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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
When Aaron Bushnell, an Antifa member and Air Force Airman, set himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C., Hamas supporters in this country made him into a martyr.
Cornel West praised Bushnell’s “extraordinary courage and commitment”, Roger Waters celebrated him as an “All-American Hero” and the media emphasized his military role.
In reality, Aaron Bushnell was a member of radical anarchist groups on social media, he wanted to leave the Air Force and cheered the killings of members of the U.S. military.
When three black Army soldiers were murdered in an Iranian-backed Islamic terror attack back in January, Aaron Bushnell posted it to the Antifa ACAB (All Cops are Bastards) Reddit group with a mocking “OhNoAnyway.jpg” meme.
“The cops are the domestic military and the military is the international police. They are bad for the exact same reasons,” Aaron Bushnell posted in the ensuing debate.
Bushnell believed that Islamic terrorists killing U.S. military personnel was justified, arguing that, “I work for the air force and would also have no right to complain about violent resistance against my actions.”
In a previous exchange he warned another user against joining the military and argued again that the murder of Americans was justified. “The US DoD is one of the most powerfully evil institutions to ever disgrace the face of this planet. You will have blood on your hands that you will never be able to wash off. There are many people who suffer under the imperial boot who would have every reason to wish you dead, and they would be justified. Don’t do it.”
When asked by another anarchist as to whether joining the military would provide him with the skills to conduct domestic terrorism, Bushnell appeared skeptical. “
It’s very unlikely that you get any kind of ‘proper training’ that would be useful in a revolutionary context,” he suggested. The military was “a neo-feudal institution plugged into the broader neoliberal system. It runs on nothing but coercion, toxic masculinity, and brainwashing.”
Aaron Bushnell’s comments reveal that he wanted out of the Air Force and believed it was evil.
“I joined thinking I was doing my part to make the world a better place. Then I realized we’re the baddies, and the only way to make the world a better place is to get out,”
Bushnell, who died in support of the Hamas war against Israel, not only supported the Islamic terror group, but also justified the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews.
“Israel is a white supremacist, ethnonationalist, settler-colonial apartheid state….It has no right to exist,” Bushnell argued. He claimed that all the Jews could be killed because “there are no Israeli ‘civilians’” and that Israel was “the closest thing the world has to the Nazis”. Exterminating Israelis “wouldn’t be genocidal but actually perfectly reasonable, as Israelis are settler-colonizers” and described Hamas as an “anti-colonial resistance organization”.
“Israel’s existence can’t be justified in the first place, it’s a colony of the US and UK. It has imposed apartheid, displacement, and extermination on the Palestinian people since its inception. No aggression against the Israeli colony can be condemned by non-Palestinians.”
The murdered Israeli families in nearby towns had it coming because they were “colonizers” and “I don’t get to claim it’s a violation of my human rights if some of those people come and kick me back out of that house or throw a molotov at it or kidnap me.”
Aaron Bushnell compared Hamas to the “diverse coalition in Star Wars” and dismissed people “clutching their pearls over” the killing and rape of young Israelis at the Nova music festival because there “are no innocent civilians in settler colonialism”.
“That music festival was happening just three miles from Gaza,” Bushnell contended. “Imagine a similar event happening in the early days of the colonization of North America. Can you or I really say that Indigenous people are wrong for retaliating against colonizers who are rubbing their domination in their face?”
Aaron Bushnell believed that the destruction of America was as justified as that of Israel.
How extreme were Bushnell’s views? We know that he was a member of multiple anarchist groups including those advocating violence. He at varying times defended Communism as an ideal and in a reply to “Are there any Marxist-Leninist here?”, commented, “I highly recommend The Bolsheviks and Worker’s Control to anyone interested in the history of Lenin’s praxis”.
“Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society, so whatever society you’re talking about clearly isn’t communist,” he argued. True Communism had never been tried.
In comments on a user’s celebration of his 99-year-old father’s military service in the Korean War, Bushnell argued that American pilots were war criminals and colonizers. He claimed that North Korea’s offensive was spurred by resistance to American colonialism.
Aaron Bushnell had started out as a radical leftist and, like many in anarchist spaces, had come around to viewing Islamic terrorists as resistance movements against American colonialism. When defending the Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, he sneered, “as if a poor country committing piracy against imperial trade would be bad”.
