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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
In August 1991, racist mobs roamed the streets of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, attacking anyone they thought might be Jewish. Black rioters stabbed, stoned and beat their victims. Community members huddled in their homes watching gangs smash their windows. Al Sharpton appeared to denounce the Jews at an event that included the banner, “Hitler did not do the job.”
In August 2023, the ADL ignored the anniversary of the Crown Heights Pogrom and instead joined Sharpton in Washington D.C. The ADL urged its members to take part in Sharpton’s ‘March on Washington’ headlined by his National Action Network and co-chaired by the ADL.
The ADL not only failed to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the Crown Heights Pogrom, it partnered with the hatemonger who was front and center at the pogrom. ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt issued a press release together with Al Sharpton about the recent murder of three people in Florida, while forgetting about the three people who died in Crown Heights.
They include Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting Australian student, who was surrounded and stabbed to death, Anthony Graziosi, an Italian-American salesman, dragged from his car and murdered because his hat and beard make him look like an Orthodox Jew, and Bracha Estricher, a Holocaust survivor who seeing the thugs pounding on her door committed suicide rather than fall into their hands. Not to mention a woman who suffered a miscarriage after being chased by the mob.
“Hate still exists,” Greenblatt declared in D.C. at an event headlined by the most lucrative bigot who used the Crown Heights Pogrom as a springboard to running for president, becoming a Democratic Party kingmaker, and securing a role as Obama’s envoy. He implied that critics of the ADL’s relationship with Sharpton were practicing “cancel culture”, when what we really needed to do is “embrace them” and “educate them about our history.”
Like the time that Sharpton taunted, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”
The ‘March on Washington’ was not Greenblatt’s first collaboration with Sharpton. The two men have repeatedly worked together and participated in joint appearances, events and press releases on various leftist causes, often having nothing to do with either Jewish or black issues, such as condemning the Trump administration’s efforts to secure the border in 2018.
But co-chairing an event with Sharpton’s hate group on the 32nd anniversary of the Crown Heights Pogrom is an unforgivable expression of contempt for the victims of the violence. On another August after a mob shouting, “There’s a Jew! Get the Jew! Kill the Jew.”, chased down and killed Yankel Rosenbaum, the ADL boss is eager to dismiss this as a mere matter of “differences”.
While it’s entirely conceivable that Jonathan Greenblatt, an Obama administration veteran ignorant of Jewish issues who steered the ADL into intersectional wokeness, did not know what else Sharpton had done in August (the last time the ADL commemorated the worst antisemitic riot in America history was in 2021), this is not the first time that this has happened.
The ADL and Greenblatt had come under fire for taking part in Sharpton’s ‘March on Washington’ in 2020 some months after BLM riots had targeted Los Angeles synagogues. When the pogrom was first taking place, a rabbi had blasted the ADL for ignoring the violence and instead “issuing a press release about skinheads in Idaho”.
In 2016, Norman Rosenbaum, an Australian prosecutor who had come to America to fight for justice for his murdered brother, condemned the ADL and future New York City Mayor Eric Adams for marking the pogrom with a “community festival” offering fun for all.
After securing a federal civil rights trial for his brother’s killer, who had gotten a pass from a friendly local jury, Rosenbaum passionately held establishment groups like the ADL accountable. When Sharpton was invited to events, he would challenge those who did it, reminding them that, “it completely disregards the pivotal role that Al Sharpton played in inciting the riots which took my brother’s life.”
Norman Rosenbaum passed away in July 2020, freeing up the ADL to work on Sharpton’s March to Washington that year. With him gone, the ADL boss felt no shame in using the 32nd anniversary of the pogrom to party with Sharpton in Washington D.C.
In one of his last messages, Norman Rosenbaum wrote in 2019 that, “It was a mob of about 30 who attacked and murdered Yankel, of which 28 have never been brought to justice. And as he parades around as a supposed leader and champion of civil rights, Sharpton has never once called on his supporters to turn in to law enforcement the remaining 28 people. But that is not a priority in Al Sharpton’s world.”
Nor is it a priority for the ADL.
The ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt claimed that he had come with Sharpton to Washington D.C. to stand up for justice. Sharpton has never faced justice, not for Crown Heights, for the Tawana Brawley hoax, or the Freddie’s massacre in Harlem which killed 7 people.
The last time the ADL commemorated the Crown Heights Pogrom was two years ago while refusing to use the correct term “pogrom”, instead choosing to use the media’s distorted politically term “riots” in order to evade the responsibility of the political establishment, including Mayor David Dinkins, New York City’s first black mayor, in having the police stand down.
The ADL’s press release stated that “one of the enduring lessons of the Crown Heights Riots is in acknowledging the responsibility to confront antisemitism, no matter where it is and who is perpetrating it.” Two years later, the ADL is co-chairing an event with an antisemite who was at the epicenter of the worst antisemitic riot in the nation’s history.
In Washington D.C., Sharpton began his speech with, “No justice, no peace”, the same slogan that he had brought to Crown Heights three decades ago and which Charles Price, who was convicted of inciting the Rosenbaum murder had shouted, along with, “Let’s get the Jews”.
