In response to Biden’s decision to restart the money train to the Palestinian Authority, the ADL tweeted, “We welcome the resumption of humanitarian, economic, development and security assistance to the Palestinian people. This critical aid will improve lives while hopefully helping advance progress between Israel and the Palestinians.”
It belatedly added, “However, we remain concerned UNRWA schools continue to disseminate content that is antisemitic, delegitimizes Israel, and encourages violence. The US must pursue binding commitments for transparent, effective reform.”
As I noted in my article, Defund UNRWA, that’s a huge understatement.
The UNRWA is on the front lines of the Hamas War in Gaza. In the headlines, its schools are forever being fired on or found to be stockpiling rockets. If individual Gazans are being used as human shields, the UNRWA often seems as if it is one big organizational human shield.
But the UNRWA isn’t Hamas’ human shield. The UNRWA is Hamas.
When there was talk of reforming the UNRWA by removing Hamas members from its ranks, the editor of a Hamas paper wrote that, “Laying off the agency employees because of their political affiliation means laying off all the employees of the aid agency, because…they are all members of the ‘resistance,’ in its various forms.”
The official word from Hamas was that it and the UNRWA are the same thing.
The UNRWA does not see that as a problem.
“I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll,” a former UNRWA Commissioner General said, “and I don’t see that as a crime.”
The UNRWA has admitted that Hamas uses its schools to store rockets. It admits that it has Hamas members in its ranks. It admits that rockets have been fired “into Israel from the vicinity of UN facilities and residential areas.”
When Kerry visited Gaza in 2009, the UNRWA’s Gaza chief passed along a letter to him from Hamas. The incident showed that not only was the locally recruited staff working for Hamas, but the UNRWA leadership was clearly cooperating with the terrorist group.
Biden’s point man behind the funding restarting is Hady Amr: an anti-Israel activist.
“I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Hady Amr wrote a year after September 11 while working with an anti-Israel group.
In 2019, Amr had co-written an article arguing that the United States should lay “out the terms of a three-way Hamas-Israel-PA/PLO deal now” and “build an international consensus around it.”
That would mean the Biden administration and its point man developing a plan to legitimize Hamas, gaining the support of the Europeans and the Russians, and then imposing it on Israel.
The ADL will endorse that too.
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