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Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party.
If the Left wished radically to alter the demography of the U.S., it could have expanded legal immigration through legislation or the courts.
Instead, it simply erased the border and dynamited federal immigration law.
By fiat, nihilists ended the wall, and stopped detaining and deporting illegal aliens altogether.
Or was it worse than that when candidate Joe Biden in September 2019 urged would-be illegal aliens to “surge” the border?
As a result, through laxity and entitlement incentives, 8 million illegal entrants have swarmed the southern border under the Biden administration.
They are swamping border towns, bankrupting big-city budgets, and infuriating even Democratic constituencies.
The same nihilism applies to crime.
In the old days liberals gave light sentences to criminals or reduced bail. But today leftist prosecutors do not even seek bail. They hardly prosecute theft or random assaults.
Criminals are arrested and released the same day. Is the nihilist plan to destroy the entire body of American jurisprudence, and to ensure “equity” in being victimized?
Is the woke idea that all Americans — inclusive of diverse Beverly Hills elites, Hollywood celebrities, or members of Congress alike — must share victim equity, and thus experience first-hand street robbery, car-jacking, smash-and-grab, and home invasion?
The United States can produce annually more natural gas and oil than any nation on earth. It once pioneered nuclear power. It has vast coal reserves and sophisticated hydroelectric plants.
The old idea was to use these unmatched resources to transition gradually to other cleaner fuels such as hydrogen, fusion power, solar, and wind. That way consumers would still enjoy affordable energy. And the United States could remain independent of coercion by the oil-producing Middle East.
But that was not the nihilist way.
Instead, the left deliberately cut back on pipelines, new energy leases, and fracking. It bragged of an upcoming ban on fossil fuels. In drought-stricken, energy-short California, the state is blowing up, not building new dams.
Is the nihilist agenda to punish with bankruptcy the energy-using middle class?
Is the hope that Americans will have to beg the Saudis, Iranians, Venezuelans, and Russians to pump more of the hated goo for our benefit so we would not have to dirty ourselves helping ourselves?
When Joe Biden entered office in January 2021 the U.S. was naturally rebounding from more than a year of Covid-enforced lockdowns.
Overtaxed supply chains were still fragile. Pent-up demand was soaring. Consumers were flush with government cash. Trillions of dollars had been printed and infused into the economy to ward off a feared recession.
All economists advised not to increase the deficit, spike further consumer demand, and expand entitlements.
Instead the Left did just the opposite.
Four-trillion dollars were printed and distributed. In no time, Americans, recovering from Covid, next experienced the worst, but entirely preventable, inflation in 40 years.
Three years later prices on staples remain 30-40 percent higher than when Biden took office. Mortgage rates tripled.
Abroad the nihilism is even more inexplicable and terrifying.
All nations suffer military setbacks. But none in memory have shamefully hightailed out of a theater as we did from Afghanistan.
Few countries could even imagine discarding billions of dollars of weapons and hardware into the hands of the terrorist Taliban, or abandoning a $1 billion new embassy, and a huge, remodeled air base.
Why did the administration simply allow a huge Chinese spy balloon to float and photograph leisurely over the continental U.S.?
Naive countries might endure two or three attacks on their overseas bases without serious retaliation. But how could the U.S. military permit 135 rocket barrages by Iranian-supplied terrorists on American soldiers without a major and sustained response?
Is the point to humiliate our own troops? To destroy what is left of U.S. deterrence?
Popular culture is especially captive to leftist nihilism.
It is not enough to object to a statue or artwork. Instead, without deliberation or public input, they must be defaced or destroyed, all the better stealthily and by night.
After the massacres of October 7 — but well before Israel had even responded to the barbaric invasion — thousands of students swarmed their elite universities cheering on the violence.
And what so exhilarated them?
The nihilist, ghoulish beheading, torture, mutilation, mass rape, dismemberment, and necrophilia of unarmed, civilian Israeli elderly, women, children, and infants.
In sum, we are witnessing an epidemic of leftist nihilism similar to the 16th-century European mad wave of iconoclastic destruction of religious art.
Or is the better parallel the suicidal insanity that Mao Zedong unleashed during his cultural revolution of the 1960s?
The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilization — or its destroyers.
Dr. Hanson has a valid point.
It appears that we benignly chose our destroyers . . . by sending our children to be brainwashed by them.
The proof is that that smug evil bitch still retains her affirmative-action position at Harvard.
Hence, it’s now no longer horrifying to see 1930s Germany repeat itself on our college campuses. (We slumbered & now we’re reaping the results.)
If there’s more proof that these once higher learning centers have decayed into facistic madrassas, I haven’t seen worse examples than what’s unfolding in current events on campus.
(The irony is these overpriced colleges have successfully induced gullible parents into financing the moral ruin of our next generation.)
P.S. I hope to God, Netanyahu ignores FJB, and utterly destroys Hamas all the way to their inheritance in hell. (But that’s me.🇺🇲🇮🇱)
What VDH does not understand is that this New Age nihilism is a return of ancient pagan barbarism dressed up in modern clothes.
