What can you dress up as on Halloween? Nothing, it’s offensive and shame on you for asking.
Is it OK for white kids to dress up like ‘Encanto’ characters? Experts discuss cultural appropriation – Today Show
Is it okay for Asian kids to dress up like ‘Encanto’ characters?
Examples of cultural appropriation: kids’ Halloween costumes that are described as “Mexican” (or “Cinco de Mayo”) that come with sombreros and ponchos, “Arab” with keffiyehs and robes or “Native American Princess” with feathered headdresses.
One question Varner suggests you ask your child: “How do the power of stereotypes play into your costume?”
That may sounds a little heavy for a Halloween discussion, but Varner says kids as young as 5 are totally capable of having this conversation.
Yes, you should ask 5-year-olds about cultural appropriation and then ask them which gender they are.
The Independent offers a list “10 problematic Halloween costumes you shouldn’t wear this year” including…
The Will Smith/Chris Rock Oscars slap
Please don’t go to any Halloween parties as anything related to the infamous Oscars slap. Hasn’t there been enough discourse already? Don’t be the one to reignite the debate, especially if you are a white person.
Especially if you’re a white person.
It’s easy for anyone to put on a mask, purchase a fake syringe or medical gloves and call themselves “Monkeypox” for Halloween. But doing so would make light of the monkeypox virus, of which there have been nearly 57,000 confirmed cases across the world in 2022 so far.
Also, fat suits are a hate crime.
Body-shaming is never okay, especially when it’s a Halloween costume. Not only does wearing a fat suit for Halloween display a total lack of creativity, it shows that you believe being plus-size is a joke. It’s not. Plus-size people can’t dress up as a “thin person” for Halloween, so recognise your thin privilege.
Vogue warns against homeless costumes.
Dressing up as a homeless person is never OK: There is no fun in having no work, no food, or a warm home to go to. So think twice before you decide to dress up as someone who is living on the streets or in refugee camps to a party. These people are more than often in dangerous conditions with complex or traumatic backstories
Or prison outfits.
Dressing up as a criminal is inherently a ‘no-go’, as it can make a mockery of many wrongly imprisoned people, or general prison rehabilitation efforts. Try to stay away from those bright oranges and stripes hanging in your closet.
Or historical figures.
Do your research: A lot of historical figures are linked to problematic words or actions, and should not be impersonated as a party novelty.
And finally,
If you’re reading this and thinking, “Then what can I dress as?”: you’re part of the problem.
So what’s your view on Halloween costumes? Anything goes?
You’re not interesting in taking into account how your actions affect other people. You’re not interested in considering the moral implications of your actions.
So, is there any standard? Or are you only good for dumping on other people’s considered moral positions?
Of all traditional American holidays, Halloween is the most social, the one where fun involves interacting with others, particularly strangers. The Independent might be a little too expansive on its proscriptions, but you would want to get away with implying a moral position but not expressing it forthrightly.
get to your safe space, bedwetter
The level of discourse at this site tells me everything I need to know about the kind of people who read it.
And the rank of your trolling tells me everything I need to know about your anti-American deceit and stupidity.
If you can find me someone who is offended by kids in a costume I will pay for their psychiatric treatment.
I’ll pay too, but only if it involves shock therapy or frontal lobotomies.
You aren’t interested in reason.
The article in “The Independent” is as immoral as they get.
Halloween is not the most social holiday.
You could show up at a Halloween party in your regular clothes but you’d still be dressed as a troll. For me, I was thinking of black-face in an orange jumpsuit, or a straitjacket with “DNC” written on the front, or a wild man from Borneo headhunter, or just bump into walls and sniff the hair of little girls and say I’m Alzheimer Joe.
Jews and Christians don’t “do” Halloween, unless they want to make G0d really, really sad. And maybe kind of mad at them.
Actually, Halloween is a Catholic holiday which is considered the hallowed (holy) Eve of all Saint’s Day on November 1st, whicha day to pray for the souls of pious and virtuous Christians who performed holy deeds in the name of God, followed by All Soul’s Day on the second to pray for the souls in purgatory. None of them are based on pagan observation, especially not Halloween, which was instituted by Pope Gregory III from Syria in the 10th century and has nothing to do with Ireland, which was tribal and had no common religion or religious observances at the time.
