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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The news out of Uganda Saturday was horrifying. The Associated Press reported that authorities in that country had “recovered the bodies of 41 people, including 38 students, who were burned, shot or hacked to death after suspected rebels attacked a secondary school near the border with Congo.” The rebels were members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), which despite its name is actually an Islamic group with ties to the Islamic State (ISIS) and aspirations of establishing a caliphate in Central and East Africa. While the world’s attention has been focused on Ukraine, climate and COVID hysteria, and the alleged crimes of Donald Trump, the global jihad, which most Americans regard as a relic from 2001, has been newly resurgent in Africa.
The massacre, according to AP, took place at Lhubiriha Secondary School in the town of Mpondwe, which is near the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The ADF, says AP, “has been launching attacks for years from bases in volatile eastern Congo.” Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Mayor Selevest Mapoze “said that some of the students suffered fatal burns when the rebels set fire to a dormitory and others were shot or hacked with machetes.” By the time soldiers arrived on the scene, the entire school was ablaze and there were “dead bodies of students lying in the compound,” according to Ugandan military spokesman Brig. Gen. Felix Kulayigye.
Uganda’s New Vision reported Saturday that only three students survived the attack. One of them, a young man named Mumbere Bright, recounted that “the rebels immediately shot dead the student who was at the entrance after entering the dormitory.” He added, “The rebels asked for Muslims among the students, but there were none. The rebels said they do not kill fellow believers.” After that, “they slaughtered every student in their sight using pangas, axes and sharp objects.”
The fact that the rebels hoped to separate Muslims from the other students before beginning their massacre is noteworthy. The Qur’an forbids Muslims to kill fellow Muslims (4:92); regarding non-Muslims, however, it repeats the injunction to “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5), although subjugating them under Islamic rule is also offered as an option (9:29). There have been many instances in which jihadis separated Muslims from a crowd before killing the non-Muslims. Even in the U.S., a jihad terrorist in Minnesota in 2016 asked mall shoppers if they were Muslim and then stabbed non-Muslims.
Similarly, in April 2022 in Nigeria, jihadis stormed a brothel, telling people to recite the Qur’an, and murdering ten people who could not do. Also in Nigeria, in January 2022, a man recounted that Fulani jihadis stopped him and started beating him. Then they asked him if he was Muslim or Christian; when he said he was Christian, they intensified the beating. In Burkina Faso in November 2021, jihadis asked villagers if they were Christian or Muslim, then killed the Christians. In Mozambique in June 2021, jihadis hunted for Christians door-to-door. In the Philippines in February 2019, jihadis murdered a man for failing to recite Qur’an verses, while releasing six others who could recite them.
In Mali in 2015, jihadis screaming “Allahu akbar” took hostages, freeing those who could recite the Qur’an. In September 2013 at Nairobi’s Westgate Mall, jihadis murdered people who couldn’t answer questions about Islam. In June 2014, jihadis murdered people who could not pass an Islam quiz. In a Bangladeshi restaurant in July 2016, jihadis spared those who could recite from the Qur’an. In July 2017 in Kenya, jihadis asked their captives to “recite Islamic dogmas” and murdered those who couldn’t do so. In May 2018 in Belgium, a jihadi who murdered four people told a hostage that he wouldn’t harm her since she was Muslim and was observing the Ramadan fast. In September 2018 in Kenya, jihadis murdered two non-Muslims for failing to recite the Qur’an.
It is noteworthy that so many of those incidents took place in Africa. If the jihadis succeed in attaining their goals, Christians and other non-Muslims all over the continent will be forced into a humiliating inferior status featuring all manner of institutionalized discrimination. The second-class status prescribed for non-Muslims under Islamic law makes Merrick Garland’s two-tier justice system look like Blind Justice personified.
Now we see the same phenomenon of Islamic supremacism and jihad violence in Uganda. Meanwhile, jihadis strike virtually every day in Nigeria, and are active in Somalia, Mozambique, and elsewhere in Africa as well. The governments of the various states in which the jihadis operate seem unable (or, in Nigeria’s case, unwilling) to stop them. It could be that a distracted world could someday soon find to its horror that ISIS, a group that most people thought had been stamped out years ago, has established a new caliphate comprising much of Africa. This would give a whole new piquancy to the mass migration of young African men into Europe, and have far-reaching geopolitical implications. But hey, let’s not forget the really important stuff about these jihadis: what are their pronouns?
Jihad is like Hotel California. Check out when you wish, but you can never leave.
