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I recently had a reader ask, “Why is Joe Biden still President?” While I’m sure there was some facetiousness in his query, it’s actually worth pondering. The simple answer is, he was elected (ahem) for a four-year term and still has about a year and a half left. So, he is President because our Constitution allows him to be, and he hasn’t died yet. But let’s examine the question a little deeper.
Everything Biden has done has been a disaster. The economy is teetering. The border is non-existent. The banking system and the dollar are crumbling. Our enemies are taking advantage of the weakness they perceive in the White House. Crime is out of control in most of our once-great cities. Traditional morality and decency are in the toilet. Our children are being butchered and groomed for the hedonistic pleasure of a cadre of sexual deviants. Women athletes are losing hard-earned rights because of the “transgender” movement, something that almost no one had heard of five years ago. Government spending is without restraint and, as a result, inflation has soared, and America’s middle class is being squeezed into near oblivion. The education system continues to produce semi-literates who will do—what?—in the future. No patriot wants to join the military anymore. The list of Joe Biden’s cataclysms is endless, but my space in this column isn’t, so I mention only a few of the most egregious catastrophes this man and his ideology have foisted upon the nation. Why is he still President indeed?
Biden is President, but he is far from in control. The Marxist, Leftist global movement, whatever groups are ultimately behind it, are using Biden and the Democratic Party as pawns in the supreme game of human domination. Biden does everything he is told to do. He is nothing but a puppet, a “useful idiot” as I explained recently—totally unable to think for himself. The Far Left, the Marxist Left, manipulates him and his ideological band. Biden doesn’t realize it, but some Democrats do.
But this is why Biden—health permitting—will win the Democratic nomination next year. Why would the Leftist oligarchy want anyone else, since he is doing exactly what they want him to? When he has expanded his usefulness, he will be tossed “into the dustbin of history.” They will have no further need for him, and probably won’t even give him a gold watch.
What is critical to understand is that all the failures of the Biden administration are choreographed. They are deliberate, exactly what Soros, the WEF, the Deep State, i.e., the Marxist Left covet. They WANT failure. We must understand that. Some of them are intelligent enough to know that Leftist policies never succeed because they contradict basic human nature, economic laws, history, science, God, and every other reality. This is the horror we are witnessing in America and around the world today—designed, intended collapse. Those who are engineering this are aware of it and, again, need the failure. As societies crumble and dissipate into total chaos, someone, echoing Hitler, will have to step forth and restore order again. The Left certainly doesn’t intend for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis to do it. The Marxist Left will be able to assume all power, and the people will gladly give it to them in order to restore some measure of peace and stability to their lives. The masses will obey whatever orders are given to them under the threat of terror, and out of fear of a resurrection of the madness that brought about the totalitarian state in the first place. Most Americans sense something is dreadfully wrong, but don’t know enough history to understand it. That is a supreme tragedy.
This societal chaos and ultimate takeover are what Leftists have been scheming, actually, since the French Revolution. It is the world Utopia, with them in charge, of course. The movement was provided greater emphasis and philosophic buttressing by Marx, and while it failed in the Soviet Union, it’s working in China. And it is about to conquer the United States, especially if Biden (or any Democrat) is given four more years in the White House.
What I’m basically describing is George Orwell’s novel, 1984. Orwell portrayed the end result; what we are witnessing today is the movement that will terminate in a 1984-type society. Again, it is deliberate, planned, and, so far, working almost to perfection. They will win unless our will is stronger than theirs. With Ronna McDaniel and Mitch McConnell in control of the (supposed) opposition party, one is not hopeful. The enemy and its goals must be comprehended in order to be defeated, and the Republican establishment in Washington is utterly clueless.
We bemoan the deterioration and destruction of our country. But do you think Barack Obama and George Soros are sorrowful about the current trends in America? Of course not. It is exactly what they desire and designed. Things are going according to blueprint. Oh, there are a few obstacles (traditional, conservative Americans), but they are mostly old geezers who will die off in the next decade or two. Then who will stand in the gap to defend traditional America? I tremble for our children and grandchildren. With the millions of illegals now in, and soon to enter, the country, there is a ready-made mass of humanity to organize into a revolution. There aren’t enough “crops” for them all to “pick.” What are they going to do? They will soon discover that America, because of Leftist policies, isn’t what they were promised it would be. Most of them can’t speak the language well enough to perform skilled labor. They will live on the streets, or in shantytowns, Venezuelan-retreads; huddled together, miserable, waiting for a Lenin or Mao to lead them. They will be a revolution waiting to be organized, waiting to happen.
Ten years ago, we would never have believed this could happen in America. Too many still don’t believe it. By the time they do, it will be too late.
Lethal says
” Things are going to blueprint…” Sure are – the blueprint God set out in the Bible, the end times prophesied are here and no human can stop it.
