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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Yes, it has come to this. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) tweeted Wednesday: “I’m old enough to remember when women actually modeled women’s bathing suits, not men.” Alas, we’re way past that now in our enlightened age. If men can become top female admirals and champion female swimmers, why can’t they model the latest in women’s bathing suits? Mace was responding to a new ad campaign from Adidas, featuring a male model wearing their new women’s swimwear line.
I'm old enough to remember when women actually modeled women's bathing suits, not men. 🙃
— Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) May 17, 2023
Adidas’ website features this fellow, who has visible chest hair and a noticeably male bulge in the crotch area, wearing the swimsuit even though it is clearly marked as “Women’s Sportswear.” Well, yes, it’s women’s sportswear, but it’s also labeled a “Pride Swimsuit.” Adidas customers, however, are not buying this. The Pride Swimsuit, as of this writing, has 353 reviews, with a 1.1 rating out of a possible five.
These reviews are uniformly negative. A sampling:
Thats a man, not a woman
You guys are wrong for putting a man to model women’s swimsuits. #TransWomenAreMen
Never buy Adidas again!
If this is a womens swim suit why is a man wearing it!! I can’t believe that you have also gone down that same rabbit hole as bud light, good luck as you have just 1 more customer and I’m sure I won’t be the last!!
Discrimination Against Women
Why are you trying to erase women, Adidas? This is not inclusivity; it is exclusionary to present someone who is clearly a male when trying to sell women’s swimwear.
I thought Adidas valued women
This is a gross attack on women. This isn’t pride, it’s arrogance to force others to acknowledge your own delusions. This man needs help, not a swimsuit that was meant for me.
Dear Adidas, haven’t you heard about the Budweiser case? Are you sure you want the same end?
I’m a woman and I want to model mens bathing suits
I am an actual woman, and I think it’s totally unfair that I can’t model men’s speedos. Just because I have boobs, I am not allowed to go out in public in a Speedo! No fair no fair no fair!!
Adidas’ website describes this popular item as “A Colorful Swimsuit Made In Part with A Blend of Recycled and Renewable Materials.” Hey, that’s great. As we embrace the delusion and madness of the Left’s transgender agenda, we can go the whole nine yards and embrace still more delusion and madness by buying a climate-friendly swimsuit.
Adidas continues: “Let love be your legacy. South African designer Rich Mnisi once wrote that reminder in a handwritten letter to his younger queer self, and today it thrives at the core of the adidas x Rich Mnisi Pride Collection. A celebration of self-expression, imagination and the unwavering belief that love unites, the collaboration explores fluidity, color and patterns. This partnership is one part of our effort to honor the LGBTQIA+ community alongside our Global Purpose partner Athlete Ally.”
All right, but an inevitable question arises at this point: why does Adidas feel it necessary to “honor the LGBTQIA+ community”? Where is its clothing line that honors the Christian community? Or expresses its pride at being American? Right: nowhere.
This is likely because Adidas, like other corporations, feels it necessary to dance to the tune of the Human Rights Campaign, which has gotten millions of dollars from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and strong-arms corporations into supporting the LGBTQWTF agenda. If they don’t inflict woke advertising campaigns on us, they’re liable to do damage to their Corporate Equality Index (CEI) score, which could make them vulnerable to boycotts, media vituperation, employee walkouts, and more.
And so corporations toe the line. Those who are asking Adidas if it has learned the lesson of Bud Light should realize that the answer is clearly no. Corporations still for the most part fear the Left and disdain the Right, and are happy to dance to the Left’s tune while outraging patriots. They take for granted that the patriots will keep buying no matter how unhappy they are.
If those patriots want this madness to end, they’re going to have to reject many more products as unanimously and resolutely as they have turned away from Bud Light. Will Adidas suffer the same fate and provide yet another illustration of the “Go woke, go broke” adage? We can only hope.
I identify as a cat. I’m going to contact Catster magazine about appearing on their cover..
I contacted Catster magazine about appearing on their cover.
Well? What did they say? Don’t keep everybody in suspense!
All. That happened was that I was put on their mailing list. Today, I got an email asking if I wanted to enter a photo of my cat in a “Cute Kitty” contest.