Moses in Deuteronomy warned against the nihilistic Canaanite gods.
Global warming(earth worship of Baal), abortion(child sacrifice to Moloch) and the cult of homosexuality/transgenderism(gender fluidity of Ishtar) have returned.
Western man is returning to his pagan barbarian roots before the rise of Christianity.
The Left of today are no different than Celtic druids or Nordic worshippers of Odin.
Progressives IE Marxists are not at all the same thing is Celtic druids and Nordic worshipers of Odin. Neither of those pagan religions routinely put to death members of their community who choose to worship in a different manner. Try to publicly embrace any religion in communist China then see what happens to you. Religion wants your obedience to its tenets, Marxism wants your soul.
Child sacrifice was common in pre-Christian barbarian Ireland.
As was slavery.
St. Patrick and his ministry was the beginning of the end of those practices.
This is a matter of historical record.
Nope, the Left is obsessed with tearing down and starting anew whether in Revolution FRance, Russia, China or Cambodia …GERMINAL ! YEAR ZERO
What you say is paganism is going back to our roots to start anew . THE GREAT RESET !
There is method in their madness ; they don’t intend to become neo pagan, but that’s the natural default position when you sweep away the modern world and go back to our roots
Naw, lefties are just useful idiots who think they can destroy America, rebuild it as a woke utopia, and then prosper in a land of equity or become part of the elite class who’ll rule over it, rather than become the ones who’ll suffer the most.
Lenin had revolutionary’s pegged. Just ask Trotsky’s ghost.
VIctor Davis Hanson hits the mail on the head
8 million immigrants is much too low a number. Especially when considering the significant percentage of “getaways” and the many many millions who are not encountered at all. They are a very fecund bunch, cranking out lots of anchor babies, too, while westerners no longer reproduce in sufficient numbers to prevent extinction and struggle to afford food, housing and medical care their labors provide to our invaders at no cost. Remember when all our baby food was sent to the border, kept under lock and key while our new mothers could scarcely find it at their local grocers?
“Nihilism” is a word to describe westerners who have lost hope.
“Genocide” is a better word to describe the attitude of our “representatives.” The desire is our destruction and extinction. This is NOT the empty despair of nihilism.
the whole :anchor bby” meme is a false reconstruction of that Fourteenth Article of Ammendment. ANY candidate for President MUST address that misconception, and promise to clarify that during his administration. Most folks dance round the hrase and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”. Illegally present new baby parents are NOT so subject, tnerefor their offspring are NOT US Citizens.
I have always thought the simplest and clearest interpretation supports your position.
It would be nice to apply this interpretation retroactively and require those acquiring citizenship by virtue of mere birth here to non-citizens to be deported and subject to the normal channels of application for citizenship.
Yes, that figure comes from ICE, which is the very government agency welcoming in as many illegal aliens as possible and giving them more free goodies and services than any American can get. Not a reliable source but other figures are subject to speculation. Most estimates put the figure from ten to fifteen million invaders but who knows? If even the hopelessly corrupted (by Border Begone Biden’s handlers) ICE estimate is eight million invaders, we know there have been at least that many so far.
I would like to fly first class for free, stay in luxury hotels, get free phones and service, debit cards for booze, and all the other things we both know they’ve been getting but we both know that isn’t going to happen unless I go to Mexico and come to the US border and demand asylum as a fake refugee.
I’m starting to feel like a refugee in my own country.
I would suggest that there are at least 40 million illegals in America. The country will not survive the onslaught of communism and evil as the majority of the populace have lost their way.
At least. The fact that we do not know the number means it likely our ignorance is by design. I think your “at least” is warranted, and the actual numbers are higher still.
Yes, forty million at least. I’m convinced there were more than that even before Bean Bandit Biden’s handlers took control of the Executive office. I’m thinking at least fifty million plus the nine to fifteen million since the Biden Blight was foisted on us.
The brainwashed and fully indoctrinated will choose the destroyers. The rational and sane individuals, most of whom are in hiding, will opt to save civilization. Whichever group comprises the majority prevails. It’s that simple. These are soul withering times.
numbers is not the operant factor when it comes to determining the winner in any contest.
Numbers aren’t always the determinant factor but they often are. There are definitely far more normal Americans than lefties.
Whoever keeps down voting me must hate handsome men. Or maybe you’re a man who digs men but is too ugly to do anything about it?
Interestingly, in Our House of Representatives our GOP leaders, or maybe merely the majority of the GOP, have opted so far to go along to get along. Meanwhile, down on the farm, some of we citizens are still locked up without trial after 3+ years, others of us now pay dearly for the privilege of living here under their thumbs, others are looking around for an escape hatch should things go bad in November of 2024.
Bottom line: it’s true that elections have consequences as do voters who do not know what they do not know.
Stolen elections have even more consequence than legitimate ones.
I think we live in the beginning of post America.
I don’t see any of us rational and sane Americans rising up, even though America is far more divided than it was in 1861. Back then there was the secessionist and pro slavery Confederacy and the union and abolitionist USA. Now we have a country divided into countless identity politics factions and a left-wing which hates America and everybody who disagrees with their racist, sexist, Marxist, “woke” dogma.
