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An artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot now offers “a divine connection in your pocket” by allowing users to “text with Jesus.” While some may look at this app as a means to find comfort or spiritual growth, others will likely see it as an abomination signaling the apocalypse. I find myself asking a more basic question. What sort of church makes an app like this possible?
One of my favorite quotes comes from the preface of George Will’s book titled “The Pursuit of Happiness and Other Sobering Thoughts.” Will notes, “Men and women are biological facts. Ladies and gentlemen — citizens — are social artifacts, works of political art. They carry the culture that is sustained by wise laws and traditions of civility… That is why statecraft is, inevitably, soulcraft.” If the “Text with Jesus” app is viable, it is because the “ladies and gentlemen” of the church who carry the church’s culture have had their souls crafted so that texting Jesus makes sense. “Text with Jesus” is tragic to the extent that it reflects the church’s discipleship or lack thereof.
While the app’s website acknowledges that the app “is not intended to replace or mimic direct communication with divine entities, which is a deeply personal aspect of one’s faith,” the odd and almost worshipful fervor around AI’s genius will almost certainly lead some to believe that even if the app isn’t intended to “replace or mimic” Jesus, there is no reason it couldn’t (or shouldn’t). Yet, texting with Jesus is not a good thing for at least a couple of reasons. First, based on my interactions with the “Text with Jesus” app, AI Jesus is less concerned with fulfilling the Law and the Prophets than providing answers palatable to the itching ears of 21st century users. At its most basic level, the app is simply a filter of sorts designed to offer a constrained set of responses. For instance, I asked AI Jesus to weigh in on several of the questions included in the 2023 State of Theology report involving the truth of scripture, God’s acceptance of worship from non-Christian religions, and the innocence of individuals at birth. In each case, AI Jesus noted, “As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or beliefs” before going on to provide an overly nuanced and unnecessarily qualified answer to a question that most U.S. adults were able to answer with a one or two-word answer (i.e., agree, disagree, or something in between).
I would encourage Christians not to pose such questions to AI Jesus because, in the best case, you will be disappointed or confused by the answers and, in the worst case, your misconceptions about what the Bible teaches are likely to be reinforced. Still, my main concern with AI Jesus has less to do with the answers the platform is likely to provide and more to do with the way texting with Jesus trivializes the Bible and, by extension, Christ.
The concern I have with “Text with Jesus” is the potential for it to make Jesus too familiar. At this point, AI Jesus bears no resemblance to the Jesus of the Bible. “Text with Jesus,” for instance, would not even offer an unqualified “yes” when I asked whether Jesus was really God. While the stark difference between the biblical portrayal of Jesus and AI Jesus may seem comforting, we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss AI Jesus simply because it doesn’t live up to our theological standards just yet. Instead, we should be concerned about the basic dynamic the app encourages.
Whether or not the app is “intended” to replace other religious practices, it is difficult to believe that “Text with Jesus” won’t diminish the perceived importance of practices like Bible study and prayer. It isn’t as if the internet, streaming services, or social media “intended” to fundamentally change the way we interact with one another. As AI develops, it seems reasonable (and likely) that it will change the way we interact with each other and the world. “Text with Jesus” is one of various other attempts to change the way we interact with God.
“Text with Jesus” moves us closer to an outboard theological brain, which allows us to be functionally ignorant of God’s word without feeling like we are functionally ignorant. As Clive Thompson noted in 2007, “The cyborg future is here. Almost without noticing it, we’ve outsource important peripheral brain functions to the silicon around us.” While there is some value in having an “outboard brain,” AI seems to be moving us toward something more than a “cyborg future.” Cyborg implies a mix of humans and technology in which our human capabilities could be enhanced by technology. “Text with Jesus,” however, has an oracular tone to it. If you need an answer, you can just text Jesus. If you need more than four or five answers, upgrade to a monthly or annual subscription or wait several hours and “Jesus” will be at your beck-and-call once again.
