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For many years now, it has been clear that America has been in a steep moral and spiritual decline, despite some genuine revival movements along with some holy pushback against the growing cultural insanity. But two recent examples confirm that we are now in moral freefall.
The first is Pres. Biden’s proclamation that March 31, which this year falls on Resurrection (Easter) Sunday, is now “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
This is not a poorly timed announcement. It is not even a slap in the face. It is a kick below the belt accompanied by a laugh and a smile. It is as insulting as it is perverse, no matter how much we care for our trans-identified friends and colleagues and want them to experience wholeness and freedom in the Lord.
The second example is a post by Baptist leader William Wolfe, contrasting this presidential announcement, which was made on Good Friday, with Good Friday, 1956:
“Good Friday, 1956: Three crosses on the NYC Skyline
“Good Friday, 2024: The White House celebrates ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
“America didn’t become ‘less religious.’
“We just traded Christianity and the cross for the religion of LGBTQIA+ and the rainbow flag.”
This prompted David Limbaugh to repost Wolfe’s post with the comment, “Is it fair to say that we are now a full-blown pagan society?”
Yes, it is quite fair – at least for those celebrating the Biden proclamation and for the symbolic significance of this act, emanating from the White House itself.
Of course, this twisted trend (in the name of compassion and, at times, “Christian” love) is nothing new. That’s why, in February 2020 I wrote an article titled, “As We Mindlessly Careen Our Way Down the Slippery Slope.”
It began with these words: “Is anyone surprised that HGTV recently featured its first “throuple,” in this case, a man and two women? But what else should we expect? This is the inevitable direction of our society’s slippery slide down. The avalanche goes downward, not upward.”
In that regard, we have been in moral freefall for many years, with Christian philosophers like Francis Schaeffer calling America a “post-Christian nation” over 50 years ago.
As noted by Elliot Clark in December 2020, “Yes, back in 1970, Schaeffer says the United States—not just continental Europe—was already post-Christian. He writes about the reality of historic Christianity becoming the minority in the West, stripped of cultural power and influence.” (Schaeffer also had this prescient warning: “in this situation, Schaeffer identifies a great danger for evangelicals: taking sides with political elites in order to retain comfort, affluence, and personal peace. In the face of societal chaos and upheaval, Schaeffer doesn’t want Christians to compromise for the sake of short-lived comfort.”)
So, to repeat, we have been in spiritual and moral and cultural decline for decades, despite, as I noted above, some positive developments in the midst of the decay.
And it is true that, back in 1944, 9 years before the first edition of Playboy was published, Rev. Peter Marshall declared, “Surely the time has come, because the hour is late, when we must decide. And the choice before us is plain — Yahweh or Baal. Christ or chaos. Conviction or compromise. Discipline or disintegration.”
Similarly, in 1959, Prof. Robert Coleman proclaimed, “In a day when unprecedented numbers of people have a form of religion while at the same time the church seems unable to stem the rising tide of degeneracy that threatens the land, the question must be raised: Why this paradox? Should not the church have influence for righteousness in proportion to her numbers? However one may seek to answer this question, it is obvious that what we need is not more religion, but more power. In short, we need real revival!”
I’m confident that we can go all the way back to the American colonies and find similar, thunderous warnings, speaking of our spiritual apostasy and moral rot. After all, the first Great Awakening, which presupposed a great falling way, took place in the 1730s and 1740s, “at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale.”
There’s even a danger of becoming so accustomed to our nation’s precipitous condition that we just yawn at the latest example of our depravity.
Drag queens reading to toddlers with the enthusiastic support of the American Library Association? No big deal.
Thirteen-year-old girls having their healthy breasts removed and 11-year-old boys getting chemically castrated because of short-lived struggles with their gender identity? Nothing to fuss about.
Radical feminists launching a “Shout Your Abortion” movement? No big deal.
Christians being canceled because they dare to hold to their biblically-based values in public? Let’s not get too worked up.
How deadly complacency can be!
That’s why we need to feel the full force of the outrage of the moment, as the President of the United States, himself a professing Catholic, uses his bully platform to mock the followers of Jesus worldwide. First, he announced “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Good Friday. Then, he timed things so that it would be celebrated this year on Good Friday.
Wake up, America! It really is revival or we die – and that revival, that awakening, that coming to life again, that returning to the Lord with all our hearts and souls, repenting of our own sins – must begin with each of us.
To pray it again, “Lord, let the awakening start with me!”
Ironically. each affront to my faith that I see in our society makes stronger my intention to get closer to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, I’m having a difficult time finding a Church that doesn’t spout the suicidal spirit of the age tolerance or have a rock band. Our state banned child gender mutilation and abortion. Our public schools are, of course, NEA but we have no school age children but talk to our neighbors that do. And I check my local library for child porn.
We must remain strong and vigilant in our local communities. The feds are lost unless we remove some people.
If you cannot find a Christ-honoring church to go to, John MacArthur’s Grace Church has livestream services morning and evening and hundreds of archived sermons available on their website to listen to at home. As we live in the Central Valley of CA, we go once a month to MacArthur’s church and also to a fellowship group from a church closer to our area.
Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
Please Mark would you call in at your local Kingdom Hall, and observe the service. The times of the twice weekly meetings are posted on the door, and all are welcome. The meeting starts with a song and a short prayer and ends that way. The rest is teaching us from the Bible, teaching us how to live according to its perfect and loving standards (to our imperfect best!) and teaching us how to tell others what the Bible really says.
I had an intensive religious education within Christendom, having been a Catholic Convent schoolgirl in the distant past. But I was truly surprised and very happy to find out what the Bible actually says, which I did by talking to, or rather listening to, the two ladies who called at my door with their Bibles and Watchtower magazines, over thirty years ago.
