The battle for the freedom of speech is heating up this week, with Elon Musk chasing out the Twitter fascists and beginning to open up the platform for free discussion and dissent (amid howls of rage from the Left), but the other social media giants are showing no signs of retreating from their fascism. New English Review Press announced Sunday that a book it published back in 2017, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology by the renowned ex-Muslim scholar Ibn Warraq, has been pulled for sale from Amazon without explanation or the possibility of appeal.
It’s a strange move. I have the privilege and honor of having known Ibn Warraq for many years and calling him my friend. I’ve also read The Islam in Islamic Terrorism. Before I met him, his groundbreaking and courageous work Why I Am Not A Muslim was a powerful influence on me in the 1990s and had a great deal to do with my beginning to write about jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women myself. Ibn Warraq is a gentle soul, a careful scholar, a superb writer, and a profound and original thinker. The Islam in Islamic Terrorism is not some flame-throwing hate screed but a carefully documented exploration of the elements of Islam that jihad terrorists use in order to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims.
Amazon, however, is run by Leftists, and for Leftists, any criticism of Islam, including any hint that it may have some connection to Islamic terrorism, is “Islamophobic” and thus to be rejected out of hand without any discussion of the actual evidence. For years now, the notorious far-Left smear machine, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has defamed opponents of jihad violence and Sharia oppression as “hate group leaders,” and Amazon has banned counter-jihad 501c3 charitable organizations from its Amazon Smile charity program on the basis of the SPLC’s “hate” listings.
Amazon has also shown a readiness to ban books that counter the Left’s nonsense. A few years back, the Leftist behemoth banned Ryan Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. It has also banned other books that jihadis and their allies would find offensive, such as Peter McLoughlin’s Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal, and Mohammed’s Koran by McLoughlin and British activist Tommy Robinson.
Leftists will say, as they always say to criticism of the social media giants, that Amazon is a private company that can do what it wants and that if patriots don’t like it, they can start their own bookstore. Remember bookstores? There used to be many in every American city. They all had different selections, based on the owners’ perspectives and interests. But now they are almost all gone. Amazon dominates the book market, and Barnes & Noble takes most of the rest. If Amazon decides that your book is not acceptable, then most people who are interested in books will never have the opportunity to see it at all.
In earlier, less polarized times, the U.S. government determined that several monopolies — Standard Oil, American Tobacco, AT&T — were not in the public interest and compelled them to break up. It would be a great boon for the freedom of speech if Big Tech were subjected to this treatment, but the U.S. government as it is currently constituted is more likely to act against Musk for protecting the freedom of speech on Twitter than against the other social media giants for suppressing that freedom. The American people would also benefit immensely from the breakup of Amazon and reconstitution of bookstores that reflect differing points of view with selections that reflect not just Amazon’s doctrinaire Leftist line, but other points of view as well.
The Islam in Islamic Terrorism can still be found here. But it’s clear that Amazon is intending to shut down debate on a highly controversial issue. Even if you don’t care for the works of Ibn Warraq (which would be odd, as it would mean you don’t care for lucid, elegant prose, compelling reasoning, and a broad command of the salient facts), make no mistake: anytime Amazon pulls a book for political reasons, we are all threatened. The precedent has been set by the only bookseller that really matters today that books that are offensive to the Leftist elites can be deep-sixed at will. This precedent is dangerous and corrosive to a free society. In this age of the Biden regime’s creeping authoritarianism, it’s ominous in the extreme.
Good info, thanks!
The book is available on ebay.
Barnes and Noble, my new book source.
B&N is noticeably on the left. Go to one of their stores. Don’t wear a red cap.
I read a book critical of the pharmaceutical industry a few years ago called Big Pharma, cannot recall the author and tried to find it on my kindle but couldn’t.
So my conspiracy brain thought that Amazon was censoring it. I’ve just scanned through a search and can’t see the actual book but there’s dozens of other books that are all critical of it.
If Amazon keeps up the leftist elites censorship they won’t have any books to sell at all. There wasn’t a single book praising the pharmaceutical industry.
I used to defend big pharma. I understand the obsticles placed in their path, and knew why they were placed there (I had friends growing up that had flippers instead of hands) . But now they are just evil too. I don’t trust them at all. To the point that I might not get another tetanus shot. And I need those.
Large insurance companies jumped in supporting Obamacare, making the myopic decision that forced collectivized insurance would expand their market.
It’s eye-opening that Obamacare was so great that B. Hussein, congress, unions, and the staff that wrote this 2000+ page bullshit made sure they were excempted from it.
“Virus Mania”, Jan 2020. Pharma lies back to 1918.
