George Soros contributed $128,485,971 to Democrat candidates in the 2022 midterm elections, which no doubt played a considerable role in the outcome. And it isn’t as if we weren’t warned. As far back as 2004, then-Senator Hillary Clinton (D-What The Hell Happened to MY Turn) declared: “We need people like George Soros, who is fearless and willing to step up when it counts.” Soros himself then came to the podium and said: “It is the first time that I feel that I need to stand up and do something, really, uh, imp–, uh, and become really engaged, um, in the electoral process in, in this country.” Oh, he’s engaged in the electoral process, all right. That’s our problem.
One indication of the difference Soros made was that he gave, according to Politico, “$1 million for the Georgia runoff, which Sen. Raphael Warnock won on Tuesday night, giving Democrats a 51-seat majority in the Senate.” He is also working for the long term. Politico added that “last January, Soros seeded Democracy PAC with $125 million , a ‘long-term investment’ in his political priorities. The group was formed to support pro-democracy ‘causes and candidates, regardless of party’ and to invest in ‘strengthening the infrastructure of American democracy: voting rights and civic participation, civil rights and liberties, and the rule of law,’ Soros said in a statement at the time.”
Soros’ statement was, of course, a steaming pile of misleading blague and deception. He claims to support pro-democracy causes and candidates, regardless of party, but gives only to Democrats. His concern for “the infrastructure of American democracy” quite clearly refers not to our actual republic, but to “our democracy” that the Left is constantly claiming to protect, by which term they actually mean their own hegemony.
Soros has an eye for detail as well. The Capital Research Center (CRC) reported Friday that his “influence on left-wing DA candidates is often wildly underestimated. Since 2016, when Soros first began to back the campaigns of district attorneys (presumably as part of the ‘Resistance’ to the Trump administration), CRC researchers have tracked more than $29 million in funding from Soros through a personal network of political action committees (PACs) formed specifically to back left-wing DA candidates. In total, Soros cash has generously supported over 20 individual candidates, many of whom won their elections and remain in office today.”
The result? “Skyrocketing violent crime, countless murders, little to no accountability, limited prosecutorial experience, a proclivity for scandal, and a tendency to unfairly prosecute political adversaries.” George Soros, CRC added, “certainly has a type.”
So what’s it all about? What is George Soros trying to do? Soros shed some light on this question back in June 1993, when he told the UK’s Independent: “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
He has apparently inexhaustible amounts of money and an unshakeable dedication to backing candidates and causes that have the effect of weakening America, and making it more squalid, poorer, and more dangerous than it was before he began showering Leftists with his largesse. If Soros is a god, or more precisely, if he thinks of himself as one, he is a god of vengeance and destruction, visiting harm upon the United States of America for evils real or imagined, and imperiling its very continued existence as a free society in the process.
George Soros is 92 years old, and can’t live forever despite his pretensions to divinity, but his son Alexander stands ready to carry on his work, and the destructive influence of this malignant family will likely be felt long into the future. The ray of hope amid all this is the fact that George Soros is not really any kind of god, and that eventually even his power will be broken. The will of human beings to live in freedom and dignity is given by the real God and cannot be extinguished, no matter how many billions Soros may throw against it. In the meantime, however, the United States of America is in for difficult times, as this hubristic megalomaniac continues to devote obscene sums of money to corroding our national power, unity, and cohesion.
So dose Soros want idol of his placed around the nation and demand that everybody must leave offerings and bow down to it like with the Golden Calf
The WEF and others are already bowing down to it and being equipped to force obeisance on the rest of us plebes.
Once digital currency and 15-minute cities are a reality, we will be without power to do anything else. We will own nothing and pretend to be happy, just like the North Korean crowds on television at the Olympics.
Isn’t that called a “toilet”?
He is typical of the current monied class who gained their wealth through luck not hard work.
Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and most big tech “entrepreneurs” who got lucky but consider themselves geniuses.
They consider themselves gods.
Yes, The New World Order consists of elites, oligarchs, and rulers. They think their time has come to rule the world.
Soros and his ideology are dangerous and no one should ever confuse dissent from Soros and his views as anti Semitism
He’s a Nazi/ WWII Nazi collaborator, vicious anti -Semite & virulently anti Israel, so yes.
He should have been hanged at Nuremberg as a Nazi in 1945
Much as I hate the bastard, I disagree. He was at most a young adult when the war ended and his collaboraiton (essentially being the lackey of his adoptive father and occasionally running notices) wouldn’t make him legally eligible to do the gallows dance for them. Especially not when worse people like Graziani and Gehlen were getting off.
Though he should be hanged for what he has done since.
BO should meet the same fate.
He has actually had the nerve to say that people who criticize him are anti-Semitic. Such a charge is truly delusional. A number of years ago, before the truth came out, he was sometimes described as a “holocaust survivor”, another delusional claim, though I do not know if that one actually originated with him.
“The will of human beings to live in freedom and dignity is given by the real God and cannot be extinguished…”
Which God is this? And how can you prove that he exists and that he wants man to be free and have dignity? You can’t.
