Something is always ruining Biden’s vacation.
First, it was the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. And then it was the Supreme Court refusing a stay on a Texas abortion law. (Despite the Democrat and media hysteria, all SCOTUS did was refuse a stay on .)
The same administration that refused to do anything for trapped Americans is announcing an all-hands-on-deck effort to save abortion across a variety of government agencies.
Never mind that there’s no actual emergency in Texas (even if you assume that a law creating liability for killing babies after a certain amount of development is an emergency), but the various lefty advocacy groups are already creating hysteria and hyping up a political crisis.
And Biden is happy to lead the hysteria parade.
The demo that is happiest about this is the Jennifer Rubin contingent of Biden cat ladies who don’t give a damn about Americans being stranded in Afghanistan, but care a great deal about abortion. This was the demo that was loudest in trying to silence and intimidate reporters on social media. And now gets to focus on its pet cause of killing babies while Americans continue to be stranded in Afghanistan.
Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon’s Deputy chief of staff Felix Ungerman, a retired Air Force colonel, has worked cases since Kabul fell to the Taliban. Earlier this week, he was on the phone with a U.S. citizen in Kabul reporting to a citizen’s access point, which he had tried to access for days. Then, the Taliban started to fire.
“He goes, ‘Oh my god, he’s shooting.’ And I said, ‘Please get away from there, go get to safety,’” Ungerman said. “His phone cut off while I could hear gunshots going off, and I couldn’t get in touch with him again. I tried calling his cellphone every couple of hours to see if I could get him, tried an email, sent him a text message. And it wasn’t until [Tuesday] morning that he actually texted me back and said, ‘Yeah, I’m OK, but now what do I do?’ I’m like, ‘You get to somewhere safe, and you stay there until we can — our government can offer some solutions to help you.’”
Another citizen he worked with heeded the U.S. Embassy’s recommendation earlier this year to make plans to leave the country on a commercial flight, but she booked a ticket for the first week of September — not expecting the country would fall to the Taliban weeks before her departure date. She didn’t think she could get to Kabul safely as a single woman. Now, she doesn’t know what to do or how to leave.
These are not the single women whose safety and welfare Biden or Emily’s List are interested in.
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