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In the journalism business, you’re not supposed to bury the lede. Unless it makes for better or less politically incorrect clickbait.
Polls pushing the idea that 18-24-year-olds uniquely support Hamas or Al Qaeda are sexy. Breaking down the numbers though reveals what’s going on.
Why is the 18-24 year old generation seemingly so bad? Sure, young people tend to extremism and, as I’ve pointed out before, the majority of 18-24-year-olds are not registered voters, so when you poll only those who are, you get very political people. And with that age demo, political tends to be extreme. The other missing piece of the puzzle is that this is a very diverse generation.
The most diverse generation ever.
The Daily Mail hypes its poll as about 18-24-year-olds.
“One in five young Americans has a positive view of 9/11 mastermind and Al Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden, according to disturbing results of a poll.
The alarming survey also found three in 10 Gen Z voters believe the views of the anti-Semitic terrorist leader who slaughtered thousands of innocent people were a ‘force for good’.
Family members of 9/11 victims said the findings are ‘horrifying’ and proof of a startling trend suggesting some in the younger generation are growing sympathetic to terrorists.”
The Daily Mail’s own breakdown shows that only 3% of white people have a completely positive view of Bin Laden, 4% have a somewhat positive one, and 84% have a completely negative one.
7% of black people have a completely positive view of Osama, 11% have a somewhat positive one, 15% have mixed feelings, 9% don’t know, 7% are somewhat negative and only 50% have a completely negative view of the terror leader who killed thousands: including plenty of black people.
Among Hispanics, 9% have a completely positive view of Osama, 6% have a somewhat positive view, 11% are mixed, 15% don’t know, 7% have a somewhat negative view and only 51% are completely negative.
This isn’t a generational issue, it’s a racial one. It does get worse generationally among white people and minorities, but a major reason it gets worse generationally is added diversity.
These are simply the facts. It gives me no pleasure to report them.
I can throw in caveats. J.L. Partners, the pollster, is a British Tory pollster and much of its previous polling seems to have been UK based. The Daily Mail isn’t too credible and the questions would have been pushed to produce a particular response. I don’t have access to the poll itself, so who knows how bad it was. But at the same time these results probably do reflect a reality, even if not within these exact percentages, that we should be coming to grips with if we want to think about where America is going.
The poll is simply a reflection of how racist brown people are.
Good catch Daniel!!! MSM fooled me with that one, until now.
They fooled themselves, too. Those retards celebrated too fast. Investigative journalism just isn’t their thing but they sure are addicted to asinine polls.
On Nov. 18, in the small, rural town of Crépol, a gang of machete and knife wielding Muslims (also of Algerian origin) descended on a village festival, where they murdered one 16-year-old boy and seriously wounded nearly 20 others. Numerous eyewitnesses heard the attackers cry out anti-white racial slurs, including, “We are going to kill white people.”
Raymond Ibrahim
I really appreciate this article, Daniel…but the “simps” here are us for coddling this aberrant behavior via DEI and other racially “normalizing” devices. I read an article and watched a video yesterday where two black women from America, who were vacationing in Bali for the holidays, decided to make a nuisance of themselves because they weren’t receiving the preferential treatment they were accustomed to in America. In essence, they f***ed around and found out.
They were immediately arrested, fitted with orange jumpsuits, handcuffed behind their backs and marched through the streets of Bali to what appeared to be a “parade stand of shame” (for lack of a better phrase) where to be berated by locals while the authorities went through their personal belongings publicly.
It is my most sincere hope that more entitled blacks who don’t know how to be Americans visit Bali in the future.
I looked up some videos of that incident. The perp walk was hilarious and definitely done to humiliate those self entitled twats. Black Entitlement Syndrome doesn’t fly outside of Western countries. It doesn’t even fly in most black African countries.
The short, ugly and violent one was from America (I’m so proud) but the other one was from the UK. It was hard to tell, though. I didn’t know some blacks in the UK are afflicted with ebonics. She was dumb enough to video her friend assaulting the nail salon employee as if that would help their case. Indonesia isn’t the UK or America, babe. They remind me of Brittney Griner. They’re used to black skin privilege and are dumb enough to think it extends worldwide.
They were also too dumb to know that Indonesians will haggle over prices but it has to be done before the transaction, not after. So far as I know, it has to be done beforehand in every culture that does it.
I hope the American skank with B.E.S. gets the full two years in a Balinese prison but the chunky chick from the UK wasn’t violent and she has a nice butt. Nice thick legs and a pretty face, too. I would bail her out in a heartbeat 😛
They got lucky. That crowd that formed outside the salon door could’ve easily turned into a violent mob. That happens often in Indonesia and people get often get killed. Men get killed, anyway. Women just get beat up.
They tried to escape justice on a plane to Thailand to continue their goodwill tour but doubled down on dumb and stayed together in line with big hats and face masks on as disguises, which made them stand out.
Indonesia and Thailand have a lot of problems with arrogant and rude tourists from mainland China but I guess those two chicks wanted to give both countries a taste of Western Black Entitlement Syndrome. They found out “Homey don’t play dat.”
I’ve watched the videos about five or six times since my first time and the black chicks actually seem to be justified. They weren’t trying to cheat the nail salon and they paid. When the American one came back into the salon with money, a salon worker had come out from behind the counter and was sort of grappling with the British one. The American grabbed the Indonesian’s wrists and forced her back behind the counter and away from her friend but didn’t hurt her, she just berated her.
And I still think the British chick looks yummy.
Google ‘Hispanic antisemitism” and see it is definitely a thing.
I should say, especially among new arrivals.
Remember, friends, “google” is a brand name, not a verb. “Search” whatever works just as well, but the goolag is thrilled when we give them free advertising. And we raise a generation who thinks the only way to search for something is to use the MNC that helped rig the last election.
But, diversity is our strength. America was built on the back of diversity and all that claptrap.
You beat me to it!
Division is strength and unity is weakness. Orwell went “woke.”
Happy Kwanza!
It’s getting harder and harder for black Americans to be exposed anymore to normal family life, true education, and constitutional principles. All they get day and night is the opposite. Democrats, successors to their very own KKK, have recreated a form of slavery.
Although people are foundationally the same (all created in the image of God), our differences are profound and also foundational. It pleased God to make us this way and it is good.
If ethnic diversity were our strength, then we would naturally wish to live among those who are ethnically diverse from ourselves; but the overwhelming majority of humanity neither wants nor does that.
The lie exists to serve an evil purpose – to destroy western civilization and the peoples who conceived, created and continue to sustain it.
It’s a reflection of how crappy our educational system has become.
If we want to be worried … the Left hates Jews. The situation is bad. And we’re going in the wrong direction.
But to be fair … most Americans are still pretty decent people. Out here in east Texas … even our Gay Demokkkratic Union employees are not toting around Hamas signs. No one here is ‘down with the cause’ … and that’s just about all of the ’causes.’
If we could just push through the confusion and take back our institutions, we could restore a sufficient semblance of the civil order to begin a recovery.
The situation is dire, and much too dire for mere hopium without both action and prayer.
But it’s not hopeless.
There’s a reason G-d has not sent a Biblical event to wipe ‘us’ all out. It’s because most of us are not evil. Lost. Ignorant. Confused. And some of us are stupid. But we’re not evil. It’s our “leadership” that’s evil.
We’ve been hijacked.
Which is a long way of saying … I don’t think Americans are anti-Semitic or pro-baby-baking or pro-baby-raping. The vast majority of us would be appalled if someone showed them what was really going on.
G-d help us all. And Happy New Year!