If you thought the ADL was bad before, it’s getting worse now. The UCLA case of a Jewish student being interrogated about her Jewish associations broke into the mainstream media. Even the New York Times had a decent report on it.
So the local ADL chose to write a letter claiming that there’s no anti-Semitism on campus.
“What’s so stark about this case, however, was how unusual it was,” Amanda Susskind, the director of the Pacific Southwest Region ADL wrote from Los Angeles. “It was also uncharacteristic of campus life for Jews at U.C.L.A.”
So if you believe Amanda, it was a random phenomenon that student government representatives acted this way with no roots in anything that had come before.
Meanwhile here’s a statement that Bruins for Israel put up last year.
As representatives of the organized Jewish and pro-Israel communities at UCLA, we see lies and hate speech as more than just a cause of discomfort. In the past, lies about the Jewish people have led directly to mass violence and oppression against us.
Apparently according to Amanda Susskind that never happened.
Here’s a statement from a Jewish student at UCLA.
“As a result of divestment, not only my mental stability but also my academics have suffered. These attacks on my identity and rights to self-determination have not only affected me emotionally, but have had devastating effects on my academics and have hindered my purpose on this campus—to be a student. It is ridiculous to me that at such a world-renowned university, our education is being put on hold because my identity is being put on trial.”
Again, according to Amanda Susskind, she must be lying. Or is it the ADL that’s lying?
Amanda Susskind writes, “For most Jewish students on campus, life is normal. This needs to be said, because mounting hysteria from some quarters on the subject of anti-Semitism on campus is simply not helpful to Jewish students and their families.”
Is the ADL’s mission to protect Jews from defamation or to protect the left from defamation? Amanda Susskind indicates that it’s the latter.
Instead of standing up for Jewish students, she dismisses them and slams Jewish groups that actually do stand up for them.
But this comes as no surprise from Susskind whose ADL branch honored a Democrat who said Jews vote Republican because they like money.
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