In November 2022, Climate Envoy John Kerry announced a giveaway of $1 billion in foreign aid to South Africa. The failed racist state which regularly suffers blackouts from its socialist power system was being offered billions to subsidize electric cars and green energy.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claimed that “President Ramaphosa and the South African Government have created a bold plan identifying a clear strategy for achieving South Africa’s most ambitious climate targets.”
In reward for that $1 billion and the billions in foreign aid dispensed over the years, South Africa is conducting joint military exercises with China and Russia.
The Biden administration had little to say except that it was “concerned”, but wasn’t about to tear up that $1 billion check to make sure that a crime-ridden country with $500 million in car thefts a year has all the electric cars its car thieves need to steal and resell.
Naledi Pandor, the African National Congress’ Foreign Minister, a Muslim convert, claimed that it was just “an exercise with friends” and that objecting to her government’s decision to conduct military exercises with China and Russia was an “abuse of international practice.”
The ANC government has the right to conduct joint military exercises with our enemies. And we have the right to stop funding the corrupt ANC Communist party destroying the country.
The United States provided over $500 million in aid to South Africa last year. In 2020, we delivered over $600 million. That’s part of over $3.5 billion in the last decade.
What have we gotten in exchange for that?
In 2018, then UN Ambassador Nikki Haley commissioned a report which noted that South Africa was among the countries least likely to vote with the United States. That put the ANC government in a club with Cuba, Iran, Zimbabwe, North Korea and Venezuela. Almost all of the countries on the list were America’s sworn enemies. That was not a coincidence.
There were suggestions that the United States might condition foreign aid on support at the UN. Aid to South Africa did fall from $386 million to $271 million before shooting up again in 2020.
Biden’s billion dollar giveaway to the ANC regime more than makes up for any brief shortfall.
South Africa’s ANC government views us as an enemy while we continue to view the country and its government as some sort of success story.
In America, pictures of Nelson Mandela decorate billboards and the relationship between Nelson and Winnie Mandela was made into a movie, ‘Winnie Mandela’, despite her role in murdering Stompie Moeketsi Seipei, a 14-year-old boy, in a failed effort to get him to make a false accusation of molestation against a white Methodist minister fighting Apartheid.
Mandela, a Communist terrorist mythologized into a plaster saint, was succeeded by Thabo Mbeki who claimed that AIDS was caused by malnutrition and who began the country’s blackouts, who was succeeded by Jacob Zuma, who was accused of raping an HIV-positive woman before taking a shower to get rid of the virus, who was succeeded by Ramaphosa.
The State Department claims that “South Africa has made notable strides toward building an inclusive democracy that provides increased opportunity for its people.” Not remotely true.
A fifth of adults in South Africa are HIV positive. More than half the country is living in a state of poverty. 74 people were murdered every day making for one of the highest murder rates in the world. Blackouts are constant with more days of blackouts than not over the course of a year.
All of this is the legacy of the African National Congress. Apartheid ended over three decades ago. The ANC has burned through the country’s infrastructure and its capital. Decades of corruption have destroyed any future and it’s stuck with a $130 billion national debt that is estimated to pass 100% of its GDP by 2025. Worse still, its GDP shrank by 1.3%.
Western governments and protesters got the regime they wanted. So did China.
The ANC’s Cyril Ramaphosa recently expressed his love and admiration for China’s Communist government and declared that, “South Africa applauds China’s principled foreign policy posture.”
“We therefore readily align ourselves with the four calling-ons articulated by President Xi, which call on all countries to respect the diversity of human civilisations and perspectives while advancing the common values of humanity.”
Then let President Xi fund the ANC.
In the last years of the Bush administration, US foreign aid to South Africa rose from the single digits to the triple digits. Under Obama, writing $300 million checks a year to the failed state became the new normal. It’s time to cut off all foreign aid and end this one way relationship.
It may be too much to expect a reevaluation of Nelson Mandela: the bosom buddy of every international monster of his day including Castro, Arafat, Gaddafi and Mugabe. But under a series of ANC leaders, South Africa has evolved into a murderous racist oligarchy where white farmers are murdered every day in an ongoing state-sponsored campaign of ethnic cleansing.
