumper sticker! US out of UN, UN out of US! It would be a start, but there’s quite a lot more to do than just that.
Vaccine injuries I know personally
1. Friend unable to walk again after his first injection
2. Friend’s wife died as did his ex-wife with exactly the same conditions after injections and boosters
3. Friend had a stroke and now struggles to walk after injections
4. Relative can no longer go outside in the sun after years of working outside on a building site following his first injection
5. Friend unable to see out of one eye following injections
6. Heating engineer collapsed and died in the pub following injections
7. Landlady of pub collapsed and died in the same way after injections
8. Neighbours son was steadily recovering from a mild cancer which completely destroyed almost every part of his body following the injections.
Number of people I know who suffered from convid
I know what you’re saying. A friend of mine, whose cardiologist insisted he get the vaxx was fine – until early this year, when he came down with what was later diagnosed as lymphoma. He only took the initial vax and no “boosters”. His life might be hanging by a thread right now.
I know it’s old news, and everybody already knows, but it does bear repeating…..
Never forgive and never forget. It’s even worse than most think. Did you know that CMS(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) created 6 different billable codes just to counsel people on vaccines. This is another reason why people are incessantly harassed by their healthcare provider about getting the clot shot-every time they mention it they get paid whether you decide to take it or not. When you say no, this goes in your medical record under a HCPCS code, as if deciding not to get a vaccine is an illness in itself.
The media is actively suppressed by the government for mentioning anything negative about the vaxes being unsafe. I urge anyone interested to search out Mark Steyn’s interview with Naomi Wolf. The British office of communication is enforcing the government narrative against Dr. Wolf revealing how dangerous the Vax is using Pfizer documents.
Mark has turned and is suing the OfCom for the right of being able to present truthful information as a matter of free speech. It sounds very orwellian what the brits are doing by chilling dissent.
A friend says these idiots were weak, took the so-called vax of their own accord. I personally have a liitle sympathy but they bear some responsibility for making a stupid decision. Reliance on an expert class will hurt you or enslave you.
A lot of people cannot believe that our Government will do that to you. I keep telling every that “the Government is not your friend”.
News flash!!
Earth is not flat, says some “scientists”
They also say Earth is old, not young as millions of Christians choose to believe
Why is this comment on topic? Or are you vaccinated or something?
Fine. I will stipulate the vaccine has injury or death
Will you stipulate that Covid has injury or death?
Is ivermectin useful against vaccine injury or death? It is for covid.
And overall are vaxxed doing better or worse than unvaccinated?
One sided articles like this one suggest that any danger from vaccines dwarf danger from covid.
The reality is quite different is why this article is so damned one sided.
We need to know ALL the facts, not just the ones that someone with an axe to grind has.
The death rate from Covid — for elderly was only about 1%. A massive vaccine campaign was not needed. The dangers of the vaccine are increasingly apparent. They are also unacknowledged in MSM. You don’t need an article discussing pros and cons as the vax is pushed relentlessly by governments. Do your own research. Canadian Covid Care Alliance has assessed the pros and cons. What is needed at this point is for people to be aware of the serious risks from the vaccines. It is telling that this information is not readily available.
huh? Fellow proves no intelligence test to post
So a woman who has her life ruined doesn’t have an axe to grind?
Philip, you’re either phenomenally stupid or you’re a regime shill, and it makes no difference to me which one.
….As you should know–seeing as how you claim (by inference) to be smart–the issuance of an “Emergency Use Authorization” allows a “vaccine” to be cleared with far less than the normal trials. But to issue an EUA, the FDA would have to RULE that what crucial condition was met?
….Sure: By rule, they had to decree that no effective alternative treatment existed.
Now: Is Ivermectin approved by the FDA for human use? Yes or no. If so, when? Roughly how many people have taken it since then? What is the incidence of adverse side-effects? Does the CDC recommend that humans take the drug for anything? If so, has the CDC published the “recommended dose”?
So everything hinges on whether ivermectin is effective against duh Chyna virus. Dozens of randomized controlled tests showed it was, and instantly thereafter, half a dozen VERY poorly-designed “trials” disagreed. Instead of taking the majority, the FDA went the opposite way, allowing ’em to issue the EUA.
Any disagreement so far? Oh, and you bitch about people angry at being forced to take the jab “having an axe to grind,” eh? Yeah, shill, it’s called not wanting yourself or your loved ones to die, when an effective treatment existed all along.
