What a difference some years and one violent attack make.
It wasn’t all that long ago that Rep. Angie Craig was expressing support for the pro-crime racist hate group Black Lives Matter and taking part in its rallies. And then she got attacked in her building. Now she’s talking sense.
Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) called for a crackdown on crime in Washington, D.C., after she was attacked in the district. Craig was allegedly attacked by Kendrid Hamlin, 26, early Thursday morning in her apartment building’s elevator.
Hamlin was found to have a long rap sheet of over eight years. He’s been prosecuted for sexual and violent crimes. In November, he was arrested after getting violent with Capitol officers who found him lying on the ground. He assaulted several and spit blood in another officer’s face. He was released after just 35 days, and he went on to assault Craig shortly thereafter.
“I got attacked by someone who the District of Columbia has not prosecuted fully over the course of almost a decade, over the course of 12 assaults before mine that morning,” she said. “And so I think we have to think about how in the world can we make sure that we’re not just letting criminals out.”
“I mean, it wasn’t even in every instance that he got 10 days or 30 days. Many times, the charges were completely dropped before any justice was achieved at all,” she added.
“If you throw somebody in jail for 10 days and think, ‘There’s your punishment, and we’re gonna let you right back on the street,’ what the hell do you think’s gonna happen?” she said.
She said the main problem was repeat offenders.
“We have to get these repeat offenders off the streets. We also have got to figure out how we get people the mental health and addiction help that they need because these people are getting back out and just recommitting the same crimes over and over and over again,” Craig said.
Well yeah, that was the common sense reality that everyone knew until 5 years or so ago when the Democrats and portions of the Republicans decided that criminals were the real victims and we should let them all out and stop arresting them.
If Rep. Craig really believes that, she can help ride herd on D.C.’s pro-crime council and there are some crime bills that need to be introduced and passed. We’ve had a whole lot of pro-crime bills that passed, with the complicity of both Democrats and Republicans, it’s time to roll that back and reopen the prisons.
Amazing to find someone who can learn from her mistakes.
“Kendrid Hamlin?” A felon year after year at least since he turned eighteen Probably earlier..
Golly gee, do you think he’s possibly black?
lolol … I remember one kid in my junior high school was named Orange Valley 🙂
Ha ha!
It’s a sad thing when retards have kids. And let me guess; he was black.
The woman seems to have acquired a keen grasp of the obvious. Good for her. Now if that can only happen on all the other issues…
Getting you ass kicked will do that.
Is there something in the water in MN that’s causing some sort of mass psychosis?
I mean, George Floyd the Innocent, Martyr of Minneapolis? Really? They need to take a look at other videos with different camera angles, and then ask themselves how the county medical examiner just happened to change his mind about his initial report’s conclusions. Then they might want to take another look at Keith X Ellison, the MN Attorney General, former Louis Farrakhan disciple, and present-day follower of the tribe of Ishmael.
She sounds racist.
he’s an example of the saying “a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.”
“…and a reactionary is a conservative with a daughter in junior high school.” Or at least that’s what we used to say.
The propensity to commit crime is not always a “mental health” or “addiction” issue. Addressing mental health and addiction will not change the human heart. Crime exists because human beings are flawed and unrighteous. We must re-establish the Christian laws, policies and culture that creates a strong rule of law and equality before it. We must do this because we love one another and want our nation to thrive.
If a white politician had said the same thing she would have been labeled a racist immediately. You know it’s true.
Belated epiphany.
Welcome to reality.
WOW – what a CHANGE in attitude over a little “assault”!! Imagine what she’d want to do if she went out and bought a DOZEN EGGS!
Over six bucks, right? Even gasoline costs less than that.
But, but, but isn’t Craig just wanting to place her assailant in the “school to prison pipeline” and contributing to the “mass incarceration” of people of color? What a racist.
So now their catching on about what its like beyond the walls of the castles I sure hope they keep their words and crack down on violent offenders and lock them up for life
Yet another in a long line of embarrassments for Minnesota. Perhaps she went home to cry on her wife’s shoulder. A leftist who gets mugged becomes … what was it again?
I believe the term you are searching foe is “Enlightened”.