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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The Biden administration is preparing to run the 2024 election on abortion. With a miserable economy and failure on every side, that is the one thing still left for the Democrats to run on.
But no generation has ever had less use for abortion than this one.
After the end of Roe v. Wade, Democrats warned of a decline in abortions, what they failed to mention was that abortions had been declining long before the Supreme Court decision.
After Roe v. Wade first came on the scene, abortions shot up all through the 80s and hit a peak in 1990 with 1.6 million. Then, just as the Democrats decided to go all-in on abortion, purging their pro-life wing, abortion rates crashed, and now struggle to pass the million mark.
The numbers are even more striking when accounting for the large U.S. population increase since 1990. According to the CDC, there were 345 legal induced abortions per 1,000 live births, 24 per 1,000 women, in 1990. By 2021, there were 204 abortions per 1,000 live births and 11.6 abortions per 1,000 women. The actual abortion rate had fallen by more than half.
There were over 4 million babies born in 1990 to a population of 250 million. In 2021 there were only 3.6 million babies born among a population of 330 million. It wasn’t abortion that accounted for much of the decline. The babies were not being aborted, rather they were not even coming into being.
Fewer of the young women in their twenties who used to get abortions need them anymore. 63% of men under 29 describe themselves as single, but only 34% of women under 29 do. 57% of those who say they’re single aren’t looking for a relationship or even casual dates. Only 13% of those who are looking, are seeking a committed relationship.
Rates of sexual intimacy have also dropped. 1 in 3 men in 2018 reported no intimate encounters. Even among teens, the number of high schoolers who ever had sex fell from 54% to 38% in 2019. (These numbers predate the pandemic which means nothing that happened during the pandemic had any impact on them.) There’s a decline in casual sex and intimacy among married couples, but it would be more accurate to say that it’s a decline in relationships.
It’s not just a male-female romantic decline either. Friendships are disappearing as are all sorts of in-person interactions. More people are single, not just as couples, but are lonely and alone.
Nothing Biden or any of the Democrats can do will save abortion from itself.
The war on the family has succeeded all too well, but what replaced it isn’t whatever perpetual orgy the sexual politics activists of the sixties imagined would ensue. There are endless varieties of new sexual identities emerging, men are getting castrated and women are getting mastectomies to try and pretend to be the other sex, but none of this is bringing people together.
The alternatives to the family have failed miserably even on their own terms. The family has been crippled, but in its place are lonely shallow narcissists who can’t tear themselves away from their phones long enough to connect to another human being. The country has come to inhabit the world of Edward Hopper’s ‘Nighthawks’, but the late night diner is a 5 inch screen.
There is a grim comedy to the endless fight to save abortion when it’s aborting itself.
The idea that the family would be replaced by casual relationships temporarily spurred a wave of them accompanied by the widespread use of abortions. But each succeeding generation became less likely to have any kind of relationships. Women turned off by casual sex and men by the demands of relationships drifted apart. Social media replaced real relationships with virtual ones offering online pornography and narcissism as substitutes for human intimacy.
And that is where we are now.
Democrats believe that it’s urgent to fight for abortion and to plant graphic pornography in schools, especially of the non-heterosexual kind, but apart from spurring a rash of teenage girls to mutilate themselves in the hopes of making themselves over to be boys, it’s not doing much to what may be the least sexual generation of teenagers since the 1880s.
In the 1990s, liberal men claimed that they didn’t want to get married until gay marriage was legal. Now liberal couples claim that they don’t want to have kids because of global warming. But marriage rates didn’t turn around when gay marriage was legalized and childbirths wouldn’t be significantly impacted if it was announced tomorrow that the climate is doing just fine.
Likewise, overturning Roe v. Wade didn’t have all that much of an impact on abortion.
Abortion, like marriage and childbirth, are all in decline. That’s also bad news for Biden and the Democrats because it means that there are fewer younger and traditionally more liberal voters.
In 1990, 18 to 24 year olds, more likely to vote Democrat, made up 10% of the population while those 50 and over, who are more likely to vote Republican, made up a quarter of the population. Now the 18 to 24 cohort has dropped down to 9% while the over 50 group makes up a third of the country.
Democrats have become more fanatical about abortion even as it becomes less relevant in a country without marriages, children or even intimacy. The real threat to abortion isn’t coming from Republicans or the Supreme Court, but a society with no more babies to abort.
Decline of the family. A legacy of the 1960s.