The Jews were on the ground, courtesy of Greenblatt and fading actor Sacha Baron Cohen, most famous for singing “Throw the Jew down the well” in the persona of ‘Borat’. “Many of you are probably wondering what the hell is a white Jewish comedian from England doing here,” he asked, after first opening with a tiresome joke about performing at the Rosenberg bar mitzvah.
“I promise that this is not a prank on you,” he assured the crowd. “It might be one on me.”
That was an adequate summary of Jews showing up to Sharpton’s event.
“Today was a day to show our strength,” Sharpton boasted and vowed to fight for racial preferences in corporations. “We are not going to let you take affirmative action.”
While Sharpton and his allies show their strength, the ADL and the Jewish organizational establishment show their weakness. That is as true today as it was 32 years ago.
The ADL’s actions are not only a moral disgrace, they’re also a betrayal. Why is the ADL joining an antisemite’s campaign in support of racial preferences which primarily discriminate against Asians and Jews? (The successful campaign against affirmative action was waged by Edward Blum, a Jewish conservative, and Asian-American plaintiffs.) What interests are served here?
When the Crown Heights Pogrom took place, the ADL had waited a week and a half to condemn it. Abe Foxman, the ADL’s longtime leader, explained that the group had remained silent in the face of days of antisemitic violence, assault and murder out of “a quest for social justice”. Social justice, or more accurately, leftist politics, is still the priority for the ADL.
Jewish lives don’t matter, social justice does.
Since this supposed to a polite forum, I must refrain from commenting on this travesty as bluntly as I would like to. For those of us who actually care about issues relating to Jew hatred, I would hope that they feel as strongly as I do that the ADL is a completely useless and irrelevant organization. It has long since ceased to function as it was intended to, Nothing that the ADL says or does has any value.
Al is now and has been, since the earliest days of his political career. a merchant of hate. The Reverend Al has done all he can, like Obama, to destroy our Republic. When guys like Al speak of fundamentally changing America, they actually mean they want to destroy it. That the current leadeship of ADL has joined Al in promoting yet another CRT victimhood scam is not in the least surprising. Liberal ideologs, especially those of secular Jewish origins, regularly demonstrate how self-destructive and delusional they are about the circumstances that conffront their nominal co=relgionists around the world. Perhaps, it’s not entirely their fault; more than likely they grew up in homes where their parents/grandparents, on ideological grounds, defended Stalin while he murdered Jews. .
I am told that Sharpton was carrying a wire for the feds at one point. The joke was, don’t get Al wet, or his mike will explode.
Imv, Booker T. Washington, the freed slave, said it well when he warned others to be aware of those to profit off racism. After being freed, Booker T walked on foot some 500 miles to get an education. It took him a few months of walking and working along the way to support himself. Dudes, aka, grifters, like the corrupt Al, Jesse, Barry, others, are far removed from the brilliance of Booker T.
The Simon Wesathaul Center has also been high jacked by leftist. Back in 1980’s, I sent the SWC twenty five dollars. I want my money back.
With interest and inflation compensation, I hope
I recall Rabbi MK Meir Kahane o.b.m. giving a talk in which he said of Major American Jewish Organizations ™, “Do these people speak for you? Did you elect them? Do they represent you? Why do you allow them to tell you how to think or what to do?” My silent answers to his questions were, “No, no, no, and they don’t tell me how to think or what to do.” That was over thirty-five years ago. And things haven’t changed, except to grow worse. Unfortunately, Rabbi Kahane was taken from us by an Islamist terrorist while speaking in New York in 1990. We still need his firebrand type of leadership and nobody has taken his place, at least not in America.
The narrative may change, but the underlying biology changes very slowly. Those same attitudes are still lurking underneath the narratives.
I wouldn’t even compare these them to Vultures I mean even Vultures couldn’t stand either of them pair the worse of humanity
I agree it dehumanized Vultures. BBLM Black Bird Lives Matter.
Sharpton has never apologized for his tone in the Crown Heights pogrom and Greenblatt has completely sold out the ADL to the woke ideology
Al Sharpton never apologizes for his crimes. He has incited multiple violent rampages that have led to the killing of innocent victims, and never has he been held accountable. Attention hungry hacks appear with him, and cowardly politicians and corporate leaders suck up to him and pay him off rather than take a stand against his racist hate. He a base level con artist with a high profile. And he was created by a long procession of weak greedy people who should have known better.
All of the victims at Freddy’s Market were MINORITY MEMBERS. Sharpton should have been indicted for that one.
Latino women.
Yes, I recall from news reports at the time that they were. The poor souls.
Good idea Daniel, introducing the word “Pogrom” into the parlance for these kinds of debates, I don’t think MSM has ever used the word for such events, when it is the most appropriate word.
Another old word would also be appropriate for these situations.
The word is; Kapo.
It was originally called the Crown Heights Pogrom. Search for the words though and Google directs you only to Crown Heights Riot.
I like calling it what it was, it was a Pogrom, lead by the fake preacher Sharpton.