As AI models designed for Christians continue to advance, I would offer the following word of caution: while there may be benefits by adopting models like “Text with Jesus,” we will inevitably lose something. If we only consider the benefits of AI for our faith, it seems likely that we will become too dependent on AI. As I’ve highlighted elsewhere, AI has extraordinary capacities, but those capacities don’t make AI immune from bias and error. Christians must take care to count the full cost of adopting AI and using models like “Text with Jesus.” For my part, I’ll be passing on texting the almighty and sticking with the less convenient practices exemplified by the likes of Ezra, who “set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel” (Ezra 7:10). I’d say he accomplished plenty without the help of AI Jesus.
Dr. James Spencer currently serves as President of the D. L. Moody Center. He also hosts a weekly radio program and podcast titled “Useful to God” on KLTT in Colorado. His book titled “Christian Resistance: Learning to Defy the World and Follow Jesus” is available on He previously published “Useful to God: Eight Lessons from the Life of D. L. Moody,” “Thinking Christian: Essays on Testimony, Accountability, and the Christian Mind,” as well as co-authoring “Trajectories: A Gospel-Centered Introduction to Old Testament Theology.”
Fray says
I’ll also skip the the AL app. texts with Jesus and Satan. It’s set up for deception. The app’s already deceiving people by giving false information according to the Business Insider link in this article.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
true, for sure.
The arrogance of the sophomoric (wise fool) code writers would be comic were it not so deceitful for some.
Mo de Profit says
Will the coders be brave enough to create an AI Moohamid?
Mark Dunn says
Lol! lol! lol! lol!
Mark Dunn says
I love the old school way you spelled moohamid. I’ve read a few older books by British army officers. There was no uniform to spell many words, until the West kowtowed to the barbarians.
Eeyore says
When the version “Mohammed” came into vogue, and editors were keen to replace “Mahomet”, G K Chesterton wrote that he wouldn’t go along, and ‘If they insist on “Mohammed” I am quite capable of calling him “Mahound”.’
Mark Dunn says
The was great! I love it.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
not if they value life.
sumsrent says
Quite often… one can watch a movie and see how it’s slanted towards the satanic catholic fake church… when there’s a religious aspect or scene…
Of course… nowadays… there’s the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil that are being intertwined with beliefs… where most are so ignorant… they can’t see or hear them. They’ve been taught them and they don’t question them.
But yet… we have satanic islam… convincing Christians that the fake god allah is their god too… whereas the fake god allah has no sons for Salvation. Which fits with the satanic catholic fake church… which teaches they have to perform good deeds to obtain Salvation, like a muslim has to do. Basically… meaning… they don’t need Jesus for Salvation…
Which brings up the question… Do you have the ability to not become brainwashed into pagan theology that’s been twisted into doctrines? Have you accepted Christ Jesus into your heart as your Savior? Been Baptized to receive the Holy Ghost? Where you have discernment?
No doubt… this AI Jesus has been melded with several pagan/satanic doctrines…
sumsrent says
The satanic catholic fake church…
It believes… all authority from Heaven was handed down to Peter… which has thus been handed to every Poop ever since. Making up their own doctrines of the devil…
The deception continues… whereas the Poop is Christ on earth… The Vicar of Christ… <<< thus… a fake Jesus…
If all authority has been given to the satanic catholic fake church… where it makes up doctrines… then why hasn't it been able to lay out the doctrine of the end times and the Rapture? Did you know? The satanic catechism has nothing written about the Rapture… nothing on the role of what the satanic catholic fake church has during the Tribulation…
I would think… if catholicism was now God on earth… then why would it not know what is going to happen during the end times with the Rapture?
Additionally; why would the satanic catholic fake church teach they worship the fake god allah of satanic islam?
Especially since islamic prophecy teaches that Jesus will stand with the (Antichrist) Caliph/Mahdi on the Temple Mount smashing the Cross in a symbolic display? Telling the world that islam is the next step beyond Christianity & Judaism?
Who will be this fake Jesus standing with the Antichrist? Why can't the "all authority from Heaven", satanic catholic fake church tell it's cult members what will happen during the end times Tribulation?
I would expect if the satanic catholic fake church was god on earth… it could clear up these things!
Denounce the satanic catholic fake church!!!
K.F. Smith says
From Insider: “An app called Text With Jesus allows users to talk with major biblical figures.”