But thanks to government-pressured censorship by social media, Americans weren’t allowed to read first-person accounts by the millions of people who were cured of covid within days, by ivermectin.
I’m one. Positive test, and NOT the false-positive PCR test (which you surely know was shown to give false positives over 90% of the time when run at 40 cycles, as *recommended by the CDC*. Miserable. Cured in three days, at a cost of seven bucks.
Please do trot out your disagreements. Enlighten us with your wisdom. By the way, have you compared the genetic code of the spike protein of covid-19 to the closest matching bat virus? I have. That totally confirms the virus was modified to make it more lethal to humans, rather than “evolving naturally” as your idol Fauci repeatedly claimed.
Vaccine injuries I know personally
1. Friend unable to walk again after his first injection
2. Friend’s wife died as did his ex-wife with exactly the same conditions after injections and boosters
3. Friend had a stroke and now struggles to walk after injections
4. Relative can no longer go outside in the sun after years of working outside on a building site following his first injection
5. Friend unable to see out of one eye following injections
6. Heating engineer collapsed and died in the pub following injections
7. Landlady of pub collapsed and died in the same way after injections
8. Neighbours son was steadily recovering from a mild cancer which completely destroyed almost every part of his body following the injections.
Number of people I know who suffered from convid
Okay, I’ll swap anecdotes with you. My husband and I contracted Covid. Flat on our asses for a month, unable to do anything. Both of us over 70 with a few co-morbidities, but got better and had no serious aftereffects. The when the “vaccine” came out, we said, “What the hell, at our age what more can kill us? Might as well get it.’ So we did. Twice. And had absolutely no aftereffects. But I’m still cooking mad at Eldest Son, who was quite dangerously ill with it early in the pandemic and was so rattled that he had his little kids vaxxed — “to protect them from diseases.” Yeah, right. For a guy with a PhD in a hard science, he’s an idiot. I hope that they’ll be able to produce grandchildren for him.
Dear gawd…the entirely self-unaware self-own of denial. Didja read the article? You’re not upset about it *being one-sided*…you’re upset because it chips at your actual one-sided denial. You can’t accept it yet. And this article and actual statistical, number-crunching reports from every country around the world scare you into devising odd rhetorical devices, like your set of questions, to remove yourself from contemplating the reality until your mind is ready to accept.
“We need to know all the facts”
I agree. And, we need to identify those who withhold and/or distort the facts.
Here is an example of how the left plays the game: On page one of the American Board of Internal Medicine website (, is the following headline: “Addressing Viral Medical Rumors and False or Misleading Information”
They refer to a poll, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF HealthNews), which concludes that 78% of adults believe at least one of eight “false statements about Covid-19, or about the Covid-19 vaccine.”
One of these statements in particular caught my attention: “Do you believe the government has exaggerated the number of Covid-19 deaths?”
How do they KNOW that this is a false statement? How would they prove that it’s a false statement?
If the government gets 1000 death certificates, and they all read “Cause of Death: Covid-19”, how is the government to know if all these patient’s died from Covid-19?
To say that this statement is false is disingenuous and misleading. If some physicians in the medical community sign a death certificate as Covid-19, although a patient clearly had other illnesses, one or more of which mkay have been the actual cause of death, how is the government going to check this? In fact, the preponderance of deaths from covid-19 among the elderly, especially the elderly with comorbidities, coupled with the financial incentives given to healthcare institutions during the crisis, should lead one to skepticism.
Reading on, the authors give up their game: They suggest that those who watch Network News, MSNBC, CNN, etc, are less likely to believe these eight false statements than those who watch Newsmax, America One, and Fox. They go further to suggest that it’s possible, therefore, that conservatives tend to believe these type statements more than liberals.
See how they play the game?
P.S. I’ve got news for them. Conservatives are far more likely to be skeptical thinkers, using critical reasoning, and therefore likely not to discard these statements as mere falsehoods. Liberals on the other hand, as they’ve shown us with the climate scam, are far more likely to believe what they’re being told, as long as they trust the source.
I gave you an upvote because I think you raise some interesting points.
We know the facts. Just look at the DCD VAERS data. Simple math gives up over 600,000 deaths from the vaccines. The vaccines did far more damage than any good. The vaccines didn’t protect anyone, or prevent virus transmission.
And still the vaccine is being promoted and mandated In many places, including vaccinating young children.
