After California Governor Newsom announced that his bleeding heart was too tender to ever execute a killer, no matter what he had done, by imposing a moratorium on the death penalty, the killers in his prisons don’t seem to have gotten the message.
Here’s the latest murder in a California prison.
One convicted killer has been accused of beheading another in what authorities call an exceptionally sadistic torture slaying at a California prison.
Corcoran State Prison inmate Jaime Osuna removed several body parts from his cellmate, Luis Romero, Assistant Kings County District Attorney Phil Esbenshade said Friday. Charges accuse Osuna, 31, of repeatedly cutting Romero last month using what the prosecutor called a sharp metal object wrapped in string and attached to a handle.
It’s not clear how much happened while Romero, 44, was still alive or whether anyone heard the overnight assault, but “we do believe that the victim was conscious during at least a portion of the time,” Esbenshade said in an email. “This is the most gruesome case that I have seen in terms of heinousness in the slaying.”
This is what happens when you don’t have a humane and merciful death penalty. The monsters you’ve locked up, like spiders in a box, will do it for you in far less humane ways.
Luis Romero, 44, was found dead March 9 in the cell he shared with Osuna, 31, at Corcoran State Prison. Kings County Assistant District Attorney Phil Esbenshade said one of Romero’s fingers was severed, an eye and part of a lung were removed and his head was decapitated.
No word from the ACLU.
Also, to Bernie’s disappointment, Romero will no longer be able to vote from prison. Osuna still can. I feel like he might be more of a Castro guy.
Osuna pleaded not guilty to murder and other charges at his first court appearance Thursday. They include several special circumstances that could bring the death penalty, including that the slaying “was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel, manifesting exceptional depravity.”
Why would he fear the death penalty?
Thanks to Gavin Newsom, no matter how many people he kills, he can never get the death penalty.
Don’t worry though. The ongoing pro-crime push for “criminal justice reform” (was there ever a more Orwellian name) will be to free as many prisoners as possible to hit a 30% or 50% target.
If they succeed, and California is still their best bet, Osuna will be moving to a neighborhood near you.
And it’s not just Democrats on board with horrors like this. Some Republicans are too.
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