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Secretary of State Blinken visited Israel, seemingly in part to push for an extension of the ceasefire. That was over once Hamas carried out a terrorist attack in Jerusalem which killed a pregnant woman and an elderly rabbi. Beyond that, Hamas sabotaged the negotiations for the release of more hostages and began firing rockets.
But Blinken’s message, supposedly leaked to the media, was that Israel could not expect to continue fighting as it had before, using armored brigades and heavy firepower, that it had to leave UN facilities alone even if they’re being used by Hamas, and that it has to wrap up the fighting soon.
There’s nothing too surprising here. I didn’t expect the Biden administration to stick with this for as long as it did, and I suspect that was largely due to the genuine shock and horror that some people felt (Israel hasn’t fully released the Oct 7 footage, but it did screen it and pass it along to government officials, and the Biden admin had its own intelligence briefings) and the perception that the attack could be used to get the Palestinian Authority to take over Gaza and bring back peace negotiations.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has been opposed to turning over Gaza to the PLO and Abbas appears to be sabotaging any such proposals with demands that the United States has to recognize his terror state as a country and provide UN admission. What that really means is that, once again, Abbas isn’t interested and is making excessive demands to scuttle the deal. It’s a tactic he inherited from Arafat who would find ways to blow up every peace negotiation.
The bottom line though is that Israel is facing challenging territory going forward. It’s not a question of ‘if’, but ‘when’ the Biden administration pulls its support and how hard it will pull it. It’s not at all clear that military resupply aid will even get through Congress once Biden decided to staple it to a huge Ukraine aid package that Republicans hate. And even if it does get through, the administration can tie it up.
The initial phases of the war depended on shattering Hamas strongholds. Some of that was accomplished. But Hamas predictably melted away into the civilian population (which is also where the terror group appears to have kept some of the hostages) and the rest of the war may be a lot less neat. And that depends on how long the government will even choose to pursue it. There have been mixed messages from some Israeli government figures, although not Netanyahu, redefining the metrics of the war to destroying Hamas’ “governing ability” (a virtually meaningless metric that could be arguably met now) or the release of the hostages (which amounts to a deal with the terrorists), but short of Netanyahu’s call to destroy Hamas.
That is what most Israelis want. They want to finish the job. The country, not just the hostages or their families, has gone through a lot. The massive mobilization and massive displacement of civilians from war zones has had a huge impact on a small country.
Israelis have done this for a larger goal. The question is will the soldiers be allowed to finish the job?
NAVY ET1 says
The Jerusalem attack has shored up Netanyahu’s position with the Israeli people. They’ve had enough. No one other than IDF quartermasters can actually say if they hold enough munitions to finish the job but, (1) I suspect that they do and (2) it had better be enough and THEN some because no resupply is coming soon, at least not from Biden.
Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.”
Jeff Bargholz says
If the IDF doesn’t have enough munitions they can no doubt buy some somewhere.
NAVY ET1 says
While I hope you’re right Jeff, I’d ask you to name three sources friendly enough to accommodate them. Being the proverbial pariah of the middle east, it’ll take at least three sources to find one that might be willing. Under the intense international pressure to cease operations, I can only think of one other possibility that might consider it…but under these circumstances, it would probably be required to be covert, if at all.
Jeff Bargholz says
I think there are rogue non Islamic states that would, and sub-Saharan African countries which are threatened or attacked by Islamic ones. And there are always middle men and Mossad agents posing as other people.
I don’t know. I wonder if they even need extra munitions. They seem to have a lot.
I wonder if Israel could intercept weapons shipments to the Hamas subhumans?
TruthLaser says
More munitions are needed when the policy is to not kill everyone.
TruthLaser says
Biden is preventing alternative resupply.
Una Salus says
friends can disagree as old Joe would say
Una Salus says
Jeff Bargholz says
Good luck with that Alzheimer Joe’s are experts at bullying and persecuting law abiding Americans but they have little influence over foreign countries except Iarael.
I saw video from atop an Israeli tank this morning and it was blowing up Hamas hideouts while it rolled along invulnerable to those cowardly weaklings. It was blowing them away from long distance, too. Those IDF guys are good shots. There were also videos of Israeli missiles destryoying what had been jihadi redoubts while Paleosimians in the streets scurrried around in circles crying in terror.
And reportedly there are women in the IDF serving in combat and greasing Hamas jihadis. That’s great, because islamopithecines are deeply shamed when killed by women.