THAT is not a man, I don’t know what it is but I know it’s not a man.
Agreed. If it is not a man, and it is certainly not a woman, then it has lost the look of humanity and enters the realm of monster.
No frontal shots showing the tiny hips and wide shoulders and neck. Position and shadow conceal the Adam’s apple, partially visible in the Oil London’s leftmost Twitter photo.
No matter how much they ram these photos down my throat, my gag reflex remains strong and intact.
He looks like an ad in a gay men’s magazine.
Yep. Fits right in. Homosexual couples usually have one partner who acts like “husband” and another who acts life “wife.” An imitation and perversion of the ideal reality.
Haven’t bought Adidas’ garbage product since the 80s. Now I have an even better reason to avoid it.
I with you. Never again.
They haven’t had much I’ve wanted to buy for a while. Looks that just became permanent.
Not since the 70s, for me.
Looks like they too want to lose their customers just by walking off the cliff like lemmings
I suppose they also have Burka swimwear for women who belong to the religion of peace. That would go well with the female swimwear for transwomen.
The creepy male model is the perfect choice for that repulsive, garish swimsuit.
Well, as seems to be the norm, aside from the ridiculous and shameless flaunting of perversion, by large corporations, the women’s card is being played again, calling this a put down on women.
My perception is quite simple. Women were fooled by men into pushing for so called “equality” and now they don’t like the consequences of their multi year efforts.
Love the LGBTQWTF that you slid in there, Robert. I will be using that in the future.
And yes, I am definitely staying away from products that are advertising this way: Ulta, Target, Olay, Nike, Adidas, Anthropologie, and so many more, including all of the AB beverages.
C’mon now, all you unenlightened souls. Adidas is simply educating y’all in history through its brilliant re-enactment of the Battle of the Bulge.
germany and austria the current owners of adidas . same people that tried to eliminate all jews , and still do . treat them all like the current owners of bud light .
We now see the spokes ”person” of Nike promoting female Swimsuits modeled by an actual man.
We see a man that THINKS he is a woman being the spokes ”person” being an actual man promoting Tampax, we see Nike using a man to promote women’s Sports Bras, and the silence of the ”feminist” who have been screaming about their inequality with men is rather deafening to my ears.
Has Planet Earth shifted slightly off its Axis.
We are looking at total depravity. These people can’t find their way through the forest, they have lost all sense of reality. The problem with this world is that they disavow the Creator, the one who made us all, and loved everyone he made. We were made with expert hands for a purpose that God designed. Since we have decided to abandon God and the truth of creation, we are on a collision course to destruction. Some can’t even define a woman or a man, this isn’t just lack of sense or knowledge, its minds given over to deception, and many have come to realize that they made big mistakes with this gender dysphoria, which is a destructive trend, if you speak to John Hopkins medical center, and it Is ruining health and lives.
I would like to think there are lots and lots of women who are getting tired of the diminution of their sex. Unfortunately, I think it is women (real women) who are keeping this charade alive. They are the ones taking their small children to drag shows, promoting the acceptance of “proper” pronoun use, indulging toddlers and pre-teens in self-assigning gender, cheering on men like Lia Thomas and buying crap like these bathing suits. I recently heard where Target is selling “trans onesies” and female bathing suits made to accommodate “tucking”. My faith will be restored when I hear that drag queen shows lose their audience, pronouns return to reality, natural born women aren’t forced to compete against men and this fashion trend withers on the vine. What do you say, birthing persons, it’s up to you?
I agree with you.
I wonder if women would be so destructive to their children (the opposite of nurturing) if men had more masculine virtue? Civilization needs both, but men lead.
Too much of what is depicted in that photo – macabre and perverse presentation of _______? I don’t know what to call it. Ugh.
I guess you can chalk it up to “masculine toxicity”. It seems to have had a real impact on what men are willing to do in respect to taking charge of their household. Much like “white guilt” has shamed the timid into hanging their heads over past indiscretions in which they did not participate. It is truly amazing to see how emasculated our society has become at the hands of a few malcontents.
Women will have to make up the extra cost to the women’s wear companies of marketing and manufacturing to such a small niche market.
We’ll know this nonsense has passed its’ experation date when companies start advertising their low ‘woke’ scores.