Saule Omarova, formerly of Moscow State U, who had praised Soviet policies, was blocked by moderate Senate Dems from becoming a top finance regulator. Now she’s blaming the capitalists.
“Omarova says Wall Street backed the successful campaign to brand her a communist,” one friendly article complains.
Alleged Communist blames capitalists for foiling her evil plans is quite a headline. And, like everything about Omarova, that’s dishonest.
There were two campaigns here, one by the industry she threatened to end, which attacked her over her specific statements and proposals, and another by conservatives who cheerfully picked up on the Soviet vibe. Omarova pretends that they’re one and the same, and while they had overlaps, Wall Street was not taunting her as a Communist. That’s not its style and it no doubt deplored the whole thing as potentially generating sympathy for her.
Omarova in turn is latching on to the idea that the finance industry McCarthyied her in order to build an image as a martyr. Like everyone in D.C., she’s thinking about her next gig.
Professional victimhood helped make the members of the Squad what they are. Why can’t Omarova join the party. You know which party.
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