Beyond geopolitics, Bushnell had adopted every possible radical belief from legitimizing crime to animal liberation. His Antifa associations led him to declare everyone else a fascist.
“Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds,” he wrote.
America was inherently bad and the only redemption for it was a violent revolution.
“Electoral politics is letting the fascists win,” he claimed. When responding to Biden’s senility, he posted, “I couldn’t care less about this ableist bullshit. He’s bad because he’s the President of the United States. That’s that.” Anticipating a violent civil war, he posted, “Our choices are not Biden or Trump. Our choices are genocide or revolution.”
He anticipated the day when “the power of the bourgeoisie will dissolve because they made the fatal blunder of profiting off of the working class.”
Despite being white, he loathed white people, declaring that, “whiteness needs to be abolished” and denounced “transphobia” and “TERFS” or women who oppose transgender men.
Aaron Bushnell claimed that “marriage is also mutually exploitative and coercive” and condemned “human supremacy which is destroying humans, non-humans, and the entire planet”.
“The idea of crime was invented by rich people to describe behavior they didn’t like,” he contended, and argued that “defrauding” a company is “morally superior to giving it money.“
Finally the man who set himself on fire to support Islamic terrorists who would have cheerfully killed him, with his consent, posted that, “sanity is a myth constructed to justify brainwashing and marginalization of people who cannot or will not conform.”
What happened to Aaron Bushnell to turn him into this? Like a lot of directionless but clever young men, he went down a rabbit hole of extremism that eventually led to violence. A review of his social media shows little in his life except radical politics and video games. Bushnell had grown up in an abusive leftist cult that wrongly described itself as “Christian”.
The experience appeared to have left him with a hatred of Christianity, so that he posted, “the Real Jesus™️ only looks like a half-decent role model compared to the monstrosity that his followers created… Jesus can fuck off with his demagoguery.”
Searching for some structure and direction, Bushnell joined the Air Force, but then was indoctrinated into anarchist leftist groups which provided him with his sense of identity. While pictures often show him in the uniform he wore when he killed himself, off-duty pictures commonly show him wearing red. And he began taking part in Antifa protests.
The Air Force under Biden had launched a campaign to root out “extremism”, but that meant extremists that the leadership and the administration disagreed with. Bushnell was one of a number of personnel who openly supported terrorism and hated America who stayed on.
Bushnell had been preparing to leave the Air Force and transition to civilian employment, and yet he decided to exploit his uniform by turning himself into a martyr against America.
Narcissism and emotional instability were certainly in the mix. But Bushnell had also been failed by his family, which raised him in an abusive elite liberal cult, by a society and a government which mainstreamed extreme leftist views and by a military which failed to intervene.
In the end, Aaron Bushnell spun out of control. Like other Islamic terrorist supporters, he might have opened fire at a military facility, instead he chose to martyr himself for Hamas.
His death will be used by Islamic terrorists and Antifa to recruit more young men like him.
The Bushnell case is a wake-up call about actual extremism within the military. Someone recruited him and someone encouraged him to kill himself. National security begins with finding and exposing the Islamic terrorists and extremists inside the United States Air Force.
Now he is in a place where the fires will never end and neither will be his suffering
Here is a fact the majority in here are missing. A question first. How many of you have had a 1st degree burn? A second? How about a 3rd?
None of you i would bet.
Now the hard part. This video is 100% fake. If any of you believe a human being can stand upright as long as the video purports in that kind of temperature you are seriously in need of a refressure course in human biology
Joan of Arc was tied to the post amid the flames of the politicians of her day. Lefties all.
Those were some great special effects. Best CGI I’ve ever seen. It looked like a real retard roast.
I’ve had plenty of first degree burns and one second degree burn. Have you? The second degree burn caused a scar I carried for quite a few years but it eventually healed completely because I’m such a manly man.
Have you tried bottling the cure?
LOL. I’ve always healed quickly and well but I have a lot of scars I’m sure are permanent, mostly from my wasted youth and mostly on my face, lucky me.
I was surprised that burn scar on my forearm or the back of my hand or wherever it was went away. It was from boiling hot lasagna sauce, how dumb was that?
How would you know?
He burned his unit trying to hump an exhaust pipe on a car.
Taking himself out of the modern human gene pool is a favor to future mankind.