Jeff, many years ago patriots had courage, I do not such courage in todays people.
VDH continues to be the historically informed prophet that many people do not want to hear.
Yes, in so many ways he is the modern Cassandra. Must be frustrating…
The cost to the tax payers is unknown but it is massive and instead of using the money to lower our debt they stream destroying our financial system! The Republicans should get a case to go before the Supreme Court saying Biden is not running the country and we need to close the border immediately and deport all illegals to stop the destruction of our economy and the danger of terrorists! Not one single illegal was tested for disease and criminal background the President is purposely putting citizens in harms way and destroying our economy!
It’s way more than nihilism, it is actually the goal of the Democrats to collapse our economy and bring about Socialism because they know Socialism will never be “voted in” in America. There are three primary elements (together or separately) that will make Socialism inevitable, and unless we stop the madness in 2024; our once proud Republic will be gone forever.
1. Our open borders will import tens of millions of illegals that will always vote Democrat and keep them in power in perpetuity. They don’t even have to wait for the babies to become automatic citizens as 19 states now provide driver’s licenses to illegals and 17 of those states have “motor voter” laws that automatically register people to vote when they receive a driver’s license. It’s not likely that any Republican will ever again win a national election if we don’t win in 2024.
2. All the insane social agenda propaganda and policies such as “Transgender rights”, Abortion up until birth, and the persecution and prosecution of the political opposition is meant to enrage at least half the population and eventually will lead to some major violent outbreaks. When that happens, guns will be banned and/or some form of martial law enacted to continue to jail and prosecute those who resist so that the rest will cower in silence.
3. The most likely scenario is that the government’s out of control spending and “Green” agenda and other onerous regulations will bankrupt the country and the middle class. This is the Cloward Piven strategy. The Socialist/Communist goal is always to make everyone government dependent and, sadly, we are almost there as 50% of Americans receive some form of government assistance and 40% pay no taxes. Our debt is unsustainable yet the government continues to promise more and more “free stuff” from student loan forgiveness, to illegal mortgage subsidies, to the insane idea of reparations. As the economy collapses, people will demand more government help which always means more government control and always ends the same. Then we will become just like Venezuela, now Brazil and every other Socialist/Communist country in history. A country of just two classes: The rich politicians in collusion with their crony capitalist oligarchs and the poor masses that will own nothing.
The leftist Democrats are leading us back to the Dark Ages. Lots of similarities.
The fall of America would parallel the fall of the Western Roman Empire. As you know, our fall will also come from within.
Well Thought out and a very well written Article. This Country is allowing itself to DIE by not being Discipled Enough to SAY NO to Different Causes. Temperance seems to be a Thing of Past nowadays. One day this Country will wake up and be NO More simply because it has choked itself on being Nice. In Short, Discipline and I mean Strict Discipline should now be the Normal. Thank You for reading.
Reform the immigration system. Make it easier to come here legally and we’ll see less people illegally crossing. Get government OUT of human migration. I thought you guys supported smaller government but here you are promoting a massive bureaucracy that meddles in the free market just so what, demographics can be manipulated by central planning?
Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave.
NOTHING will stop illegal immigrants from their invasion except a federal government that cares more about America than political power, particularly the Dirtbagocrat party.
Professor Hanson sees this as a fight between civilization and barbarism and that’s certainly an arguable position. That said, IMO Tucker Carlson gets to the very heart and source of what this fight is truly all about. And in his and my opinion this fight center’s upon a far more profound disagreement than simply civilization versus barbarism. That fight has been going on since at least the rise of the city states and the agricultural revolution.
I strongly recommend watching this video of Tucker speaking at Cornerstone Nashville;
“Here’s What You Need to Remember When Debating the Left”
It is very interesting. And, on many, many issues i respect Tucker’s arguments. Here, however, he misjudges. Although, to be sure, part of today’s leftists is their denial of religion, God, and the principles taught therein. Still, by and large, leftists who deny biological reality are simply myopic, without adequate logic, and they suffer a mental disorder. It is not insignificant that so many of the current generation of politicians were into drugs of one sort or another, some were into those drugs of a serious nature and consequence. Just consider for a moment the mulitiple $billions cartels make per annual on the sale of illegal and dangerous drugs here, also consider for a moment the recent infraction of morality seen in the Senate of the USA. Some assert this behavior and worse is deep and widespread. No, I concur with ex Prof Hanson, we are in decline much like were the Romans centuries ago. We have grown rich, lazy, fat, immoral, many without ethics. We are ripe for decline.
” civilisation or destroyers ” ? americans have chosen the latter . thats because 81 million voted for the cadaver ensconced in the crack house commonly known as white . the 2020 election was the last as the next will be won by the same corruption that the last was . the diseased mind of the current batch of miscreants is what is colloquially known as a reprobate mind , once a nation has been cursed with it there is no going back . america is the modern day equivalent of the titanic , flares have been sent , deck chairs shuffled all to no avail and now straight to the bottom and gaining speed . post mortem will be held and no one will be held responsible . 9/11 was an omen for worse to come .