The falsehood that those holidays were created to replace pagan observations was put forth centuries after the holidays were instituted, and no equinox or solstice occurs on any of those days or even in those months. Also, the four equinoxes and solstices don’t occur on the same days from year to year.
The notion that the Catholic Church appropriated a pagan holiday for Halloween is a common misconception.
Whoops! Pope Gregory III lived in the Eighth century. Also, All Saint’s Day was originally All Martyr’s Day and instituted in 609 AD when Pope Boniface IV dedicated the former Pantheon in Rome to Christian Martyrs. The Pantheon was originally built by pagan Rome to honor all their mythological gods.
And Winter doesn’t begin in October or November.
Might be a little too expansive on its proscriptions? The left revels in offending people, yet pretends hypersensitivity to any micro-offense. If any halloween costume affects you at all, you’re the problem. Hide under your bed on halloween, or in the closet if you’re too big or fat for that. It’s too scary and inclusive a holliday for you.
The last thing leftists want to get into are moral implications. Y’all crack ,e up.
I remember that in elementary school, we used to have Halloween day celebrations every year, one year I went in costume as a flying saucer 🙂
That’s a good one. Did your parents make it for you? The first one I remember, my brother and me were astronauts.
lol … I don’t remember who made it. Probably my Mom helped as I was probably too incompetent to do it myself 🙂
We used a hula hoop as the saucer part 🙂
My first was Casper, at three. My second was an astronaut. Apollo 11 was when I was 3.5. I saw the launch from Daytona, and the landing on our little B&W on a cart that would roll between the kitchen and living room.
Yeah, I remember we saw the landing on a B&W TV for some reason. We must have had a color TV by then.
The Apollo 11 moon landing happened the day before my fifth birthday. I remember my parents let my brother and me stay up late to watch it. Around 8 PM Pacific time, I think, but we had early “bed times.” I figure that was when we dressed like astronauts, who were seen as heroes then, because I doubt I could remember the one before. What a cool night. I got to see man walk on the moon in brilliant B&W and have a birthday party the day after. I don’t remember the party but I remember watching every detail of the landing in awe and fascination. I didn’t have a cool ass cart, though.
OMG, you offended the aliens, how mean of you;-)
Our self-appointed superiors in the hectoring class really need to shut up and mind their own business.
Oue town has a Halloween Parade in the down town area
Celebrations of paganism shouldn’t appeal to anyone with a brain.
Why, are kids who trick or treat and their parents all Satanists?
There are many of us who do not observe Halloween, though we’re happy to give the kids who come to our houses candy. You have to understand that fundamentalist Christians and Jews simply do not do this. But we put the fun and the mental into fundamentalism, so don’t feel sorry for our kids!
I understand but it isn’t true that the Catholic Church replaced a pagan observance with Halloween. Halloween was instituted by the Syrian Pope Gregory III in the eighth century when the Church didn’t control Celtic or Gaelic lands, especially not Ireland. The Church didn’t even have any real influence until the ninth century, much less control.
All the stories to the contrary are just that, stories.
Pope Gregory III changed the date of All Martyr’s Day from May 13th to November 1st, centuries before the Church controlled Ireland and other Celtic and Gaelic lands, The widely held belief that All Soul’s Day – two days after Halloween – is based on the Celtic celebration of Samhein because they had about two similar practices is nonsense and isn’t based on any facts or Church writ, which is copious and would’ve included any appropriation of pagan celebrations. The pagan appropriation story was nothing but speculation when it originated centuries after the fact and it’s even falser now.
It’s actually the harvest festival, and is univerally celebrated among agriculturalists. it may have been hijacked, but God gives us armor against evil aspects. Celebrate the bounty of the harvest(or last harvest, depending on where you live). It evolved from people who had to plan for winter(or the dry season) to survive. Forward planning was a huge development for humans
Yes, that’s why it was easy for liars to claim Halloween was appropriated by the Catholic Church from pagans, even though Catholics and everybody else in the temperate zones were subject to the seasons for survival.