“The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to black South Africans,” President Ramaphosa threatened.
That didn’t stop Biden from holding a high-profile meeting with him last year or from his administration offering billions in green energy subsidies to a corrupt failed state.
South Africa’s military exercises with China and Russia make it clear that’s treason.
The Biden administration claims that “the United States and South Africa share vibrant educational and people-to-people ties, significant economic and political interests, as well as common development objectives throughout Africa.” Not one of these things are true.
America has no political interests in common with the ANC. The only objective the ANC has is taking our money while allying with our enemies. Supporting Mandela and the ANC was a tragic mistake that led directly to the deaths of as many as half a million people in South Africa due to crime, violence and the spread of HIV. Our alternatives are another bout of regime change to set things right or to stop writing $300 million checks to try to fix South Africa.
The sight of South Africa’s military and a Chinese warship conducting exercises ought to make it clear that the ANC is our enemy. And that any further foreign aid just funds our enemies.
Lethal says
I have been to SA 6 times, last trip was 11 years ago. It was a lovely country, but sadly those who now rule have destroyed the place. In typical Communist fashion, they claimed they would make the country fairer, but, in typical Communist fashion, they were only out to enrich themselves at everyone else’s expense.
Kasandra says
And who cudda predicted that?
Mo de Profit says
“ That didn’t stop Biden from holding a high-profile meeting with him last year or from his administration offering billions in green energy subsidies to a corrupt failed state.”
That’s WHY they held the meeting, all you guys need to do now is fall in line with the WEF and YOU will own NOTHING and be happy, just like the South Africans.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I’ve been reading about human sacrifice in West Africa during the 1890s, by black kings sacrificing their black subjects, in ways similar to the Aztec human sacrifices. It isn’t just black kings enslaving other blacks that is the problem, also black kings making human sacrifices is a problem. I suppose sub rosa something like that is going on in South Africa also, under the guise of Socialism.
Hannah Katz says
The ANC was and is a bunch of communists, so no surprise they side with the ChiComs. And the Economic Freedom Fighters party is even further left, vowing to steal all the White owned farms. Remember that Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa until Comrade Bob Mugabe stole the White owned farms and turned them over to his cronies, turning Zimbabwe into a basket case.
Maybe we can trade disgruntled American Blacks to SA for White South Africans. I bet they would vote Republican.
roberta says
3rd world always-always-always goes with whomever appears to be strongest. Might makes right.
And they also know that if they make the wrong decision by backing china, there will be no
repercussions by the US.
What a hot mess of sh-t Biden has made in 2 years.
RAM says
They’re following the money, plus they’re getting closer to fellow totalitarians. Anybody who expected Mandela’s venture to actually help black South Africans as a group was naive or irretrievably leftist.
ontoiran says
somehow i don’t think siding with our enemies is going to keep you from getting american taxpayers’ money
Spurwing Plover says
Asian and Africa still Dumping their plastic litter into the Oceans and clear cutting their forests for the wood to produce the power or to make way for Wind Turbines and Solar Panels
Kasandra says
FWIW, the sainted WInnie Mandela was a monster and a big fan of “necklacing.” That was a technique used in South Africa (I won’t say by the ANC because they officially frowned on it but they sure didn’t stop the practice) in which a victim, usually someone suspected of being a police informant, was taken and a tire soaked with gasoline put around their upper torso and arms and often affixed with barbed wire. The tire was then ignited and the person horribly burned to death. Of this, Winnie said, ““We have no guns – we have only stone, boxes of matches and petrol. Together, hand-in-hand, with our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country.”
commonsense says
I knew South Africa was crumbling, but I’m aghast to learn how horrendous life must now be for all but the ANC’s elites. It seems there’s now little if any difference between the RSA and Zimbabwe.
And the Biden administration throws a billion dollars of our money at these savages and praises the ANC for its leadership while it engages in military excercises with our enemies…par for the course. But where are the Republicans? More than two months have passed since the GOP won a majority in the House, and still no plans are being made to initiate impeachment proceedings against this dangerous, reckless, corrupt, senile, incompetent abomination occupying the White House, as our country disintegrates with increasing rapidity. Thre is no leadership. We are rudderless and in great danger
Chief says
“But where are the Republicans?”
