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Agenda 2030, the United Nation’s formal plan for the creation of a new world government, contains 91 sections. It begins with the following vacuous but revealing words:
“This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.”
This cliché-ridden pap begins the exposition of Agenda 2030, developed by the UN to introduce a world government devoid of the concepts of rights, liberty, life and happiness. Moreover, the Marxist ideal of meeting needs and the globalist ideal of “sustainability” combine as the two dominant themes of this “agenda” which should properly be called a “diabolical master plan.”
What about the need to obey the Ten Commandments to find favor with God? What about the need to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself? What about the need to stop two-bit criminals in various corrupt nations from taking food out of the mouths of children?
In its introductory statement we see that Agenda 2030 “seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.” What does this impoverished and cliché-centered sentence even mean? A co-worker who had managed to get out of communist Romania years ago told me that it was horribly oppressive under communism because there was no freedom of choice regarding one’s job, housing, education, varieties of consumer products, etc. But, he added that one could walk through a park at night without any fear of being robbed.
If the ex-Romanian’s statement is true, and I believe it is, then it would seem that “peace” at least regarding crime was enhanced by less freedom, not more. Under Adolf Hitler, Germans experienced less of the destruction of their buying power (which is a partial measure of freedom) caused by inflation under Weimar, but at the expense of putting the country on a war footing and mobilizing to murder millions of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and political dissidents.
Agenda 2030 states its goal is to eradicate poverty and to also take on “extreme poverty.” The UN’s list of impoverished nations includes 45 countries, only one of which — Haiti — is not located in Africa or Asia. Their poverty is stated to be the “greatest global challenge.” But what if the greatest global challenge threatening humanity is actually the attempt by the UN, globalists, communists and Islamists to destroy Western Civilization — and the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of that civilization?
The tribalism and fragmentation of cultures in Asia and Africa is more extensive than in the West. That is partially why the global fanatics behind UN Agenda 2030 are trying to reproduce tribalism and disunity into the U.S. and European countries — with out-of-control immigration from Asia and Africa and, in the case of the U.S., from Central and South America.
Jesus Christ said “the poor you will always have with you.” (Mark 14: 7) This was not said to disparage the poor in any way, nor to take away from helping the poor, but to point out that following and serving God was not to be equated in a one-to-one way with helping the poor. There is more to the virtuous life than caring for the poor. Caring for the needs of the less fortunate is important but only part of a virtuous, Godly life. That is an eternal truth. The UN is, therefore, not only putting too much emphasis upon the Third World poor, but its agenda is corrupt and false and will not better the life of the poor — as it claims is its goal. Agenda 2030 stresses the “tyranny of poverty,” but what does it have to say about the corrupt leaders of those 45 countries who are practically stealing food and water out of the mouths of their own people? These tyrants are only too glad to come with delegations from their impoverished countries to enjoy the amenities of living in New York City with cocktail parties, hors d’oeuvres, modern toilets, refrigerators, and convenient public transportation and taxis. Is it possible that Agenda 2030 is actually just an expression of the greed and mendacity of less developed countries’ leaders who are seeking to feed their greed? Even more than they do already with the UN’s and the West’s largesse in providing “support” via the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank?
The world as a whole — along with the U.S. — is becoming increasingly authoritarian even as the authority of parents, teachers and criminal law is declining. In America, the reality of federalism is being superseded by the federal government monolith. If this is not corrected, then widespread violence and economic disintegration will intensify.
The United States is founded upon our Constitution. No other document or vision should be partnered with it. U.S. sovereignty must always be affirmed.
Jeffrey Ludwig is a prolific online article writer for more than 12 years. He has published four books available here, and has been a teacher at both the high school and university levels for decades. He also was editor of the International Trade Alert, a leading weekly export-import publication.
World Government was the real reason the UN was founded in the first place
That is only one strand of the SEVENTEEN sustainable development goals and whichever strand you choose the result is the same, a massive one world government pretending to be altruistic whilst being an unelected bureaucrat driven government.
Folks, it’s the Beasts of Rvelation 13. Read it. One rises up out of the sea, that sea is the gentiles. The other rises up out of the earth; that’s the semetic people.
Mark Of The Beast is coming fast.
World Government will happen when the ‘Lady’ of Revelation, Chapter 17 is deposed, and the ‘Beast’ she holds down rises and becomes that final World power.
‘She’, that Woman in verse 5 of Chapter 17 is ‘MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT’ and easily is identified
Read and follow WWW.PROPHECYUSA.ORG Hint: That ‘Lady’ who watches over New York harbor..
This sounds much like a spur of the moment composition by an air headed Miss America contestant who says promoting world peace is her main goal as Miss America.
But at least she’s good looking.
It’s all been foretold and expected but there are far too many that don’t recognize it’s coming. The Bible is true folks, best get on your knees
Yes! The Bible is truth and real and happening before our eyes!
If you want more information about Agenda 21(this is the elites agenda for the 21st century with Agenda 2030 being a progress(see how well they’re doing) check in mark)-please watch Rosa Koire (who died…errr…was off-ed) on utube or go to Democrats Against Agenda and LISTEN to what she explains!! She’s spot on and this is HOW the elites ARE and have been, since before the year 2000, bringing about total world government/control. All talked about in the Bible especially the book of Revelation!
And this time we mean it!
How much is Gates Soros Schwabe Gore and DiCaprio is making from this scam?
The UN is CORRUPT, thus suspect, no more US funding for these people. USAID also needs gone through. GAO needs to be looking at all foreign aid, including military aid. We are 34 trillion in the hole, spending money we do not have, trying to cover all bets and be all things to all people apparently. Democrats are out of control. Trump 2024
The pretrib rapture of the church could very well come sooner than most people think. This war with Israel and it’s nearest neighbors is the Psalm 83 War. This war could easily end with Israel taking out Iran’s nuclear facilities and Iran then trying to close the Strait of Hormuz that some of the world’s oil still comes out of. This will begin the collapse of the world’s economy. A short time later the rapture of the church will happen. This is a game changer in many ways. God is removing His Holy Spirit when this happens. Secondly, it will have great political, economic, and social negative consequences. The economic collapse will continue until the rise of the antichrist which is the first seal judgment the rider on the white horse. Then the other 3 horseman of the apocalypse!