Carol Worden says
Ever since Obama was elected I knew we would end up in a chaos never seen before. I have just turned 73 and remembee hiding under desks in school with my hands civering my head practicing in case the BOMB SHOULD FALL ON US, and now the implosion is coming from within. My faith and hope is in Jesus trusting and knowing His word is the only truth and the children will come unto Him while we all wait to be called up on that glorious day to be with Him, the God of Jacob. Isaac and Abraham.
Anne-Marie says
God gave us free will but sadly, this is the chaos that our leaders and wokesters create with their free will.
God cannot protect humans against this scourge of humanity – leftists who are hell-bent on destroying our civilization as we know it. It has never been perfect, but I believe that a large percentage of us are basically decent human beings who just want to contribute to fostering a good living environment for our spouses, our siblings, our children and our peers.
I am a Christian at heart but I am deeply saddened (and often enraged) when I observe the tragic demise of the once-beautiful America (I am Canadian and we are not that far behind).
Carabec says
God Save America 🇺🇸 🙏🏻🇺🇸
RLinAZ says
God can do anything. Nothing happens outside of His sovereign plans. we not ‘enjoy’ the process but He gave us 2700-2000 years of written warning through His prophets and Jesus Christ, telling us what will come and is indeed now underway.
True Christians understand our hope is not in any politician, political organization, political ideology or nation. Our hope is in Christ alone, it has always been so, but now there is no where else to flee. If you are in a saving relationship with Jesus, let your anger subside into sadness and urgency for those who don’t know Him; spread the gospel while there is time to rescue those who will perish in His coming wrath..
The Bible promises all that we endure here will be forgotten in eternity. It is extremely important that you make sure your own salvation is secure, and then look up, He is coming soon.
Dottie says
I have to add a bit of perspective to the choice of words you used- blueprint.
God foresaw what would come to pass. It saw it before it happens. He saw lawlessness but he didn’t design it to be as a blueprint depicts. Man is so evil esp as he suppresses good and his evil escalates. God saw this. God said He wished no man would perish but have everlasting life but He knows (OT) left up to his own devices he does only evil. God doesn’t design an evil event as a blueprint but He does know of it before it happens. God being in control doesn’t ordain evil as a good thing. Otherwise what is the point if it all. Saying someone is destined for punishment as punishment is the outcome of refusing Christ. Hope this clarifies for the reader.
RS says
“As societies crumble and dissipate into total chaos, someone, echoing Hitler, will have to step forth and restore order again.”
See, Revelation 11:7 & 13:1-10
LBailey says
You jecho what I’ve been thinking, & have written to Bible scholars about. I’m Revelation, I think America is the Harlot who left her first love (Christ, Who is God). On 9/11 I thought we were seeing our demise coming, however, thinking ourselves wise, we became fools, & exchanged God for all the garbage we’re seeing people indulge in now. We also gave our enemies the keys to the kingdom. They RUN Washington. The end of the Harlot is extremely sad. Everyone will weep for her. 9:11 will pale in comparison.
LBailey says
Sorry, print so small. Can’t type today. I meant you “echo.” Then “In” the book of Revelation.
Carabec says
We do not need or want anyone who ‘Echoes’ Hitler!
The answer is in 2024 Donald J Trumps Second Term….if we have a Free and Honest Presidential Election!
Thomas D Lapsley says
We will NOT have a Free and Honest Presidential Election! Dems/Commies have perfected the manner in which elections are stolen.
EM Lodi says
I pray you are wrong, I fear you are correct.
Mirjam says
It is indeed the very end of the end times. As the Bible says there will be a one world government called the beast system; AI anyone? There will rise “the man of lawlessness” to “save” the world but he will be a false savior. Everything is precisely as the Bible describes the last days but Jesus wins!
MsAnthrope says
Enough with just accepting fate!! God expects us to fight back evil and that we must do now to save the country. This may very well be His test for all of us. Will we take up the call to fight for our values or just give up?I know what I have to do……resist the Left: hold Congress to account: speak up and not be afraid. get people to vote with their mind and not their emotions. Too many good people have died for this country for us to sit back and say its destruction is inevitable. God is calling us to peacefully resist. Do your part….. and also pray!
Chris Madder says
Would you be good enough to show where in the Bible, Jesus tells His Bride to fight? Spiritually we are to fight through prayer but that which is coming will not affect the Bride for ‘she’ will not be here when it really gets started. What we are seeing is just the stage hands getting everything ready for the big act to come. God has not called us to ‘fight’ stage hands, surely?
Fenderowner says
Read Eric Metaxas’ “Letter to the American Church” for a good understanding of what Scripture says aboutresisting/challenging evil,especially evil perpetrated by government.
