One way to hoodwink the populace into accepting ever-increasing control by the omnibenevolent and all-seeing federal government is to convince them that freedom and autonomy are bad for you. But surely Leftists wouldn’t stoop that low, would they? Sure they would. PJM’s Ben Bartee had the story on Saturday: the American Journal of Medicine has published a preposterous new study warning that “distrust of the government” and “a belief in freedom” are liable to get you killed. Get back in line, sheep! Don’t put your lives on the line chasing after freedom! Slavery is so much safer!
This arrant nonsense was actually published this month in the American Journal of Medicine, proving yet again that academic study in the United States has become irremediably politicized and open to cultural and intellectual fads. Honest investigation of a controverted issue, leading to the acknowledgment of unwelcome truths, is vanishingly rare. The pretext for pushing slavery on Americans is, once again, the COVID-19 vaccine. According to Fortune magazine, this study claims to prove that “if you passed on getting the COVID vaccine, you might be a lot more likely to get into a car crash.”
The study asserts that “unvaccinated people were 72% more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash — in which at least one person was transported to the hospital — than those who were vaccinated. That’s similar to the increased risk of car crashes for people with sleep apnea, though only about half that of people who abuse alcohol.”
Does the vaccine somehow improve your eyesight and coordination, so that you can more easily get out of scrapes while driving? Oh, nothing like that. Unvaccinated people are more likely to wreck their cars because they’re the sort of people who don’t obey the rules. The study speculates that people who are so headstrong and stubborn as to resist getting a vaccine that is causing young people in perfect health suddenly to drop dead might also “neglect basic road safety guidelines.”
Now, who in his right mind would get behind the wheel and neglect basic safety guidelines? Incorrigible lovers of freedom, of course: “Why would they ignore the rules of the road? Distrust of the government, a belief in freedom, misconceptions of daily risks, ‘faith in natural protection,’ ‘antipathy toward regulation,’ poverty, misinformation, a lack of resources, and personal beliefs are potential reasons proposed by the authors.”
So actually the study is all about why you should be a good conformist and do whatever the government tells you to do, no matter what the obvious risks may be.
This ridiculous and superstitious propaganda is frankly fascist in its warning against “a belief in freedom,” and it’s all designed to sell a shoddy and dangerous product to the weak and gullible. Epoch Times recently released a video entitled “Over 5,000 Cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): Doctors Trying to Determine Why Young People Suddenly Dying.” It features Dr. Michael Ackerman, “a Mayo Clinic genetic cardiologist and the president of the Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) Foundation,” who explains “how COVID and the vaccine affect heart conditions in people under 35.”
Epoch Times also reported on Dec. 8 that “A major new autopsy report has found that three people who died unexpectedly at home with no pre-existing disease shortly after COVID vaccination were likely killed by the vaccine. A further two deaths were found to be possibly due to the vaccine.” Meanwhile, in Germany, “newly released insurance data for 72 million people shows that unexpected deaths have been skyrocketing since the end of 2020. The number of sudden deaths has more than doubled since late 2020, jumping from about 6,000 per quarter to 14,000 currently.” And “officials in Australia are raising the alarm as the country’s excess deaths have soared to an ‘incredibly high’ rate.”
A genuine study has found that “based on passive surveillance reporting in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men.”
Why do the researchers and academics who wrote the unvaccinated/car crash study, and the American Journal of Medicine that published it, want people to take this dangerous drug? That remains a mystery, although there is likely a profit motive involved along the way. In any case, this study illustrates yet again that some people will believe anything. P. T. Barnum famously said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Even old Barnum likely never expected that the august American Journal of Medicine would take his words to heart.
I got the Pfizer #1 and #2 shots in March of last year, on the strong recommendation of my primary M.D. But that’s the end of my cooperation with “Doctor” Fauci’s lethal Fraud; No “COVID-19 Boosters,” or anything more.
As a young Merrill Lynch stockbroker some 45 years ago, I admired and often recommended Pfizer (ticker symbol PFE) to customers as the bluest of blue-chip stocks, with a track record of about 15% annual increase in market value (which was true, in those days).
But in those days (and for decades afterwards, until recently, when we learned better), we also implicitly and completely trusted corporations like Pfizer, and Federal agencies like the CDC and NIH, and Executive Branch Departments like the DoJ, FBI, and CIA, as “clean as a hound’s tooth,” absolutely professional, objective, and trustworthy.
