You can set your clock by what New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio says as long as you want to be late everywhere and to everything.
“What’s happening right now is clearly at the instruction of the governor, MTA leadership is fearmongering,” de Blasio said in an interview Friday. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“I’ve ridden the subways. So many folks in my life ride the subways all the time. They’re overwhelmingly safe,” the mayor said, adding that “there have been some incidents that truly are troubling.”
Here’s the latest “troubling incident”.
A group of men who are believed to have attacked at least four different people – slashing three of them – during a 12-minute violence spree on Friday morning
The first of Friday’s incidents was reported around 4:25 a.m., when a 44-year-old man riding a southbound No. 4 train was approached by two men, one of whom slashed him in the face, police said. The victim got off the subway at Manhattan’s Union Square Station.
But his attackers are believed to have stayed on board and carried out their next attack only minutes later, at approximately 4:34 a.m., when the two suspects allegedly approached a 40-year-old man and also slashed him in his face, police said. They then moved on to a second man – the third victim of the morning – whom they purportedly punched in the face, police said.
Both men exited the train in the area of Astor Place, according to police – an area known to be busy and full of college students.
The suspects then allegedly moved on to another 44-year-old man, who, around 4:37 a.m., was slashed in the back of the head, cops said. The victim described his attackers as two to three men.
The suspects then demanded money from the man before taking his phone and throwing it on the train tracks, police said. He got off the train at the Brooklyn Bridge Station.
Another person went to police in the Bronx around 5 a.m. to report that he was also confronted by three men who stabbed him in the eye and slashed him in the neck and back, according to authorities. The man, 48, told police the attack happened in the area of Columbus Circle.
This is what happens when Democrat lefties take over and dismantle the criminal justice system so that the worst thugs are put out on the street and then go through a revolving door system every time they’re arrested.
This is also why the mayoral race is between Andrew Yang and Eric Adams, while the lefty pro-crime favorites aren’t even placing.
Not to mention why city employees are being told to ride the subway in pairs.
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office has reportedly launched a program that offers a “travel buddy” to municipal workers who feel unsafe in the city’s subway system.
An email sent to city employees on April 30 gave them the option of signing up for the travel buddy program, which would connect them with another worker in their neighborhood so they could travel together, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.
Nothing to worry about. It’s just what happens when you defund the police, get rid of bail, and then hand out gift cards to criminals so they’ll show up to court.
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