CaliGal says
We are fighting to keep from becoming slaves again, just like the Israelites. How quickly we forget that God created a covenant with David. It is unbelievable to me that 30 million Christians don’t even bother to do their civic duty and vote. Christians are about to have a very hasten wakening, with other nations people crossing the southern border this spiritual battle is here. Put on your Armor of God and humble your hearts.
Gordon says
The left wages political warfare non-stop 24/7 and their only goal is political power. Unfortunately, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP establishment are more than happy to sit on their hands and let them do it, content to point fingers at the destruction and say “See, that’s not us that did that!”
Dan Malone says
Who would have known that Romans 1:18-32, is clearly the America gone Godless? Been a Christian since 1965. My heart hurts for my beloved America.
Like Israel, she has strayed horribly. Now comes Judgement.
Dr. JMac says it is clear to him, that most unbelievers have been turned over. Possessed. How else do you explain the insanity?
Lee Ann says
Now this is exactly what is going on. I am stunned every day that millions are cheering their own destruction.
roberta says
Dont be stunned. I hate to go back to the ”before the fall of Rome” line, but the privilege and wealth then, led to the same as now.
Too many well fed generations in sequence seems to lower intelligence.
Paul Raven says
Is there a single Republican politician in Washington that understands this? The cluelessness is despairing.
Kasandra says
Excellent column. Right on target. It is hard to understand why more people don’t seem to see it. Some disasters are so big, even a politically motivated garbage “news media” can’t hide them for long. Yet, here we are.
internalexile says
Just wondering if the world Economic forum and the CCP will ever have a serious disagreement about who will ultimately call the shots.
Walter Sieruk says
Yes, that treacherous ,treasonous subversive villain ,Joe Biden, is ,most likely , deliberately attempting to take America down . No how many Americans he hurts. Biden along with those who uphold him in power along with their insidious Red/Green alliance are of the most wicked and despicable sort.
As for when Biden ,in January 20, ,2o21 took his oath of Office, that he “will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. , it obversely meant nothing to him . For He is a lair and a oathbreaker.
Joe Biden is a dangerous evil horrible scroundal who is masquerading as as real ,genuine, US President.
SZ says
Biden is a dementia addled puppet for the truly evil men orchestrating the world destruction. European countries, Australia, New Zealand and others are all going through government destruction by design. Time is short before the seven year tribulation and return of Christ.
Chris Madder says
Would you be good enough to show where in the Bible, Jesus tells His Bride to fight? Spiritually we are to fight through prayer but that which is coming will not affect the Bride for ‘she’ will not be here when it really gets started. What we are seeing is just the stage hands getting everything ready for the big act to come. God has not called us to ‘fight’ stage hands, surely?
Dick Liberty says
Excellent piece. It answers so much. However, I think there’s an unfortunate typo in the fourth paragraph. I says “expanded”, whereas I believe the the author meant “expended”.
Walter Sieruk says
That Socialist, tyrant, Joe Biden, likes and admires Communist China very much and will support that Red tyranny as for a he is able to. Likewise, Biden won’t oppose its President Xi Jinping in any way.
Biden has such a strong admiration for Red China that he even has his Beijing type political prison in Washington DC which must obviously be modeled on how Communist China mistreats and abuses its own political prisoners who were falsely arrested on January 6, 2021 at Washington D.C
For in the Biden gulag the American patriots falsely arrested in that leftist set up gets worse, those the patriots are kept 23 hours alone in single dark moldy cells to not working plumbing, and this means not even a working toilet. They are also given little food and the little they do receive is of very poor quality. In other words the food is terrible, they are also denied proper medical care, no matter how much anyone on them might desperately need it
This is like the political prison in Communist China. So it’s no wonder that Joe Biden likes Red China and have many of his polices favoring that Red tyranny.
Walter Sieruk says
Not wanting to be overly negative and pessimistic but still keeping with the bounds of reality it’s possible that , maybe the terrible awful harm by that pseudo “president” , Joe Biden has done to the United States is still doing and will continue to do is so very horrendously terrible that the damage might be irreversible . I really hope I’m wrong.
President imposter Joe Biden is leading America to ruin. The terrible harm that Biden is doing to the USA might even be irreversible. As Abraham Lincoln had said, “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
Kathleen03 says
Eleanor Roosevelt: “People will only do to you what you allow them to do.” We have a society that spends hours watching reality shows featuring people who are the least among us who deserve not a minute let alone hours of our time. As we remain engrossed in gross behavior, the evil power mongers go about methodically fulfilling their agenda and, preoccupied as we are, we allow it.
We elect a President using the same qualifications we utilized when voting for American Idol contestants and reality show cast members. A President whose only goal is to preserve and protect America is persecuted and shunned in favor of miscreants whose actions and conduct are the antithesis of everything a moral and patriotic person expects and deserves.