So abortions declined during the same period Democrats were trying to massacre babies en masse? That’s weird. Could it be the conservative hysteria about abortion was misguided, fanned by extremist propagandist like yourself? Hmmmm???
abortion declined because marriage, and relationships declined
hard to abort babies that didn’t exist in the first place
Fewer people are having kids and one kid families are becoming more common – even among couples who certainly can afford to have another child. This is not good!
There are going to be a lot of mighty lonely people in a few decades.
That depends on who the parents are.
Too bad Dickporn’s parents didn’t go the infanticide route.
Hmm, yes. Ouch!
According to the abortion counter today, it is obvious that more than enough babies are being murdered for profit in the US and around the globe.
As a rule, I’m against abortion after the first trimester. But some people should be encouraged to have an abortion.
No Infants to sacrifice to Satan anymore
However, there is the problem of “at home” abortion done through the abortion pill and it is difficult to track its use. I don’t know how accurate the statistics are. In some states you can use RU486 without the presence of a doctor with instructions and warnings.
Yes, my slut-pig-dog-whore ex wife uses those pills regularly. Thank God I’m rid of that trashy murderess. She’s had “abortions” – baby murders – since we split, too. What a nasty little monster.
Any woman who kills her baby is a Medea monster.
Are these trends additional reasons behind the Dim’s maniacal push to import the thousands of illegal aliens (“Newcomers” as Brandon calls them) daily crossing our Swiss cheese border? They’re running out of crimes against humanity so they need fresh fodder to ingratiate by “free” debit cards & other financial benefits, and promises of citizenship when they break our laws. Impeachment is too good for Mayorkis, the lying weasel – Give him an orange jumpsuit and free room & board at Gitmo!
not to mention the transgender movement
you’ve gotta create voters who skew your way one way or another
The Dirtbagocrats pander to the woke extremists like trannies because they take the average knee-jerk D-Bag voter for granted – as they should. Not even blacks are more guaranteed to vote the wrong way than soccer moms and other knee jerkers.
“…a society with no more babies to abort.”
They welcome in the Great Replacement instead.
Biden campaign ad: “Vote for Joe Biden and the Democrats, ladies. You may get pushed out of your sport by men, but you can get all the abortions you want!” Good luck with that.
That’s because the Left succeeded in destroying its own offspring.
It should be worth noting that abortion was actually legal at the time of this country’s founding in all 13 colonies. Connecticut was the first state to ban abortion in 1821 but only after quickening. Other states soon followed but before 1860 abortion was legal before quickening.
Thus it is hard to accept that legal abortion furthers the leftist agenda. Especially since it wasn’t the left who decided Roe – 5 Republican-appointed justices set the majority on Roe, and anti-abortion didn’t become a GOP position until the 1970s.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
Abortion was never exactly legal in the 13 colonies. All were under Anglo/American Common Law, which had held abortion to be a crime since the Middle Ages. Connecticut’s legalization was merely a codification of what had been previously understood under common law. Abortion was made illegal after “quickening” (the first sign to the mother that the baby was moving about) because with the knowledge of the time it could not be proven that a woman was pregnant before that. It was the discovery of the female ovum in 1827 that precipitated nearly all the states criminalizing abortion.
The establishment of the American Medical Association and the men’s desire to get women midwives out of the trade of providing for women’s medical needs was far more significant to the bans than the discovery.
the leftist agenda doesn’t depend on fidelity to any particular policy, but to the intended outcome
abortion tends to be popular because it reduces the native population, radicalized and recruits feminists, and helps build an identity
like most liberal social policies, the real test is what happens when a Communist regime comes to power
abortion was used for rigid population control in China, but was a mixed bag in the USSR especially once the Russians began to run into their own birth rate issues
the Left doesn’t care about abortion or LGBTQ or any of this stuff except as a means to an end
you’re so polite, Daniel … albeit you have to be …
well, I don’t. I’ve been ‘crazy’ for years …
“radicalized and recruits feminists” …
is a nice way of saying gold diggers and whores …
but women you take home to mom … don’t kill their babies.
oops … did I say the quiet part out loud?
Whom do abortion freaks abort when there’s nobody pregnant? Themselves!. It’s called physician-assisted suicide.
or zero population growth
And to think I used to laugh at Paul Ehrlich’s ‘The Population Bomb’ he promoted on PBS in the 60’s. But by golly it’s here much to my dismay.
I would have liked a big family but the economics of the 70’s scotched that rather than abortion. As the only bread earner I chose to take responsibility for my two and now have four successful marriages, 3 grands and 1 great grand with more to come. All solid, smart, successful citizens. Not an addict in the bunch.