The anti-war Left always forget the military maxim… “Your enemy gets a vote”
Remember, the Left said the domino theory was bunk, and that Marxism disappeared when we left Vietnam and the Berlin Wall became ruble.
Just because we tucked tail and ran from the Middle East, all intergenerational religious warfare zealots have laid down their scimitars and become lovers of Western Freedom.
How many years ago did DH write of this “unholy alliance” ?
Allied for the purpose of destroying the West.
Bringing the entire world under sharia, by conversion or conquest, is fundamental to Islam. Westerners, particularly, cannot comprehend that there is on this planet among them a group of over a billion adherents who actually believe this. Therefore, many do not take this threat seriously although they should.
Note the article from the african new site was actually titled ‘Dozens of students killed in extremist attack on Ugandan school near Congo border’.
Extremist attack, they labeled it. That this is the Jihad of Islam, which has gone on for 1400 yrs is never to be acknowledged. And this is our battle now and the future.
there is Jihad and genocide of Christians going on all over the world. In Afghanistan, in Iran, in North Korea and in Pakistan where people can be sentenced to death for “blasphemy” against Muslims or the Quran. And especially in Nigeria where (you’ll never read about it) but over 45,000 Christians have been murdered in the last 10 years by the radical Muslim group, Boko Haram. Most of them were hacked to death by machetes. And on top of that, just last year around the world there were 6,000 Christians imprisoned, more than 4,000 kidnapped and 5,000 Christian churches destroyed. And did you read anything about the 420 attacks and fires set in Catholic and Christian churches in the U.S. in the last four years? It’s past time to start telling the truth about who is really being persecuted and the real genocide going on around the world.
Don’t forget France, where the entire populace–and every Christian church–is subject to Jihad.
Many assume the jihad is over but that ignorance is helped along by the Muslim Brotherhood and all its front groups that push things like interfaith deceptions (dialogs), the demand that our security, political and judicial systems be silenced regarding their jihad in our lands they call dar al harb (land of war) while also silencing the news on perps that do crimes and their ideology/backgrounds, etc.
islam is a deen, moslims actually call Islam themselves “Din e-Sif”, or religion of the sword. And they will lie about that (part of jihad is to lie if it doesn’t advance islam)
The definition of a deen: The word deen is used in the Arabic language to give different meanings, most importantly are:
– honour, government, empire, monarchy and rulership.
– The second meaning is quite opposite to it, i.e. subordination, obedience, slavery, servitude and subjection.
And this is why it is more dangerous than communism/marxism because they put a ‘god’ in the mix – a ‘god’ that hates unbelievers.
The Criminal Investigator – Intelligence Analyst’s Handbook of islam
Their mosques are not just places where they ‘pray’ (and those things are not like any other religion’s prayers!) mosques are military bases, weapons storage, confine prisoners, to learn and execute violent jihad, do their ‘prayers’, city hall, symbols of conquest.
The jihad of Islamic terrorism is far from over even if many Americans that it’s no longer a threat. Nevertheless, it should be and needs to be remembered that we ,as Americans , should not live in fear nor be afraid to go to different places or do different things out of being afraid of an ISIS jihad attack . For to live in fear would make the jihadists of ISIS happy.
Still, even though we need not live in fear we should be alert and aware of our surrounding as likewise be on the lookout for anything appears wrong or out of place. As in “What’s wrong with this picture?” Then if anything is seen that doesn’t seem right then go and inform and right person about it.
For example , that tee -shirt vendor in New York City , at times square, who saw some smoke come out of a parked van .So he went a told police officer about it. As it has been said “If you see something, say something.” This may be put in another way, be the words of a former US President, Thomas Jefferson, For his wise words apply, even more now, then they did in his own time. For Mr. Jefferson declared, “Let the eye of vigilance never be closed.”
Those brutal cruel violence of the jihad is far from over because the jihadist Muslims are sure that they are in the “right” in their deadly actions because they have a strong but unquestioning blind faith in Islam with its jihad
Only a very unthinking person will accept the fool saying which is that “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long and you’re sincere.”
That’s a nonsense statement of there ever was one incidents. For those jihadists Muslims their vicious violent and murderous jihad attacks on people , all the while yelling out “Allahu akbar” are good examples, many that it really does matter what a person believes even if his or her believe is sincere.
For that Muslim was no doubt, sincerely following his religion, which is Islam , for the Qu ‘ran does instruct devout Muslims to “Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you…” Surah 9:123.
Attacking:”disbelievers ” with a machete is very effective way to show them harshness.
So, it is very important and does matter ,very much what a person believes regardless if he or she actually, immensely , sincere.