Racism has become a conspiracy theory. Like most leftist conspiracy theories, the conspiracy is used to generate instant victimhood tethered to a sense of perpetual entitlement. If you don’t have everything you want, you know what is to blame.
Speaking of… here’s CNN.
For her powerful and moving performance as Mamie Till-Mobley in “Till,” Danielle Deadwyler was nominated for a BAFTA Award, a Critics’ Choice Movie Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and several other industry prizes.
That happens to plenty of directors, actors, etc… they get nominated for some awards, but not others.
…there was one notable award for which she was overlooked: the Oscar.
Attention shoppers, we have a racism incident in privileged celebrity section 3. But since racism is becoming passe, let’s trot out a new academic term.
Deadwyler attributes the snub to systemic racism and “misogynoir,” a term coined by the Black feminist scholar Moya Bailey to refer to a distinct form of misogyny experienced by Black women as a result of how their race and gender intersect.
The whole point of identity politics is to generate infinite divisions. So hopefully some black gay feminist disabled scholar will come up with a specific term for the interaction of black lesbians in wheelchairs. Maybe ‘misgaychairy’. Sure it sounds dumb, but we’ll all be expected to use it by next week or be canceled.
“We’re talking about people who perhaps chose not to see the film, we’re talking about misogynoir … it comes in all kinds of ways,” she said on an episode of the podcast “Kermode & Mayo’s Take” released Thursday. “Whether it’s direct or indirect, it impacts who we are.”
People who chose not to see the film. Why? Because they’re racist or misogynoirist, which still sounds like someone from South Florida trying to buy a massage chair.
Think about that level of entitlement and the destructiveness.
Deadwyler knows that there’s no down side to making false accusations of racism. It’ll boost her name recognition and make Hollywood more likely to bend over backward for her. And, just maybe, there ought to be.
The media is overrun with hucksters constantly using accusations of racism to cash in while feeding the false notion that the country and most of its people are racist. Every time the media pushes this button, life gets worse for everyone, and yet there’s no reason for the Sharptons, the Kendis and the Deadwylers not to push it.
It’s a big golden button that showers down gobs of cash and fame every time you push it. It would take a strong sense of morals and ethics not to do it.
What we need is to eliminate that incentive. Until we do, the fake crisis is going to get worse.
Joe Biden says
Hey man, you capitalised black women but not black lesbians, gotcha boy you’re a lesbiaphobe.
Kynarion Hellenis says
He capitalized “black” only in quoting another. Usage rules require direct quotes be identical. He did not capitalize it elsewhere.
junkyard_infidel says
c’mon man, stop with the malarkey or corn pop is coming over to put some capsaicin in all of your depends diapers.
Chief Mac says
Where on the transwomen?
Lightbringer says
Where are the snows of yesteryear?
Beez says
At least he didn’t make the media’s trending mistake of calling lesbians, “gay women.” Lesbians aren’t gay. They’re angry … at men.
Steven Kardas says
The Sharptons, the Kendis and the Deadwylers pick away at the slowly healing wound of racisim against Black Folks in the past and sell the blood drop by drop.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I can’t bear the thought of watching these radical leftist propaganda movies.
Beez says
These actors, politicians, and “activists” are dripping racial narcissism. Where have we seen this sort of thing before? Nuremburg, Weimar Republic, 1920’s and 30’s?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Like “Triumph of the Will”.
The reason they had those torchlight parades at night in the movie was because the marchers were flabby and out of shape, which wouldn’t be evident at night 🙂
Movies made intentionally to deceive.
Zundfolge says
Oh please, this ratchet is going to assume all whites are racist even if they see her lousy propaganda flick.
Spurwing Plover says
Just another liberal Hollywood Dim-Bulb with the attention span of a housefly
Kynarion Hellenis says
It is a religion.
The black person is both god, priest, king and victim. The “lived experience” of racism is both victim narrative and the necessary faith separating the believer from the unbeliever.
All glory laud and honor must be given in the form of tithes, offerings, admiration and the praise of our lips. We are redeemed by faith, made visible and secure by our acts of worship.
