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ABBOTT: Hey Lou! How’d you like to go to a Dodger’s game? I got two free tickets.
COSTELLO: Where did you get the tickets?
ABBOTT: A friend gave ‘em to me. He was going to take his son, but then he changed his mind.
COSTELLO: What made him change his mind?
ABBOTT: The Dodgers were going to honor a group of nuns.
COSTELLO: What’s wrong with that?
ABBOTT: The nuns were gay men dressed as nuns.
COSTELLO: Jeez! Why would they do that?
ABBOTT: Oh, it was all in good fun.
COSTELLO: If it was all in good fun why didn’t he want his son to see it?
ABBOTT: Well, he’s a devout Catholic, and the drag queen nuns go around mocking the Catholics’ faith.
COSTELLO: Didn’t the Catholics complain?
ABBOTT: Sure, they complained. And the Dodgers cancelled the drag queens so as not to offend Catholics.
COSTELLO: Then, how come your friend’s not going to the game?
ABBOTT: Because the drag nuns and the gay community and a bunch of big corporations complained. So, the Dodgers reversed themselves and re-invited the anti-Catholic group.
COSTELLO: Is that why they’re called “Dodgers”?
ABBOTT: What are you? A wise guy? They’ve always been called the Dodgers. First, they were the Brooklyn Dodgers and now they’re the LA Dodgers.
COSTELLO: You mean they transitioned?
ABBOTT: You could call it that: first, they identified with Brooklyn, then they identified with L.A. In this country you can identify with whatever you want.
COSTELLO: I always identified with Clark Gable, but it never did me any good. (shrugs)
ABBOTT: Just be yourself, kid. That’s all that matters.
COSTELLO: But the drag sisters aren’t being themselves. They’re pretending to be nuns. That’s not nice. Maybe Catholics should boycott the game.
ABBOTT: Nah, the game is too important. It transcends our differences. It’s the great American pastime. It stands for all the things that make America great: courage, honesty, family, wholesomeness, keeping your word, being morally straight.
COSTELLO: But the Dodgers don’t stand for any of those things.
ABBOTT: Yeah, yeah; but you gotta learn to play ball.
COSTELLO: (exasperated) But they already know how to play ball!
ABBOTT: “Play ball” is just an idiom. It means you gotta learn to play the game. You gotta go along to get along. Don’t you know anything about baseball?
COSTELLO: I know Who’s on first.
ABBOTT: See what I mean? Don’t you know that Who’s no longer on the team?
COSTELLO: What happened to him?
ABBOTT: He got kicked off the team for misgendering.
COSTELLO: Who is Miss Gendering?
ABBOTT: That’s what I’m saying. Who is misgendering.
COSTELLO: How can he be a miss if he’s a mister?
ABBOTT: You don’t seem to understand. Misgendering is when you use the wrong pronoun. It’s a crime. You can go to jail for misgendering.
COSTELLO: But I don’t even know Miss Gendering!
ABBOTT: Do I have to explain everything to you? Who’s no longer on first base. He’s been replaced by Jackson. Jackson’s pronoun is “them.” So, you should say, “Them’s on first.” Understand?
COSTELLO: But I thought there’s only supposed to be one first baseman.
ABBOTT: Those are the old rules. The rules have changed.
COSTELLO: What if I don’t understand the new rules?
ABBOTT: Nobody understands them. But keep it to yourself or else them will cancel your contract.
COSTELLO: Sheesh! Where is them? I’m going to have my lawyers talk to them.
ABBOTT: I told you. Them’s on first.
If they really wanted to be “edgy”, they should have one of the “sisters” dress up as the muslim “prophet” mohammed. My guess is that they don’t want to lose their heads over it. Can you imagine what CAIR would say? Dougie Hooper’s condom cap would be in a snit
Well done, William K.
This was absolutely hilarious. There is so much nonsense out there that we have to have some fun sometimes and laugh about it.
You still can see lots of empty eats at those games
Most of those empty seats were sold before the season began. The money’s in the bank.
No boycott will persuade any baseball team (company) to offend a group that is now considered normal, Normal to the point of its behavior being constitutionally protected. You think nuns in drag are offensive, wait til they turn out the Purple gang to picket if the team were to backtrack.
We lost the moral high ground to complain when we let them normalize the abnormal and call sin a good thing. Since then only “bigots” complain about what’s “normal:.”
The real nornal people lost this battle long before the Supreme Court made it official. Say goodbye to America. It’s a new woke perverse day.
Ban the NFL
Ban the MLB
Ban Budweiser
Ban Target