There can never be enough of these tragic stories to help shed light on the truth about vaccines: they do not work.
Absolutely. Even Pfizer admitted their vaccines a). don’t prevent infection and b). don’t prevent spread. In other words, they don’t work. Surprised no one commented on this so far.
A Harvard study revealed that the safest, most effective vaccine against Covid-19 is strangely, the BCG or TB vaccine! Researchers found this out by accident when they gave it to Type I diabetics to improve their immunity in general. Unfortunately, this vaccine takes 2 years to work. Nevertheless, it protects against Alzheimer’s (20% less in stomach cancer patients who got BCG) and boosts immunity against infections while decreasing some autoimmune diseases. Why isn’t the government giving this to thousands 9f seniors? There is no drug company clamoring for this vaccine. However, there are many decades of research showing that this vaccine provides broad protection and decreases deaths from infection.
Probably no moola to be made by the pharmaceutical companies that way.
It’s horrible. The truth is usually buried but we can still read a new story every day about another healthy young athlete collapsing from heart failure or myocarditis. We have learned that Pfizer never did any transmission studies on the vaccine yet Fauci, all the mainstream and social media and even the President lied and said that the vaccine would prevent transmission and he called it the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”. Of course they also all lied and said it would prevent you from getting COVID. Then Biden mandated it for employment and put millions out of work as well as requiring tens of millions of students to get vaccinated; even though they were never in any mortal danger from COVID but are now seriously at risk from vaccine side effects which disproportionately affect young people. Over the past two years (2021 and 2022) more than 1,650 professional and amateur athletes have collapsed due to cardiac events and 1,148 have died. In fact, over the last fifteen months the number of athletes that have died is a 1,696% increase over the historical norm that we have numbers for the last 38 years. That average number is now 42 per month compared to 2 per month for almost 40 years (from 1966 to 2004). We are also now learning, based on the CDC’s own data, that there is a 1200% increase in severe menstrual abnormalities and a 57% increase in miscarriages. Of course, the long term effects on fertility are yet to be known.
Now the CDC has unanimously declared that the COVID vaccine be added to the list of mandatory vaccinations before children can enter school even though they are in no mortal danger and more likely to be stuck by lightning. This is pure fraud because once the COVID shot is added to the vaccination schedule (even though it’s not actually a vaccine) the manufacturers will then be granted permanent indemnity against prosecution or financial consequences for adverse effects. Furthermore, many European countries have already banned injecting the vaccine into children and it is abhorrent and the worst kind of medical malpractice that we have not already done so here.
Perhaps it’s an effort to sterilize the little ones so that some of them at least will never be able to breed. To save the Earth, of course.
I am so sad to read stories like this.
I was one of the very few that, what is now known as a pure blood.
There is nothing so cruel that “Doctor” Fauci should not be exposed to.
Perhaps force him to take his own vaccine and… well you know.
Very well stated Wayne. I appreciate your courage is writing honesty about what this horrible scourge of fear intimidation bludgeoning with the dangerous j@ß$. We need to keep it up.
See Dick See Dick get a Covid Shot See Dick Dick is Paralized for Life Jane is a a cripple both sue Pfizer
And see both impoverish themselves waging a pointless lawsuit that they end up losing.
The Life Insurance Companies statistics are the best source of information. Their assets are on the line so they have to get it right.
It took statistics to find the cause of Cholera in England in the 1800s. Statistics are the most powerful tool for analyzing the Vax.
Hear Bryan Ardis tell Mike Adams about Covid, Remdesivir, and the MRNA jabs. It is on Mike Adams’ podcast on
For those who are religious, I prayed not once but twice trying to decide if I should take the “Jab.” The impressions I received were, 1. it was needed and 2. it’s required of you. Four years ago next month will be my fourth anniversary of having a complete liver transplant. None of my doctors ever brought getting the vaccine. If you want to reduce the world population, this would be the vehicle to do so. The drum beat about over population has gone on for decades. These are evil and corrupt people.
Age 62. September 2020. I was blessed with Wuflu for ten miserable days. (two positive tests) W/O any medical intervention, I survived. I’ve never been jabbed. I never will be. Antibodies very high. Doc thinks I’ve had 19 twice.
My wife, sister (we all live together) both of them double poked, They enjoyed the China flu about a year ago. Their ten days were worst than mine. We’re all the same age.
C19 has a 99+% survival rate for the non-compromised.
Why the fear porn?