Bushnell sure as shit isn’t in Heaven. No jihad lover has ever made it or ever will His beloved Gaza is the worst jihadi shit-hole of them all, and the Paleosimians are the worst jihadis of them all. Their crimes and atrocities are so monstrous that they’re barely human. They’re subhuman in my opinion. By choice and inherently. Gaza is like the fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth circles of Dante’s literary Hell combined, but worse.
Bushnell and his Paleosimian buddies are accursed, and they did it to themselves. Every accursed person does.
Bushnell was the epitome and pinnacle of “woke” leftism. He expressed pretty much every whacko “woke” trope there is and was so insane he believed them. He wouldn’t have immolated himself if he hadn’t. And the Air Force let him stay an airman. That tells you as much about the Air Force as it does about Bushnell. No American should trust ANY branch of the service under this illegal administration, no matter how honorable many military personnel are. The top leadership and their top cronies are anything but honorable and in fact they’re despicable traitors.
And there are truly deranged scumbags like Cornell West and Roger Waters praising Bushnell? There are Jew hating, jihadi loving terrorist supporters holding nightly “vigils” for him in front of the DC Israeli embassy where he immolated himself? They aren’t vigils, they’re just excuses to be filmed by the complicit fake news media with their idiotic anti-Israel and pro Hamas jihad signs and chant idiotic slogans that condemn Israel and America and praise the genocidal subhumans of Hamas.
There are a lot of people in this world who need killing, as they say in Texas. If Bushnell was so inspiring, I urge all woketards and other Hamas lovers to follow his example.
That roger waters was singing his praises tells you everything you need to know about flame boy.
Yes, Waters is one of those people who strives to come down on the wrong side of every issue, and like all lefties, he’s overly vocal about it.
At least Bono is capable of learning. He was on some type of P.C. goodwill trip in an islamic sewer, in North Africa I think, and he came to the realization that islam isn’t tolerant or one of the world’s great religions when islamopithecines threw rocks at women in the group because they weren’t dressed with enough modesty to suit them, which was burka body bags. Imagine that. They wore shorts in a broiling Sahara Desert. What harlots.
No matter how many babies the Paleosimians burn alive, that POS Waters will express even more public approval for that than he does for Bushnell. He’s a monstrosity who thinks he’s virtuous. Truly deranged and evil.
He’s got “daddy” issues and I think he blames it on the Jews because his father never came home from the war. You’ll notice he’s quite fond of the mock Nazi uniform he wears in his concerts.
That explains that crappy, depressing and weird “The Wall” movie he made with Bob Geldof, another woke weirdo.
The lunatic is on the bass…
Against my better judgement I watched his dying video as some fellow sicko accompanied him and recorded the anti-American lies he vomited beforehand and then him lighting up. The websites with the video and doubtlessly Google are trying to hide it, though. The only one I found blurred his blazing body and crispy carcass out but I could hear him screaming in agony when the flames got past his clothing to his flabby flesh. What a stupid, hate filled asshole and what a better world it is with him dead. I’m ashamed to admit I felt a bit of schadenfreude when he was wailing but only a bit. He was so evil and woke (a redundancy) that I couldn’t help myself. He’s going to get plenty more flames where he’s going, I suppose.
And the people present were annoyingly stupid. One idiot kept yelling “get on the ground” and “somebody get a fire extinguisher!” Another cretin held a pistol on his barbecued body. I can only imagine how low the American IQ pool has plummeted after all the immigration we’ve suffered, particularly the illegal immigration.
Yeah, I wrote that. Immigrants tend to be MUCH dumber than native born Americans although Bushnell proved there are plenty of native born retards, too. The Marching Morons seem to be out-breeding the rest of us.
“Go woke,” go up in smoke.
Just more oxygen for more deserving people…….
Yes and oxygen is a good accelerant for fire.
” a stupid, hate filled asshole ”
You are spot on Jeff, spot on.
When he qouted genocide or revolution, in his warped mind they are the same. Revolutionary has to kill many to reinvent their philosophy.
Go to USA Crime they don’t censor videos, and I enjoyed watching the red headed antifa pos burn. He’s still burning in HELL
Thanks, I was hoping somebody would share a website which doesn’t edit the Busnell bonfire video. The websites which edit it and Google which hides it don’t do so out of a sense of decorum as they pretend, they do it to protect Burnt Bushnell, his depraved anti-American and Israel ideology, and the contemptible evil of his Paleosimian jihadi idols.