It was great entertainment. I look forward to more videos.
Taylor says
There isn’t nearly enough ammo or spare parts. This has been the case since at least the 80’s. I dont recall ever severing a munitions dump more than 1/4 full. IMI, and other companies, makes munitions–and very high quality ones, at that, but with barely 7M Jews, Israels’ industrial capacity is limited.
Israel has limited resources, but many needs; it has to prioritize. Its M.O. is typically to tamp down spending on spares and munitions in order to buy the expensive weapons platforms it has to have and then rely on very rapid re-supply from Uncle Sam in an emergency. The problem is that uncle Sam has a habit of using Israel’s vulnerability against it–as it is now:
The US is currently leaning on S. Korea to NOT sell Israel what it needs.
Pamela Schieber says
Ha Shem will provide.
World@70 says
Just saw News, Hamas has launched rockets at Israel breaking ceasefire, not unexpected. Fighting is back on to eliminate the scum.
A bit off subject but, for some reason I was under the impression that anyone who served in the military in Israel would legally possess guns and ammo. Maybe I was confusing them with Sweden or Switzerland.
I would assume now, after 10/7 the gun regulations in Israel might be modified. Has there been any movement for changing Israel’s strict gun laws?
BTW – Civilians being able to help defend their home country is another reason for the 2nd amendment.
Jeff Bargholz says
I don’t know but I sure hope the Israeli government has the minimum intelligence and responsibility to allow its citizens to open carry.
I do know Hamas jihadis opened fire in IDF soldiers before the bus stop massacre and the missile launches. The IDF blew away the sneak attackers and the two jihadis at the bus stop were likewise blown away. Shooting into a crowd of unarmed civilians is easy but the Hamas subhumans don’t have what it takes to survive return fire by IDF soldiers and trained Jewish civilians.
Taylor says
There is no 2A in Israel and it is very difficult to get–and renew yearly– a license to own a handgun. All hand guns are small caliber: no .45’s or .357, etc. Israelis can own long guns but they MUST be kept at the firing range–no exceptions. Soldiers MUST carry their weapons and a few clips when off duty, but there aren’t enough of those and they’re never everywhere they’re needed.
The left, which controls and has always controlled, Israel, hates and will not allow anything like a 2A and they make that clear at every turn. They are control freaks and are destroying Israel and Israelis.
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s suicidally insane. I can understand the government being afraid to allow open and concealed carry pistols for Jews only but I sure don’t agree with it. If only the government would do that and tell all the leftists, Paleosimians and “Arabs” outside Gaza to go pound sand, which would be apt for sand apes.
TruthLaser says
Biden has held up arms delivery that would go to Israeli civilians with the excuse that “settlers” would be armed.
Cat says
They don’t have 2A. Active duty and maybe reserves have rifles. Not citizens generally. Although since most serve they’re trained in fire arms. They relaxed the application process recently, which I’m told is a long process, to including zoom interview.s for more convenience.
It’s a pity as fire arms would have saved lives on 10/7.
Idk where Netanyahu stands on this issue. I’ve heard against but not sure how that could be true.
Steven Kardas says
” Biden Airdrops Humanitarian Resupply Of Hostages Into Gaza. ” – Babylon Bee
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s hilarious. No wonder the left hates the Babylon Bee
JL says
Israel needs to just bite the bullet and commit to razing the entire region, clearing everyone out, killing anyone who refuses to leave. Do it quickly and let the international press clutch their pearls over all the dead terrorists. Dragging it out by playing by the rules set by Westerners like Biden simply prolongs the war with absolutely zero benefit.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, the international pearl clutches, anti-Semites and jihadi terrorist lovers are going to condemn Israel no matter what it does anyway.
Cat says
It’s not really funny but ……. who knew a time would arrive when US military men would literally be in dresses clutching pearls
Jeff Bargholz says
I saw Stnkin’s message on Newsmax and Real America’s voice. Stnkin’ met with PA Mahmoud Abbas as though he were a world leader and President of a real country and could be negotiated with. What a national embarrassment for America. 10/7 was so horrific to the vast majority of Americans – who are normal – that even Alzheimer Joe’s Hamas loving handlers now prefer the PA terrorists to Hamas.