The God of the Bible did not want Adam and Eve to be free and have dignity. He wanted them to be blindly obedient to his tyrannical will. When they disobeyed him he went bonkers and punished them for their Original Sin of disobeying him. The poor zombies with no knowledge wanted knowledge and got thrown out of the zombie Garden of Eden for having their own will, their own desires, their own ambitions, and refusing to be mere zombie-servants of God.
George Soros wants to be Yahweh because Yahweh is a supernatural, mystical, imaginary, version of George Soros.
In the Beginning God created a perfect world of beauty, abundance, and peace. Satan came to the Garden of Eden and deceived Eve, and she deceived Adam. It was Satan’s lies and deception that misled God’s creation from the very beginning….thus this is how sin corrupted the world.
Genesis 3. Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God made.
He said to the woman, “Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” The Woman said to the serpent, “We may eat from the trees in the garden, Satan. “But did God say, “You must not eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.”
The Serpent deceived Eve telling her that God knows that when you eat from this tree, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good from evil. The serpent tempted Eve by getting her to doubt God;s goodness. Satan told Eve she could become like God by defying his authority…. another deception. Self-Exaltation leads to rebellion against God, and placing ourselves above him. This is exactly Satan’s plan to divide God from his people, he has always been at odds with the Creator, thats why he was kicked out of heaven.
No doubt Soros will gladly fund the AntiChrist when that scum bag does show his face.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Soros turns out to be the AntiChrist – he fits the description in the Bible
I think the Anti-Christ has to suffer a head wound but then make a remarkable recovery with the help of the beast.
The Antichrist will be blasphemous against God and his people, that is a surety.
BO should meet the same fate. BO is the greatest fraud in human history. He did NOT earn law degree. He did NOT even earn an undergraduate degree at Columbia. No one there at that time remembers seeing him on campus. He was traveling to beautiful Pakistan with Hasan Chandoo, his roommate and bestie. If you catch my drift.
Great article, thank you. I’ve been surprised over the years when talking to leftists that think they’re morally superior and it’s their ideas that have won. None of them know who George Soros is and that his evil satanic ideas have won because of MONEY. We need to fight but I rejoice in that there will be PAYDAY SOMEDAY (a very old sermon, Jonathan Edwards I think))
Some people seem to think that he is a philanthropist, which is how he is described in biographical sources. And some people will believe anything. There’s a sucker born every minute.
Another piece of the puzzle may be the “hegetsus” campaign. If you are unaware “he gets us” is a series of TV commercials. The campaign advocates a Jesus that is a political leftist, a libertine, and a mirror image of the zietgeist. The campaign is orchestrated by the Southern Baptist Missions Board. The Baptist leadership is coy about the source of the campaigns financings, but is very likely is Soros money.
The Baptist Mission Board???
According to an article in “The Capstone Report,” we don’t know the financial source ,for the he gets us campaign. I was merely speculating Soros money. The corrupt Baptist leadership has taken Soros money, in the past.
Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated – and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.
Reconquistas Muñoz, Solis present at Obama sovereignty sellout session …Obama was joined at the meeting [about a push to amnesty millions of border-hopping job thieves] by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Phil Schiliro, and White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs [and former ‘Tan Klan’ minion] Cecilia Muñoz…
What I want to know is why was Soros not stopped years ago by some entity with the power to stop him? No termination of his command with extreme prejudice. Why not?
If the CIA was on our side they could have drained his bank accounts, for Soros that would be worse then death.
If Arthur Conan Doyle were alive today and continuing his Sherlock Holmes stories, the Ultimate Villain and Plotter of all Evil and crime wouldn’t be Professor Moriarty; it would be George Soros, the present-day, real-life Incarnation of Evil, obsessively fixated on destroying us.
He has plenty of help. I suspect that he is only the Bond-villain face of a rather large conspiracy. And the rest of them would surprise us; most of them are listed in the Gotha (Blue Book), a register of European aristocracy. Some of their families are of relatively recent pedigree, some date back to the Roman Empire, and most are in between, but they seem determined to get their serfs back one way or another and a few stubborn holdouts are stopping them.
What I want to know is why was Soros not stopped years ago by some entity with the power to stop him? No termination of his command with extreme prejudice. Why not?
Why hasn’t this malevolent man been expunged years ago? Is there not an intelligence agency in the Western world capable of eliminating this problem? He shouldn’t have lived past 50! He’s been destroying the West his entire existence and is a Nazi in the truest definition.
The bastard has ties to a lot of intelligence agencies and apparently has proven useful to them.
What I want to know is why was Soros not stopped years ago by some entity with the power to stop him? No termination of his command with extreme prejudice. Why not?
Foreigners donating to American politicians should be illegal, but apparently our “Public Servants” believe there is no limit to money pouring into their coffers.
Soros is just another wart on capitalism. His malpractice is a billboard for the blight that money can buy. And there is such big money in a few sweaty hands doing so much damage so quickly, but we have been somnolent, actually stupid, while they pollute the national conversation and destroy our cities.
Him and Bill Gates are the enemies of a Free World along with the UN and CFR. Soros and his Open Borders group and Gates and Microsoft
Putrid, disgusting,law breaking total ass holes-Soros,his family and all his backers. Anyone getting his money should resign immediately. Just a 2345ing ass.