How fitting. Meanwhile the woman whose staffers cut off security and support to the Americans in Benghazi is prepping her presidential run because once you get four Americans killed, what’s left but to shoot for four million. Stevens’ last words indicated an awareness that events were closing in on him. The same policies that brought him to Benghazi had also made him expendable.
Stevens’ final entry is like something out of a movie. He writes “Never ending security threats…” followed by a long blank page. Stevens may have been referring to an incident described by Sean Smith just hours before the attack. He wrote on a gaming message board “We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.” Perhaps the most damning statement found in Stevens’ journal is one reported by Foreign Policy dated September 6th “Dicey conditions, including car bombs, attacks on consulate, British embassy, and our own people. Islamist ‘hit list’ in Benghazi. Me targeted on a pro-Q [Qaeda? Qaddafi?] website (no more off-compound jogging).” This is similar to a paragraph found in early drafts of the Benghazi talking points:
Like so much else, that was redacted out of the official narrative.
The State Department was aware of the list of attacks which so concerned Stevens. It was apparently also aware that there may have been surveillance of the compound prior to the attack. But unidentified higher ups pushed spokesman Victoria Nuland to have this information removed from the talking points lest State look bad in front of Congress.
And State looking bad meant Hillary looking bad. And nothing can get in the way of Hillary 2016. Not even a few of her people being murdered.
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