Leftist social justice thugs destroy property. Get their way.
That’s the usual formula.
You will be made to submit. Just like the Scottish Maritime Museum did. That’s the Left’s formula for waging its ugly culture war.
Sailing vessels have been referred to as female and given feminine names for centuries.
But officials at the Scottish Maritime Museum are introducing a “gender neutral interpretation” of ships.
Director David Mann said the museum, in Irvine, Ayrshire, has been forced into the move by vandals.
The words ‘she’ and ‘her’ on a sign explaining the history of one of the museums vessels were scratched out by an offended vandal last week.
Mr Mann said it is the second time this year vandals have targeted the “very expensive” signs.
He said they are now looking to phase in the use of new gender neutral signs adding that they ‘recognise the changes in society’.
“As a small charity, however, we are doing this in a phased way so that we are not taking our limited funds away from important preservation activity, introducing gender neutral signs when new interpretation is required.”
These aren’t changes in society. This is a culture war.
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