Michael Bloomberg has the right to do whatever he wants with his money. But it’s hard not to miss his spending priorities. Over $500 million wasted on a vanity campaign and $40 million for fighting an epidemic in Africa. Never mind that there’s not much going on in Africa.
If Bloomberg had spent that money actually showing he could fix problems, instead of barraging everyone with ads and catered events, he might have actually won the nomination. Instead he is who he always was, a self-centered, arrogant and not very bright cold fish.
Bloomberg Philanthropies will donate $40 million toward a global response to the coronavirus pandemic, the organization founded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Tuesday.
The Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Coronavirus Global Response Initiative will fund rapid-response teams to prevent and slow the disease’s spread in vulnerable low- and middle-income countries.
The initiative will have a strong focus on African nations, but will also extend to support mayors and city governments around the world.
There’s not much coronavirus in Africa, but Bloomberg clearly doesn’t give a damn about America. I wonder how many ventilators that $500 million could have bought. But America isn’t poor enough for Bloomberg to help. Even though this is where he made his money.
The new $40 million global initiative will support immediate action to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19 in vulnerable low- and middle-income countries. Bloomberg Philanthropies will partner with the global health organization Vital Strategies on global response efforts, along with the World Health Organization (WHO), to support lower income countries and cities respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
More than 180 cities will join experts from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative to receive the most up-to-date information on the virus and crisis coaching to manage the public health pandemic.
Sure, they could go to the CDC and WHO sites, but this way Bloomberg comes off as more important.
Bloomberg Philanthropies will partner with Dr. Tom Frieden, president and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative of global health organization Vital Strategies, along with the World Health Organization (WHO), to help lower-income countries and cities respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Frieden was Obama’s disgraced CDC head who completely botched the Ebola response. So this is perfect.
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