The Supreme Court has the opportunity to end the last element of systemic racism in America.
While the critical race theory crowd throws around claims of systemic racism, the only major form of systemic racism still staining this nation is affirmative action. The critical race theory crowd is well aware of it because they heavily benefited from it.
Affirmative action is simply racist. Period.
The critical race theory crowd has tried to redefine racism as requiring power. While that’s an invalid definition, anyone can be racist if they believe racist things, but in the case of affirmative action, educationally, financially, and in all of its forms, from government contracts to educational privileges to corporations providing special ‘lanes’ for minorities, it’s the embodiment of racial privilege and power.
It needs to end.
The only two defense that has ever been deployed for the racist policy is that minorities (never Asian people though or successful minority groups) are suffering from unconscious bias and invisible systemic racism, and that differences in racial outcomes must prove the existence of this invisible and thoroughly imaginary racism.
This offensive defense depends on not touching the third rail and raising the question of responsibility. Instead, everyone else must continue to suffer to subsidize a racist culture of victimhood.
The reality is that affirmative action has become our current ‘original sin’. It’s a racist policy which makes a mockery of the legal precedents of the civil rights movement. It hurts the minorities it’s trying to help while dismantling educational and workplace standards on a massive escalating scale. It’s now even wrecking the military. Furthermore, it perpetuates the shameful lie that meritocracy is worthless and that outcomes depend entirely on race and identity politics, instead of individual effort.
America can never be the country it once was and seeks to be again with the racist millstone of affirmative action around its neck.
The Supreme Court has the opportunity to do the right thing. It should.
Like most racist policies, I don’t expect that affirmative action will wither away in a moment with a SCOTUS ruling. There will be plenty of those, like Elie Mystal, who will have their “affirmative action yesterday, affirmative action today and affirmative action tomorrow” moments.
The damage will linger on in those children and teenagers wrongly denied an education and employment because of the systemic racism of affirmative action. And those who were led into educational and career tracks they were ready for, crippling their future just as thoroughly.
We can however begin to move forward. And by tossing aside the systemic racism of affirmative action, there will be hope for a better post-racial future where our children will be judged on the content of their character, not on their racial quotas.
One wonders whether SCOTUS has the guts to do what must be done, and if the LE community will stop the certain-to-come violent riots… or stand back and watch as they did in 2020.
Two very good questions
Roberts wants to get rid of Affirmative Racism so I figure enough guts are in the court to do what must be done. I also figure law enforcement will allow the seditionists to riot in the usual “blue” shitholes.
They won’t. What they might do is create a more formal offramp that has a definite future date, far enough out so they can still attend their cocktail parties and receive Ivy League honoraria. It’s still de rigueur in academic and other lefty circles to descriminate against Asians, Whites and Jews of all races.
Are you sure? I saw Roberts on TV today and he’s definitely against Affirmative Racism.
Perhaps we are in for a pleasant surprise. Wouldn’t that be nice for a change?
In contrast to faux systemic racism described in Critical Race Theory (CRT) that has no facts to back it up, systemic racism for university admissions is based on facts.
CRT itself is racist in its approach to human relations along with the 1619 Project. It is creating another form of systemic racism in the country.
To eliminate the last vestiges of racism in America we must get rid of it in university admissions and CRT. Judge every human being as a unique individual and not a group.
It’s strange to me, I started warning about how Asian students were being discriminated against back in the 1980s, almost 40 years ago, based on what I saw at Berkeley. Asians didn’t realize that Affirmative Action was mainly directed at Asians. Only after all this time did the issue get to the Supreme Court.
Let’s not forget the other Asians targeted by Affirmative Action — the Jews, who have been uncomfortably and grudgingly accepted in American society and academia for a century. Perhaps that’s why so many Jews are leftists — it’s the only way that they can deceive themselves into thinking that the rest of America really, really accepts them. Other than the Christians, of course, who are perhaps the best friends we have in the world. And they’re not so well-loved either these days.
Affirmative Action should just be abolished as a failure
This is an excellent article.
Merit is the standard for the janitor, the baker, the plumber, the pilot and the neurosurgeon alike. Who wants to have his tires replaced by a sub-standard workman? People working make life and civilization possible.
I want to thank the author for the sentence, “The damage will linger on in those children and teenagers wrongly denied an education and employment because of the systemic racism of affirmative action.” In almost every discussion there is about affirmative discrimination the arguments are made that it hurts minorities due to “mismatch” and that it cheapens the achievements and abilities of legitimate black achievers who labor under the suspicion that they got where they are due to such special consideration. Nothing is ever heard about the millions of white and Asian people who have had to go to lower-ranked schools than their objective qualifications would have warranted or had their careers attenuated due to affirmative discrimination. So I thank Mr. Greenfield for pointing out the true victims of this enormous waste of talent.
Roberts is on the right/legal/constitutional side of this case so chances are good Affirmative Racism will be thrown out. He’s well known as the Justice who usually sides with the left-wing activists on the Court but I saw him on TV today dismissing some idiotic left-wing talking point by basically saying America fought a Civil War for racial equality, not to perpetuate it.
Early voting, no ID, drop boxes, mail in voting, etc… are all systemic racism aimed at diluting the white vote.
Affirmative action is the Alpha and Omega Of racism in the latter part of the 20th century until now.. Just about the entire expanse of my lifetime (63 years). As a WASP, I have NEVER been considered equal in my own Nation. What a National disgrace. But, the Tree of Liberty will be being refreshed soon. So maybe I will die an equal citizen in the United States of America, before I close my eyes on this life. So I pray.
The abhorrent practice of government sanctioned racism has placed thousands of lesser qualified individuals in positions where their lacking in skills has had real consequences for countless thousands over the decades since its inception.
It’s way past time to drive a wooden stake through the heart of this last bastion of racism.
Those incompetents and incompetents have adversely affected all of us in myriad ways.
Government set asides for MBE and WBE are still going strong and entrenched for Govt contracts.
Affirmative action has reached the medical establishment now. The medical schools are lowering their standards to reach equity for minority students. This is life or death for people who visit their doctor. This is the result of the federal government taking over the medical system.
And the A.M.A. Wouldn’t want to forget them.
The federal, states and local governments heavily promote white, male discrimination with awarding contracts only to people of color or women businesses. Even foreigners from other countries who are business owners get this preferential treatment over whites. This also MUST stop as it discriminates against innocent people and costs the taxpayers far more money then necessary.