When they get caught abusing children, the first resort of the leftist abusers, whether it’s the
National School Boards Association or the American Medical Association is to label their opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and demand that the Biden administration use the DOJ to arrest and silence them.
The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics has dispatched a letter to Biden’s Beria, AG Garland, claiming that the sexual mutilation of children for transgender purposes is threatened by a “campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals”.
The AMA letter states that it’s working with Big Tech to censor critics and demands that Garland and his DOJ “take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible.”
If you’re going to sexually mutilate little boys and girls while denying that sex exists, a little thing like the First Amendment isn’t going to get in your way.
If the AMA letter is anything like the NSBA letter, then it was already coordinated with AG Garland, Clarke and the rest of the Biden DOJ’s leadership, and it just serves as the trigger for the actions that the regime was going to implement anyway. Much like Soviet and Chinese Communist open letters are just the regime talking to itself, this is the same thing.
The letter does conclude by stating that the medical organizations involved are providing “gender-affirming care to children and adolescents.”
To children. Children.
This is the sort of admission that the pro-mutilation lobby was claiming was disinformation, now it’s just reality.
One of the supporting cases involved Libs of Tik Tok exposing Boston Children’s Hospital pushing claims that toddlers are transgender and conducting sexually mutilating surgeries on minors. Here, the AMA letter freely admits “care” of “children”. We’re not talking teens.
Kaiser Permanente offers a “Gender Expression workshop was created for kids aged 12-17 ‘who identify as transgender or non-binary.’ Topics in the workshop include, ‘Gender Joy and Europia, Changing Bodies, Gender affirming vocal exploration, gender-affirming wardrobe styling, and gender congruent hair styling.'”
The worse the crime, the more the need to resort to police state tactics by the same leftists who accuse conservatives of being “authoritarians”.
Abusing the DOJ to “investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities” who criticize you is what authoritarianism really looks like.
Similar to USSR
No sicko trannies tolerated in Russia.
One of the many things that make Russia superior to the sick, deviant, godless “USA”.
Talk to me about our “freedom” when we need a license or a permit to do ANYTHING here.
We are not “free”.
We are “free range slaves”.
#FJB #NOTrannys #LGBT=NO
The day is coming when these abusers of children will spend eternity wishing they had never been born.
If only the right was like a Norman Rockwell painting that would sweep the administrative state and satellite national associations into the bin.
I still remember those Norman Rockwell paintings from the Saturday Evening Post 🙂
For these crazy people to put the words… children and sex changing… in the same sentence shows me just how mentally sick these people are..Children should be children, let them decide who and what they are when they reach the age of reasoning, like 21 or 25, but NOT at the age of a CHILD… I am not a Christian, nor a Jew, but I think we are all going to Hell if we allow this to continue.
As Trump said the other day.. This country is going to Hell… and for that we can thank the current morons in Government from the top down.
I agree. While not particularly Christian, it’s hard for me to look at this nightmarish stuff, along with the actions of Randi Weingarten and the teachers’ unions, and not see it as Satanic. And, sad to say, some of what even Putin has been saying for some years about us does resonate.
If it didn’t resonate without Putin then what you need is a KGB despot to drive it through your head like a Ukraine invasion.
What world do you think you’re living in?
I agree. While not particularly Christian, it’s hard for me to look at this nightmarish stuff, along with the actions of Randi Weingarten and the teachers’ unions, and not see it as Satanic. And, sad to say, some of what even Putin has been saying for some years about us does resonate.
Reclaim the language. It’s not cis woman, cis male or cis anything. It’s male and female because you were born that way. Anything other is fantasy. A boy can’t become a girl or the other way around. Men don’t get pregnant. Women ovulate, gestate, menstruate and lactate and naturally produce hormones to regulate all that. Hormone therapy and surgery cannot change a male into someone who CAN do that.
And it’s okay to say so.
DNA is destiny. You get it at conception (are “assigned” it by your Creator, if you will) and can’t change it. If you don’t want to live as a sexual, reproducing being that’s your right. But you remain what you were when you were conceived.
“Disinformation” IS LIES! They want us to believe LIES! Why don’t we call it what it is. Are we living in a science fiction movie? It sure seems so! The worse it gets the more appalled I am that it is said that Biden’s approval rating is at 40%! 40% is a huge number! Whatever happened to the God given Conscience ?
Add the AMA to that rapidly growing list of once respected organizations, including the FBI and the DOJ itself, that need to be disbanded or extensively reformed. They’ve abused whatever authority they had by allowing themselves to be weaponized by leftist ideologues for so long that they’re no longer forces for good but tools for totalitarian oppression.
Obviously, the AMA, being a private, secular entity, cannot be challenged politically in the same way as can government agencies. But it can be hectored. And it can be sued. As can its individual members. More Americans need to do this. Because if the AMA is to be reformed, it’ll have to be done from the inside. Are there sufficient numbers of Americans to effect reform? Sadly, I doubt it. But external circumstances can change. And if the AMA continues its course of supporting child mutilation in the name of scientifically insupportable “gender reassignment,” its days may yet be numbered.
AMA–American Marxist Association. It’s been that way for at least the last forty to fifty years. No different than the ABA–the American Bolshevik Association. Two fellow travelers–like peas in a pod!
What’s ironic is that the Left has allied itself with the Islamists. Liberal, woke, gender-fluid and feminist, these fools will be the first destroyed if, and when the Islamist lie and kill their way into real power.
A lot of us who aren’t active churchgoers see something Satanic in this recent leftist obsession with transgenderism, particularly with regards to young children. And the Orwellian expression “gender-affirming” to describe radical surgeries and hormone treatments to reject and CHANGE one’s natural gender shows just how upside-down the whole thing is.
Satanic vs Demonic: they are certainly demonic, but that doesn’t require the existence of an actual entity, like Satan.
I mean, it could just be the nature of the world, man has the choice between being worse than the animals (demonic) or being spiritual.
Produce the letter, or it’s just heresay.
Produce the spelling: A) hearsay, B) heresy, C) here to stay, D) cut on the dotted line.
Where is the letter in question? Why don’t you link to it?
How can the AMA call the treatments and surgeries it is supporting “gender affirming?” They are, instead, gender denying. Gender affirming would be to tell little Jane, when she comes to you and tells you she thinks she’s a boy, “Well, you’re not. You are a girl.” Now that would be affirming her gender. Telling her, “Okay, you’re a boy” is “delusion affirming” and “gender denying.”
This is all part of the Tavistock Institutes agenda. Daniel, you should do an expose on this group and how they weedled their way tiny America.
Do you have the link to the letter sent by the AMA?
DNA is destiny. You get it at conception (are “assigned” it by your Creator, if you will) and can’t change it. If you don’t want to live as a sexual, reproducing being that’s your right. But you remain what you were when you were conceived.