When the rest of the story finally comes out, it will inevitably reveal that Aaron liked to put his face into the bone zone.
“Bone zone.” I never heard that one before, LOL.
Wouldn’t it be nice if others of his ilk followed his example? It’s called natural deselection. Sh!t, I’d pay money to see that…
Some but not all.
Native born are also highly susceptible to propaganda here and definitely do not have sufficient experience with some of the harsh realities of a life of struggle. The Original Americans definitely did, were brighter than those of today, and worlds stronger. Some immigrants also have those traits and recognize the reason America was so great.
Of course not all immigrants are retards. and of course many of them have experienced REAL hardship* beyond a flat tire or romantic breakup, and appreciate the American Dream provided by our Founding Fathers, who were definitely much stronger and smarter than the average American of any origin. I can’t disagree with facts.
For example, Nigerians are some of the top students in universities and ethnic Vietnamese tend to excel or at least be conscientious and productive citizens. I’ve known very intelligent people from every inhabited continent. (Outposts and bases in Antarctica don’t make it an inhabited continent.}
All demographics and groups are comprised of individuals of varying degrees of intelligence. Some demographics and groups are more intelligent than others on average but there are smart people and dumb people in all of them. Bushnell was a perfect example of a stupid, native born white male. Immigrant Americans and especially illegal aliens are less intelligent than native born Americans as demographics, and generalizations matter but individuals matter much more in every way.
There are even smart people who consider themselves “Palestinian,” although they’re obviously rare. I once met a pretty girl who was smart who considered herself “Palestinian.” Once. In Modesto CA. She can’t be the only one but I have no doubt she has few peers in that demographic.
*Many Americans have experienced REAL hardship but most haven’t.
I’m so definitely going to look for that video.
I think I’ll enjoy with a good red wine….
Go to Vinagaroon recommended it in his post above. I watched the unedited video there. The website also has some horrific stuff I’d never watch, such as a video of a Haitian butchering and eating a human being. I don’t know if it’s real but I wouldn’t watch it either way.
Every American should watch the Bushnell bake. Lefties should watch to have their noses rubbed in their deranged evil, fools should watch to educate themselves and normal people such watch to reinforce their knowledge that leftists are oikophobic and evil, especially the “woke” ones and Hamas supporters.
I recommend you pair the video with a nice Chianti.
Don’t forget the fava beans.
In simpler terms, “he was a democrat.”
Yeah, he had one of those Biden type slack jawed faces.
He is a good example of how the left turns people insane
He probably thought that mankind itself was a plague on the planet, and needed to be cancelled out. At least he started with the right person., arguably.
Too bad he didn’t take out the Gaza sewer with him.
True but I think Blazing Bushnell was already insane and the left drove him even more batshit insane. He grew up in some kind of left-wing cult led by dykes but he’s the only one of them who lit himself up into a short lived funeral pyre.
Yes, I’m surprised no one is bitching about his carbon footprint.
He wasn’t sustainable, clean burning, or environmentally friendly.
Yeah, he was more of a grease fire.
You’re not exactly walking around alone in the military. Someone must have seen that something was off with this guy. At least this poor pathetic misguided suicidal bastard only took himself out. That was considerate given the history of Americas malignant narcissists lately. To prop him up as some kind of martyr is sick. But, that’s where we are in western civilization.
I had the same thoughts – you can’ t go off base without permission and not in uniform. Why didn’t the airforce kick him out?
For the same reason DEI, and fictional “white fragility,” white rage” and “white supremacism” are forced on all American military branches, even the Space Force, By Alzheimer Joe’s handlers and their meat puppet.
And don’t get me started on that tranny freak, “Rachel” Levin, who is the Assistant Secretary for Health and Government Waste, and an “Admiral” in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, whatever the fuck that is besides another corrupt and bloated government agency inimical to the interests of the public….at taxpayer expense, naturally.
The Air Force wants the most mentally retarded gutter rats possible from the hoods and projects and fairies who can fly without wings as recruits under this “woke” administration. Young Ben Carson and Richard Grenell types need not apply. Intelligent patriots are considered undesirables by this administration.
He’s the perfect leftist, however he has wasted petrol (gas) and therefore damaged the planet so he won’t be going to socialist heaven.