Good grief. No it doesn’t.
The human race collapses a little more with each passing day. It was OK while it lasted, but imbecility, ignorance, and the left proved to be our undoing.
The genus Felidae waits patiently, ready to reacquire their rightful place at the top of the food chain. Compared to the slovenly dressed, overweight, tattoo covered, filthy human beings I see whenever I’m out and about, they’re far better looking too.
sumsrent says
What will this AI Jesus tell us about Salvation?
Will it tell those… how they must perform good deeds & good works like a satanic worshiping muslim and catholic must do… in order to obtain Salvation?
See… Both catholics and muslims must perform good deeds in order to obtain Salvation. Which makes sense… since they both worship the fake god allah. The satanic quran teaches… allah doesn’t have any sons!
Thus… if you’re worshiping the fake god allah who has no sons… you don’t need Jesus for Salvation! <<< Do you see the deception?
And since the satanic catholic fake church has their Poop as Jesus on earth… all they need to do is perform good deeds every day for Salvati0n…
But let's look deeper into this satanic catholic fake church's way of Salvation…
If a catholic doesn't perform enough good deeds during their lifetime… what happens? They get sent to the made up "Purgatory"…
See… what they won't say or teach… is that Purgatory is a prison… where catholics serve out their time of punishment for not doing enough good deeds during their lifetime…
Of course… catholics don't understand… that obviously… there must be some sort of a Purgatory Judgement Throne… where their good deeds are compared and tried under some sort of court.
The Purgatory Judgement Throne… decides if Purgatory is where a person must serve out their punishment.
Although… it all made up… all deception… to make catholics believe they must be like a muslim, serving a god without any sons for Salvation. They must do good things for their fake god allah. Like smashing airliners into buildings and killing other people who aren't muslims…
Like a muslim… a catholic never knows if they've performed enough good deeds in life. Never knowing if they're going to Heaven or to Purgatory Prison…
Additionally; no catholic ever knows what good deeds are worth more than other good deeds. Of course… giving lots of money to the satanic catholic fake church seems like it would be a highly valuable good deed… yes?
No doubt… a 'Mary, Queen of Heaven' app would make a lot of money… since catholic believe saying their Prayer Beads daily is a good deed…
Did you know? Some muslims also practice their satanic religion with prayer beads…
What's the difference between catholics and muslims? <<< Nothing!
Mark Dunn says
Today my five year Bible study ( happens to beon Psalm 50. Verses 21 sums up the problem with AI Jesus. Verse 21, God speaking, in part to the wicked says, ‘Thou thoughtest I was altogether such an one as thyself.’
Kynarion Hellenis says
I love J. Vernon McGee!
And that verse perfectly sums it up – that God is totally Other than ourselves.
Vernon would say the voice claiming to be Christ would be anti-Christ / satanic.
The Next Voice you Hear God speaks to Americans over their Radios watch for the Next Face you See God over our Wide Screen TV’s and Computer Monitors
Intrepid says
What sort of church makes an app like this possible?
Very easy. A church that wants to be popular with Leftists. That is why many churches are infiltrated phony Christians.
Naturally the answers, programmed by Leftists, will make a connection to Jesus based on super easy Christianity for Dummies based on flatlined interpretation, bordering on atheism. It is not Bible based. Just read the Bible.
When a church starts doing this it’s time to bail on that church. Put these Bud-Light churches out of business.
KenPF says
Christ tells us that “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) How likely is it that you will find it on your AI smart phone? Seek Him with all your heart … not in your shirt breast pocket.
No artificial “intelligence” said this.
“But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
_____Deuteronomy 4:29
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
_____Hebrews 4:12
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
_____James 1:17
PS: You can download the entire Bible if you really need something on your phone. Some versions are free.
RS says
Theres only One Savior and Redeemer, and Law Giver.
James 4:12 “There is one lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy.”
John 5:30. Jesus said, “I judge and my judgment is just.”
Romans 2:16. “In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus according to the Gospel.
Jesus determine where we spend eternity.
Psalm 90:11 “Who knoweth the power of God’s anger.” Jesus will either be your Savior or he will be your Judge.