Amazon is not the last bastion of book selling. Yeah, so they dumped his book, there are other ways to promote and sell merchandise. For instance, open a VLOG on Rumble, Brighteon, or Bitchute or any other platform and sell your product there.
How about not buying anything from Amazon. It’s easy.
i used to sell on Jeffie’s little crooked platform. After the way his goons abused me (for selling products obtained direct from the manufacturer through their own distributioin channels, and also availble at many retail stores such as WalMart,Target, TJ Max) falsely accusing me of selling counterfeit items I not only do not sell there any more, but refuse to buy anything throguh that channel. That outfit also refuses to abide by manufacturers’ Minimum Advertised Price contracts they MUST sign to disrtibute those goods, thus destroying the retail market.
Nope I do NOT do business with firms that lack integrity.
Have you noticed you never hear a word about eBay doing something like this? There is much to criticize them for but they mostly stay out of politics.
Abebooks, also owned by Amazon, has also apparently purged sales of this book. Oddly enough, all of his other books are available on Abebooks AND Amazon. The irony is that most of his other books were published by Prometheus Books–a mainstream secular/atheist/progressive publisher!!!
It is not ironic that Prometheus Books published books that question, doubt, criticize, and debunk Islam. Prometheus Books was founded by Paul Kurtz to publish books of critical inquiry into religious, mystical, and supernatural claims.
I don’t know if Paul Kurtz was a socialist, but if he was, he certainly forgot to question, doubt, criticize, and debunk the Marxist belief-system of the unreal and the irrational.
“In The Transcendental Temptation, Kurtz analyzes how provable are the claims of Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad, as well as the founders of religions on American soil such as Joseph Smith and Ellen White.” – Wikipedia
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.” – Thomas Jefferson
Like the Jefferson quote. He sounds like a religious Jew — we question everything. And then we come to the logical conclusions and love and serve G-d with all our hearts, souls, and minds.
Thought Police at work
“New English Review Press announced Sunday that a book it published back in 2017, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology by the renowned ex-Muslim scholar Ibn Warraq, has been pulled for sale from Amazon without explanation or the possibility of appeal.”
And just how hypocritical are those Amazon employees? They pull a book off their website that they think might offend Muslims but they apparently continue to allow vendors to sell totenkopf nazi death head branded merchandise without a problem. (3,000 results for an Amazon search on the word “totenkopf). They don’t seem overly concerned that this might offend another religious group. But what did any expect. Hypocrites. Hypocrites all.
Book is available for online order via Barnes & Noble and Walmart. Just checked, allowed me to add book to shopping cart. No indication it wasn’t available.
“Leftists will say, as they always say to criticism of the social media giants, that Amazon is a private company that can do what it wants and that if patriots don’t like it, they can start their own bookstore… In earlier, less polarized times, the U.S. government determined that several monopolies — Standard Oil, American Tobacco, AT&T — were not in the public interest and compelled them to break up.”
When the altruism-collectivism-socialism motivated, envy and resentment suffused, Antitrust laws were passed ( Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890) America was not less polarized at all. The Altruist-Socialist-Progressive Movement in America started in the 19th Century and it was HIGHLY polarized.
“The roots of America’s welfare state lie in the Populist-Progressive Era of the late 19th century and early 20th century, especially with the Protestant social gospel movement, which held that Christian ethics and “social justice” should drive public policy, including wealth redistribution, trust-busting, graduated tax rates to punish the rich, cradle-to-grave handouts, and missionary-style imperialistic ventures abroad to spread the faith and make the world “safe for democracy.” The concept of social justice, which jettisoned the idea that we actually earn and deserve what we get in life, was first adopted by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in the 1840s, as drawn from the work of St. Thomas Aquinas.” – Richard M. Salsman
“Holy Scripture and the Welfare State” – Richard M. Salsman
My college radio talk show, “Trilogy Ideology” was taken off the air.. The one of the reasons they gave is that my guest Bill Warner was listed by the SPLC hate map. Amazon still sells his books like Sharia Law for Non Muslims, for now.
You had Bill Warner as a guest on your radio show? Now, THAT’s a coup! He must have been brilliant.
But Amazon will allow for The Communists Manifesto and Das Kaiptal
When a communist government, uses communist tactics and employs communist revolutionaries to act as communist militia, all to enact communist rule to enforce their communist policies… JUST CALL THEM FASCIST. This way the communists know you aren’t a threat to them because you demonstrate you’re a useful idiot brainwashed by their communist schools and communist propaganda.
When will the showdown between Islam and the Left finally occur? These two ideologies could not be more opposed in their beliefs or practices; the only thing they share is the insatiable desire for power and control of everyone else.