Yeah, what a carbon footprint he must have had with his final act. Shouldn’t he have used a more eco-friendly method to kill himself? May he purchased some carbon offset credits like Kerry.
Alcohol, but there’s less smoke and the flames are almost invisible in daylight Not as dramatic.
I wonder if Bushnell said “Flame on!” before he turned himself into the human torch?
Ah, the old Imperial Boot. A moron. who died for a cliche. I hope it hurt.
And I hope more leftist shitheads follow his example, especially every member of “the [goon] squad”.
Only people this effects are his family..
The rest of us applaud the end of such a fool….
How did the military not know about him?
Good question.
I’d say his superiors did know, but were too chickenshit to care.
Remember: the army knew EXACTLY who that jihadist scum Nadal Hassan was. As they were too cowardly to confront him, they socially promoted the prick to major instead to try to placate him.
(We all know how that suck-up overture ended up.)
Nidal Hassan is one of at least three koranimals in the Army who murdered “kaffir.” They all falsely claimed that the army had been killing innocent moslems.
There was “Sergeant Akbar, who was the first American since the Vietnam era to be prosecuted on charges of the murder of fellow soldiers in wartime. He was convicted of premeditated murder and attempted premeditated murder after he threw grenades into tents and then opened fired on soldiers. He killed two officers and wounded 14 soldiers at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait before the “Desert Storm” first invasion of Iraq. None of the victims were black, naturally.
And one of the DC “snipers, John “Mohammad” (too ignorant to know moslems use the name “Mohammad” as first names,) was ex Army.. He talked that young racist scumbag, Lee Boyd Malvo into shooting their victims, none of whom were black, naturally.
The Jihad Squad? The Squat? The Twat Squat? I’d gladly pay for the accelerant to light up the Fraud Squad. Light them up in a Third World country where the impoverished people they pretend to care about need firewood.
He repeats a lot of leftist narratives and buzzwords, with no signs of understanding history.
Hence, he sounds like every flaming liberal idiot that attends college.
At least this dumbass was smart enough not to squander 6 figures of his parent’s income to train himself to hate America.
(Proving that universities are a scam. They charge enormous sums to produce what the internet can do for free.)
Good point. Just sit junior down in front of a computer or TV and save a lot of money.
With rage as a consistent theme. Reminds me of Obama. Some people can transcend a deficient childhood and live to give and receive love. Others latch their personal emotional rage onto slogans. Contradictory ones.
Thats why a leftist can back killing millions of Jewish human beings, just like historical Nazis did, but then call you or I or Trump “Nazi.”
Rage by definition is irrational.
That’s for sure. He didn’t even understand the world he lived in, which is no longer current for him. If Hell truly exists, that’s where he rightfully lives now and I reckon he understands that one.
There are plenty of adages about the dangers about ignoring history and they’re all true. I think it’s impossible to understand the world we live in without studying human history, except at the most basic and bestial levels.
Yet the DoD will continue their witch hunt for so-called “right-wing extremists” in the military that has been invaded by LeftTwat terrorists
How did you survive?
We have less to fear from the Ana Montes’s or Robert Hanssen’s committing treasonous acts than we do from the progressives lurking in our ranks. Whether hiding in National Guard units, in line companies or behind screens in cyber security units, these are the most dangerous risks to our military. We can survive the Ana’s. They aren’t bent on destroying us. Progressives, on the other hand are.
No big loss….now there is more oxygen for more deserving to breathe……
…..and for more Woketards to light themselves up.
Why in the world did he join the USAF?
For a free ride, probably. Not everybody joins the military to serve our country, as every decent and patriotic (practically synonyms) American who’s served knows.
a source of warmth and enlightenment in this cold, dark world
Yes, I’d rub my hands for warmth over a blazing woketard on a cold day.
After many years of failure he finally made the world a better place. Of course, the tragedy is that left wing ideas cause psychosis, as evidenced by the people I saw in the airports yesterday wearing N95s pulled all the way up to their eyeballs. I encourage parents to teach your children early before they get infected by leftist ideas. Leftism is self-immolation of the mind.
“Leftism is self immolation of the mind. That’s clever.
Were the masked morons in the airport American? I rarely see them anymore but every now and then I do. The stupid fanaticism necessary to wear a mask in 2024 has to be seen to be believed.
