The deadly Islamic terror attack in Jerusalem once again targeted a synagogue. Some years back after a wave of attacks, the mayor had urged residents to carry guns.
This time around it’s a rabbi attached to the police force.
The Chief Rabbi of the Israel Police penned an open letter on Tuesday addressed to rabbis throughout Israel urging them to advise their congregants to carry legal and licensed firearms on Shabbat.
“In deliberation with prominent rabbis and on the recommendation of relevant police authorities, I appeal to the rabbis of Israel to instruct their communities that everyone who has a license to carry a firearm should carry that firearm with them on Shabbat, especially during prayer times in the synagogues,” he said.
“May the verse be fulfilled through us: ‘The Lord shall grant strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace,’” he ended.
That is the conclusion of Psalm 29.
There continues to be debate on this subject in the United States. Orthodox synagogues now often have members who come armed. That’s often not the case with more liberal congregations. After a number of alt-right terror attacks on synagogues in the United States, that’s unfortunate. Some people say that they’re uncomfortable in synagogues with armed congregants, I’m uncomfortable in synagogues without them.
Israel’s new conservative government is pushing to get as many civilians armed as possible.
Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir vowed on Tuesday to push through a fivefold increase in weapon permits in the wake of last month’s Palestinian terrorist attack that killed seven people at a synagogue in Jerusalem.
Ben-Gvir has directed the Firearms Licensing Department to increase the number of new permits issued from roughly 2,000 to 10,000 per month, according to a statement from his Otzma Yehudit Party.
I know that’s a slow day in some cities here, but Israel is a small country.
The UN has strongly objected to the move and the media is trying to work up some outrage at the idea of armed self-defense, but the only people who really object to gun permits are those who want to shoot unarmed civilians.
That triggered a new idea: give civilians training in how to shoot terrorists (and how not to shoot innocents).
Reminds me of an old Clint Eastwood movie where he is shooting at pop-up targets and shoots the wrong guy (who later turns out to be the right guy to shoot). Maybe that was in “Magnum Force”.
Just like that shooting in that Church in Texas when one prisoner there carried a gun and prevented massacre by shooting the person dead
I never leave my farm alone and these days I am thinking of carrying a shotgun on my farm
“Orthodox synagogues now often have members who come armed. That’s often not the case with more liberal congregations.”
Indeed. At one prominent DC synagogue, the very liberal and woke Rabbi once said that if the synagogue ever authorized congregants to carry, he would resign and look for another (presumably more woke) congregation. (The synagogue does have private security at the entrances.)
This will never happen in a Reform and Conservative “Schul”.
The alt right, the left and Muslims. There is no math that says Jews have a future in America. Might as well take what you can get and go while there’s still value to property in the west.
This should go for the Jews in big cities in US too,
“If someone comes to kill you, rise against him and kill him first( Talmud, Sanhedrin 72a)
I’m surprised the rabbis in New York are not advising this.