The media’s lack of decency can be scientifically measured by the interval of time that passes between a Muslim terrorist attack and its attempt to shift the conversation, transforming perpetrators into victims, by deploying its, “Muslims fear backlash” meme.
The media’s patience after the Islamic church bombings in Sri Lanka was impressive. It may even be a new record.
But the New York Times and the Washington Post (not to mention, obviously, Al Jazeera) have deployed the ultimate weapon.
Sri Lanka’s Muslims Face an Angry Backlash After Easter Sunday Attacks, the New York Times weeps.
Sri Lanka’s Muslims Fear Retaliation After Easter Attacks on Christians, the Washington Post fusses.
The New York Times claims that “Christian gangs” are running amok terrorizing helpless Muslim victims. And this is happening in a country where Christians are not only a minority, but are outnumbered by Muslims.
The Times portrays Muslim migrants in Sri Lanka as fleeing for their lives from Christian “gangs”. The Post claims that. “in Colombo, Muslims have formed ad hoc neighborhood watch committees, checking for unfamiliar vehicles and visitors.”
Because you never know when Christians will pull off a mass bombing campaign targeting mosques. Like the one that never happened.
Also, according to the Post, Muslim feelings were hurt.
“Leaders of one mosque in Negombo said they offered joint funeral rites for Fatima Alsa, a teenage Muslim girl from a partly Christian family who died in the bombing at St. Sebastian’s Catholic Church and was later buried under a palm tree in the local Islamic cemetery.
Later, though, mosque officials said they were politely rebuffed when they made further overtures to local Christians and were urged by church officials to stay at home and avoid any problems.
“We wanted to do more, but we were asked not to,” said one mosque member, Mohammad Sufaree, who also expressed indignation that a second meeting with local church officials had been abruptly broken off. “This is why the Muslim community is hesitant to come out beyond its boundaries. We always take risks, but we feel left out in the middle of the jungle.”
So they attempted to appropriate one of the bombing victims (it’s highly unlikely that Fatima was Muslim if she was in a Catholic church on Easter Sunday) and then made it all about their feelings and their sensitive souls. And then blamed the Christians for not appreciating their outreach enough. And the media is cheerfully advancing their agenda because the story suits its narrative.
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