Best news I’ve had all day. What an incoherent loon.
Hope it was agony. Glad you are gone.
I guess he was a glorious martyr for his “cause”.
Just like Horst Wessel was a martyr for his cause…. Naziism.
Funny thing: they both hated Jews. As always, pointing out how Naziism, Leftism and Islam tend to converge around their common themes of mindless slogan-chanting collectivism, and hatred of Jews.
While the death of any person, and particularly a death by suicide, is an occasion for sorrow the life and death of Aaron Bushnell amounted to a Reductio Ad Ashe-surdem of his morally twisted beliefs.
……” particularly a death by suicide, is an occasion for sorrow…..”
Really? That’s debatable. If Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Mao Tse Tung, et al., had committed suicide, would you proclaim their death an “occasion for sorrow”? I can think of a few hundred million people who would vehemently disagree with you and proclaim their suicides a joyous occasion.
We can feel sorrow over the fact that suicide is an offense against our Creator Who alone owns our lives even if we feel no sympathy for the suicide. Nor should we gloat over the death even of an enemy. Read Proverbs 24:17-18
No gloating but grim approval is just fine. And mockery isn’t discouraged by that verse in Proverbs.
You’re entitled to your opinion as I’m entitled to mine. Misplaced sympathies have led to the slaughter of millions of innocent lives throughout the history of humankind. It is one of the underlying reasons why good people of conscious standby and do nothing while malevolent people and regimes destroy and kill with near impunity. I have zero sympathy for that ilk and misplaced sympathies. The only good enemy is a dead enemy. The same goes for evil and wicked people
Gloating over someone’s death is silly and petty the hallmark of a potentially dangerous psychopath.
Hitler did commit suicide.
The reason that we see these hate filled, anti-American, fanatical nutcases doing public expressions of treason against America is the US politicians and legal system stopped punishing acts of treason and sedition during the Vietnam War because these do-nothings were cowards. Jane Fonda should have been prosecuted and sent to a life term in prison for the extreme comfort and support she gave to the enemy North Vietnam having herself filmed denigrating US POWs and the United States. She returned to America to widespread adulation. Robert Bergdahl an Army soldier deployed to Afghanistan and assigned on night guard duty abandoned his post and deserted the Army exposing his fellow soldiers to attack by the enemy. Five years later, Obama had him exchanged for 5 Taliban terrorists, pardoned, given back pay, and a pat on the back for being a victim and freed back into civilian life. And we wonder why treason has become so fashionable?
This little scab of a person lit himself on fire and killed himself so that his name would be in others’ mouths. It was his way of becoming ‘famous’, an irresistible urge among many delusional beings. An act of courage? I should say not. An act of brazen irresponsibility and outright satanism? Yes. All other members of the US Military services who think like this demented and tortured stain on humanity should do the same. ASAP.
You are right, and the surmise of others in these comments are also insightful. Bushnell was passionate in his disordered love and his self-immolation was a logical outworking of it.
Low self esteem. This is the best he could do to make a name for himself ? Extra crispy ? Yikes ! OMG…..
Yikes is right. I watched the uncensored video at and it was horrific, even though it was almost impossible to feel empathy for the monster.
It’s a bad look for the US military to have such mentally depraved mutts in it’s enlisted ranks. Worse yet, how many mentally depraved mutts are there among the officers ranks and in decision making positions?
Truth be told the best and brightest and bravest no longer go into the military. If and when WW3 breaks out, the US will most certainly suffer the consequences of the long term and still ongoing social experimentation with the US military.
remember the show off west point grad that had pro communist signs at his graduation
No but I’m not surprised. America is lost.
I clearly remember that. Obama deserves the credit for that.
Mental illness is a terrible affliction. Sad……..
That’s true and unfortunate but what dangerous about mental illness is when people make excuses for it and act as if everyone is suppose to tolerate it.
The very foundation of the modern democrat party is built upon the tolerance of mental illness and moral depravity. How is that working out?
Doing nothing and saying “oh well” and looking the other way while the country goes to sh*t is destroying what was once the greatest nation in human history.
Nowadays? Looking from the outside in, one would have to ask: “what the hell is happening to America?”
Yes but evil is a choice. Even people who’re innately evil know what’s ethical and what isn’t, even sociopaths.