Over the past few years, we’ve discovered–at least those of us who aren’t wearing blindfolds and earplugs, and don’t have skulls filled with concrete have–that our trust in ALL of them has been utterly undeserved, as all of them have been revealed as corrupt.
I’m not optimistic about our survival as a free constitutional republic with a meaningful, enforceable Bill of Rights and an honest, objective Judicial system that rules according to law and the Constitution, with judges and juries (and prosecutors) who take their Oath seriously.
For the first time in my 70 years, I worry that my country will expire in my own lifetime.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. :-/
The American Urinal of Fake Medicine comes a big load of 99/44&100% pure Malarkey
“According to Fortune magazine, this study claims to prove that “if you passed on getting the COVID vaccine, you might be a lot more likely to get into a car crash.”
It is a trial balloon: Let’s see if the unwashed masses will swallow this!
Many of us have lost the ability to reason. It is lazy and dangerous. Ignoramuses among us are just the tip of the spear, and everyone will pay for that stupid luxury. Resentment is a waste of time and energy, so we must speak the truth and challenge the ridiculous. It must be done for the sake of our future and hope.
The collectivists of the Left will stoop to no limits to persuade then force individuals to join their hive ideologies. You will be assimilated!
We’ve turned all intellectual discourse over to 2nd graders.
Our country is infested with several generations of arrested development minors passing off as adults.
Our continued acceptance in going along with this nonsense makes us complicit in this continued destruction of common sense.
My Mother’s favorite saying (of which she had many) was….
Son…. you are old enough to know better.
We know better. Don’t we? Have we lost that part of our moral compass?
But when this drivel appears and it passes for truth I fear we don’t. I fear we are lost.
Really scary times we find ourselves in.
This laughable nonsense, churned out by the Journal of Medicine, is what is passed off as scholarly research now? Just one more sign we’re approaching the low point as a society. Who do you trust? Certainly not the incestuous association of government, corporate and medicine/pharmaceutical interests. Despite the false claims of this so called study, thinking for yourself is not dangerous. The danger is in complying with the tyrants.
I encourage people without clear contraindications to get COVID vaccination just as for other diseases–that’s a medical assessment, But the AMA has gone bonkers sociopolitically. That’s why only about 20% of American physicians belong to it.
If you are otherwise freedom- & rationality-supporting, check out Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership too ( We’ve been making the scientific & true public health case for responsible, legal gun ownership and the foresightedness of the Second Amendment since 1994, on true public health grounds. Americans protecting themselves & their communities save far more lives & injuries than in “gun-free” terrain.
Robert B Young, MD
With all the studies proving the danger of Covid injections, why would you encourage healthy people to take them? Or was that just cover in case the Establishment happens across your post and decides to cancel your practice?
This is only the absolute worst – utterly horrible – revelation of the disastrous, ongoing, fail of our once-great American medical establishment. Our doctor’s meekly, weakly, giving up their Hippocratic Oath leadership of patient care to uncaring corporate number counters is, of course, the ultimate collapse of responsible professional conduct.
I would propose the diametric opposite is true of the AMA’s nonsensical conclusion. Anyone who was willing to do the work, get some basic understanding of virology/immunology, review the data as it appeared, and noticed the toll the mRNA drugs, lack of treatment options, gaslighting, and subterfuge by the drug companies, not to mention the low standards for approval from our captured agencies would be more inclined to follow rules…that lead to better health.
If you can resist the group think to take a dangerous experimental drug repeatedly, you can certainly see the wisdom of seat belts and prudent speed restrictions on the roads.
As a physician, I can attest that medicine has become as politicised as the rest of society and is likewise factually unreliable.
It’s not a mystery why they are still pushing the jab-they want to kill, make sick, sterilize as many people as possible.
Remember the nurses who allowed someone to tie them up so they were powerless to stop him from murdering them one by one? Giving up their freedom to act in self defense was definitely harmful to their health. Giving up our freedom to protect ourselves from government is the same thing on a larger scale.
Look up democide.
The most dangerous to your health is following the advice of the American Journal of Medicine
I just spent Christmas day having my ankle reset and pinned after some guy strung out on eggnog took out my Ducati.
Now it all makes sense!
For I failed to get to get immunized, my doom was inevitable!!
“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
— Richard Horton, Editor of the Lancet, “Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?”
April 2015