Just two days ago (I think, maybe it was yesterday) Stinkin’ boasted about having ordered Netanyahu to cease hostilities. The next day, in what looked like an American press conference, he said that Hamas COULD, not “should,” stop using human shields and infrastructure as protection, lay down arms, release all the hostages and “turn over” (to whom?) its leadership along with all the 10/7 jihadis. He didn’t say anything about punishment or justice, of course. Once a cowardly and weak friend of the genocidal jihadi enemies of Israel and America, always a friend.
Stinkin’s boast that he ordered Netanyahu around was obviously an empty one, and he changed his tune as soon as Netanyahu recommenced his Hamas extermination mission. It isn’t a war. A war would necessitate an effort to destroy of conquer all of Gaza, not just popping off jihidis. And this lying weakling is our illegitimate Secretary of State. He represents America about as much as the cartels do.
Shahar Azani of Fourth Dimensional strategies and advisory board member of the International Legal forum was on Real America’s Voice an hour ago and he told a horrific story about a ten year old Jewish hostage who was gang raped so violently that it broke her pelvis, while her gagged mother was forced to watch. For those of you who don’t know, a broken pelvis can’t be healed. The piece that breaks off has to be replaced with an artificial one.
Una Salus says
Whoopi Goldberg heard about that a while back. Didn’t phase her at all.
If you remind progressives of the fact that Israel has genocidal neighbours. They might acknowledge it as a fact but they will resent you for bringing it up and regard it as a form of emotional blackmail. Their consciences cannot be taken hostage this way,
As far as they’re concerned until Israel adopts the full Ghandi approach to jihad Israel are the real terrorists.
Also the Left has created this idea that reports of atrocity generally function only as a pretext for wars. It’s been very effective and anti-war people on both sides therefore feel they have a much more sophisticated filter on things. Obviously atrocity can function as propaganda but that’s generally not what happens in the West.
Jeff Bargholz says
A Filipino former captive said he was glad he isn’t a Jew because of the horrific tortures Hamas jihadis inflicted on them. He also said the Hamas jihadis used the exhaust pipes their motor bikes to burn wounds into the child hostages’ legs so they could be recognized if they were to escape. All that on top of the other mind numbing atrocities which were committed. A mother of a released child said just yesterday that she couldn’t talk about what happened to the girl. It doesn’t take much imagination to know what that means.
Hamas jihadis are sub human and I fervently hope Netanyahu has as many of them exterminated as possible. Animals don’t commit the atrocities those subhumans do, and no mythical monster tales include them, either. Hamas jihadis are sub
human. The Nazis were full of shit when they described Jews that way but Hamas truly is comprised of sub humans, and that includes every Paleosimian who approves of 10/7 and celebrates it.
I’m so sick of creatures like Hamas members being suffered to live. I also wish Stinkin’ and all the other Alzheimer Joe handlers and cabinet members would drop dead. They make the world exponentially worse every day.
Go Netanyahu. Destroy Hamas like you said you would.
RAM says
You’d rather want God’s support in a fight than Biden/Blinken’s.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’d rather have a convicted murderer or cartel member’s support.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’d rather have a murderer’s support or cartel support than Biden/Blinken’s. I’d love to have God’s support, I need to make that clear. My last comment was a bit muddled.
Una Salus says
Blinkbin wants Israel to fail but obviously it would be too disruptive to consign Israel to the dust bin of history on the Hamas timescale.
So more realistically and curbing enthusiasms Blinkbin went to sip tea through those perpetually pursed lips of his with PLO Abbas.
Meanwhile chief Ayatollah rag head and Obama peace partner in Iran issued a disclaimer on the genocidal intent of some “Arabs” and clarified their position has always been that Isrealis will be allowed to stay in Israel on the whim of Arabs after aforesaid destruction of Israel like colonialist whites in some African country like I suppose Zimbabwe.
Jeff Bargholz says
I bet Blinken has perpetually pursed lips because of his sausage diet, much like Broke back Hasbeen Obama.
Una Salus says
Hamas is like a junkie scoring smack when it comes to murdering Jews but the timing of the attack is so provocative that I would have to assume this is the desired response.
Wonder how much of anything they do doesn’t go through channels that lead to peace partners in Qatar and Iran.
Netanyahu should set a deadline to nuke Iran’s nuclear facilities if Joe Biden won’t keep Israel supplied with military assault capability. Meanwhile find a way to bring the sea in to flood the tunnels.
Una Salus says
Onzeur Trante says
The charade is up. Blinken, Biden & Co. never wanted to support Israel from the get go. Israel annihilating Hamas/Gaza is anathema to them and they will do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening.