When is racism not racist? When no one dares call it racism. Because that would be racist.
That’s not a riddle from Alice in Wonderland, it’s the upside-down reality on college campuses.
The American Association of University Professors is condemning Indiana University Northwest for firing a tenured black professor after alleging he said “words to the effect that ‘the only way to end racism is to kill all the white people.’”
A new AAUP report calls “implausible” the allegation that the professor “actually threatened to hurt white people,” noting one person it interviewed who called his manner “mild and soothing.”
Mark McPhail was once the chief academic officer of IUN, as the campus is known.
“The racial climate at IUN appears to be unwelcoming to faculty members of color,” the report says. “In Professor McPhail’s case, it appeared to have been downright hostile, as evidenced by the presence of racist tropes of incompetent, angry and physically violent black men in the language used to justify his dismissal.”
He’s “mild and shooting” so he couldn’t possibly have said something horrible. What did he say?
You have to get nearly three-quarters of the way through this Chronicle of Higher Education article before the whitewashers will tell you the comments allegedly at stake. And that placement says everything.
On that September phone call, McPhail shared his disappointment with his suspension. Once the professor had been at the helm of the university’s academic enterprise. Now he was being sanctioned by it. As the two talked, the conversation drifted towards McPhail’s feelings about systemic racism in the U.S.
At some point he uttered a fateful remark: “if the Indigenous people had killed all the early white settlers, racism would not have established itself in the Americas,” a faculty review later found.
McPhail elaborated on what he meant in an interview. “I was basically talking about the fact that when colonists came here, they made agreements with the Native Americans, and then they betrayed those agreements,” he recalled. “If Native Americans had been less welcoming of the settlers and colonists, then we probably wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in today.”
If only all the white people were dead.
Here’s some context for McPhail’s mild and shooting comments about all the white people being dead.
McPhail argues that “black rhetors have sought persistently to re-sign the Racial Contract, and have contributed to the crafting in real terms of the ideals of the social contract.” Mills claims that, to the contrary, “White rhetors have largely resisted this re-signing, and have instead embraced and reshaped the Racial Contract in ways more subtle and insidious.”
Concerning the current status of this “Racial Contract”, McPhail asks the question, “Will white people ever be sorry?”At the conclusion of the article, McPhail asserts: “To re-sign the Racial Contract, whites must collectively atone for the history and consequences of white supremacy. I continue to believe that this collective atonement is unlikely.”
Mild and soothing!
Should an academic who hates a particular race this much really be teaching at all?
The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.
Psalm 55:21
He is correct in his assessment. Collective atonement is unlikely because we are not part of a collective and have nothing to atone for in the first place(at least not in terms of race). There is also no such thing as a Racial Contract. Where do these idiots come from?
I’m pretty sure the freak bag is talking about the same kind of “collective atonement” that Nazis want to do to us.
He’s opposite right though, in one way. Americans need to atone for all that white man’s guilt that lead them to fund every evil cause.
You forget what the Jews and Romans did to Christ; let’s start there.
SO YOU BELIEVE MAN CAN KILL GOD. A very foolish idea indeed.
John 10:18 “No one takes [my life] from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.”
-Jesus the Messiah
And the prophets.
the jews never crucified anyone- Romans did. Oh but back to the point- africans enslaved and conquered each others tribes, native peoples in the americas also did. Stay on target.
The Jewish leaders sought the death of Christ under Roman law. They had no law to affect the death penalty under Roman rule. See John 18:31. They were protecting their power which they believed was threatened by Jesus.
Christ Himself came to earth in order to die for the sins of His people, Israel and for the sins of all the world, thus bringing about the full blessings of the Abrahamic covenant to all nations and peoples..
Jesus Himself made clear that NOONE takes his life, but that he lays it down of His own authority. He also takes His life up again of His own power. See John 10. If Christ dies of His own will, then for whom does He die? He dies for His people, Israel, AND He dies for all the world. See John 3:16. How else shall the Abrahamic Covenant find fulfillment?
Yeah, the five “Civilized” tribes enslaved more people than any white man ever did.
What does that have to do with his comment?
That’s exactly what they are aiming for, and what the tribes in Africa tried to do to the whites during the colonial period. Whites have gone soft since then, and the tribes are well armed. South Africa and Rhodesia are good example cases.
Yes. Zimbabwe-Rhodesiasia. The black Hitler. Mugabe died of old age in his nineties. I used to have an Australian friend who told me his grandparents lived there. I always felt bad for them. You don’t want to be white in that racist hellholle.
Whether you’re talking to a media race pimp, academic race pimp or political race pimp they all do the same thing. Speak with forked tongue. Mix metaphors or use a big word over and over trying to impress. It’s all gibberish and all racist.
What an intellectually vapid thing to say. Even if we are to discount the racism, the logic behind the comment is something from a middle school debate club, not a serious academic. Does he believe the Americas just go undiscovered and undeveloped? Or perhaps he believes North America would have gone the way of South and Central America with the Spanish and Portugese dominating, which of course ignores the slave trade the rest of the Americas. He should have been fired because he’s a moron and has no place teaching young kids regardless of his racist tendencies.
What he failed to realize in his (their) usual 1 dimensional thinking is that if the indigenous people had killed all the white people, blacks today would either have never existed nor been sold to other groups across the world.
They certainly would not be able to stand on a stage in an expensive suit, making lots of money, resistant to termination, with bloated egos of their contribution to the world and tell the people who made his existence possible that he wishes they were killed.
You are welcome, Professor McPhail, for your gratitude towards making your entire existence possible and for creating nearly everything you touch today available for you to use. Think of it, your ancestor came to this country withing nothing but your native tongue, voodoo, and a loin cloth. The people of this country gave you everything else, including your racist 1 dimensional intellect.
“Mediocrity” doesn’t mean average intelligence; it means an average intelligence that resents and envies its betters.
Well said…………
Sounding as bloobthirsty as any of these liberal intelelctial nit-wits as they always have
They hate you because of your skin color and because people who look like you or are genetically related to you got to the top of the conquering heap. They dont care about genghis khan’s conquering and mass slaughter. They dont care about Shaka Zulu’s imperialism, and we all know imperialism comes with mountains of dead and enslaved. They dont care about all the slaves in the middle east from biblical times until 2023. They have actually stopped giving a damn about Tibet and its takeover and destruction by china.
The racist lefts have one enemy: white people. Anyone who was from europe. Because they won and kept their cultures intact while winning. And other groups lost.
They want a white diaspora as revenge and they want what happened on the island of haiti to happen to whites. They say ethnicity and culture are intrinsically linked, and really want to destroy ethnic homogeneity of whites while praising the same in other groups. They cry about the loss of ethnic groups of native american tribes but those tribes were taken into the gene pool of americans. So arent they crying about the loss of ethnic purity of those gene groups? And yet they are trying to push that on whites in america and europe now. They cried about the loss of ethnic homogeneity when african places were colonized even if the colonizing whites were not using violence. Whites brought their religion and converted the locals and mixed their blood and they howl with anger at this history of this loss for africans.
but they are demanding this be done in europe and america to white groups.
Wake up.
Stop all the yammering about racism. No more coverage anywhere of the “racism” issue. Then there will be silence.
No apologies should be forthcoming-the US abolished slavery within 100 years of independence and then through constitutional amendments, litigation and additional legislation outlawed dejure and de facto segregation, No other nation on this planet has such an admirable record.
Which holds more black millionaires, the USofA, or all of sub Saharan Africa?
There is no such thing as ‘racism,’ because THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE – THE HUMAN RACE!!
Racist, bigoted and stupid to boot. Just think of the many hundreds, thousands of years of African tribes killing each other. Think of the Rwandan massacres of 1994-1995 and all the years before when it was nurtured by hutu and tutsi.
None of this gets mentioned even though it is vastly more than any massacres in the U.S. a century and a half earlier. The Native americans had slavers and the enslaved across their history, and cut out the hearts of numbers of times in their oh so very splendid pagan practices that were in scope at least as ruthless as the worst of the spaniads and english who brought some of the entitled enslaving that they still had in their history’s. But the professor with his big mouth, small mind hate filled heart gets a pass for the illusion of the victim of white men generations ago.