Exactly!! It’s why I never bought the notion of “the devil made me do it.” The devil has no power to make you do anything nor even tempt you into doing something that wasn’t already in your heart and mind to do.
Who and what we are is determined by the choices we make in life. All choices have consequences. Prisons are filled with people living with the consequences of their bad choices.
I mean this will every ounce of sincerity I have when I say that any of you ANTIFA moron idiots want to light yourself on fire PLEASE DO. I will give you whatever need to assist you with that. I’ll even find a dumpster for your nasty body.
Dumpster? How about a landfill? Better yet: dump their carcasses in the desert and let nature do what it’s more than capable of doing. After all, Buzzards and coyotes and desert critters gotta eat too you know! Show them some love by leaving them a treat every now and then!!
And there are plenty of worthless carcasses on capitol hill that should be, need to be fed to the buzzards and coyotes!
Good choice because we don’t eat buzzards and coyotes but we do eat fish, so the oceans would be bad dumping grounds.
And lefties eat bugs so let them eat bugs which ate one of their fellow travelers.
Let them eat bugs! They’re science illiterates who know nothing and understand nothing about human biology or science.
And when they begin suffering from the lack of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the proper health and functioning of the human biome, perhaps they will have an epiphanous moment and realize that humans were not, are not evolved to consume insects.
In my humble opinion, weirdos who eat bugs should be forcibly sterilized to prevent them from procreating lest they beget some grotesque biological abomination.
While the death of any person, and particularly a death by suicide, is an occasion for sorrow the life and death of Aaron Bushnell amounted to a Reductio Ad Ashe-surdem of his morally twisted beliefs.
Bushnell did not kill himself intentionally. He was auditioning to be the poster boy for next year’s Burning Man Festival, and things got a little, you know, out of hand.
If only other antifa members would follow his lead. Heck, I’ll pay for the fuel.
We should have special fuel stations similar to gas stations all across the country to help them out.
Hey Bushnell, hopefully you will also BURN in HELL.
If anybody does, it’ll be him.
He obviously copied self immolation from Buddhist monks in Vietnam. Additionally, he cynically used his status as a US serviceman to not only promote a second Holocaust (while having the chutzpah and pure mendacity to purport to fight “genocide”:) but to also promote a political cause antithetical to American interests. It’s worth remembering that Lee Harvey Oswald was a US Marine. That certainly doesn’t mean the United States and the World wouldn’t have been better off if he never existed.
I’m happy he’s dead.
I hope it was unimaginable agony, for body and soul.
Not for publication but there’s a typo in para 16 – “seller colonialism” should be “settler colonialism”.
I was very shocked that this guy said “F U” to Jesus. I thought this was a horrible thing for a person with a Christian background to say. Weirdly it never crossed his mind that this would also be perceived by Muslims as blasphemy because they revere Jesus as “one of their prophets.”
The fact that this incongruity between Bushnell’s anti-Islamic blasphemy and his supposed solidarity with Palestinian Muslims never crossed the minds of Cornel West or Roger Waters exposes their shallowness and insincerity in praising him. It also exposes the religious hypocrisy of all Arabs or Muslims who are expressing fake grief over his death.
I would have doused him myself and lit him up. Not only a lousy traitor, but an vicious anti-Semitic mental retard who would have been equally at home with David Duke’s crew (KKK or Stormfront).
Yeah, one can feel sorry in a sense that the bastard was so mentally challenged and extremely stupid, but his hate of Jews, Christians and America mitigated any sympathy one might find for him. The Air Force should have drummed him out, but it’s Lloyd Austin’s Air Force now, and that Plantatiion Slave should thank his lucky soul that he didn’t encounter Bushnell, for as I said, Bushnell would have been equally at home in the Klan as he was in Anti-Fa,
Pity that maggot Roger Waters didn’t join him. Roast On, you crazy neo-nazi maggot Rog!
Bushnell, dead,good. More extremists should protest like this
I thought I was worst airman to ever joint the USAF I was merely drunk and stoned 80% of the time, but I was never pro jihad.
when you reject the saving grace of jesus christ your alternative is what this young man will face now that he is in the place of eternal flames . hell you say ? no such place !! all those who reject the notion of hell and the the gospel will eventually find out whether it is true . he has left a temporary hell and exchanged it for an eternal one , very sad .