Aside from my earlier desires, God chose to give me quality over quantity and has kept me around to see the results….happiness in all quarters.
Even if Democrats run out of unborn children to kill they have plenty of new victims. They are expanding their “transgender” mutilation as fast as they can. Pedophilia is becoming the next atrocity they will inflict on children and the family. They no doubt have planning committees conceiving even worse horrors for humanity, possibly including a “culling” of the human herd down to, say, under a billion. That gives them a cool 7 billion lives to extinguish.
What do you expect from the Party of Death?
yes. …
G-d help us all before He goes Full Sodom and Gomorrah on us …
The good news in all of this is that it is the worst people in society who are most insistent on not having kids, and perpetuating their nuttiness in the guise of parenting.
Now that is really sad. Just imagine, all those gals who would have used to get abortions – all those girls don’t even exist. And all the guys who would have been paying for those abortions – those guys don’t exist, either. This is bound to have a radical impact on the lives of those who beat up anti-abortion people. There is no one to pay them for their services! A cruel blow it is for them poor lads to go back on the dole after having raised their standard of living on the backs of anti-aborts.
the good news is the whole thing has been outsourced to the FBI
Well, Greenfield, you’re right about lefties and abortion but you aren’t right about single guys like me.
I don’t have a wife anymore so I don’t give a shit about relationships and I’m not ashamed of it. I ran into a chick I used to do last night and we renewed our illicit relationship. She’s crazy as all get out but she’s a nice person, which is all I care about.
Not all of us fit into your molds. No offense. I like you.
The Biden administration is preparing to run the 2024 election on abortion, abortion with zero limitations, kill the baby seconds before birth….or even after.
The campaign motto should be: “Kill the Babies. Kill,Kill Kill !.”
What horrible disgusting peo0ple they are.
Planned Parenthood noticed this trend too, which is why they went all in on “gender affirming care.” Here in Missouri, PP is in a real fix, because abortion and kid transing are both banned. Now they are no doubt scrambling to find another depravity to monetize. My money is on bestiality. I shudder to think what “health services” might be required to facilitate that abomination.
yes, always new and profitable ways to destroy women and girls
Lets not get down in the dumps for the good MFers at Planned Parenthood, they are survivors.
They will switch their clinics into the Canada model of Doctor Assisted suicide clinics.
As the Medicare/Medicaid systems fail due to mismanagement and illegal immigrant influx,
there will be less money to spend on our own sick and in pain countrymen.
Mmmm anyone have a solution? The Dems have one.
I was born in 1947.. I never had any kids.. Gore-bull warming was not a factor. I’ve always been a pessimist even from childhood. Even in the 70’s and 80’s it seemed to me that the US was on an inexorable down hill path. PLUS I simply did not want to even think about the possibility of having kids that turned out like Hunter and Ashley Bidien.
Well, someone has to stand up for the truth on this blog, even if I get scorched. Y’all are misisng the point (and the cause). Yes, there are plenty of evil people doing evil things and killing an unborn child is the most atrocious, barbaric and cowardly act. But those ‘evil’ people are only obeying their master and doing what he tells them to do. Yeah, I’m talking about the devil. He is to blame for all of these abortions (and everything else) but if one were to add up all of the abortions in the world (think about China’s one child policy) over the millenia, it has to be satan’s biggest success. Satan hates children the most because of their innocence and purity that he will never know again.
Yeah, the devil is real, believe it or not, and he is running amuck right now. This is his last kick at the cat before God locks him up for 1,000 years. Explain people who support and encourage their ‘babies’ to deform, destroy and mutilate their little bodies trying to do the impossible and change their sex. Demonic depravity and total insanity. Y’all know the rest of the list, even open borders. What is it now? 85,000 missing children sold off into the sex trade thanks to the OBiden/Obama cartel? Stop running, get off the treadmill for a few and LOOK around you. Now, look again.
Thank God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that He is coming back as He promised to remove His church, prevent mankind from offing themselves, redeeming His Chosen people, bringing His long prophecied judgments on this sick planet, (ya don’t want to be around for that) and then setting up His Millenial reign in Jerusalem.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus……..<
Rev. Roy………<
100% agreed you nailed it God versus Satan
The elephant in the room is the acceptance, more and more, of “post partum” abortion, up to two years as some wish? Do you thing that could be extended, for “saving the planet purposes”, to… How old are you?