We know of course how the story would have played out if a transgender event had been shot up by a devout Christian. For that matter, all evidence to the contrary, Joe Biden recently repeatedly the false claim that the spa shooter had been driven by hatred of Asians. And each anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attack on the Pulse nightclub, the Islamic part is ignored while we’re falsely told the terrorist was motivated by homophobia.
The media’s coverage of the Covenant School shooting by a woke transgender ex-student, Audrey Hale, who had begun calling herself, Aidan, focused predictably on the technique, the types of guns and the plans, which are the sorts of things relevant to law enforcement, but really meaningless when it comes to determining motive. And that is what the public is actually more interested in. But it’s also what the media isn’t interested in, in the Nashville attack.
The media and the Democrats have gone all in on crying about the existence of guns (if only some ancient Chinese hadn’t begun experimenting with gunpowder, we’d all live in safety and security under King Charles III or, worse yet, some Spanish monarch) and platforming activist stunts to demand the abolition of the Bill of Rights.
They don’t want to talk about what combination of medications and woke programming might have made Audrey want to kill kids outside the scope of a Planned Parenthood volunteer event.
The same lefties who think that 12-year-olds should be on puberty blocks are furiously arguing that 28-year-olds can’t be trusted with guns. But guns don’t kill people, the evil and the mentally deranged do.
how many male hormones that her body wasn’t built for were injected into this person to “fix” her?
The most irritating story of the day. Even after the perp has been identified as a transgender, they still make it about gun control. No mention of the real story, psychological destabilization of transgenders due to the drugs they are taking, as if being transgender wasn’t destabilizing enough.
I don’t think those morons realize what a powerful effect those drugs have, and what kind of effect those drugs have. The drug psychologists are always trying to fix you up by dosing you with various experimental drugs, neglecting the obvious factor that there is a rebound effect, the body trying to restore a balance to the body system.
Sometimes there is an actual chemical imbalance, though I’ve come to question if they even know when that is, but I’ve always seen their drugs as mostly trading one problem for a worse one.
To the Left, it doesn’t matter what the actual cause was. It’s all about pushing their narratives all the time. So the possibility that she was already very unbalanced or was made so by the injection of hormones and people catering to her gender delusions doesn’t even occur to them and, if it did, they certainly wouldn’t utter it.
“Stop trans genocide?” Removing reproductive organs is actual genocide, not the refusal to play along with someone’s delusions. Again, the left has it exactly backwards.
This woman didn’t go for the politicians that passed the law she objected to, she went for the nearest defenseless Christians she knew. The texbook definition of terrorism.
What do we expect when we encourage the annihilation of fundamental reality?
The media reported an uptick in suicide caused by the movie Avatar. People actually killed themselves because they could not live in Pandora (interesting name).
Seriously? Pandora’s box indeed.
Tranny’s can’t commit hate crimes, neither can blacks or Muslims. Only white males commit hate crimes.
I know you are being sarcastic but I’ll bet some meat puppet on CNN, or MSNBC, or NYT “journalist” will be saying just that by the end of the day.
I wouldn’t take that bet!
The Left are all “Fetterwomen,” now.
But in the small minds of liberal intellectual Nit-Wits people are normal until they pick up a a gun then they become evil and so all guns must be banned confiscated and melted down into park benches for their Commune with Gaia Theme Park