Until Americans’ desire to keep the country our Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to create is stronger than the evil power mongers’ desire to destroy it and take it away from us, we remain complicit in annihilating everything our forefathers fought and died for.
John Clark says
When I was growing up, I am now 73, the Book of Revelation was viewed as prophecy that would some day be fulfilled, but not in our life time. Now, I am living to see world events all leading toward its fulfillment. This is a very sad, yet exciting time, to be alive. We are witnessing the end of the Church Age of grace, and are living in pre-Tribulation Period days, and are very close to being “caught up into the presence of the Lord. Comfort one another with these words”(I Thessalonians 4:17-18).
George says
Ya too bad the mainstream media that most people watch is created by the same people planning our demise. The Chinese Communist Party that the American government is going to emulate is only a few years ahead in terms of surveillance and absolute social control.
John Blackman says
” if biden is elected it will be the end of america ” thomas sowell quote during last election . [ fraudulent installation ]
jfhdsiu says
I have a better question. Why is everyone OBEYING an illegitimate government if they aren’t complicit IN that illegitimate government? saying it’s because of obeying the ‘law’ doesn’t answer the question it only evades the question. If the government is illegitimate, then the law is illegitimate and, therefore, not binding on “We, The People”, (who, ostensibly, are in charge). Well? Are “We, The People” in charge or are “We, The People” really the “sheep” the government herds us like and treats us as, (as a people)?
Of course the answer to this question is “because of ‘law enforcement” who STOP us from defending ourselves ‘resisting’ an illegitimate government. When one loves the law, (whether legitimate or otherwise), MORE than one loves “We, The People” they are no longer legitimate either. I call on all legitimate law enforcement to side with “We, The People”.
Thank you for being ‘one of’, “We, The People”, or… read my mind!
TRex says
To quote Steve Deace; “We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of political will.”. In this era what political party is enforcing its will? It surely isn’t Republicans and that doesn’t look like it’s going to change any time soon. We have solid “Red State” legislatures that get rolled by a couple Democrat members. We have “Red State” governors that cave to the demands of a few loud-mouthed protestors. Throughout government we have more than enough RHINOS to make sure the leftist agenda never sees any forceful resistance. The big question is; how do all these RHINOS continue to get re-elected? The finger can be pointed at the ignorant and apathetic voters who have no idea how the people they elect vote on critical issues and the MSM that fails to present actual unbiased news. “We the People” are asleep at the wheel and the emergency responders are just waiting to clean up the mess.
Alice George says
God gave us free will and the intelligence and character to overcome these threats to our freedom and prosperity. How would we have won WWII or succeeded in bringing down the wall? Are we supposed to sit back and watch as our country/world is destroyed? Kneeling and praying is one thing but rather than wait for a supreme being to save us ask Him for the gift of determination while praying to stand up against these forces of. Evil. To do otherwise is as destructive to our survival as the actions of our globalist Tyrants. Pray that everyone wakes up before we are doomed. Don’t sit back and watch doom overtake us.
E T Gwynn says
Way and well past time to re invigorate the term “unamerican”
Fred says
A very good article.
Ernie Stoddard says
It is the Press that must be condemned, they print all the lies that the Government want’s us to swallow, hook line and sinker. We are like a bunch of sheep being lead to slaughterer. Nothing I can see in the near future is going to stop us from this tail spin to destruction
Like it or not, we were so much better off with President Trump. He is the only way I can see bringing this country back in control. For you that say he never paid his taxes, that was found out to be not true. Donald Trump used the tax system that was passed by congress with the loop holes they put in to pay fewer taxes. A;ll of you would do the exact same thing with your own taxes. I would be in favor of a flat tax that is charged on new purchases only, that way everyone will pay his fair share when they make a purchase.
Julie Mckinley says
God is not a Santa Claus who gives us stuff (freedom, prosperity) if we only kneel and pray for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The Founders pledged their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor” as they fought and died for this country to be built upon the Constitution of the United States of America.
Jesus said, “Think not that I am some to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34).
The Bible and Alice G. has the answer to the question Chris M. was asking.
As Orwell put it in secular terms: Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist.
bert33 says
‘give me your tired, your poor, your hungry, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free’. Something like that, and that was over a century ago when the words got inscribed for the statue of liberty at ellis island. Do we still believe it, do we still mean it, or has the google/zillow/musk edition of ‘america’ now become something else, by invitation only, credit score of at least 725 and 3 verifiable references, please. No shoes, no shirt, no service. Things have changed, gotten nasty, overcrowding is a real thing, cost of living has only gone up, and homeless is the new ‘black’.
Ideals are fine and wonderful things, dead bodies on the curb from overdose and street violence, not so much. Where DO we go from here and have we sold our souls now for a 3-bedroom split-level with scenic views in the ‘burbs…