The” innocent suffering” experienced by the black victim must be vindicated, thus providing the means of sanctification unto life. Believers must punish and purge the unbelievers from the midst of these “numinous negroes” who demand our worship.
jakester says
You must constantly worship at the altar of black women or you are a bad person.
Greebo says
The Party of bullies & liars passes judgement upon us and tells us what we think. Worse, they publicaly claim to KNOW what we thing & label us with NO proof whatsoever. That is “bearing false witness”. It is a dangerous thing to be allowed. It destroys the ability of good people to have a healthy society that gives them strength & the ability to prosper.
Una Salus says
Trump is a moron. That’s all we have, Just like the idiots that think he’s coming to our rescue.. The only person Trump is concerned with rescuing is himself. That’s what it s and that’s what they are.
Mark Luhman says
If you are looking for a moron I would suggest you look into a mirror. Somehow you think the the treatment that Trump got was fair, the hoax about him are still believe by the followers of the Dimm party. I would trade the Trump economy for the Biden economy and day of the week. If Biden keeps it up eggs will soon be a buck each. Over regulation does have a price and it showing up everywhere.
Jeff Bargholz says
You have serious TDS.
Trump is great.
Una Salus says
How disgusted am I that I still have to listen about Trump?
Bob says
Then go away moron
Una Salus says
He’s not going to win. Even if he does we’ll get some foreign policy points on Israel. I mean even Israel is more anti-Israel than Trump.
Una Salus says
His platform is nothing without Biden suckage because that’s all he represents.
jakester says
Jeez, the libs have been babbling about Till more in the last 2 years than all the 65 years before it
Can anyone tell me if that crappy director covered what Till’s dad did during WW 2, in the movie, like how Mr. Till rape and murder some signorinas in Italy? Almost all inter-racial murders are committed by blacks like the scum who just ran down and murdered the ER doc in California but I am supposed to be weeping over some murder that happened decades before I was born?
Jeff Bargholz says
she has an ban ugly mouth.
Song_Of_The_Bluegill says
I don’t go to any movies but if I did, I would never go to a movie that features a pavmentApe.
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s mean but I understand your sentiment.
Una Salus says
This Trump idiot will never go away because hr thinks he’s killing it. Actually he’s only killing us.
Una Salus says
?Trump in the morning. Trump for tea. Trump in the afternoon. Trump, Trump. Defeated ISIS that’s the only thing he ever did for us.
Jeff Bargholz says
He made America great again, and you know it.
Una Salus says
It’s like his personality is supposed to disguise the fact that he’s mostly accomplishing our demise.
Una Salus says
Absolutely nothing we couldn’t got if we had elected Bush.
Una Salus says
All we get is this Trump idiot accomplishing nothing except majorly where we are now.
BLSinSC says
Black people will eventually just get tired of being victims of oppression and begin to COMPLAIN about it! Yeah, EVERYTHING that doesn’t benefit them in any way possible is RACIST! I guess that’s the reason they don’t complain too much about black on black crime – they are the perpetrators AND the victims! Personally, I’m rather tired of having black thrown at me and being called a white supremacist simply BECAUSE I’m white! I surely hope my mixed race Great Granddaughter doesn’t learn she’s supposed to hate her white family or her white Daddy! That could be awkward!
Una Salus says
All we have is this Trump moron going nowhere at light speed. That’s what we have.
Spurwing Plover says
Dose t hat also include Blacks who won’t watch it to Rosebud?
Una Salus says
That stupid idiot that can only complain about how he’s misrepresented in the media even while he misrepresents.
Una Salus says
Where is JR when you need him? Apparently nowhere in conservative movement.
Algorithmic Analyst says
DeSantis is doing very well. He has to build up a legal position that can withstand all the Democrat attacks.
Una Salus says
All we have is clowns. Just endless with no end Telettubby morons.
Una Salus says
This stupid moron wants to be prez so bad it’s like you’re questioning my wisdom? What is he going to do as prez? Basically nothing.
Steven Brizel says
Bad films are bad films .if you want to waste your time seeing a bad film go ahead and waste your time and money