And you’re right that forward planning was a huge development for humans.
The young man checkout clerk in the supermarket today wore a “hairband” with a big bow on it.
If he can wear his long (frankly very pretty) hair under a big bow, kids can dress up as whatever they want.
If you don’t like it, don’t open the door for them when they trick or treat.
I like giving the kids candy, but I used to explain to my children that we do not do this; it’s a custom for the non-Jewish children to go around visiting and we enjoy greeting them at the door, having them show off their costumes, and giving them treats. That was all fine as I bought kosher candy and let my kids eat their fill, but then one day a couple of neighbor girls showed up and one of my boys loudly said, “They shouldn’t be doing this! They’re Jewish!” I told him that their parents hadn’t gotten the memo and then to be quiet and not embarrass them, then gave the poor girls extra candy.
That’s good that you explain things to your kids. I never got explanations from my Mom, who was a follower of B.F. Skinner’s Behaviorism theory, where you are never supposed to explain things to your kids but let them figure it out themselves. Ironic since I was the extreme case of a kid always searching for explanations 🙂
In my case, it actually helped me doing research, as in several cases I was able to see simple solutions to problems that others indoctrinated into orthodox thinking couldn’t see. But if I had known how difficult the process was going to be, I would have been winded at the start 🙂
The Jewish researchers whose parents had explained things to them were way ahead of me in most cases.
Damn, having to learn the B.F. Skinner way must’ve been hard but at least you didn’t have to rely on false explanations. When I think of some of the bullshit that passed for explanations from my parents, especially my mother, I’m surprised I’m not a sandal wearing, Dirtbagocrat nudist living in an old bus in front of my ex-wife’s dilapidated old house who hangs out with the Pelosi crime family.
To claim that one has a veto over others’ behavior based on one’s emotional reaction to that behavior, is a form of political blackmail. The individual alone is responsible for his emotions. When I was growing up, “live and let live” was a common belief.
i used to ruminate on how old I was getting and checking my recently deceased family members for an idea of my limit. But you “wokesters” have given me new life. I grew up in an age when no one gave a rip about most of this stuff in our culture that “triggers” these over grown infants. I’m no longer in the workforce and HR can’t bug me, my children are grown and gone so public school degradation isn’t an issue and I live in Idaho. A land that remains free. Sorry, if all this sounds jaded and selfish. But the lesson of history is that we don’t learn from history. Good luck kids.
That doesn’t sound jaded and selfish, it sounds wonderful. We all want the best we can out of life and it seems like you’ve had a good one.
I’ve been meaning to move to Northern Idaho for a long time now and I’ll get around to it eventually. I don’t know if I could afford Coeur d’Alene but plenty of other places over there are just as beautiful and idyllic for a guy like me. The less “woke” a state is, the better for all concerned, even the “woke” retards. They’re just too stupid to appreciate it.
“Also, fat suits are a hate crime.” LOL
Might be a little too expansive on its proscriptions? The left revels in offending people, yet pretends hypersensitivity to any micro-offense. If any halloween costume affects you at all, you’re the problem. I’m offended by your taking offense. Are my feelings any less valid than yours?
Hide under your bed on halloween, or in the closet if you’re too big or fat for that. It’s too scary and inclusive a holliday for you.
The last thing leftists want to get into are moral implications.
First of all, Roman Catholic theology is often in error and admitted pagan practices over the years. Secondly, the 31st of October, or Hallowe’en is the satanists big day, as Anton Lavey of the so called Church of Satan admitted.
First of all, Halloween, All Martyrs/Saints Day and All Souls Day were never pagan practices and the Catholic Church instituted them centuries before it controlled Ireland or any other Celtic lands. Secondly, the bonfires and costumes attributed to Celtic Samhain were used by Catholic hating, Puritan Protestants to denigrate All Souls Day on November 2nd, not Halloween. Thirdly, the Winter solstice that Samhain supposedly celebrated takes place in December, not October 31st. Fourthly and most importantly, the Church of Satan is a contemporary and crackpot organization and it doesn’t matter how it celebrates Halloween. I suppose Satan told them Halloween was his day? Shit.