We are ruled by a Giant Eagle. The Eagle has two wings and one head. Both wings are attached to that Eagle.
Sox the cat says
Sure feels like that sometime. I’m stealing your metaphor. I should use it today at
Caroline Cronin says
“Steal electric cars and then resell them”? I’m thinking South Africa is long past supporting the climate change lies.
Daniel Greenfield says
There’s still money to be made reselling them.
BettyO says
Back in the 70’s I was designing brochures describing some fabulous tours for potential customers of a company who had the bucks to go on “air cruises” to comparatively inaccesssible destinations.
They would hit many tourist high spots then head for the outback.
Kenya, Tanzania, Rhodesia, Namibia and of course, the interior of South Africa. The emphasis was on visiting the wildlife parks and rural villages, the wildflowers and scenic wonders.
I’m so glad that the creator of those tours, who relied on and respected the people they visited, passed on before the wholesale slaughter and corruption began.
The western world was dazzled by the idea of independence, but most already had it. European “exploitation” had many beneficial outcomes; now all undone.
I am close now with three women, two Rwandan, one Ugandan, who sought asylum here, live and work now in California. One still communicates with family, all send help. One has no close family members left at all, all murdered.
Their disastrous fates were intertribal and religious conflicts.
I’m sure we hear only the worst news from these regions, that the vineyards in the Capetown area and the super tourist encampments in the parks still contribute to the economy. But If I were twenty-five again knowing what I know now, I would not ever want to go there, and it used to be a dream.
Daniel Greenfield says
It is a real tragedy.
Kasandra says
But look how well Wakanda has done.
Rose says
The $100’s Billions of AID to South Africa was so Bill Gates and Comrads could vaccinate them to death, slaughtering millions of their people with Deadly and Crippling vaccines, sterilizing their females and Crippling Millions more of them. Some “HELP”! No wonder Africa is so Proud of the Plague of AIDS and other Benefits of the “$BILLIONS” spent by “GENEROUS BENEFACTORS from the WEST for Africa..
Now the Polio vaccines being currently brought to them are starting another plague of POLIO, there, too!
And the Africans have the Sheer Galling Effrontery to be UNGRATEFUL to the West for all that. And Barrels of RICE.
Daniel Greenfield says
The ANC doesn’t need any help from Americans slaughtering their own people.
they’re the champions at it.
Freedom says
Why is the United States sending aid to Communist countries?
Daniel Greenfield says
Good question.
Because we’re suckers and the Left is in charge of USAID, currently run by Samantha Power.
Sox the cat says
Daniel: Are there any controls on this funding to SA? It’s not unfair to say that whenever we send money anywhere, it tends to end up in someone’s pocket, rather than achieving the funding goals. I think what I am seeing is that much of it will actually be loans. Is this correct?
Postergirl says
Ah yes, ‘ Regime Change ‘. There’s that phrase again. Strange how it seems to end up in disaster for the ordinary people ….
I grew up in South Africa, before ‘ Regime Change ‘ came to visit. SA wasn’t perfect ( except for the landscape, and wildlife ) It was the division by race that was the beginning of its undoing. Regime Change finished it off.
Now I find myself in North America, where division by race is playing itself out once again.
And the Regime Change program continues apace elsewhere in the world .
Mike says
While I appreciate and cannot argue with the sentiments expressed here, I would urge you to remember that aid going to South Africa is meant to benefit the people on the ground who desperately need it.
There should be strict checks put in place by the US Government to ensure any aid is used as intended and does not end up in the ANC’s pocket.
The ANC is no longer the government of choice in SA, but we do need help from our friends to get them out of power in the next election in 2024.
Frank Livingston says
I am worried about how America is being destroyed! The 2020 election was a fraud. 31 March 2023 AM Show -Dominion is FINISHED: Live with Clay Parikh, Canncon, Alpha Warrior…/31-march-2023-am-show…
ALL voting machines can be hacked!
John Sweet says
At the same time SA was taking Israel to the ICJ its president was hosting a Sudanese warlord responsible for massacres through the years.