Hmm… where did we see another pogrom led by a “holy man”? Oh yes, Peter the Hermit, who led mobs all over the Rhineland, destroying ancient Jewish communities and destroying irreplaceable scholarly manuscripts during the First Crusade. Hey, it worked then, why not keep doing it?
We need an ADL, just not this ADL. BTW, regarding the Jacksonville murders, how many have every even heard of Carlton Gilford? Look up his name and Tulsa, OK. Any White House statement of outrage? Any incendiary media reporting? Any joint press statement by Jonathan Greenblatt and Al Sharpton?
No surprise that I’d never heard of him.
That prick is like Darrell Brooks – a low-life repeatedly let outta jail, just like street-trash George Floyd.
Darrell Brooks got washed down the memory hole. (I’ve casually asked people, as a test, if they know who Brooks is. I’m up to 17, and still haven’t found one.)
George Floyd is painted, sculpted, and worshipped all over the place. (I’ve yet to find any who where aware that Floyd had pistol whipped a pregnant woman.)
Brooks is guilty as hell, so the press forgot him.
Floyd was no victim as he overdosed on fentanyl, but the press had a video – and a lie to tell.
Another thing was that they succumbed to political pressure and faked the autopsy. I no longer have confidence in their autopsies as a result.
Mass shooters of color are the wrong sort of narrative and so their stories quickly get buried.
The ADL & there followers have recently taken to calling anyone to the right of Pol Pot a Nazi and the next Hitler. . I suspect if a new Hitler actually does show up the ADL will be kissing his butt. Watching the ADL you begin to understand how 6 million Jews got killed with the exception of the Warsaw ghetto very little resistance..
There was some resistance beyond the Warsaw Ghetto. And Jews were overrepresented in the French Resistance among others.
That said what were the odds of unorganized civilians, many with no military experience, against a military that had smashed France, England, Russia, not to mention numerous smaller countries?
Until the US showed up, no one was much of a match for Nazi Germany.
Actually, sometimes it looks like we could be closer to uncovering a political Hitler now that since WW2 with the attitude and hate one sees in many areas. E.g., the hatred for DJT is grossly out of proportion. I fear Bongino and Carlson could be correct in their estimates.
This is what they mean by “equity”: the pure evil is equal to the good, the victim is equal to the perpetrator. I first came across it here in the uk education system and it shocked me to the core. 6 years ago, I was doing private tuition and I asked my pupil what type of English she was doing. This sweet 7 year old showed me her essay comparing and contrasting Churchill and hitler. This had clearly been organised by the teacher and probably was part of the National Curriculum. This child wrote about Hitler as if he were just a normal leader, absolutely no reference to the Nazi invasions and the Holocaust.
So this disgusting kapo useful idiot is colluding with those who wish him dead and he willingly takes money for it.
Defund the ADL. It no longer serves any purpose. Greenblatt has no shame.
Don’t Buy into Sharpton’s Attack on McDonald’s
Racism is abhorrent. So are shakedown artists who cry racism to rake in cash.
Betsy McCaughey
For many years, corporations have paid off Sharpton’s group to avoid boycotts and rallies outside their headquarters — the same “action” Sharpton’s letter threatens to take against McDonald’s. A $100,000 donation seems cheap compared to the damage he could do.
After the Brawley sham, Sharpton moved to strong-arming corporations. “Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him,” reported Ken Boehm, late chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center in Virginia
Abunimah’s piece — and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations — got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others. PAMELA GELLER
Biden’s new press secretary has a problem with Jews
By Edward Davis
Karine Jean-Pierre makes history this week as the first woman “of color” and the first open lesbian to become the official spokesperson for the leader of the free world.
Unfortunately, another characteristic that sets her apart from previous White House press secretaries is her malicious radical activism, which reached its low point when she made fictitious allegations against a moderate, bipartisan pro-Israel organization.
The weekly Bible teaching program “Friends of Israel” is a good alternative to the Sharpton/Greenblatt nonsense. The phrase ‘blind leading the bilnd,’ comes to mind.
The Trosky/Grennblatt types start the revolution, and Brownstein/Ronsebaum types suffer for it.
Good point. People like Greenblatt actually create antisemitism. Then make millions of dollars supposedly fighting it
Great business model
Absolutely appalling and indefensible naivete, foolishness and stupidity on the part of the ADL, kowtowing to and giving deference to the utterly vile and evil demagogue and Jew-hater, Sharpton, who undeniably has the blood of innocents on his hands, from inciting the murders at Freddy’s Fashion Mart.
Even more disgusting and indefensible is that the vile Dumb-o-crat Party and mainstream media, instead of treating Sharpton as persona non grata, have made him into a wealthy media personality, and, conferred undeserved legitimacy upon him.
It is no surprise that Greenblatt used to work for a Soros org.
He is a JStreet junkie, a negligent non-leader, a colossal failure, and a pawn of the malicious left’s assault on America – not just a “useful idiot”. An active enabler of anti semitic people and causes, it is unfathomable that he is still employed.
The ADL is a self-hating Jewish organization.