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The Financial Times ran an interview with Alex Soros, heir to the evil empire, in which we learned a whole lot more about Mini Me and his Muslim interviewer’s food preferences than anything substantial about the Soros political and financial empires. Conducted with the depth of a celebrity mag interview, this was a fairly shallow effort at humanizing Soros. But there was one interesting line from the monster’s brat.
Replying to a question about Trump and conservatives, Alex Soros said, “We have to know what we’re dealing with. These people are bullies. And you fight back, you push back . . . I hope Marx was right that first comes the tragedy and then comes the farce. I worry it’ll be the other way around, that we’ll look back at Trump’s first term as farcical and this is going to be very bad and tragic for a lot of people.”
We have the scion of one of the wealthiest men whining about “bullies”. But the choice of a Marx and that quote is an interesting one. What kind of fellow defaults to a Marx quote? That one’s obvious.
But the quote reveals a particular reading of history. The familiar idea of ‘bourgeois’ societies declining. Alex Soros hopes that Trump’s second term follows the pattern of decline giving way to revolution rather than an actual revival.
Soros just revealed his hand. This and the Bilderberg Group’s recent election of ex-NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as their new leader indicates they are taking a war time stance.
The gloves are coming off and Trump should be ready.
It’s amazing to me how many issues you think you are an expert on, and yet, here you are, on a lightly traveled website that very few people actually read.
You’ve got a point, Trep. The numbers are unimpressive compared to conservative sites like Free Republic and Town Hall. Maybe it’s time for Horowitz to find some consultant who understands web traffic metrics. The Freedom Center is located in California, after all. Surely they could find a few techno-nerds who would be up to the task.
He probably has a degree in trans studies.
President Trump is yawning. As if taking off their evening gloves is hardly a threat or even a revelation that they’re anti-American trash.
Wouldn’t Marx confiscate all of Soros’ billions? Do these guys have any brains at all?
You do realize billionaires/milionaires/bankers still existed inside the Soviet Union post-Bolshevik revolution?
Who do you think bank-rolled the Bolsheviks to remove the Czar?
There were no billionaires on planet Earth post Bolshevik destruction, you moronic ignoramus. The Bolsheviks were dupes of Lenin and Trotsky, not Soros funded rioters and protesters like we have in America.
And Marx wasn’t rich, he was a parasite who haunted the London library while his wife and children starved. A real role model.
Marx did not confiscate Engels’ money. He lived on the money of others as much as possible. Of course, he was never in power. The Soros family is not worried about confiscation. They have power.
So you mean to tell me that the guy who had 2 assasination attempts(at least) on his life, was indicted 2 million times for 10 billion felonies by corrupt government prosecutors, had his home raided by FBI agents that planted fake evidence, whose campaign was spied on by the government, and had a fake Russian collusion investigation conducted on him with wholly fabricated evidence, was censored from social media along with his supporters , you mean to tell me that that is the guy that’s a bully? And then talk about a farce…ok, pal.
HaHa! These leftists have no shame. And they can always say these things with the straightest face!
Yeah, no shit. Baby Soros is projecting and transferring.
Another brainless PUPPET of SorosInc…..
He’s really not up on his history at all. Marxism has cost over 100 million lives in the last century alone and has failed everywhere it’s ever been tried, and yet the evil ideology of socialism/communism never goes away. It’s proponents claim each time that it wasn’t done right and wasn’t the real thing, but there is no right way to do a wrong thing. Socialism is the gospel of envy, the cult of resentment, the philosophy of failure and it never goes away because it appeals to what is lowest in the lowest among us. The Left.
Yes, “they didn’t do it right.” How many times are we going to have to listen to that over a mountain of corpses.
“…..there is no right way to do a wrong thing.” That’s a very good expression.
Soros needs to be sued out of their last penny. That’s the only solution.
It’s not the only solution but it is one solution.
Aqua regia would be a good solution to dissolve Soros et fils.
The other flag is that he was able to quote the Marx line offhand. This means a very large amount of time studying the “master.” Ouch!
I hope someone removes this vile, evil, P.O.S. off the face of the Earth and soon !!!
Papa George should have been drawn and quartered in 1945 for collaborating with the Democrat party’s mentors, the nazis.
That soros spawn of evil is dumber then a box of rocks. He cant string two senteces together that make any sense. He makes AOC look like a rocket scientist. A week after his satan daddy dies that little prick will have his own boy toy epstein island blowing his daddies cash as fast as he can.
George and Alex Soros the Father and Son of Leftists scum suckers and Socialists Bottom Feeders and its only fair if their both returned to Europe for his Father to face War Crimes Trials from WW II
Remember………..”….. ALL enemies, foreign and domestic…..”.
Soreazz jr is married to the muslim brotherhood but unlike dad, he can’t count; this is President Trump’s second term. I feel it is Mossad’s duty to eradicate this cancer before it procreates.
I don’t think the Mossad has to. Lil’ Soros looks like a fruit loop to me.
Maybe I am wrong but doesn’t he look very small and wimpy and kind of effeminate? I guess that is what is necessary to marry an older wicked witch ugly horse faced muslima ( rumored to have slaughtered children on video with her mistress- true or not it is a fitting rumor to instill the correct amount of horror in us).
He’s married? Definitely a cover marriage because he’s definitely gay.
Remember Hugo Chavez died a billionaire & his daughter has a 3 billion dollar net worth according to Forbes . Extreme wealth is not incompatible with Marxism look at warren buffet a filthy rich communist pig if there ever was one .
That’s because self professed communists are all frauds. None of them share their wealth or property.
The left will readily celebrate the son of a Nazi sympathizer, but they continue the mantra of “Trump is Hitler”, This is what disassociation from reality looks like. I think the liberals have a disconnect in their frontal cortex. All of the cylinders are not firing correctly. How about Soros bros are Hitler?
It’s all coming to a conclusion, soon. We will all have to account for our deeds, good and bad. Let us hope you have a savior to stand in your place.
Leftists win only when their opponents are gutless punching bags. Those that show courage, stiffen their spines and punch back at them are somehow “bullies” because, hey, you’re supposed to just sit still while you’re being beaten and robbed.
LIke father, like son.
Like douche, like bag.
Right about what? You being a flaming, pillow-biting, light-in-the-loafers mincing sprite? If you want Marx to be “right” about something only proves that you are on the side of evil.
And what is Papa Soros doing still consuming oxygen? Didn’t he admit assisting the NAZIs? Why hasn’t Moussad vaporized him yet?
Dank try to swim. Dank sank.
Is Soros Jr. saying, “and this is going to be very bad and tragic for a lot of people.” That Trump is going to eliminate the Deep State Swamp and it will be tragic for them?
Pete Hegseth said in a televised interview that he would get rid of any of the Joint Chiefs who’ve supported DEI.
The deep state purge has already begun. Look at all the sewer creatures President Trump has fired in his first week along with revoking 52 security clearances. All the Dirtbagocrat operatives who insinuated that Crack Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation (not that such a thing even exists) and John Bolton, too. And he fired Jack Smith and all his equally corrupt prosecutors.
I bet President Trump feels like he just took a big, cleansing shit.
F him., and all the rest of the globalist traitors.
Junior is a platinum spoon marxist i.e. pushes communism for the peasantry who must then raise statues to the Soros crime family in gratitude.
None of the Bond villains that George Soros embodies in real life had scions they filled with their anti-American anti-freedom poison. Tragically, there’s no real life James Bond to counter these two-generation megalomaniacs.