Few letters have had fewer reasons for existing than this one.
1. This is a letter by lefty groups and institutions to President Trump, a man they have repeatedly smeared and opposed, asking him to take their position on Israel, instead of that of the pro-Israel Jews who supported him.
Why exactly would Trump listen to the ADL and the IPF instead of his actual Jewish supporters?
2. Netanyahu is highly unlikely to annex the West Bank. No matter what he said during the campaign. But, considering the Trump administration’s moves on Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, does the gang that couldn’t plead straight really think that a letter to Trump is their best vehicle here?
But, the ADL, took a break from not fighting campus anti-Semitism or anti-Semitic violence in Brooklyn, to join the Israel Policy Forum, despite its name, quite anti-Israel, Ameinu, the National Council of Jewish Women, which has made it clear that it will work with BDS groups, and Rick Jacobs’ Union for Reform Judaism, to sign a letter demanding that President Trump reaffirm support for an Islamic terror state in Israel.
“West Bank annexation is a topic that is currently being debated in Israel, and was endorsed right before the election by Prime Minister Netanyahu himself as an electoral pledge. It is increasingly being touted as a measure that the United States would potentially support, despite concerns that it would damage Israel’s fundamental security while putting its core interest in maintaining a Jewish and democratic state at risk.”
Forget what Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli voters think. Take the authority of American leftist groups as to what’s best for Israel.
“We respectfully request that you… declare that the United States will not support any Israeli proposals to annex the West Bank, in whole or in part,” the organizations ask.
This is the first time and last time these groups have addressed President Trump “respectfully”.
In return for Trump flipping off his Jewish supporters to stand with Obama’s old cronies, they promise to continue opposing and undermining him at every turn.
Now that’s the real deal of the century.
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