I have been learning ever since – and hope to go on learning for ever I hope we all will. We live in such a dangerous world system, so violent and so corrupt, but our loving Creator, the God of Abraham, wants to gather us all safely back to him, to give us back the life and happiness in the restored earthly paradise that, as Genesis tells us, our first parents so tragically lost. And He takes such good care of us even now, if we will only let him.
You guys could always switch over to Randism, that might work.
Alternatively fight back by having stronger and stronger families. Stop getting divorced at the drop of a hat.
Eat healthy and get some fresh air and exercise with your family. Switch off your TVs and do things together such as eating around a table not on the sofa.
A million Small things add up.
It’s not called “Randism”, it’s called Objectivism, and with good reason.
Yes, Objectivism taught at the universities and as an elective in junior and senior year of high school is the answer to saving America.
“To combat the doctrines that are destroying our country, out-of-context terms and ideas such as these are useless. What we need is an integrated, consistent philosophy in every branch, and especially in the two most important ones: epistemology and ethics. We need a philosophy of reason and of rational self-interest, a philosophy that would once again release the power of man’s mind and the energy inherent in his pursuit of happiness. Nothing less will save America or individual rights.
There are many good people in the world who accept religion, and many of them hold some good ideas on social questions. I do not dispute that. But their religion is not the solution to our problem; it is the problem. Do I say that therefore there should now only be “freedom for atheism”? No, I am not Mr. Kemp. Of course, religions must be left free; no philosophic viewpoint, right or wrong, should be interfered with by the state. I do say, however, that it is time for patriots to take a stand — to name publicly what America does depend on, and why that is not Judaism or Christianity.
There are men today who advocate freedom and who recognize what ideas lie at its base, but who then counsel “practicality.” It is too late, they say, to educate people philosophically; we must appeal to what they already believe; we must pretend to endorse religion on strategic grounds, even if privately we don’t.
This is a counsel of intellectual dishonesty and of utter impracticality. It is too late indeed, far too late for a strategy of deception which by its nature has to backfire and always has, because it consists of confirming and supporting the very ideas that have to be uprooted and replaced. It is time to tell people the unvarnished truth: to stand up for man’s mind and this earth, and against any version of mysticism or religion. It is time to tell people: “You must choose between unreason and America. You cannot have both. Take your pick.”
If there is to be any chance for the future, this is the only chance there is.” – Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff, “Religion versus America”
Randism will never be taught at the high school level or at the leftist indoctrination mills that pass for your beloved universities. It’s just too whack a philosophy that is never explained simply enough to be comprehensible….especially to the kids.
I see you could only manage a line or two of your own material today followed by the oft repeated Lenny screed about “not having both”. Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, on these pages posted by you.
You really don’t have much in the way of real information or imagination….always relying on the work of others.
Here’s an idea, how about teaching the Constitution and the concept of freedom. I guess not, that makes too much sense.
THX 1138, What poison Ivy school did you attend? Did Biden forgive your $100,000 loan for an advanced degree in Gender Studies to buy your vote?
Church of Jesus Christ is the best I’ve seen among the many Christian churches in America. I’m not sure that any Christian church has been perfect in preaching repentance to the nation, though.
Muslim families do all that. Muslims have strong families. And what does Islam teach these strong and stronger Muslim families? To hate freedom, liberty, and the West.
Family can be a wonderful thing when the family shares rational values consonant with the requirements of living and flourishing on earth. A strong family can be a nightmare when the family is filled with irrational ideas.
Not all muslims believe that, I believe that the majority do not.
You are referring, of course to your family, right. I can just imagine that dinner table conversation at your house….the finer points of Aristotle, laissez faire capitalism, the Christian Dark Ages, endless discussion of Randism and Peikoffism, and, of course, why no one seems to care about Objectivism.
Can’t forget the endless whining and complaining about how all the non-believers, not including the “enlightened” ones like you, are a bunch of ignorant “lemonheads”.
The Objecties are just so special.
Use stewardship of your money as part of your morality and ministry
Purge your retirement funds of Blackrock. Maybe put some in Strive Funds.
Drop AARP, sign up for AMAC.
Drop Verizons, AT&T, etc., sign up for Patriot Mobile.
Melalueca is a great alternative to P&G, etc for household cleaners, supplements, bath and beauty.
Shop on Public Square, MyPillow instead of Amazon.
Shop local when possible and use cash.
There are many American made clothing options. We are all a drop in the ocean but together we are the ocean(attribute to somebody who probably already said that).
Advancing America’s moral decline is the increase in the size of its Islamic population and the normalizing and acceptance of the hate filled values of Muslims. Muslim immigrants make up the only large cohort that came to America not to become Americans but to make America like the countries the Muslims emigrated from after making them unlivable. The Muslims’ present alliance with the left will accelerate this destructive process until the Muslims feel powerful enough to destroy the feminists, gays, blacks and self-hating Jews who stupidly accepted them as allies in the battle to build a progressive state—not the caliphate—on the bones of the USA.
Americas worst enemy is the United Nations followed by the WEF and DNC
The WEF is simply the mouthpiece of the UN.
I put DNC first
There is a virus rampant in the land. It is called Apathy.
Keep an eye on the sky for raining fire on the cities, as what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah.
America need totally pull out of the United Nations and make them solve their own problems we can give aid after a Natural Disaster
“How you have fallen…O morning star son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once humbled the nations and said in your heart: I will raise my throne above the stars of G-d …brought down to the grave, to the depts of the pit.” –Isaiah 14: 12-15
I’m still wondering how Joe can cross the threshold of a Catholic Church, much less receive Holy Communion and not burst into flames? Since the fall, all of G-ds religious have not been able to put humanity back together again which leads me to believe that rebellion against G-d is embedded inside the genomic architecture of mankind’s genetic code.